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Authors: J. Hali Steele

Repent in Love (8 page)

BOOK: Repent in Love
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Holding himself up with one arm, he slid a hand down her
belly and into the warm folds of her pussy. He thrummed her clit like an
instrument and she bowed into him. She encircled his waist with her arms and
clutched his behind. Kneading it with her fingers, she tugged him tighter
between her thighs.

Rising higher above her, he grasped his cock and moved its
broad head through the cream that had escaped her channel. Uri nudged at her
opening until the tip slipped in. Stopping there, he gazed in her eyes. “Morta,
I’ll never hurt you.” He eased his length deep inside her, inch by slow inch.
“Do you trust me?”

“Yes.” Wanting all of him, she arched her back and took what
she needed. His engorged shaft stretched her walls until she fit him perfectly.

His hips rose up and thrust down into her. Mort clenched his
ass in her hands, brought him closer as she raised her body to meet his.
Quicker, harder, he plunged in and out of her pussy.

Finding a nipple with her mouth, she latched on, sucking and
biting until he threw his head back and growled. “Bite it, Mort, let me feel

She teased the pebbled nub some more, then bit him hard
until she tasted his blood.

“Fuck, you own me, babe.”

His butt tightened in her grasp and he quickened his pace.
Uri set a vicious rhythm and she never missed a stroke. His hand captured her
breast. He tweaked first one nipple then the other. Drawing circles around the
areolas, he teased her buds with his fingertips. Featherlight touches glanced
down her side and made her tremble beneath him.

Uri bent his head to tease a taut peak with his mouth. His
tongue flicked back and forth across the bud before he took it into the wet
recess. He raised his hand to her lips and inserted his thumb. He teased her,
jabbing in and out in time with his penis filling her pussy. She sucked
furiously to keep up with him.

Morta couldn’t believe how it turned her on and brought her
to the brink of coming. Her orgasm grew like a vine. Climbing high, it wrapped
around every part of her and bound her to the angel who sank so sweetly inside

“Uri, oh, Uri. Please.”

“Tell me what you need. I’ll give you anything.” He huffed.

She moved one hand from his ass and buried it in his wavy
hair. Tugging hard she guided him to her neck. Her body bucked out of control
when his tongue swept out, and laved along her collarbone. Tiny bites followed
each lick and every kiss he planted along the column of her throat.

“Make me yours.” His teeth sank into the hollow of her
throat, Mort’s heels dug into the bed and raised her body into his. His tongue
left a path that his lips traced. Tendrils of fire ripped through her. “Love
me, fuck me harder.”

She threw her legs up and around his waist and slammed her
hips into him, took every thick inch of his hardness. With his head still
buried in her neck, he moved his hands under her ass and helped her to meet
each shove into her pussy.

Uri pumped his cock deep in her core, giving her just what
she needed—him. She took what he offered and gave just as much back. Cream
surrounded his shaft, sliding from her as she keened.

“Give it to me, honey.”

Morta felt his butt cheeks tighten. Her vagina convulsed and
pulled at his length, milking him. She wanted to take everything he was,
including his essence inside her. “I…I’m coming.”

“I’m going to fill your sweet pussy.”

His body tensed, and at the same time her orgasm spilled
from her he spurted his seed. Moans filled the room echoing from the walls. She
couldn’t tell where hers started and his stopped.

His hands left her butt and landed in the bedclothes beside
her head. The cords of his neck stood out as he angled upward and his chest
vibrated when he pushed his hips hard into hers. He stroked inside her with
short, frantic bursts of power until she had every drop of cum.

A loud groan escaped Uri as he rolled from her. “Damn,
Mort,” he whispered close to her ear. “Don’t go out tonight.”

“Nona’s covering for me.”


His breathing evened out and she marveled at how quickly he
had fallen into sleep. Morta was tired too from struggling with her emotions
most of the evening. She couldn’t have moved if she wanted to so she waited for
sleep to claim her.

Yael had said to trust Uri, and tonight she told him she
did. Her last thought as her eyelids drooped slipped unbidden from her mouth in
a soft whisper.

“Don’t let them take me from you.”

