Read Resignation Online

Authors: Missy Jane

Resignation (4 page)

BOOK: Resignation
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“Oh! Almost there…so close.”

“That’s it, kitten. Come for me. Come on my cock.”

As if she only needed his permission, she immediately
tightened on his erection and cried out in ecstasy.


He groaned in response and followed her over the edge,
throwing both arms around her to pull her as close as possible. Her moist skin
slid against his and he buried his face in her wet hair.

“Tell me…you didn’t…leave the stove on.”

He chuckled at her question and leaned back to look down at
her beautiful face. Her eyes were closed. Masculine pride filled him as he
studied her satisfied smile.

“No, I didn’t leave the stove on. The food will be cold soon
if it isn’t already.”

She hummed but made no attempt to move, making him chuckle
again. He slipped from her body with a groan and discarded the condom with one
hand while holding her up with the other.

“Ready to eat?” he asked.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked down at herself.

“I dare you to eat naked with me.”

Her brows shot up and he grinned at her expressive face.


He nodded before picking up her towel off the floor and
rubbing it over her.

“Oh yeah. Double dog dare you.”

She giggled and leaned back as he ran the towel between her
thighs. A thrill shot through him as she allowed him to manipulate her body. He
finished drying her skin and pulled her into his arms. She held on to him as he
took her down the stairs, both of them naked as the day they were born.

“I’ve never eaten naked before,” she said quietly.

“No? Well, I think you need to broaden your horizons.”

“Do it often, do you?”

He chuckled and shook his head. “Nope. This will be a first
for me too.”

She smiled brightly, apparently liking the idea of sharing a
first with him, and he was glad to see her earlier reservations had completely

There’s so much I want to do with you. Just give me the

Chapter Three


Consciousness returned slowly as Darina became aware of
sunlight beating against her eyelids. She groaned and tried to stretch, but
something heavy and warm held her in place.


Sudden aches and soreness in the various parts of her anatomy
she usually forgot about brought the night’s events back to her waking mind.


The delicious man was still in bed with her and was licking
a path from her collarbone to her bellybutton. She smiled with her eyes still
closed and rolled more fully onto her back.

Sol’s lips wet her left breast. She fisted the sheets on
either side of her head as he took her nipple between his teeth. He suckled her
while massaging her thighs with his fingers and she moaned his name.

“Mmm, good morning, gorgeous,” he murmured in his deep, sexy

“Morning. Oh please don’t stop doing that.”

He chuckled at her breathless reply and moved over to her
right nipple. She squirmed and started rubbing her body against his until he
moved between her thighs. She couldn’t believe she needed him so much,
especially after their three amazing bouts the night before. They had somehow
managed to eat the delicious stir-fry he’d cooked before he took her on the
kitchen table. Then as she caught her breath, he actually cleared the dishes before
carrying her up to bed where they took their time learning each other’s bodies
from head to toe.

Though she was still catching her breath, a morning love
session was just what she needed to start the weekend right. She opened her
eyes and looked down at his dark head as he laved her breasts. His fingers were
doing wonderful things between her thighs and she fought the inevitable as long
as she could.

“Come for me, sweetheart. I want to feel you come on my
hand,” he said in his husky voice, and that was all it took to push her over
the edge.

“Oh, Sol,” she moaned, arching her back and pushing her sex
into his hand more fully.

He chuckled and kissed her deeply while keeping his hand in
place through her aftershocks of pleasure.

“Mmm, that felt good,” he whispered against her neck.

His breath cooled her fevered skin and she shivered. She
burned from his touch and realized she craved more of it, more of him.

“It felt good to me. Now it’s your turn,” she whispered

He suckled her neck and growled low in his throat. She
wiggled out from beneath him and reached over to the nightstand where the
half-empty box of condoms sat waiting.

“We might need to run to the store again,” he murmured.

She laughed as she ripped open the foil. “I guess that
depends on how long you plan on hanging around here.”

