Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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Copyright © 2012 Erica Chilson

First edition: April 2012

Revised Edition: November 2012 & July 2013


Mistress &
Master of Restraint series begins with Katya Waters' Journey of Self-discovery in Restraint.
Katya Waters moves to a new city for the job of her dreams. Her need to explore her darker-side leads her to the club, Restraint, where she meets the mysterious "Boss". The Boss pulls her into a thrilling game of Kat & Mouse. Follow her exciting journey as she connects the mystery of her past with her thrilling present.




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Publisher Notice:

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental.





This is a work of erotic fiction. The author does not endorse nor condone any of the behavior enclosed within. The subject matter is not appropriate for minors. Please note this novel may contain explicit sexual situations that inclu
de but are not limited to, dubious consent, BDSM activities, bisexual acts, ménage, and multiple partners. If any of the above mentioned acts offend, please do not read. Readers, please play safely, responsibly, and consensually.








Titles by Erica Chilson


Mistress and Master of Restraint
series order






Queen Omnibus*




The Hunter (Fall 2013)
Silenced (Winter 2013/2014)
Integrated (2014)


The Playroom

Good Girl
Widow (Summer 2013)
Wayward (2014)





My parents for their support as my life shattered around me. The
y allowed me to the pick up the pieces and put myself back together again in the warmth of their unconditional love. No words could express the depths of my gratitude. Thank you both for allowing me to chase my dream of bringing my imagination into reality.
Thanks to my lovely sister for her contribution of the cover art.


My Wicked Readers, I want to thank you for enriching my daily life. You bring entertainment, joy, and a ton of laughs. I want to thank all of my betas! My BookMate, Kris, I love chatting everything books with you, even if we never agree on the guy. My fellow Wicked Reader, Amber, you never cease to entertain me as you make me look a fool as I LOL for real. Sass, I thank you for your insight and sharp eye; I look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you to my new Betas: Darcy and Sandy, who helped me with the revised edition. Thanks girls, I appreciate the help & the readers do, too!


I love hearing from Readers:
Please contact me via email:
[email protected]

Table of Contents:

Copyright Page

Titles by Erica Chilson



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six



About the Author          



My feet pound
the ground with such force that it reverberates up my legs and trails up my spine. The sharp snap of twigs breaking under the impact echoes in my ears. My breath saws out my lips, exhale clouding the air across my face as I run- run for my life.

Another tree
in my path slows me down, and I have to veer around it or smack headlong into it. Roots upheaved from the ground catch my toes and upend my balance. I catch my fall with outstretched palms and lunge forward gaining speed. Droplets of blood nourish the earth from deep cuts on my hands.

Branches slash my cheeks and thorny vines snag my skin and clothing. My mind is clear of all thought except escape
. My hands instinctually rise and fall, protecting me from the brutal violence of nature.

Four bodies
, blurry from motion, charge me from different sides- herding me, running me to ground as a pack.

I’ve walked this path since I was a child. I know every dip, curve, and incline. Up until just moments ago
, this was where I went to clear my mind and seek solitude. Now, I run for my life, hoping my knowledge will pull me through to the other side- safety.

run in perfect synchronization, breathing in harmony, legs moving with the same gracefulness. If it weren’t me or them, I may have found their symmetry breathtakingly beautiful.

I speed up on the descent down the ravine.
My sneakers skid on soft dirt and pebbles roll me, making it nearly impossible to stay upright. I catch my fall several times by grabbing roots and branches. I acknowledge no pain from my palms that are rapidly beating with the pounding of my heart. I slide down the embankment on my rear. By the time I reach the bottom, my shorts are shredded and damp from blood.

They allow me no rest, for they are closing in from all sides. They try
to pull me off my course. It’s working. I am no longer on the trail. I am beside it, going at an angle. The one in charge is maneuvering me to his destination and I am powerless to stop it.

The primal, animal side of my brain already recognizes
its capture. My body floods with adrenaline. A quaking rocks my entire body, slowing my pace. I shiver in the cold, even as my body erupts with sweat.

