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Authors: Anita Cox

Resurrection (15 page)

BOOK: Resurrection
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“Had enough fun for one night?” Zoltar asked as he put his arm around her shoulder.

“More than enough.” The emotional vibe in the room was draining. Students had begun filing out and it seemed like a good enough time to head back home.

Home. It had been the first time she’d thought of her living quarters as such. It had given her an unexpected feeling of happiness and belonging.



“Oh this is delicious. What is it?” Wendy asked as she sipped at the mug Zoltar had carried out to the fire for her.

“It’s Earl Grey tea. As I promised, we are enjoying less aggressive beverages this evening. Top that with the stress of the evening and I thought a nice hot cup might be the soothing balm we needed.” Sitting next to her, he eased his arm around her waist and gave a gentle squeeze.

Sipping again, she let out a breath of warm air toward the small fire. “What do you think will happen? Will we live forever in hiding or will we come out to the world, eventually?” She turned her head to get a good look at his expression, his golden hair glowing in the light of the fire, his eyes dancing with the flames.

“I get glimpses of the future. Eventually, the humans accept us. I just don’t know how much damage occurs between then and now. My experiences with the humans haven’t been the best. But they’re so very different. Some are very accepting and intelligent. Others…not so much. The truth is, I just don’t know when the right time is, but I can’t say for certain that now is a good time for us. I think we need to be a more cohesive society first.”

“The unknown can be so frightening. But then…I look at this school. Honestly, I was nearly terrified to move. Fear of rejection and the possibility of my new pack failing to bond really had me worried. Then it hits me how protective I feel over the school and the staff. Mary is a dear friend and I’d lay my life down for her just as I would defend Grace, Roman or the herd. All of it shocks me a bit. It’s happened fairly quickly. Maybe the same could be said for making ourselves known to the humans.” She leaned into him, resting her head on his chest. He was warm and his mere presence always seemed to either calm her nerves or send her hormones into a fury.

After a soft kiss to the top of her head, he sighed.

“What?” she asked, sitting back to study his face.

With a smirk he shook his head. “We are a family now—the new pack, herd, whatever. It feels kind of nice.”

She put her mug on the open bench next to her and turned back to face him. She reached over and scooped his hand in hers. “Before I was invited to the rooftop celebration, I had plans to bring you out here and let you know that I’m ready.” Her heart felt like it was resting in her throat, the muscles constricting and causing her to swallow hard. “I’m no longer concerned about any racism we might face, rejection from the pack, or the herd. I’m ready to be bonded, if you’ll still have me. I’m making this decision for myself, despite prior fears. I am taking control of myself and my future. For me, that future includes you.” She took a deep breath and let it out.

Smiling, he moved his hands up to cup her face. With a slight tilt of his head, he grazed her lips with his, tracing her mouth before he finally increased the pressure with a kiss. When he released her, he gazed into her eyes. “That would make the happiest Centaur on the planet.”

Running her fingers through his hair, she said, “I know you’re concerned about doing this right, or rather how it works for Lycans. When we make love and our fangs begin to protrude, you bite, just a bit on the neck to draw a little blood. Then lick the wound. Your wolf will really take care of it for you, but you’ll be there, conscious of the actions.”

He pressed his forehead to hers. “I love that you know my concerns before I can even verbalize them.”

A giggle rolled out of her throat. “That’s going to get stronger after the bond.”

He shot up to his feet. “Please, please, stay here. Okay? I will come back in a few minutes, but I beg you to stay here until I return.”

A little startled she nodded. Instead of going back into her apartment, where they’d originated, he went through the door that led to his. She stared at the door as she finished her tea, wondering what he was up to now. He’d had some sort of idea that had hit him, caused him to jump out of his seat like he’d been shot with an arrow.

Moments later, he returned and held out a hand for her. “Come with me.”

Rising to her feet, she studied him. His lips were curved into an easy smile. Taking his hand, she allowed him to lead her into his apartment.




