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Authors: Dianna Hardy

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Romantic

Releasing the Wolf

BOOK: Releasing the Wolf
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Releasing The Wolf

(Eye Of The Storm)


by Dianna Hardy


A dark, adult paranormal fantasy

for the call of the wild in us all.


Set in the Surrey Hills, England.




Releasing The Wolf (Eye Of The Storm)

copyright © 2012, Dianna Hardy

Published by Satin Smoke Press, November, 2012


Satin Smoke Press is an imprint of Bitten Fruit Books


The moral right of the author has been asserted.


In this work of fiction, the characters, places and events are either the product of the author's imagination, or they are used entirely fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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Cover image © Lisa A /

Cover design by Dianna Hardy

Satin Smoke Press

Surrey, UK





Lydia Martin has always had dreams, the weirdest and hottest of them all involving a faceless, muscle-bound man that speaks like sin and smells like sex. Like any sane person, she always put the dreams down to an overactive imagination, coupled with a higher than average libido.
One night, however, instead of their usual, erotic encounters, she finds him in her dream, chained to a wall and screaming in pain. Not only that, but she thinks she recognises the building he's being held captive in as one that's just a few streets away.
Awaking with an irrepressible need to save her fantasy lover, Lydia decides to humour her dream self and head on over to where she thinks he's imprisoned. 
What unfolds is beyond even her wildest imaginings, as she's sucked into a dangerous and deadly world she never knew existed … and it turns out that the man who inhabits her darkest fantasies, isn't the only one that needs releasing.


NOTES: This is an adult paranormal fantasy novella containing scenes of explicit sexual content and some violence, entwined with romantic elements. Written in British English.




Hope you got your things together. 
Hope you are quite prepared to die. 
Looks like we're in for nasty weather. 
One eye is taken for an eye.


Bad Moon Rising

Creedence Clearwater Revival






Releasing The Wolf


Chapter One


Her sheets were soaked, her thong was soaked, and really, this was no different to any other night since she’d hit puberty, but every night it still felt different –
felt different.

At first, he’d been nothing more than a ghostly shadow, invading her dreams occasionally. As the years went by, his visits became more frequent, and he became more and more solid in every way – his hands, his taut abdomen and highly defined muscles across his chest (actually, everywhere – he was built like Rambo), the scent of him …
oh, the scent of him!
Why she zoned in on that every time he appeared was beyond her. She could only guess that her subconscious was more kinky than she’d like to admit. You’d think she’d have gotten used to it over the years, but no – her mind still liked to throw her for a loop every now and again.

At first, when these dreams had begun, she’d been so horribly embarrassed. Did other teenagers
dreams like this? A quick look through some girly magazines assured her they did, but she wasn’t convinced, and the one time she’d tried to bring it up with one of the other girls at school, she’d been laughed at and teased. She’d quickly learnt never to mention it to anyone after that.

She wasn’t sure what happened as the years went by. Maybe she’d gotten used to them – to
. Maybe she’d grown, and reaching adulthood had changed her mental and emotional outlook on the dreams. Or maybe she’d just let go a little, and accepted there was nothing she could do about her own subconscious…

The nights were just plain fun after that, and, well, a damn fine relief, if she was being totally honest. Her late teens to early twenties were a ball. Her dream lover became more self-assured, more assertive, more … dirty. Hell, he had one sinful tongue – the things he
to her… But she couldn’t deny the talent that tongue had, even if it wasn’t real. Only, the past few months, it had all been much less fun, and … almost

It hadn’t taken her long to realise that her dreams always peaked around the full moon.
she’d thought.
It’s to do with your cycle; your hormones. Lydia
, she’d scolded herself – and her inner-voice often turned into that of her great aunt’s on her father’s side whenever she scolded herself –
when are you going to get yourself a man? You’re twenty-five. You need to settle down, especially since you don’t have a real job either…”

That familiar sense of self-deprecation and …
… slithered its way into her heart.

Ugh. She mentally gave herself a slap to shut the stupid voice up, and concentrated on what dream-man’s wonderfully rough, large hands were doing to her thighs.