Chapter Eight


God Loves you, God forgives you and I absolve you of all
your sins.

Dejected, the man looked like he did not have a friend in
the world. Uri knew that feeling. But not today. Today he felt like king of the
hill. He would absolve Satan himself if he appeared.

“You must have had a good evening.” Ram chuckled behind him.

“Go to hell.”

“Aww, come on, things aren’t that bad.” Coming around the
park bench, he eased down beside Uri, and after stretching his long legs, he
laced his hands behind his head. “Sam will leave you be for a while.”

It burned his ass that Ram kept pulling his behind out of
the fire. “Thanks.”

“I’ve been where you are; I understand. But this is

He turned to look at the angel of hope. “You’re ruining my
day, man.
is it different?” Bitterness tugged at his mouth. “Why
have you always gotten everything you wanted?”

“Take it easy, Uri, I didn’t bring this down on you.”

He remembered when archangels worked for the common goal of
salvation for all humankind. Ram and he had screwed around
together—literally—more than the others. Hope, repent. Repent, hope, they went
hand-in-hand. Those days were gone. Over the years they’d all grown in
different directions. In their earthly domains, they weren’t that different
from man anymore. There were petty jealousies, arguments and brawls. He
couldn’t remember anymore what being more
was supposed to

At times the angel next to him reminded him so much of
Michael it was uncanny. Something Uri intended to ponder later, but not today.
Ram damn near even had the general’s power now with Yael by his side.

Heaven’s fear of Uri aligning himself with Morta made sense
in a way.

Always a rebel, he had to fight tooth and nail for
everything he had. Ever since his debacle with Goliath he’d been pushed aside.
Nephilim, they were all alike

“That was you?” Ram leaned forward to look at him. He
laughed so loud heads turned. There went their low profile. “I’ll be a son of a
bitch! All these years I wondered what happened.”

“Shut up, and stay out of my head.” Shit, he’d been
careless. “Not a word, I mean it.” He glared at the archangel beside him.

“Who else knows, well aside from Michael and the Father?”

“Luke. Bastard was there egging me on. But I don’t want to
talk about it.” He nailed Ram with a look. “How did you stand it before Yael
was truly yours?”

“I don’t know; those days are a blur.” Ram scratched his
head. “Why do I remind you of Michael?”

The man he’d been called to stirred on the bench across from
them, providing Uri with an excellent reason not to answer Ram’s question. The
guy’s wife had been involved in an accident and he’d spent the last hour
fervently praying for forgiveness. Swore he’d never sin again. Uri wanted to
rap him upside his head. Humans didn’t know how lucky they were sometimes. This
man’s wife would have died for him, almost did. A car broadsided her when she
ran a red light rushing to bail his sorry ass out of jail for the umpteenth
time. This would be the man’s last escapade involving a bar brawl and lockup.
If he took another drink, he’d puke his guts out. It would happen every time
until he stopped. Now it was up to Ram to give him hope.

“He’s getting ready to leave,” Uri said.

“I got it. Hope springs eternal as they say.”

The guy stood, a new light already shining in his eyes, and
he jauntily headed away from them. Uri wished his own life could be so easy.

“They don’t really have it that easy, you know.” Ram spoke
softly. “We’ve messed their lives up pretty bad with our bullshit.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“Hey, chin up. I bought you time but work fast, man, and
figure this out.” The angel stood and turned in front of him. “I’m not your
enemy. The world needs you.
need you to keep things in proportion. The
answer lies in loving her.” Blue eyes pierced him. “Don’t fuck up.” Ram
shimmered out of sight.

Calm settled over Uri as he breathed deeply of the fresh
air. He glanced around, watching people come and go. Mothers pushed baby
carriages; men held their sons’ small hands.

Earth continued to rotate on its axis.

Air vibrated around him, warning of the arrival of another
archangel, one he could do without seeing today. “What are you doing here?” Uri
asked. Easing around, he looked directly in Raphael’s eyes. “Thought you were
in Spain healing the masses.”

“Got it under control.” A sly grin twisted Raph’s lips. “You
got pussy whipped too, huh? What is happening to you guys? Soon, no one will be
able to come out and play with me.”