Zoltar didn’t care how Lycans did it. He only cared about
bond with
mate, it had to be perfect…romantic. He led her through his place to the bathroom, where the tub was filled with warm water and flower petals. He’d lit candles and arranged them around the bathroom before turning off the lights and going to retrieve her.

Her mouth fell slack as she looked at the tub. With a quick grin, he shed his clothes and helped her with hers. He eased into the giant bear claw bathtub first then held her hand as she climbed in, sitting in front of him, resting her back against his chest.

Reveling in the way the water moved, caressing her breasts as they floated in the flowered water, he kissed her neck.

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back into his collar bone. “Hmm, this is perfect, Z. A nice relaxing bath to ease our nerves.”

After wrapping his arms around her and squeezing, he kissed the soft area behind her ear. “Nothing is too perfect for you. This only happens once and I want it to be memorable. We’ve taken the time to make the decision. We have spent time together to be certain we are meant to be. It seems foolish to rush the actual bonding.”

She tilted her head and reached her hand up, running her fingers through his hair. With a gentle pull on the back of his head she brought him down to meet her in a kiss. Her silky lips caressed hers and her tongue teased his bottom lip.

Running his hands along the length of her body, he started to ache with need.
Don’t rush.
He massaged her thighs as her kiss deepened. She moaned into his mouth as he kneaded her muscles. The water sloshed as she rubbed her legs together. Concerned he may be overworking her legs, he let his hands skim her body, cup her breasts then flatten out on her belly.

A gasp escaped her lips as she ceased their kiss. “I’m done with the bath.” Grabbing the tub, she pulled herself off of him and to her feet. When he followed, she grabbed a fresh towel off the counter and began dabbing him dry first. She started at his shoulders and worked her way down his backside, his thighs and calves. When she moved to the front of him to dry his shins, she dropped the towel on the floor and knelt on it, swiftly moving her mouth over his erection.

He gasped when the slick warmth of her mouth enveloped him, her tongue teasing the ridge of the tip as she moved. Her hands traveled up his thighs and around to his butt as she took him deeper. He wanted to move to the bedroom, to please his woman, but her mouth felt exquisite on his aching cock.

She let his cock bob free for the briefest of moments before she ran her tongue down the shaft and licked his balls.

“That’s it!” He grabbed her hands and lifted her to her feet. As soon as she was upright, he scooped one arm behind her knees and the other behind her back, lifting her into his arms. As soon as he carried her to the bed, he dove on top of her and kissed her like it would be their last, his breathing getting heavier, her breasts, still damp from the tub, pressing against his chest.

Moving his kiss from her lips to her chin then down her throat to her breasts, he fought to take his time, not to rush despite the fact that he ached to be inside of her. He moved down, licking the soft skin by her navel until he was between her legs then swooped down to taste her delicate flavor. He lapped up her lower lips, sucking them in gently until she bucked against him.

He stroked his aching cock with one hand as he rubbed her swollen clit with the other. Her legs shook and she panted. He couldn’t wait any longer. Crawling up, he rested his elbows on each side of her shoulders and pushed the tip of his cock inside slowly, reveling in the delicious sensation of having her warm slick pussy accept him inch by inch until he was buried deep inside her.

After a small gasp from his love, he backed out slightly and held still for a moment, fearful of climaxing just as they were getting started. She had worked him almost to orgasm in the bathroom and it was difficult to hold on now, but she deserved his time. She deserved more than a few seconds of pleasure. Once he calmed a bit he began moving inside her.

His eyes flew open when he felt the slight pain of her teeth piercing his skin. It was only then he realized his own fangs had protruded and moved in toward her neck. With the warmth of her tongue moving over the wound, he pressed his fangs into her and did the same.

Colors of every kind flashed before his eyes. He felt her body clamp down around his cock as his own seed exploded into her. Loud clanking like steel doors echoed in his mind before raw emotion flooded him. He heard her cry out as her orgasm came in another wave.

