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Authors: Amelia Bishop

RoadBlock (10 page)

BOOK: RoadBlock
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In a matter of minutes, he heard footsteps in his house and Wade peeked in the bedroom door. “Find my red firebird yet?”

“I don’t have it!”

“Bullshit. You always wanted that car.”

Dagger laughed and got up off the floor, joining the others in the living room.

“I think we learned a lot today. Bet, great job on those charms.” Cal yawned widely into his hand. “I’m exhausted.”

“Me, too. What do we have to do tomorrow?”

“I have no idea.”

. Goodnight.” Betony walked across the street and Wade followed, giving Dagger a little wave behind his back as he went.

“I’m going to go get some clothes. I’ll be right back.” Cal followed Wade out, and Dagger went to the bathroom to clean up before bed. His took his phone from his pocket and checked the screen. Three voicemails. Dagger sighed and listened to the messages, all  from his boss, and each one slightly more angry than the one before. He sent off a quick text, promising to call in the morning and explain, then went to change for bed.



Cal walked into the bathroom while Dagger was brushing his teeth, slipping his hand into the waistband of his boxer briefs and planting a kiss on his shoulder blade. Dagger warmed at the familiarity of it. Cal might not have any foresight where their relationship was concerned, but Dagger could definitely see a future together. He finished up at the sink and turned towards his bedroom, giving Cal a soft kiss as he left.

A few minutes later, Cal joined him in bed, and Dagger slid against him gratefully.

“Do you think that those men dying was our fault? I mean, we led them along that road, and we knew about Calvin’s spell.“

“No. Their own ill will killed them. You’ve had other people come down that road, no one else wrecked. Calvin’s spell was triggered by their hatred. Don’t think about them anymore.”

Cal’s words were soft and warm against his ear, and Dagger felt safe in his strong arms. He thought briefly of making good on his earlier promises, the image of Calderon flushed with embarrassment and arousal was almost enough to overrule his exhaustion. But Cal’s breath was even and deep, and the fingers that had a moment ago traced over Dagger’s nipple now laid slack on his chest. If he wasn’t asleep already, he would be soon. Dagger closed his eyes and joined him.


Dagger woke the next morning to Cal’s insistent kisses and a very strong erection. “Mmm. What time is it?”

“Late. Doesn’t matter.” Cal pled his case by wedging his knee between Dagger’s legs and coaxing them open, pressing their groins together.

, Cal, that feels good.” Dagger wrapped his legs around Cal’s hips and arched up towards him, taking his mouth again in a deep kiss. Cal reached between them and grasped both erections with one hand, squeezing and stroking gently, making Dagger throw his head back and moan. Calderon was overcome with desire, and something more- a strong need to possess, to claim this man as his own. He reached over and opened the drawer he had seen Dagger use for the condoms and lube, and found what he needed inside.

In moments he was pressing a finger into Dagger, stretching him, and Dagger responded by ripping open the condom and rolling it over Cal’s stiff length. Dagger arched under his fingers, moaning, wanting more. “Now, Cal. I’m ready,

Cal watched Dagger’s face as he entered him, watched his eyes slide closed, his lips part softly, his brows draw together. He was beautiful, and Cal knew he was
. Not with his foresight, not with any special skill or power, but with his heart and soul he knew it. This man he’d met only a few days ago was his future. The possessive urgency he’d felt a moment ago faded, replaced by a deeper need rooted in love and physical desire.

Cal thrust in and out, watching Dagger writhe under him, watching the expressions on his face, drinking in every detail. The bedroom was sunny and bright, and Dagger’s every articulation of pleasure was plain to see. When Dagger reached down to stroke himself he opened his eyes, and Cal held his gaze as they climbed towards release together.

Dagger came quickly, never taking his eyes from Cal, and as he shot onto Cal’s stomach he shouted
in a deep, raspy voice, which brought Cal to orgasm as well. Cal laid down and wrapped Dagger in his arms, wishing he could declare his love but knowing it was too soon. They held each other, kissing softly, and whispered quiet little affections that would have been silly in any other circumstance.

Dagger’s phone rang loudly from the nightstand, and he groaned in annoyance. “Probably Gerry, my boss. He’s pissed. I might have to go in today, for a while, at least to talk to him.” The phone rang again.

“Are you going to answer it?”

Dagger sighed and shook his head, but reached over and picked up the phone. “Hi Ger….I know…
I know
….I’m sorry.
, let me explain, please?”

Calderon crawled out of bed, giving Dagger’s shoulder a soft pat as he left. Dagger had a lot of talking to do and he didn’t need an audience. Cal took the opportunity to shower and dress, hoping this day would be less stressful than yesterday.


Wade woke to the startling realization that he was not alone in bed. Betony was curled next to him, on top of the blankets, with an old afghan covering her. What was she doing here? He hadn’t felt her come in, hadn’t heard anything. Had she been afraid? The sun shone in on her hair, showing golden highlights hidden in the brown strands and he reached out to gently sweep it back off her face. She was beautiful, but not the type he usually went for. If Wade was honest, the ‘type he usually went for’ was whoever would go home with him after a night at the bar. Betony was natural, earthy,
. While her brother was dark haired and pale skinned, Betony had warmer coloring, lighter hair and more olive skin. She didn’t wear makeup and kept her hair loose and wavy, and her light brown eyes were warm and kind.

He reached out again and touched her cheek with his knuckles, wishing she might feel something for him. “Mmm. Wade?”

“I’m here. You all right?”

“Yeah. You were talking, moaning kind of, in your sleep. I was worried about you, so I slept here.” She kept her eyes closed, as if she wasn’t quite ready to wake up.

“Oh. Thanks. Sorry about that.”

“It’s okay. I wish you weren’t sad.”