“Don’t need your shit today. What’s up?”

“Just hanging out.”

“Bull, you want something. That’s the only time you sneak

“Whoa, wasn’t it good for you last night or what? And I’m
not sneaking so don’t bite my head off.”

“I’m gonna rip you a new one in a minute,” Uri growled.
“What do you want?”

It was hard to believe the angel before him held the powers
to heal. Lately Raph had been a real mess, stemming from centuries of being
third best to Uri and Ramiel. He also possessed the most telepathic and
clairvoyant properties of any being in the universe. If he concentrated, he
could probably read Michael. Raphael could be a formidable opponent for any of
them, but his life had been built around laziness and meddling in anything that
pertain to him. Uri wondered sometimes why he was even a part of

“Because Father knows best.” He said it with such levity Uri
took another look at him.

“I’m not going to play twenty questions with you.”

“Ahh, but the answers could be such fun.” Raph reared back
from him. “Don’t even think about it. I’m tired of you guys attempting to beat
me into submission.” His chin jutted out slightly, “Maybe I’m here to help.”

“Why would I need your assistance?” Now Raph had his

“Hmm… Let’s see.” Lips pursed, fingers tapping on his knees.
Anyone who didn’t know him would have assumed he was in deep thought. Uri knew
better. Raph’s head suddenly snapped around. “By the way, I healed the giant
cretin in your hell hole.”

How’d he get through my shields?

“You were rather hard on the boy, Uri. You left him a bit
broken-up. So I was summoned.”

“Shit.” Marcan had that kind of power? Hurting and he could
still pull Raph through his guards? This information surprised him so much he
forgot about the other angel sitting there. His mind reeled at the
implications. There was more to the half-breed than he’d first thought. Taking
his brethren’s souls strengthened him, but to that level? Impossible. Uri would
have sensed that kind of energy residing close to him over the last few days.
Or in the alley where Marcan accosted the woman. Surely he’d have noticed it

A dog yapped in the distance, and two laughing teens
zigzagged by on in-line roller skates. A young man whooshed past on a bike with
a girl on the bar between his legs. The teenager’s perverted thoughts
distracted Uri briefly and, without thinking, he dashed the contraption to the
ground, allowing the girl to jump free unscathed. While she blasted the boy for
not paying attention, bluesy notes from a nearby saxophone whined through the
air but did little to help Uriel’s anxiety.

Concentrate. There was a meaning here. He had to find it.

“You still with me?” Raph’s voice cut into his mind.

“He brought you through my shields?”

“Christ, Uri. You’re still stuck on that? Look, I’ve got to
go but I’ll be seeing you.”

“You’re sure it was Marcan that summoned you?”

Preparing to leave, Raph twisted like a funnel raising a
cloud of dust. “He is his daddy’s double, I’ll say that much.” The archangel’s
laughter floated in the air long after he was gone.

“Motherfucker!” Now Uri understood.

Marmaroth was here.

* * * * *

She’d left Uri’s domain right after he did. Ensconced in her
hot tub, Morta thought about him. The man was a god. Thunder rumbled around her
milliseconds before the water bubbled to an unbearable temperature.
Being the ice goddess sometimes paid off. Well, he was certainly an angel. That
should soothe the Father’s ruffled feathers over hearing her call Uri a god.

She giggled, happy for the first time in decades.

Keeping her promise wasn’t going to be hard if every night
was like last night. Being with him had been much better than she’d thought it
would be. For years he’d been an excellent lover in her mind. Something was
different this time. Rolling it around in her head, she latched on to a couple
words. Tenderness. Caring. The way he laughed along with her when she flew him
into the night sky. There was joy in his voice, the pure look of delight on his
face. It must have been hard for him to keep his promise of no magic but he had
until the very end. It tugged her heartstrings. She liked spending the evening
in his bed, and his arms. Mort looked forward to more. But they could only play
at being lovers. When the time came to let him go, could she? Would she?

“I can’t worry about this today,” she said aloud.

“What can’t you worry about, sister?” Nona’s words snatched
her back to reality.

