Read Rock Hard Envy - Part 2 Online

Authors: D. H. Cameron

Rock Hard Envy - Part 2 (10 page)

BOOK: Rock Hard Envy - Part 2
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James roused me from my thoughts and handed me a gift. It was obviously a frame of some sort, maybe a picture but of what I couldn’t imagine. I tore the wrapping open as everyone watched. I couldn’t believe what I saw. “How did you do this?” I asked incredulously.

“I stopped playing defense and went on the offense. I can be very persuasive when I want,” James said.

“You didn’t beat anyone up did you?” I asked half-jokingly. I didn’t think James would resort to that, but he was very passionate.

“No. I merely offered incentives. It’s amazing what a few choice concert tickets and backstage passes can do to make people more reasonable. Well, that and a lawyer,” James said. I held up the license, my talent agent license, to show everyone.

“I guess I’m official,” I said. Everyone congratulated me but James had more.

“When we get back on Monday, I expect you to get your cute little ass back to work. I’m not paying you to sit around and eat my food, you know?” James said and I laughed. I stopped laughing when he announced, “Pete should have your new office all ready by Monday. It’s not fancy, but it’s got a great view of the ocean. Pete’s your new employee and here are the keys to your new talent agency, little girl.”




After some hysterics on my part and a lot of hugs, I settled down and asked, “How did you manage this?”

“Don’t get too excited. You’re still under investigation. I took Ernie to San Francisco with me after he read up on the
regs. Your application was received before the complaint and delayed through no fault of your own. We convinced that Thompson dude to relax a little and process your application. We spoke and he’s clued into the circumstances. He promised that if the investigation comes up empty, and it will, there might be sanctions for Vicky,” James explained.

“That’s amazing. Thank you, James,” I said and took his hand.

“It’s the least I can do, little girl. I guess I should tell you everything. I’ve been talking to Vinnie Sagan about playing at his place in Cabo to warm up for the tour. We’re booked tomorrow night, kind of last minute but he likes surprising his patrons,” James said. I know I should have known who that was and been excited, but I didn’t.

“I know you’re going to make fun of me, but who’s that?” I asked. That got a few snickers from the band, but it was Josie that took it upon herself to explain.

“My God, girl! Don’t they have music in Idaho? Vinnie’s like one of the biggest singers around. They call him the Mad Rocker. He’s a wild man on stage and drinks tequila like it’s water. He’s got clubs in Cabo, Miami, Lake Tahoe and Vegas,” Josie told me and that sounded kind of familiar.

“You’ve still got a lot to learn, little girl,” James said and then kissed me before, saying, “You and the other ladies are going to go shopping tomorrow before the show. I’m going to be busy getting ready all day but after the show, I’m all yours.”

“Darn right, you are,” I replied and tugged on James’ beard. That night after settling into our beach side rooms, we all but took over a fish taco stand by the ocean and spent several hours eating, drinking and enjoying each other’s company. James and Chad puffed on their cigars, Cubans since we were out of the country. In Cabo San Lucas, even with all the American tourists, the four members of battery were nearly anonymous and not a soul approached us for autographs or pictures. In the heart of Cabo, the band would likely be recognized but here on the water at a no name taco stand, James and the band were just regular people.

It was almost midnight by the time we got back to our resort. We all hugged goodnight before heading to our rooms. The band and the three women, Anna, Josie and I, felt like family. It was nice. Even Josie who had only been seeing Tommy for a couple of weeks was quickly becoming part of the clan. James and I went wearily into our room that overlooked the ocean, undressed and fell into bed. What an amazing day after so many weeks of tension and conflict.
Finally some good news and something positive.

“You happy, little girl?”
James asked as we lay there snuggled up in bed.

“Insanely,” I answered.

“God, I want to fuck you, but we should get our rest,” James said. I knew how he felt.

“We’ve both got busy days tomorrow. Besides, I have a feeling I’m going to attack you after the show. I love watching you perform. Rock stars are kind of sexy,” I said playfully. James chuckled.

