Reno and Son: Don't Mess with Jim (The Mob Boss Series) (9 page)

BOOK: Reno and Son: Don't Mess with Jim (The Mob Boss Series)
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“Who do you think you’re dealing with?
That’s my son.
Of course he didn’t talk to the cops, get
outta here!”

Bruni nodded.
But you owe me, Reno.”

Reno reached inside his suit coat and
pulled out a thick envelope filled with money.
He handed it to the corrupt DA.

Bruni accepted the wad.
“You still owe me,” he said as he began
thumbing through it.
Reno began getting
out of the car.
“I mean it, Reno.
You’re still gonna owe me one.”

Reno looked back at Bruni.
“Drop those charges,” he said, “and I’ll owe
you two.”

And Reno headed back for his own car.
He was so tired he could barely walk, but at
least he felt as if he was getting somewhere.


Val got out of bed, put on her bathrobe,
and made her way downstairs.
doorbell rang again as she looked through the peephole.
When she saw that it was Jimmy on her porch,
she opened the door without delay.
She jumped into his
“How could you be out?”
She looked at him, as if she was doubting
that he was there.
“They let you out?”

Jimmy laughed and lifted her into his
She wrapped her legs around his
body as he kissed her and carried her back into her house, closing the door
behind them.
He was so elated to be
free, to have Val in his arms again, to not have to deal with the prospect of
spending the rest of his life behind anybody’s bars, that he could hardly
contain himself.

Val was rubbing his face as he kissed
When he finally stopped kissing
her, she looked at him.
“Tell me you’re
free for real.
Tell me everything’s good.”

Jimmy laughed.
“Everything’s good,” he said.
“And yes, I’m free.
You don’t know how great I feel.”

“But what happened?
They let you out on bail?”

“No bail.
That’s the beauty of it.
The DA
said there wasn’t enough evidence to even press any charges.”

Val was stunned.
“No evidence?
For real, Jimmy?”

“The cops arrest you, but the DA has to
file the charges, and Mr. Bruni said there wasn’t enough evidence to file.
So they had to let me go.”

Val smiled.
“Well thank-you, Mr. Bruni, whoever he is.”

“It’s my Dad you need to thank,” he
“He’s the one who got me out of
this jam, not some DA.
If my Dad
wouldn’t have called in favors and did whatever he did for me, my butt would
still be sitting in that jail cell.
bump Mr. Bruni.
You thank my Daddy.”

“I will.”
Then a look of concern came over Val’s pretty face.
Jimmy saw the change.
“What is it, Val?”

“It’s just that . . . Your dad and I kind
of got into it when I called to tell him that you’d been arrested.”

Jimmy frowned.
“You got into it?
What does that mean?
What did he do to you?”

“He didn’t do anything!
He just spoke real rude to me and I told him
I didn’t appreciate that.”

Jimmy smiled.
“Oh, Val, that’s all?
Don’t even waste your time thinking about
He’s rude to everybody!
But his heart is in the right place.
You know that.”

“I know it.
It’s just that . . .”

“It’s just that he’s spoiled you with
kindness so you thought you were special in his eyes?”

Val had to smile.
“Something like that, yes.”

“Everybody thinks that too.
And you are special to him.
Trust me on that.”
, if you asked Jimmy.
“So please
don’t give it a second thought.
Dad was
just worried about me.”

Val nodded.
“That’s it then.”

Jimmy smiled too.
“Oh, and what’s even better news is that the
guy I fought is going to pull through.”


“Mr. Bruni says he’s going to be okay.
He received a status update on him before he
came to tell me I was free to go.
said the guy’s gonna pull through.”

“Oh, Jimmy, that’s wonderful!” Val wrapped
her arms tighter around him, thrilled beyond words, and they began kissing
“I’m so happy for you!
I’m so happy!”

“So am I,” Jimmy said as their kissing
became almost manic, and he began carrying her up the stairs.
“But I’ve got to show you.”

“Show me?”
Val was returning his every kiss with a kiss of her own.