“How would you like it if I went creeping around your bath?”

“You’d have to spend more time at home to catch me.” Nona
looked pensive. “Why is it everyone has stopped using magic? I hope this
affliction never touches my existence.”

Rising from the water, Morta grabbed a fluffy towel and
patted her body dry. “Don’t you get tired of the same thing every day and yearn
for something different?”

“Hmm, I do. But what would I do about it? Dabbing myself
with a towel holds no appeal for me.”

“Perhaps someone doing it for you?” Mort noted the pink
flush that rose up her sister’s neck to rest on her cheeks. “Why, Nony, you’re

“I am not.” She went to stand by the open French doors.
“Just a heat flash.”

“Heat flash my ass.” She pulled on plain, comfortable white
nylon panties, tugged a silky royal-blue sheath over her head and slipped into
a pair of silver sandals encrusted with colorful crystals. “It’s rather a nice
feeling you know.”

“You haven’t called me by my pet name in years. We have
become a stodgy bunch. I have an idea—let’s go shopping.”

“Shopping? For what?” Bathing and dressing like a human was
one thing but she continued to fabricate everything she needed or wanted. The
idea of rushing in and out of stores, jostling through crowds to try clothing
on, was foreign to her. A little too human.

“And you consider yourself a modern woman.” Nona’s smile was
contagious. “Patricia and Yael told me about some shops we can visit.”

She gave it thought. “I think I’d like that. I warn you
though, if you keep sifting through my mind, I’ll give you a real picture show.
Let’s go.”

Stirring the air mildly, they were gone and laughter tinkled
along their shimmering path.

* * * * *

Morta peered into the mirror over her shoulder at her ass in
the skimpy black bathing suit. Would he like this on her?
It’s so tiny
Yeah, he probably would. Her heartbeat picked up. Thinking about him on her, in
her, set her blood to boiling and her temperature spiraling up for the umpteenth
time. Shit, if she kept this up she would lose the ability to formulate and
shoot the ice spears she was famous for. She felt the color rising in her
I’m blushing like a bride
. “How do human women stand being so
naked in front of others?” She always swam in the nude so it was not like she
needed a swimsuit but it was sexy. Like all the pretty underwear she’d already

Nona chuckled at her question. “I’m still trying to figure
out how they stuff their breasts in this contraption.”

Her sister stood at her side, ogling her own body in a sexy
red demi-bra. She tucked long honey-colored hair behind her ears. “Maybe my
boobs aren’t supposed to fit all the way in, huh?”

“Cripes, Nony, you’re hot!” Mort had not really looked at
her sister for a long time. The fancy underwear suited her to a tee. The blue
jeans she’d tried on and still wore hugged her butt. They showed off her long
legs, accentuated her tiny waist and the swell of her hips. “You’d better be
careful. You’ll have men everywhere wanting to towel you dry.” They both

She found herself wondering if Nona had been with a man in
the last decade. Mort didn’t know who but someone had broken her heart. That
had been a thousand years ago and since then there had been men in her lifetime
but Mort couldn’t remember the last time Nona had talked about one. They’d not
spent intimate time together like this since they stopped sitting around the
fountain every Sabbath. Things over the last ten years had gotten hectic in all
their lives. It was hard to believe only a little over six years had passed
since they fretted over Ram and Yael’s meshing.

“Who’s thinking about me?”

Morta spun on the balls of her feet at the playful sound of
Yael’s voice. She rested in the doorway with her hip against the wood, arms
full of colorful silky underthings. “I—” What could she say? Ram’s exulted, an
angel herself now, was hard to keep anything from.

Yael actually giggled, her eyes crinkling as she walked all
the way into the dressing room. “I love buying these things. Ram adores them.”
She winked at Morta. “Uri will too.”

“I didn’t know you’d be here.”

“I’m addicted to shopping. It’s Patty’s fault. One thing
I’ve learned is to keep one of these with me.” She reached into a very modern
bag that hung from her shoulder and pulled out a little black plastic card. “We
must not draw attention to ourselves, so Ram says I should never leave home
without it.”

BOOK: Repent in Love
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