Read Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1) Online

Authors: Rachel Ryan,Eve Cassidy

Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)

BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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By Eve Cassidy and Rachel Ryan

Copyright © 2015 Eve Cassidy and Rachel Ryan

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Published by Eve Cassidy and Rachel Ryan at Smashwords



Flight AJ7003 above the Pacific Ocean somewhere…


Shifting in my seat to slightly relieve the dull ache in my back, I am starting to rethink the logic of this long and boring flight. We departed from Sydney around eleven hours ago, and unfortunately, I think there are still a few more to go. Looking around the plane full of people I wonder what is in Los Angeles for them. I study the flight attendant who is giving an elderly man his drink and I'm curious if the lady sitting next to him is his wife. Dragging my eyes away from them I shift in my seat for the fourth time in as many minutes. The man on my right is asleep and the woman on my left is now reading a magazine. She started a conversation with me earlier but shortly after picked up on my cues to politely end the conversation. The chitchat of her dramatic life was not what I'd call a particularly good conversation but I politely listened and gave appropriate responses. Rising, I make my way to the bathroom to freshen up a little. After running a comb through my hair and splashing some cold water on my face I straighten my clothes and return to my seat.


Sitting back in my chair I think of home back in Australia. I think of my Grandma's red brick house sitting on a large piece of land. Her town is smaller than most people are used to with only a small population and one pub. A big expanse of grassy hills sits opposite her house, often occupied by many kangaroos and other native wildlife. The summer heat is almost impossible to escape, the stifling humidity making breathing hard.


A loud snort from the man sleeping in the seat in front of me brings me back from the memories. Nothing in the plane has changed in the past ten minutes and the tightness in my back is getting worse. The moment I get off this terrible flight I'll be heading straight to the hotel for a long, hot shower. A flight attendant walks past and I have the urge to know how long it is until we land.

"Excuse me but do you happen to know how far we are from arrival?"

The flight attendant looks slightly remorseful, almost as if she knows I am feeling uncomfortable.

"Not for another two hours, do you need anything, a drink or something to eat? Just let me know."

Flipping a long strand of hair out of my face, I inwardly groan when she says two hours. Feigning a smile I wipe my clammy hands on my favorite pair of black skinny jeans.

"Just a Chardonnay please, and I'll be sure to let you know if I need anything, thanks for your help."

Drinking a mouthful I decide to get started on the questions needed for the upcoming Relentless Soul interview tomorrow. This will be my first assignment with Treble Magazine, one of the biggest music magazines in L.A. This is an opportunity of a lifetime and I want to make sure I am prepared. Picking up my laptop I get side tracked by my screen saver. The tight emptiness of my chest increases as I see the photos of my family. I am starting to feel a little apprehensive about meeting my Dad's family for the first time. What if they don't like me?


As I turn the lights on, a fresh floral smell greets me and I soak in the sights of the hotel room. The main room consists of a queen sized bed, large white cabinet, a modern style glass desk and plush navy carpet. There is a small white kitchenette to the left side of the room and an adjoining room to the right. Walking over to the adjoining room that I assume is a bathroom, I'm greeted to white tiles with navy blue edging. The shower instantly catches my attention; the showerhead is huge and just screams at me to get in. Debating whether to unpack or get in the shower is not even an option, shower first. I have plenty of time to unpack my stuff as I'm stuck here until I can find an apartment. Undressing after the long day of travelling is more effort than I expected.


I can finally start enjoying what I have worked so hard for over the last year and a half to save up for this move. I am following my dreams and this move is the first big step. After graduating from the Australian National University with a degree in journalism, I applied for the job here in L.A. Working for the University paper as well as the Canberra times allowed me to save up for this move and gave me the experience I needed. Brushing my dark, wavy hair, I glance in the mirror and smile as I see that I am a perfect mix of my parents. My Dad was a Latin American who grew up in Georgetown, Texas and my Mum was Australian. They met while my dad was on holiday in Australia and he fell instantly in love.


Walking over to my suitcase I get out my football jersey and slip it on. The Bulldogs are my favorite rugby league team and I decide to sleep in my jersey to help me feel closer to home. I miss it already. Pulling the blankets up to my chin I smile at the life I am about to create for myself. However, the butterflies have taken up permanent residence in my stomach and the clamminess of my hands is still accompanying me. I am completely alone in this city, I have no one. Then again, apart from my Grandma, I have been alone for a very long time. After fifteen years of my parents passing I finally believe that I can achieve anything. This job is a fresh new start and I am both nervous and excited for my new life to begin.


Chapter 1


Staring at my reflection I check for last minute insecurities. Emerald green peplum dress, loose waves and black stilettos, smoky eye shadow and nude lips, it will have to do. Grabbing my tablet I pull my door closed behind me and head for the elevator. Pressing the down button I start spinning my bracelet around my wrist while waiting for the doors to open. Hearing the ding of the doors I look up and…oh wow! Right in front of me I am greeted to the most breath taking blue, no wait, grey eyes. I can't move as they are just piercing into my soul, my heart thumps harder and faster. Taking a deep breath I force myself to step into the elevator.