“You’re very hot tonight,” he whispered; his voice as guttural as always.

She almost thanked him, until she realised he was talking about her body heat – literally. Yeah, she was hot. She was pretty sure she’d caught something off Brendan at the café because she’d been burning up a fever the past couple of nights. “I’ve got a cold. I haven’t been able to shake it.” Great. How sexy.

But it was okay, because dream lover was a figment of her imagination and, therefore, perfect in every possible way. He could deal with her coughs and colds, her stringy phlegm and how she hawked it up when her cough became ticklish.

He laughed out loud as he ran his thumb up and down the centre of her navel. “That’s what I love about you – you say it how it is.”

She smiled. Oh, yeah … her made-up boyfriend loved her just the way she was. He’d told her years ago. And fuck, no wonder she couldn’t settle down with any of her previous boyfriends – how could anyone else compare to her own creation?

“Shush – stop thinking about previous boyfriends. I don’t want to hear it. How many times do I have to tell you:
I. Don’t. Share.
” He marked each word with a determined kiss, each kiss a little lower down her abdomen.

“You don’t have to worry about that,” she replied, her own voice husky from what he was doing to her, that tongue just above her pubic bone now, his fingers tugging at her underwear, peeling them off… “You chase off every man that’s ever been interested, and you do it without even trying.”

His chest rumbled with pride at that – he was one possessive male.

She wondered if she should join some kind of kink club or something to get him out of her system.

“There’s no getting me out of your system, baby.”

He wrapped her thong tightly around her ankles, managing to put a knot in it somehow – weren’t dreams great like that? No fumbling, no clumsiness… With her ankles bound, he pushed her legs up, bending them at the knees so she splayed open for him.

Her breath hitched at the feel of his teeth nibbling her inner-thighs, far too near to her centre for comfort.

“Christ, Lydia, you’re so fucking wet.”

She moaned—

always wet for you, babe …

—then whimpered at the feel of his nose sliding along her opening, his broad shoulders and back arching upwards as he breathed her in…

He let out a low groan that seemed to vibrate through her. “Your scent’s like a drug to me. You smell like this – just for me.” He gave her swollen clit a nudge, then pierced her with his tongue.

“Oh, god!” she cried, her body already convulsing, trying to reach climax, trying to reach what she could never quite find in her waking hours…

He tightened his hold on her thighs, pushed her into her mattress, pulled her open – exposed; always exposed to him; his hands, his tongue, his eyes –
his eyes
– he always saw her,
her … she could never hide from him…

“No hiding,” he growled, and then he crawled his way between her open legs, looping her ankles behind his back, and it was a good thing she had long legs because that back had to be about fifty inches… Once again, she silently thanked the gods of dreams.

“You never let me in,” he rasped.

“I always let you in.”

“You deny me every time.”

“You ruin me for the sun … you’re breaking me, Ryan.”

He stilled above her. She almost never said his name. Because it made the dreams too real. Because it made the loneliness too tangible when she woke up.

When he next spoke, his voice was soft. “Look at me, Lydia.”

“No,” she whispered, her eyes squeezed shut.

His lips found hers in a gentle kiss. “Look at me, sweetheart.”

Slowly, she opened her lids. Warm, brown eyes met her own deep blue ones. They nestled in a face that bore hard years, a couple of scars lining it – one across his left eyebrow and forehead, another smaller one across his left jawline, by his earlobe. His brown hair was cut short, but it wasn’t so short that it didn’t curl just slightly at the edges around the frame of his face, softening that hardened edge to his features. His hair was greying slightly at his temples.

Her heart squeezed in her chest, because she knew she’d forget what he looked like as soon as she woke up.

He entered her hard and fast as his lips crushed hers in a bruising kiss, his tongue taking advantage of her surprised gasp, taking her mouth as fully as his cock took her cunt. His muscled body pummelled into hers, and the first tear rolled down her cheek … because this was perfect. Damn it, he fit her,
he fit her
, better than clothes, better than gloves or shoes or stockings or anything…

BOOK: Releasing the Wolf
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