“I do like it when you get fired up, little girl,” James answered. I don’t remember much else after that. Sleep came quickly and I didn’t wake until morning.


I had a great day with Anna and Josie. We shopped are behinds off. I just couldn’t keep my hands off all the sexy outfits they sold in the shops and for a resort town the prices weren’t bad. For the concert, we all agreed to wear bikinis. It was Cabo after all and it was too warm for leather and all that. I bought several swimsuits but the one I chose for the concert was black. I found a pink sarong and some black platform flip-flops to go with it. It was the latest in chic rocker girl beachwear, or at least it was now.

Anna was going to look amazing in her turquoise bikini and
Josie, well Josie just rocked her yellow string bikini. That girl knew how to fill out a bikini. Back at the resort, we all got ready and hit Vinnie’s club early. He met us at the door amongst the crowd that had gathered. As soon as word got out that Battery was playing Vinnie’s club, it became the place to be and people waited in line to get in.

“Anna, nice to see you, girl!”
Vinnie said as he let us in the club and high-fived a couple of fans waiting to get in. Vinnie was short, maybe five-ten, and stout with a smile that never seemed to go away, a head of frizzy, sandy blonde hair and a beard like James’, though not quite as unruly. He was dressed in a Battery t-shirt, cargo shorts and flip-flops.

“Hi, Vinnie.
It’s been a long time. How’s Cheri doing?” Anna asked as the two hugged. I assumed Cheri was his wife.

“She’s good. I’ve got her up in Tahoe cracking the whip. I recognize you from the tabloids, Simone. Nice to meet you in person,” Vinnie greeted me. I offered my hand but Vinnie laughed and pulled me in for a big bear hug. I giggled, his smile and energy were contagious, and hugged him back.

“Nice to meet you, too,” I replied. Then Vinnie turned his attention to Josie.

“You must be Tommy’s new girl. I’m Vinnie,” he said to Josie.

“Josie Rodriquez. I’m a huge fan,” Josie said and Vinnie seemed to lap up the attention.

“C’mon, you guys are sitting with me. I know Anna won’t drink with me and I bet you won’t either, will you Simone?” Vinnie asked. I shook my head. “Virgin
pina coladas OK?” he asked and Anna and I both nodded. “But you,” Vinnie said to Josie, “I bet you’ll drink with me. I’ve got a special bottle of tequila you might like.”

“Yeah, that sounds awesome. Thanks!” Josie replied. Vinnie raised his hand, Josie gave him a high-five and he laughed.

“Fuck yeah! Tonight’s going to be awesome,” Vinnie shouted and called a waitress over as we took our seats. Vinnie ordered our drinks and told the waitress to fetch a bottle of the good stuff for him and Josie. Vinnie was up and down over the next hour as we waited for the show to begin. When he wasn’t sitting with us, telling us off color jokes and stories that from anyone else I probably wouldn’t have believed, Vinnie was up greeting guests and flirting shamelessly with girls. He kept us entertained and my face hurt from laughing.

Finally, he left us and went up on stage. Most of the patrons were standing in anticipation, but Vinnie’s table had a fantastic view above the mass of people.
“Hey, everyone! Welcome. Some friends of mine are about to hit the road again and they asked if they could play a little warm up gig here in Cabo. Well, fuck yeah. That’s why I built this place. So put your hands together for the hottest rock band on the planet. Battery!” Vinnie announced.

Instead of a big curtain going up or the lights going out, James, Tommy, Chad and Benny simply walked out on stage. They looked like the rock stars they were and the crowd reacted accordingly. They shook some hands and then got ready to play. My pussy was already wet as I watched James slip his guitar over his head. As soon as everyone was ready, Battery proceeded to shake Vinnie’s club to its foundation. They opened up with a fast, loud hit from one of their early albums and the crowd immediately responded.

Vinnie was rocking out and I couldn’t help but to stand up. Anna and Josie joined me as Battery drove the small crowd wild. Watching the crowd was almost as much fun as the show. The entire band looked hot but James, their leader, stole the show. His roaring vocals and emotive guitar spoke to the fans and made my core burn with desire. It wasn’t long before I left the table to mix with the crowd and work my way to the front of the stage. My pussy ached for James and as good as it was to see him play, I couldn’t wait for the show to be over.