"Are you going up or down?"

Oh my, that voice! Smooth, deep and oh so sexy. Damn, I'm just standing here like a rabbit in headlights and feeling so stupid.

I quickly say "Down, thanks."

I look away when I say it avoiding his eyes at all cost, I feel so stupid but oh my god those eyes are amazing. I sneak another glance his way and notice how attractive he is. From what I can see his full lips are shaped into a smirk. Great, he probably thinks I'm crazy. His dark brown hair is cut short at the back and sides but a little longer at the top and loosely sweeps to the left, showing off his chiseled square jaw. He is dressed in loose black jeans that hang from his hips, and a tight white t-shirt that shows off his body. He clearly works out; his body is nicely toned but not too muscular.


Finally the elevator stops and we are in the lobby. It takes me a few seconds to move and as I walk out of the elevator I look back over my shoulder. His eyes light up and his smirk shifts into a full blown grin. I give a small smile back as the doors close on him. Taking a few deep breaths, I try to get my racing heart under control as I walk through the lobby.

I walk up to the reception desk and give the young man a friendly smile while trying to force the image of those grey eyes out of my mind.

"Hi, I work for Treble Magazine and I'm just checking to see if Relentless Soul has arrived for our interview yet?"

"Yes, Miss. They arrived about ten minutes ago and they are up in conference room two, on the twelfth floor."

"Thank you."


Smoothing my dress I walk slowly down the corridor and go over my list of questions as I mentally prepare myself for this interview. It's my first interview for Treble magazine and I need to be on top of it to make a good first impression. Seeing conference room two written across the door I stop. I'm a great journalist and this band is just up and coming, no big deal. Surely not many people have heard of them. Okay, that statement is not entirely true. They have just released their debut album and apparently it is quickly rising up the billboard charts. I downloaded the album onto my tablet as soon as I found out about this interview and their songs are actually quite good. They have a cool dark rock sound and the lead singer kind of sounds like Jared Leto from 30 Seconds to Mars.

Feeling confident I grab the door handle, twist and push the door open. Looking in I see four blokes sitting at a small round table and suddenly they all turn and look at me. There is a young guy with dark 'just got out of bed' hair and to his right there is a good looking guy with sandy hair sweeping across his face. A slight movement has me looking away from him to see a tall figure stand up. As I walk toward him I take in his appearance and can't help but study him from head to toe. His light brown hair has a slight undercut with a classic shorter cut around the sides and back with length, texture and highlights through the top. His bright blue eyes catch the light streaming through the large window and shine almost like sapphires. They are framed by long dark lashes, and one of his eyebrows is pierced with a silver bar. He has an oval face with a slightly square jaw and extremely kissable lips and my word that lip ring is hot. He is dressed like the others in black jeans, but he is also wearing an expensive looking leather jacket over a plain white, firm fitting t-shirt, finishing off the look with a pair of black and white high tops.


Stepping forward I extend my hand.

"Hi I'm Ava Flores from Treble Magazine."

While shaking his hand I can smell his cologne, strong, powerful, spicy and manly.

"Jeremy Stone. Is that a British accent I can hear?

"No, Australian."

"Put another shrimp on the Barbie."

He chuckles softly and I am unable to tear my gaze from his mouth as he flicks his lip ring with his tongue. My stomach flips and tightens at the sight of it.

I roll my eyes.

"How original. Now do you care to introduce me to the rest of the band?"

Another deep chuckle escapes him as he points clockwise around the table.

"That's Luke, he plays lead guitar, Hunter on the drums and that there is our bass player Brody."

I look to where he is pointing and…Shit! Brody is the hot guy from the elevator. How did I not see him sitting there staring at me with that smirk?

Glancing awkwardly around the four band members I stammer "Uh, nice to meet you all." Hearing a lighthearted chuckle I look over to see Brody smiling at me. How embarrassing!


Finally taking a seat beside Jeremy I nervously rub my fingers on my palms.

"Alright, let's get started then. I will be recording the interview, that way I'm not interrupting you. There will be a series of questions and all of you will have the opportunity to answer. First question; what made you all get into music?"

Jeremy smirks and says "It was inevitable, it's in my family."

"I read somewhere your father is a well-known music producer. Did he produce your album?"

Chuckling, Jeremy replies "He offered to but we wanted to prove we could make it on our own."

"Have you all known each other long?"

Luke smiles "Me, Jeremy and Hunter all went to school together. One day when we were about fourteen Jeremy brought Brody around."

"Brody's dad used to work for my dad's music company. We met through them." Jeremy is grinning and running his tongue over his lip ring again.

Feeling my cheeks heat up I look away and ask my next question. "Where did the band name come from?"

