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Authors: Ursula Dukes

Revengeful Deceptions (42 page)

BOOK: Revengeful Deceptions
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One Year Later

“Adam honey, we better get a move
on, don’t want to be late.”

“We got plenty of time
. Isn't that right little man? Tell mommy we've got
plenty of time.” Adam cooed as he held his son in his arms and began bundling
him up for their short trip to Wellesley for the holidays.

They had found and purchased a
gorgeous old Victorian home in nearby Natick. Dominique remembered a quiet
conversation she and Adam had one night shortly after they moved into their new
home. She was nine months pregnant and sitting in a rocking chair folding baby
clothes, it was another surreal moment for Adam as he watched her.

Dominique smiled at him when she
turned. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Oh long enough for me to realize
how absolutely stunning you are.”

“You must be joking, I look like a
blimp,” she sighed.

Adam walked into the nursery and
put his hands on her belly, “Isn’t your mom silly? She thinks she looks like a
blimp but we both know she's beautiful.”

“Well thank you,” Dominique beamed.

“In fact," said Adam. "I
think we should give this little one a little brother or sister.”

Dominique couldn’t help but smile,
she had a feeling he would want another child as it was something he hinted at
on numerous occasions. “Adam, can we please wait until I’ve given birth before
you start talking about another one?” She teased.

“Oh, can I take it by your tone
that you'll consider it?” He asked, hopefully.

“Of course I will, but you've got
to promise me that you'll always look at me the way you’re doing right now,”
she said warmed by their unquenchable love for one another.

“Dominique I promise to look at you
with all the love in my heart and soul every single day of our lives and ever

Dominique leaned against the
nursery door and watched as Adam picked up their son and rocked him in his
arms. It was site that reminded her of Stephen and Teddy. The similarities were
still uncanny but she kept them to herself, watching them right there was the
most precious moment of her life so far and she knew that there was going to be
so many more, oh so many more.





































































































































BOOK: Revengeful Deceptions
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