“Yes, I’ve got to.”
Jimmy could barely speak.

“Show me what?” Val asked, just as

“How happy I am.
Just how. . . I’ve got to show you!”

As soon as he entered her bedroom, he threw
her onto the bed.
She bounced with joy,
and laughed.

But it was no laughing matter for Jimmy.
He unzipped and dropped his pants and briefs,
stepping out of both as his cock came springing out.
The head, already engorged from his
excitement, was turning purple.
began to lick her lips.
She just knew he
wanted her to suck it.
But she was
He didn’t have time for
He slid her small body to the edge
of the bed, opened those legs wide, pressed that big head of his to her slit,
and pushed his dick inside of her with a torrential push.
She winced, because she wasn’t completely ready,
but within seconds of his entry, his pre-cum and her vaginal juices oozed out
and soon had her saturated.

“You want me, Val?” His dickhead buried
deep inside her channel.

“Yes,” she said as he stroked her with
ever-increasing strokes.
She could tell
he was already on the verge of losing total control, and wanted to fuck her
harder, but he held on.
He kept it
He kept his increase modulated.
“I want you so much, Jimmy.”

“How much?” His strokes kept increasing.

“I want you more than anything!”

“You want me harder?”


“You want me to fuck you harder?”

Harder. I want you to fuck me harder.”

“Like this?” His strokes increased even
more, and he was pumping her with ferocity.

“Like that,” Val said, her body and her bed
rocking with his every thrash.
He was
putting it on her in a way that made her feel as if she should be in great
pain, but she was in a state of so much joy that she couldn’t feel any pain at
He was pounding into her, just the
way she liked it, and all she could do was scream and let him pound away.

“Oh, Val,” Jimmy said as he leaned down and
squeezed her breasts.
“Oh, Val!”
He began sucking those breasts so hard that
she felt as if they were on fire too.
fucked and sucked for long minutes on end.

And when they came, it was as if they were
both shattering into pieces.
He trembled
and grunted, and she had spasms that were so intense she was trying to force
his dick out of her, to get away from the elation.
But he was still pouring into her.
He poured and he poured.
There was no getting away from Jimmy
His singular purpose, now that
he was free again, was to appreciate what he came so very close to losing.

He had Val again, and he wasn’t going to
give her back.




“But I don’t like juice,” Dominic Gabrini
said the next morning at breakfast when Trina told her four-year-old that he
couldn’t have a biscuit until he drank his juice.
She was at the head of the table, holding
baby Sophia, with Francine Gabrini, her sister-in-law, seated to her
Dommi, his small, brown hand
still resting on the biscuit, was seated to her left.
The two nannies, one for either child, were
seated at the opposite end of the long dining table talking with each other
while they had breakfast too.

“Mommy, please,” Dommi pleaded.

“I said no,” Trina replied.
“No juice, no biscuit.”

“But Mommy!” Dommi whined.

“I mean it, boy.
No juice, no biscuit.
Now remove your hand.”

Dommi kept his hand right where it was: on
his favorite biscuit that sat in a tray filled with biscuits.

Trina couldn’t believe how insolent he was
But she had a cure for that
“Do you want me to call your

As soon as she asked that question, Dommi
immediately removed his hand from the biscuit, and began drinking his juice.

Fran laughed.
“That little boy thinks you’re soft,
He’s scared of Reno, but he
thinks you’re a regular pushover.”
Fran shook her head.
“If he only knew.”

“Right,” Trina said with a smile, and
continued to bird-eat.

“Between Sophie and Little Reno, I don’t
know how you do it.
And look at
Looking just like you.”

“Not you too.”

“But it’s true.
She favors you.”

Trina looked at Sophia.
She’d fed her earlier and now she was just
lying in her mother’s arms, staring at her.
“When Reno said this child was the spitting image of me, I thought he
was full of shit, I’m not gonna even lie. I said he was seeing what he wanted
to see.
But sometimes, when she stares
at me like she’s doing now, I can sort of see what he meant.”