Wade didn’t know what to say to that, so he stroked his hand along her cheek again. When she just smiled, he risked laying his arm over her, holding her to him gently. She relaxed against him, and he felt intense relief at her acceptance.

“She loves you, Wade. She just thinks you’re stronger than Dagger, that’s why she treats him that way. She thinks he needs her more.”

Wade closed his eyes. He didn’t want to talk about his mother, or the awkward moment when they’d all seen his pain yesterday. “She’s wrong. Dagger’s stronger than I’ll ever be.”

“You’re strong in different ways. You should tell her it hurts you. She’d stop.”

“I…I don’t want to do that. It’s gone on too long.”

“I understand.” Betony laid her hand over Wade’s arm, holding him to her. “Don’t push Dagger away, though. You felt how much he loves you through the circle, didn’t you? He’s lonely, too, without you.”

“He’s got Calderon now.”

“That’s different, and you know it… What was the other reason you stopped seeing him?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You said ‘it’s part of it’ when he asked if that’s why you stopped hanging out with him. So what’s the other part?”

Wade wanted to say it was none of her business, that if he hadn’t told Dagger he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell her. But she was laying there in his arms, her eyes still closed, relaxed and trusting, and he knew it was ridiculous to pretend that they were just acquaintances. She asked because she cared about him, and about Dagger. He couldn’t deny her.

“It makes me sound like an asshole… It was because he was gay. But, you need to remember, Dagger was openly gay in a small town during the nineties. It wasn’t unheard of, but it was far from acceptable. In the coven, it was fine, no one gave a shit about that. But in public school? Not so much. I told you, he’s stronger than me. And being his best friend, as close as we were, there was a lot of talk. I fought for him, I stuck up for him, I didn’t tolerate anyone talking shit about him. But I had to widen my social circle, I just couldn’t stand everyone whispering and teasing and judging me.

“We were close again for a little while, but by then he’d made some new friends and so had I, and we drifted apart again. I never stopped loving him, though. I always thought of him as my brother.”

“What do you think he’d say if he knew?”

“He’d understand. He’d forgive me. He’d probably apologize for being gay, or for making me uncomfortable. He’s ten times the person I am, Betony.”

“He understands you. He loves you. And he sees you as ten times the person you think you are.”

Wade smiled and pressed a small kiss to her temple. “Thank you.”

They lay quietly for a few minutes, during which time Betony considered turning to kiss him, but dismissed the idea as too saccharine.

“Did it work?”


“Did I stop moaning, or talking, whatever, when you came in?”

“Yes. When I touched you, you stopped. What were you dreaming about?”

“I don’t remember.”

She yawned and stretched, and her mouth turned down in a little frown. “I guess we have to get up, huh?”

“Yeah. Probably.”

“Wade? Do you believe in ‘pre-destined mates’?”

“No way. That’s bullshit.”

“Me neither.” Betony exhaled, relieved, and patted Wade’s knee through the blanket as she got up. “Let’s make breakfast.”



“I have to go to work today.” Dagger said quietly. They were all gathered at Betony’s table, eating pancakes and fruit and bacon. Calderon nodded, resigned. He knew the calls from Dagger’s boss would need to be dealt with.

“Do you have to work
? Or can you work from home?”

“There’s a service call I need to do. After that I can have the week off. Adelaide called him and he understands, but one of our clients is having some kind of major problem, and I need to take care of that first.”

“Okay. That’s not so bad. Can I go with you?”

….you can wait in the car. They have a security clearance thing. It’s why he needs me to go, I’ve been there before and I have a badge already to get in.”

Wade shook his head. “Wait.
Adelaide called him?
How do you get that from  people, Dag? Adelaide would
do that kind of thing for me.”

never said anything inappropriate to her in the grocery store.”

“Whatever, man.”

“Boys, let’s focus. Are we
going to wait in the car? Should we be worried about this, Cal? What’s the plan if we see a Theodosian?”

Calderon was shaking his head, his mouth turned down. “I have nothing. No insight at all. I really think it’s a block of some kind.”

Wade was frowning now, too. Losing Cal’s foresight worried him, especially after the aggressive behavior of the Theodosians the day before. “Okay. Let’s plan for the worst. Dagger, if you’re going in alone, make sure your charm is hidden somewhere on you. If you get nabbed, they might notice a necklace and take it from you. Maybe tie it around your waist? And we need to plan for what to do if we get separated.”

“You think this service call is some kind of elaborate set-up?”

Cal reached out a hand to calm Dagger. “No. But Wade’s right, we should be ready just in case.”

Dagger nodded, thinking. “Okay. If they do take me, what would be their goal? Wouldn’t they just kill me, and then leave? Why bother with a kidnapping? Those guys yesterday seemed like they wanted to run us off the road, not take us captive.”

Cal looked sick and Betony just scowled, but Wade got up and paced angrily. “You’ve been to this place before, right? What’s it like?”

“Big. Probably fifty or more employees, it’s a software company, so everyone is at a computer. It’s all lines of cubicles, a big server room, a lunchroom. The people are nice, the boss and his assistant are assholes.”

“So its not likely that the whole company is full of Theodosians. If anything, it’s a few of them. They probably wouldn’t kill you there, or do anything really, or the employees would notice. If it is a set up, we shouldn’t all wait in the car. They could be luring Dagger in to get at us, knowing we’d stay near him. We should stay close, but separate. I’ll go on my bike, Cal and Bet in their car, Dagger in his Jeep. We keep our eyes open, try to keep our connection open as well. Bet, if you have any protection charms we could use them. We have to assume they’ll take any opportunity to harm any or all of us. We should be ready to fight back. Beyond that, I don’t know. How do we plan when we have no idea who or what we’re fighting?”

BOOK: RoadBlock
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