Then his heart ached and throbbed as he felt her love, her admiration flowing through him. He saw himself through her eyes: loving, protective, gentle yet strong. Before he could process the other emotions flooding in, memories from the distant past rushed in like a tidal wave. Battles fought, female centaurs, weddings, castles, the landscape changing, his ancestors meeting with Apollo begging for mercy and more visions he couldn’t handle.

He rolled to his side off of her for fear of crushing her. Blinded by the visions, he felt around until he found the edge of the comforter and pulled it up over both of them. With the blanket and a protective arm over his mate, they both remained quiet. He could only assume she was having the same experience.

“This is amazing,” he heard her whisper.

He had no idea how long they’d remained still…how long the visions and memories had taken, but when his own vision returned he noticed something odd about the room. There was a faint purple glow. He looked at her, eyes were violet and glowing. Turning, he saw his own reflection and his eyes had the same hue.

She was his. He was hers. They were one.



She felt different. Her body felt different somehow, stronger. She had so many memories that had flooded in, memories from the past. The female Centaurs had been ferocious, keeping the rowdy men in check. They were strong in body, mind, and spirit. The males had been…lost without them. They spiraled out of control until their king made a plea with Apollo.

All of their emotions flooded in and she felt each and every one. Then, she felt Zoltar’s feelings for her. They were so powerful, so pure. He hadn’t over embellished. He had, in fact, been drawn to her from the first moment their eyes had locked…before they’d even spoken a word to each other.

She felt his elation at their bonding—pride that she was his. Hope for his herd…

“Z?” she whispered.

Opening his eyes, he smiled upon setting sight on her face. “Yes, my love?”

“According to Lycan tradition, we are married. We don’t have to have a ceremony. But…something just occurred to me. I don’t know your last name. I sort of need to know my new last name.” She bit her lip. Never in a million years would she have considered a future where she bonded with a man whose surname she did not know.

“We Centaurs do not have last names. I am known only as Zoltar, son of Ethos. If you’d like to maintain your last name of Baker, I do not have any objections.” Using his long fingers, he brushed the hair from her face.

With their new connection it was easy for her to know he spoke the truth. He quite literally had no feelings on the matter. The only thing mattering to him was that they were mated.

“Would you like a ceremony?”

She considered it for a moment. Years ago, it was all that was on her mind. Today? Today she didn’t care. “Not really. I have all I need. I guess I just have to decide what to do about a name.”

He shrugged. “Wendy, wife of Zoltar, daughter of…”

Bursting into laughter, she playfully slapped at his chest before springing out of bed. “That’s a mouth full! I’ll get coffee started.” She went to her closet and pulled on lounge pants and a tank top before padding out toward the kitchen. She filled the brew basket with grounds and paused as a vision blinded her. The images were flashes, like spliced photos in an old film. She tried to make sense of them at first. They faded a bit and she resumed coffee preparation.

“Visions are weird, huh?” He was leaning against the door way. “Sort of blinds you for a second.”

She turned and walked to him, wrapping her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. “Grace said it subsides.”

My wolf!
She remembered Grace’s warning about losing contact with her wolf.
Are you there? Are you okay?
A howl made her shudder.

“Oh Goddess, that animal sounds like it’s in pain.” He held her a little tighter. “Are you okay?”

She took a deep breath and released it, stepping back. With one firm nod she looked up at him. “I trust the queen and she said my beast will be fine.”

The left side of his face twisted in a smirk. “Speaking of Queen…you bare that title now too, you know.”

“I feel different, but not like royalty or anything. My body feels more…I don’t know, just more.” Turning she pulled out a few mugs and placed them on the counter, trying to assess exactly how she felt. Did she feel like a queen? Certainly, her idea of a royal family included wealth and castles. Standing in an apartment as part of her job as a professor didn’t feel like a monarch.

What she did notice was something she already had, but more powerful. The protective feeling over the defenseless, the Gnomes and the rest of her pack and herd had only intensified.

“And you can now hear me.”
His voice trailed in her mind.