“It’s the truth.
She favors you.
And you know how he loves that.
He thinks you’re the best looking woman ever
created, and Sophie is the second best.”

Trina laughed. “He does not.”

“Yes, he does.”

Trina shook her head.
Then her cell phone began ringing.
The phone was on the table and she looked at
the Caller ID.
“No thanks,” she said,
deciding not to answer it.

“Who is it?” Fran asked.

It’s too damn early.
I’ll talk to
her later.”

“Oh, yeah, you guys had your event last
How did it go?”

“Great actually.
Attendance was excellent.
We raised a lot of money.
I have no complaints.
Even the females behaved.
Or at least most of them.”

Fran looked at her.
“I heard some of Reno’s throwaways were

Trina continued to bird-eat.
“Oh, yeah?”

Fran smiled.
“It doesn’t bother you, does it?”

“Yeah, it bothers me, but it can’t be
Reno has lived in Vegas since he
was eighteen years old.
He has a lot of
ex-girlfriends. Just the way it is.”

“Yeah, and some that ain’t claiming to be

“Whatever Fran.”

“I’m just sayin’.”

“If I listen to what people say all the
time that’s all I’ll do is listen to people.
So say whatever you want, but I know who I’m married to.”

“Mind my business, in other words?”

“No other words,” Trina said.
“In those exact words.”

Fran laughed and chomped down on more
Trina continued to bird-eat.

Fran shook her head.
“I don’t
know why you’re starving yourself when you don’t have to.
Reno hates it and you don’t need to.”

“Don’t tell me what I don’t need.
It’s been six months and I still haven’t lost
all of my baby weight.”

“But why are you turning it into such a big
Reno likes your fat ass now.
He likes you with meat on your bones.”

Trina laughed.
“Not this much meat,” she said.

“You are not big and you know it.
You’re still small.
Not as small as what you used to be, but
you’re still fine.
And Reno likes you
just the way you are.”

“That’s only because he thinks having this
extra weight makes me healthier.
But I
don’t feel healthier.
I just feel
Then Trina looked at her younger
“Unlike some of us,” she
said, “who can eat whole hogs and still not gain a pound.”

“I know!
It’s like I’m a freak of nature or something.
Girls are so jealous of me because of it, but
what can I say?
It’s not my doing.
It is what it is.”

“Until it’s not,” Trina said, smiling
“So don’t get too cocky, Miss
Metabolism has a way of slowing
as you age.
All of those bad habits of
eating like a pig are going to catch up with your skinny behind and then you’ll
see what it feels like.”

“Ah, Tree, you know you love me.
You know if I get so big they have to cut a
hole through my apartment to get me out of there, you’ll be right there
encouraging me and standing by me and telling me that everything’s going to be
all right.
Say it ain’t so.”

Trina couldn’t lie, so she didn’t say a thing.

Fran laughed.
“Told you.
A friend indeed.
That’s you,

“That’s my mama,” Dommi said proudly as he
sipped more juice, although he wasn’t quite sure what they were talking
Then he added to his mother: “Can
I have a biscuit now?”

Trina reached for his juice bottle and
shook it.
She was satisfied that a
sufficient amount had been consumed.
“You may,” she said.

Dommi smiled grandly and grabbed for a

Fran looked at Trina.
“So what happened last night?
With Jimmy, I mean?”

Trina wasn’t about to discuss it with Dommi
staring down her throat.
Anytime the
topic was about his big brother, he was all ears.
He and Jimmy had a special bond.
“Suffice it to say,” Trina said, “that he’s

“He’s out?”


Fran exhaled.
“Thank God!”
Then she thought about it.

“Who else?
He didn’t get home until after five this morning, girl.
He was so tired.”

“I can imagine.
But Jimmy need to straighten up and fly

“You’re one to talk.
Love Me Some Trailer Trash

Fran laughed.
“Don’t hate.
There’s some good lovin’ going on in those trailers.”