He closed his eyes as she rolled the condom onto his
stiffened length. She kissed the tip and lay down with her legs spread open for
him. He made her feel completely wanton and sexy. The quiet, modest seriousness
she was known for didn’t even exist in his arms. His eyes slowly opened and
darkened as he looked down at her offering.

Oh, don’t ever stop looking at me like that.

His heated gaze centered on her glistening curls and she
shivered in anticipation.

“God, you’re so beautiful, Darina. Do you have any idea how
damn sexy you are?”

The smile slipped off her face as self-consciousness tried
to take over.

Only with you.

She didn’t want to think right now. She just wanted to feel
and explore all the sensations of Sol’s skin on hers. He seemed to sense her
change in mood as he slowly lowered himself to rest between her legs. She
wrapped them around his hips and put her arms around his neck to pull him down
for a kiss. He allowed it, but she sensed a heartbeat of hesitation that made
her worry.

“Sol? I need you in me…now.”

He grinned and reached between them to place his cock at her

“As my lady wishes.”

In one swift thrust he filled her and they both moaned in
satisfaction. He wrapped his arms beneath her shoulders and threaded his
fingers through her hair, pinning her in place. She smiled up at him as he
found his rhythm, pumping his cock deep. He filled her more than Marc ever had
and it felt good to be stretched and rubbed in all the right places. She
realized she was panting and enjoyed the animalistic sounds of their coupling.
Her climax began to build and she grabbed Sol’s muscular ass with both hands,
urging him to pump faster.

“Harder…oh…faster,” she gasped.

His hips sped up, slapping noises echoed in her ears. She
suddenly wished there was a mirror on her ceiling so she could see all of his
glorious body as he gave her the best sex of her life.

“Oh, I’m coming. I’m coming,” he murmured in her ear, just
as he found the perfect angle.

They came together with coupled shouts before sharing one
last, heated kiss. They stayed together, panting while her heart rate returned
to normal.

“Mmm, that’s the best breakfast I’ve ever had,” Sol said
with a grin.

Her face flushed as she looked up at him and ran her fingers
through his hair.

“That was pretty good,” she replied.

He frowned with mock indignation. “Only pretty good, huh?
Well then, Ms. Tanner, I guess I’m just going to have to make it my goal to
impress you with great sex before the weekend is through. Tell me you don’t
have other plans.”

“I don’t have other plans.”

He grinned. “Seriously? Can I have you to myself the entire

She swallowed a lump in her throat. His gaze followed his
fingertips over the features of her face as if memorizing every facet.

You really want to be with me all weekend?

He remained on top of her, her legs around his hips, his
softening cock resting just inside her. He seemed perfectly comfortable there
with her and it made her chest ache.

“Seriously. I don’t have any plans for the weekend. Do you?”

“Oh yeah. I plan on staying in bed with a gorgeous woman who
works in the same building as me. I need to prove to her just how delectable
she is after some asshole was foolish enough to let her go. Lucky me, huh?”

She smiled and looked away. Sol started nibbling on her jaw
and she closed her eyes with a moan.

“I think I’m definitely the lucky one,” she whispered.

“Oh no. I’ve been aching for you for months. I just don’t
know how long it’s going to take to get my fill.” He tilted her head back
toward him with a finger on her chin and kissed her deeply. Then he slowly left
the bed. “Be right back. Don’t move.”

She watched him walk into her bathroom, the grin on her face
slowly melting as she considered what Monday morning might be like.

What am I doing?

She still didn’t know where in the hell her name badge was,
which meant she would have to sign in again and face Sol over the clipboard.
Would he give her his usual polite smile and pretend this hadn’t happened?
Should he? She had no idea how to act or what to expect and she hated that

Just go with the flow and enjoy it while you can.