Keeping her back to him she grinned.
But you could have heard me all along if you wanted.

“True, but I respected your privacy.”
He cleared his throat. “I only listened in on your brother, and only once when he was discussing you. He really wanted you to have a family, you know.”

She spun around to face him, nearly knocking the coffee cups off of the counter. “My brother?”

“Colin is your brother, right?” He scratched his head.

“Yes, of course, just…he was
worried about me having a family?” She blinked a few times then shook her head, turning around to pour the coffee. “I guess I never really considered it. He did mention my lack of love life, but concern wasn’t what I would have called it.”

After a sip of coffee, he looked around. “So which apartment do you prefer? Yours or mine? I don’t mind moving if you’d rather stay here.”

Thinking about his very masculine décor, she nodded. “I’d like that very much.”

Just like that, she was mated and was about to cohabitate with a mate for the first time in her life. A new sort of energy coursed through her veins making her feel jumpy, like she could run in the woods for the entire day. She really wanted her friends to know she was mated.

“I do too,” he said with a wink. “Let’s have a quick breakfast, clean up and go tell them.”

She lifted her mug in a toast. “You in my head…that might take a bit of getting used to.”

“There’s one more curiosity I simply cannot wait for. Would you like to take this coffee outside and see if…if you can shift into Centaur?” The pleading look in his eyes and the hope she could feel in him was all she needed to convince her. She winked and walked without hesitation to the patio door. Once outside and her cup safely on the table, she took a few steps away onto the grass. She looked around. The only eyes on her were than of her mate’s.

She focused on him, the way his legs looked while in Centaur form, his torso, lean and strong. She closed her eyes to imagine what it would feel like to walk on hooves. When she opened them again, the air around her was shimmering. She concentrated harder on what it would feel like to gallop or trot with the herd. As the shift occurred, her line of sight rose. She looked down to see long, lean legs atop golden hooves.

“I did it!” She screamed. “I did it!” She noticed something else…she was topless. Just as Zoltar was each time he shifted. But her breasts didn’t appear as normal human breasts. She was covered in horse hair from slightly below the collarbone down, offering her some semblance of modesty.

“You are a magnificent specimen.” A tear spilled out of his eye, running down his cheek. “I have never seen anything as beautiful.”

She quickly shifted and ran to him, throwing her arms around him. “Please don’t do that. No tears, okay.”

He sniffed and rested his chin at the top of her head. “I will try, but I have something now I never thought possible.” She heard him sniff again.

Overcome with emotion, she felt tears of her own stinging her eyes. “Come on. Let’s have breakfast so we can share our news with the world!” She looped her arm in his and pulled him toward the door.

Never in her life had she slapped a breakfast together so quickly or devoured it without savoring each bite. But today, she had more pressing issues than food. Once the meal was finished, she ran off toward the shower and he left to collect fresh clothes from the home he’d be leaving.

Within half an hour they were on their way to Grace and Roman’s domicile. Before Grace could knock, the door flew open.

“Oh my God!” Grace squealed. “I felt you. I felt both of you.”

“I thought we were having a seizure or something.” Roman joked as he walked up behind her. He held his hand out to Zoltar. “Congratulations, my friend. You couldn’t have chosen a better mate. Wendy is the best.”

“Yes!” Grace squeezed her again. “Yes she is. And look at your faces. You’re both positively beaming! Come in! I have coffee and rolls and…just come in.” She pulled her by the arm. They were nearly at a dead run by the time they reached the kitchen. Grace grabbed a coffee mug and filled it, handing it over to her. “Cream and sugar is on the table.”

Wendy followed her and took a seat, gladly taking a sweet roll since her own breakfast had been rushed and haphazard. “You weren’t exaggerating about the memories. That was wild. And my eyes, they’re like yours.”

She smiled at Roman and Zoltar as they both joined the women at the table.

“Purple is the color of royalty,” Roman said with a nod. “Threw me for a loop when I saw Grace’s the first time. Sort of cool, I guess.”