Trina laughed too.
Then the dining room’s intercom clicked
And Reno’s voice could be

Trina looked up.

“What are you doing?”

“Having breakfast.”

“Think you can come here?”

Fran smiled.

“I think I can swing that.”

“Then swing it.”

“Will do,” Trina said, and then stood up
and handed the baby to Fran.

“Wonder what he wants?” Fran asked this
mischievously, knowing full well what he wanted.

“Yeah, I wonder,” Trina responded, knowing
full well also, as she smiled and left the dining room.

“Daddy?” Dommi said loudly.

The intercom clicked back on.
“Yes, Sport?”

“Want me to come too?”

Fran laughed.

“No, son.
You stay there and watch your sister.”

“But Aunt Fran has Sophie.”

“Then watch Aunt Fran,” Reno said, and
Fran’s smile disappeared.

“Very funny, Reno,” she said.

Trina made her way around the penthouse
corridors that led to their private wing.
When she opened the door, Reno was naked and lying vertically across the
bed, his feet touching the floor.
He was
stroking his dick.

She stood at the door and shook her
“Why am I not surprised?”

Reno smiled.
His dick was already expanding, but by the
time she made her way up to him, and he opened his legs so that she could stand
between them, it went rock hard and stiff right before her very eyes.
Even after all this time, Trina still felt a
swell of sensations at just the thought of him putting all of that inside of

“What exactly do you want?”
She stood before him, ready to do whatever it
was he said he wanted.

“Remove that robe,” he said.

Trina knew that was coming, so she didn’t
She untied and then removed
her robe, allowing it to fall around her feet.

“Done,” she said.

Reno stared at her body.
She complained that she was bigger than she
used to be, and she was, but Reno loved it.
Her breasts were a little bigger, and her hips, and that ass, he
“Turn around,” he said.

Trina knew that was coming too.
She smiled as she turned around.
She knew he was inspecting her, sizing her
up, getting harder and more heated just by the contours of her tightness alone.

“Bend over,” he said.

As she did, Reno sat up, and then began
kissing her cheeks as he squeezed them.
He became so heated, and began squeezing them so hard, that Trina felt
pleasurable pain shoot through her.
he opened her crack, licked her there, and stood up.
He leaned her up with him, pressed his penis
against her ass, and began to hug her from behind and caress her breasts.

“I’d bet that’s not all you want,” Trina
said to him as he held her, as he kissed her neck.

“That’s another bet you’d win,” he said as
he rocked side to side, continued kissing her neck, and wedged his dick between
her cheeks.

“So what is it that you want?” She asked
this as his lips moved up and began rubbing against the side of her face.

“You know what I want,” he said, pressing
harder against her, making her feel every inch-by-loving-inch of his
“You always know what I

Reno, yes
,” she said, as she felt that heat to the roots of her hair.

“Okay baby,” Reno said.
“You know the drill.”

“I know it.”

“Tell it to me.
What’s the drill?”

“I get on the bed,” Trina responded,
knowing the drill like the back of her hand.

“And then?”

“I open my legs.”

“So that?”

“So that you can fuck me,” she said
breathlessly and as soon as she said it he squeezed her breasts so hard, and
pushed against her so violently that she nearly lost her balance.
It was time. She knew it was time.
She moved out of his grasp, laid on the bed
horizontally to give him maximum space to take her, lying her head on the
And then she opened her legs.

Reno got to the bottom of the bed, put his
rock hard body between her legs, and then placed his mouth at her vagina.
In all her years, Trina had never met a man
who liked to eat pussy the way Reno loved to eat hers.
Many mornings she woke up with him eating
Many days he’d call her into his
office, only to sprawl her on his office couch, remove her panties and spread
her legs, and eat her.
He said he craved
her taste.
Although Trina didn’t believe
it early in their relationship, she thought he was just laying a complimentary
line on her, she believed it now.
craved something, she was now convinced, given how often he had to have it.

BOOK: Reno and Son: Don't Mess with Jim (The Mob Boss Series)
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