Battery burned through their set and left the crowd wanting more. These were the songs they would play on tour. I couldn’t imagine it getting better, but I knew the band would tweak things back at their studio, changing the order of the songs and maybe pulling one or two and replacing them.
But if this impromptu concert was any indication, Battery was about to set the world on fire. Anna and Josie joined me and we danced and rocked out to the melodic yet pounding music. Vinnie joined us now and again never staying in one place for long. Then, after a particularly charged song, James slowed things down. Out came the acoustic guitar and I knew what he was about to do.

“I wrote “Destroyed” a long time ago but it’s taken on new meaning for me as of late. In San Francisco last month, the band threw together an acoustic version for a special woman in my life. She’s here tonight, right down front shaking her thing,” James said and bent to take my hand. He knelt and kissed my hand, winked and stood again. The crowd went nuts. I guess everyone liked a good love story. “I wrote this before I met her but it’s still about my little girl and this is her version.” James announced.

He began to play as Tommy added his own acoustic opening solo. James played fiercely, his fingers dancing up and down the fret board as Tommy’s guitar sang in unison. Chad and Tommy played their parts but this was all about the men on the guitars. Josie watched, her mouth agape. Anna smiled warmly up at her husband, Chad. However, I waited for James to take everything to another level and he didn’t disappoint.

James sang with more emotion and passion that night than I’d ever seen. He had polished the acoustic version, my version, of “Destroyed” since he
debuted it in San Francisco and its depth was amazing. Lighters appeared and women wept as James took the crowd into the dark place along with the man about whom he sang. The man who had lost his love and destroyed himself in order to meet her on the other side, the man who was a metaphor for James’ own journey. I was the woman he found on the other side and I felt that as James sang. Those special words came, the same words I’d seen on that cocktail napkin framed in James’ office, and I knew them by heart.


She awaits in my mind, a vision, a goddess, a haze.

I am no good, not worthy of her but nevertheless I crave.

She looks upon me and lays me bare before her fiery gaze.

I am powerless before her, a broken, willing slave.


James knelt as he sang the words, not to the crowd but to me. It was as if I was back in his office that first night when he sang them to me. We were alone, if only for one precious moment, in that club. I knew at that moment, as a tear ran down my cheek, that I was ready to give myself to James fully and completely. I was his and always would be. We suffered through the storm and we had come out stronger than before. I had no doubt that James and I could withstand any challenge if we faced it together.

The song ended and I thought the set was over but for the tour, they needed to leave the crowd on a high note. They saved the best for last, their first hit, a rousing, fast and fun song that they wrote when they were still young men. James’ rhythm part was almost as complex as any solo Tommy ever played. It was a chance to show they still had it and did they ever. The crowd was small, maybe a few hundred strong and high on Vinnie’s tequila, but it sounded as if we were in a much bigger arena with a crowd of thousands.

They knew the words and sang the chorus after James egged them on. Soon James let the crowd take over on the choruses, of which there were many in this live version. Battery played their hearts out. James
was drenched in sweat and the way his arms and hands flexed as he played made my pussy ooze in anticipation. I wanted to rip off my bikini and take him right then and there. If he played for much longer, I might have. But the song finally ended and Vinnie was there to usher me and the girls backstage. The crowd cheered and chanted as we went and were still doing so long after Battery left the stage.

Everyone was smiling, laughing and celebrating. We all sensed that was something magical. James came to me and I could see the desire in his eyes. After everything that had gone down over the past week, we both needed release. The excitement of the concert only added to that need. “I’m yours now, little girl,” James said as I hugged him. I leaned in close so only he could hear.

“You know that thing you’ve been wanting. After that performance you’re going to get it, Mr. Turner,” I whispered and reached down to squeeze James’ hardening cock. He laughed softly and after a moment, he pulled away.

BOOK: Rock Hard Envy - Part 2
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