My logical brain will not give up. Never give up. I will fight to my very death. My mind spins escape routes and defense plans as I am led, pushed, and driven by the unit.

My only escape is the lake. If I can get to the water, I can swim to safety. Like the trail, I know everything about the lake. The tree canopy casts rays of light for my path. The crystalline waters glisten invitingly, beckoning me towards its secure embrace.

The leader comes into focus just off to my right. I stumble when I see the fierce
expression on his face, the look of triumph as he gains on his prize.

“It won’t be long, boys,” his smug voice sounds like broken glass to my sensitive ears.

He is in easy reach now. I veer to the left, away from his grasp, and miscalculate the trajectory of the other hunters. Arms enclose me from the side. I close my eyes in defeat.

“I’m so sorry,” a young voice
whispers against my hair.


















Chapter One

“Mr. Abernathy’s newest manuscript shou
ld be completely trashed,” I ruthlessly say, tossing the draft onto the table with a loud thud. It skids across the surface, almost taking out our coffee mugs. Even the manuscript understands it’s an imminent disaster.

“Ms. Waters,
that’s completely inappropriate.”  Monica’s haughty voice grates on my nerves as she chastises me- her boss.

If I had anything in my life that meant anything, I’d hit the bitch and be done with it. I’m trying to build a career- family, friends, and a social life be damned… and this snooty, always in my shit, bitch is driving me to madness. But I love my job at Edge Publishing, and I’m great at it. I won’t allow her to push me out, which is exactly what Monica is trying to do. Instead, I push her back without breaking any rules.

“Did you suddenly forget why we are here?” I incredulously ask. I joined Edge Publishing a month ago and I’ve yet to get Monica to do her job. She’s always trying to do mine. I usually remind her half a dozen times throughout the day that I am
boss, not the other way around. She never listens. Why do I even bother?

“What about you,
Alec?” I ask the more reasonable of my editors. He sheepishly looks at the table and shakes his head. He’s torn between Monica and me. Monica was here first, but I’m his boss, and both of us are ball-busting bitches. If I was Alec, I’d hide underneath the table.

“I’m sorry. I have to
go with Katya on this one. Abernathy’s just phoning it in. I don’t get it. All of his previous books were fabulous. He seems preoccupied,” Alec kindly says. 

“I want to be there when you tell him,” Monica
gleefully threatens. Her brown eyes twinkle with evil anticipation. I’ve never met Mr. Abernathy, but I’ve heard stories. His book Nocturnal Silence was terrifying.

I push the manuscript across the table to my assistant
when I’d rather feed it to the shredder. The shredder would probably distastefully spit it back out. Kayla just worries her pouty bottom lip and stares at the three inch thick monstrosity, like it’s going to bite her fingers.

“I don’t want to be there when you tell him.” Her voice warbles. “No,” Kayla shakes her pretty head. Her blonde tresses rub along her ample cleavage and I imagine it’s my cheek instead. I close my eyes to the beauty of it and sigh. Kayla is my biggest temptation. 

Monica snorts at me in disgust. She seems to think I’m a lesbian, and is offended by my presence. I’d tell her otherwise, but what’s the fun in that. I like yanking her chain. It’s the only recourse I have since she won’t follow my orders. I also don’t flirt with Monica as I do my assistant, which really annoys her for some reason. I think it’s because I’m purposely making Kayla feel good about herself… and since Kayla is Monica’s opposite… I must find Monica lacking.

While Monica has low self-esteem that she hides behind a bitchy exterior,
Kayla is soft and fleshy, and happy to be in her own skin. I’d love to tell Monica that the difference isn’t the outside packages, but how you feel when you are around the women. Kayla is pleasant and Monica tests my patience. Who would you rather have on your team?

It doesn’t hurt that I hunger to bite Kayla’s
luscious breasts to see if they are as warm and juicy as a peach. Monica… eh… not so much. She is emaciated from her quest of perfection, a quest that is unobtainable and is leaving her miserable. Someday, I will tell Monica that there is no such thing as perfection. It’s just what your body chooses for you. Accept who you are and be happy in your own skin.

BOOK: Restraint (Mistress & Master of Restraint)
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