"I'm relentless. Once I see something I want I don't stop 'til it's mine." Jeremy is leaning forward in his chair and staring into my eyes as he speaks, his bright blue eyes stirring something deep inside of me, his sexy smirk somehow making my whole body stir. I don't doubt for one second that his answer is true. Feeling the heat rising from down below spreading all the way to my cheeks, I fidget slightly in my seat and glance over at Brody. He is still smiling but his eyes seem a little sad and I can't seem to look away. Giving him a small smile I ask the next question.

"Who are the song writers?"

"Me." Jeremy states quickly, but Brody cuts in.

"Jeremy and I share the songwriting. Some we write together and others we do alone." Jeremy gives Brody a hard stare. I think some toes were just stepped on.

"What inspires your songwriting?"

"Beautiful girls like you." Ignoring Jeremy's comment I glance back at Brody.

"And you, Brody?"

"Life. Dreams. Love."

For a few seconds I am stunned by Brody's response, but quickly recover.

"What do you like about performing?"

"For me, the best part of performing is the thrill of screaming girls and being the center of their attention."

I can't help myself and I let a small giggle escape. "I don't doubt that at all." I glance around at Luke and Hunter who are sitting quietly and honestly looking a little too entertained by my reaction to Jeremy.

"Will you be planning another tour after this one?"

"If this tour goes well and the album keeps rising up the charts, in six months we will do a national tour." Jeremy is beaming from ear to ear, seeming very proud of himself.

"Who in the music industry would you most like to collaborate with?"

Jeremy smirks and I can just imagine where this is going.

"I think a collaboration between you and I would be amazing." Sighing, I feel I need to put him in his place.

"You and I will never make a collaboration Mr. Stone. This will most likely be the only time we will meet, and excuse me for being blunt, but I assure you, you're not my type." Pfft! Not my type. I think he's everyone's type.

Hearing a lighthearted chuckle I look towards Brody to see his smile has now reached his amazing eyes.

"If we ever get the chance I think a collaboration with Violetta would be great."

I know the all-female band he is referring to and I can actually agree that the results of their collaborating with Relentless Soul would be pretty amazing.

"I would like to hear that collaboration one day too Brody." Oh, his name rolls off my tongue so easily. It's hard not to think how easily it would be to scream out that name as he… Okay that train of thought could be very dangerous and is definitely not appropriate in this situation. I take a deep breath and try to get out the next question.

"What is your favorite song on the album?"

Jeremy smiles, "What's your favorite, Dundee?" Oh god, I shut him down and now he's giving me a nickname.

Ignoring the ridiculous name, I shrug and say "I've only heard it a few times, but 'Escape' is a song that I feel I can really relate to. Did you write it, Jeremy?"

Jeremy glares and looks across to Brody. "Nah." Looking between the two I feel an awkward tension in the air.

"It's a very deep and beautifully written song."

Brody sits back in his chair and smiles the dreamiest smile I have ever seen. "Thank you, Ava."

The way he says my name causes the heat to spread through my body once again. "Now last question boys and this is all over. The ladies would love to know, do you have girlfriends?"

"Are you offering?"

My body trembling, I manage to choke out "No, I just told you, you are not my type." I stare straight at his mouth, and look straight at that sexy lip ring as he once again flicks it with his tongue.

"Ahh, Dundee, you don't sound so sure."

"No Ava we don't, none of us do. Sometimes it's easier that way." Brody looks to Jeremy and shrugs his shoulders. I silently thank him for saving me from having to reply to Jeremy's last comment.


Closing my tablet I stand up from my chair. Putting four of my cards down on the table I glance around at them all.

"Thank you for your time today gentlemen, if you need anything, don't hesitate to call. Your manager has requested a copy of the article before it is published so I will send out a copy when I'm done."

"You're welcome Dundee. I'll be sure to give you a call some time".

Groaning I try to keep my temper down. "Do I look like a middle aged crocodile hunter to you?

Jeremy looks perplexed for a second, and then he laughs so hard he leans forward clutching his stomach.

I quickly walk out of the room and I don’t look back.


Walking through the door to my room, I kick off my shoes. I need some time to calm myself before I can hear those voices again when I type up the interview. I flop onto the large bed and sigh. That was very intense. Stretching my body out, I try to take a few deep breaths to calm my racing heart. My stomach is still somersaulting and I feel breathless. I can't believe how strongly my body is responding to those two men.


Finally feeling like myself again, I push up off the bed and walk over to the desk. I open the lid on my laptop and press down on the power button. Just as I think about going to get a coffee from downstairs, I hear the message alert on my phone. Reaching over I see there is a new message in my inbox. It's an unknown number and I smile lightly when I think to myself that Jeremy hasn't wasted any time. I quickly read the first line of the message and I am a little confused.

I'm really sorry about Jeremy. He can be a bit full on sometimes.

Sorry if you felt uncomfortable at all.


It's a message from Brody. This is really unexpected. I quickly type in a brief reply while smiling to myself.


There is nothing you need to apologize for, but thank you for your concern.


This has been the most bizarre day ever!


BOOK: Relentless (Relentless Soul Book 1)
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