Zoltar huffed. “Maybe for you. I’m not really used to the whole glowing eyes thing. Centaurs eyes don’t glow, well, not until now anyway.”

“Centaurs, yes, Grace that is the big news. I can shift into a Centaur as well.” Her heart raced as she made the announcement. “It took a few minutes, but I did it.”

“That makes sense if you blood bonded, you’d have some of his magic in you too. Interesting. I don’t really know anyone else who has cross-bonded.” Roman stroked his chin. “I guess that goes a long way toward integration.” His jaw dropped and his eyes widened. “Oh fuck, I didn’t mean…it’s not like you’re a social experiment. I totally respect your bond.”

“Shut up, Roman,” Wendy said with a giggle. “I know what you meant. It’s okay.”

Grace slugged him in the arm. “No filter!”

Roman put a roll on a plate and shoved it toward Zoltar. “Peace offering?”

Zoltar’s laugh, smooth, silky like ganache, filled the room. “You can bribe me with baked goods all you want.”

Leaning over and embracing Grace once again, she apologized. “I don’t mean to eat and run, but we’re really anxious to tell the herd.”

She waved her hands at Wendy, a wide smile stuck on her face. “Go. Go! It’s a great reason for a celebration.”

They hurried out of the apartment.

“Herd meeting. Courtyard. Five minutes. Mandatory.”
His voice boomed in her mind.

He winked as they headed out of the school and onto the grounds. Centaurs galloped out of the building toward the courtyard.

“If you’re going to make a scene, be seen.” The air around him shimmered briefly before his large Centaur body appeared.

Her transition went faster this time, but not as fast as his. When the herd saw a female Centaur trotting toward them they started pounding their chests, with their right fists, in unison.

“May I present your Queen,” he held his hand toward her.

Silence fell on the herd as they ogled her. To her own surprise, the stares and visual inspections did not cause her any discomfort. None of them had ever laid eyes on a female Centaur. Each of them circled her once then when they came around to the front of her, pounded their chest once and bowed slightly.

Love. She felt an extreme amount of love and respect for her herd. She would protect them, lead them as best she could—an oath she swore to herself.

Theron was the last to make his circle around her. When he came to the front of her, he embraced her, kissing each cheek. “May the Gods bless you and keep you.”

“Gentleman, let’s take our queen for her first herd run. Slow at first, allowing her time to become accustomed to her new body. When she’s ready, she’ll start the run.” No words were spoken. The herd lined up in twos. Wendy and Zoltar at the lead, they started off at a slow trot. At first, her hooves were a bit off rhythm until she finally learned how to use all four horse legs, where were so much longer than her Lycan appendages. She took off at a slow run, the herd keeping her pace. Within minutes, she sprinted forward fast as she could. Cheers erupted behind her.

The wind on her face was exhilarating. She’d always loved running in wolf form, feeling her fur move with the breeze, but her bare skin, exposed to the air felt refreshing. Her body felt strong and graceful by the time she’d started running. Each time a hoof pounded the ground, it only solidified her feeling as Centaur, sending vibrations of belonging to her core. It would not be difficult to appreciate both forms. Both were powerful, magical, and part of her.

They made two full laps around the property before coming to rest back at the courtyard.

“She’s a Queen? You’ve got to be kidding me!”

She and Zoltar both looked around to identify the voice they’d heard in their heads. Someone wasn’t very happy about her new status. The herd, noticing something was off, circled immediately.

Her eyes caught a glimpse of the creature rounding the corner back into the building—a certain balding panther.

“Stand down,” he said lifting his hand and waving it toward the ground. “Someone’s feelings are a little tender today.”

There had been something about Barb she didn’t like from the beginning, and Grace making excuses for her did little to change that. But now, the jealous thoughts pouring out of the werecat like poison gave her more reason to be cautious. Something was definitely off about her and Wendy would get to the bottom of it.

BOOK: Resurrection
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