Sol discarded the used condom and cleaned himself up
quickly, before grabbing a clean washcloth for Darina. He wanted to take care
of her and show her how she deserved to be treated. He ran the cloth under warm
water and wrung it out before returning to the bed. She was still sprawled out
just as he’d left her and it made him smile.

Picture perfect.

It was a sight he wished he could see every morning for the
rest of his life. He knelt beside her and slowly rubbed the wet cloth between
her legs. She moaned as she watched him, turning him on all over again. He
found her clit hidden among her curls and softly rubbed it with the cloth.

“How’s that, baby?” he asked.

“Mmm, that feels really good, Sol. You should probably stop
before we get started all over again. I’m hungry.”

He looked at where his fingers rested and licked his lips.
“Me too.”

She giggled. “I need breakfast if you’re going to keep
working me out this way.”

He frowned as she pushed his hand away. “Do you want me to
make you breakfast in bed or would you like to go out?”

She shook her head and smiled up at him. The sight made his
chest ache.

“You cooked last night. It’s only fair for me to make you breakfast
in bed.”

He was shaking his head before she even finished.

“Darina, didn’t you hear me say I plan on taking care of you
this weekend? You stay here and conserve your energy and I’ll make breakfast.”

Before she could argue he was off the bed and pulling on his
slacks. He headed to the kitchen without a backward glance, knowing the sight
of her still sprawled on the bed would be his undoing. The thought of going
back to the professional courtesy they normally shared depressed him as he
considered Monday morning.

Will she even want to sign in again, or will she go to HR
for a new nametag?

She hadn’t had her badge for days and he’d looked forward to
talking to her every morning. The thought of her avoiding him at work slowed
his progress as he looked around her kitchen.

Damn, I hope that doesn’t happen.

He closed his eyes and wondered if this wasn’t the biggest
mistake of his life. He wanted Darina so much it hurt, but having her only to
lose her again would hurt worse. There was no way he could ask for more right
now. Her pain was still too fresh from that asshole, Marc. Sol shook his head
and began to rummage through her refrigerator. After locating a few staples he
set about making breakfast.

Just get through the weekend and enjoy it as much as

With that mantra in mind, he got to work. As soon as
everything finished cooking, he served their plates and set them on the kitchen
table. He cleaned up the mess and headed back upstairs to the bedroom. The
rumpled bed was empty, but there was a trail of bed sheets to follow. As he
approached the open bathroom door he heard moans coming from within and his
cock instantly stiffened.

“Hey, gorgeous, you’re not starting again without me are

Her eyes flew open while his gaze ran over her naked flesh.
She was reclining in her bathtub with her legs spread, a washcloth in one hand
over her mons. He looked down at her and his heart raced. Her hair was pinned
in a loose knot on the top of her head, a few loose tendrils caressing the
sides of her face. Beads of water slid down her graceful neck, calling to his
aching tongue.

“No,” she replied. “I’m just soaking my poor sore muscles.”

He frowned, instantly feeling like a monster. “I’m so

“Oh no. Don’t you dare apologize. It all felt wonderful, I’m
just a little out of practice.”

She winked and set the washcloth aside, setting his blood on

“Kitten, I’m trying to be good here and feed you first. But
if you don’t cover up we could very well starve to death this weekend.”

She laughed and shook her head as she sat up. He reached
down and gently grasped her arms, raising her from the water.

“Sol, you’re getting all wet,” she said with a laugh.

“That’s all right. I don’t plan on keeping these pants on
much longer.”

She stepped away from him, wrapping a large towel around her
body to cover from breast to calf. His exaggerated sigh made her laugh as she
leisurely strolled into the bedroom. He glanced at the bed and considered how
to convince her not to dress, but she surprised him by heading straight for the
stairs in just her towel.

Well now, eating naked again I can handle.

He followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen without
a word, watching her supple form move within the terrycloth. She took a seat at
the table as if she were already comfortable eating mostly naked with him. He
decided not to comment in the hopes the towel would slip off sometime during
their meal.

BOOK: Resignation
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