Rodeo (BBW Cowboy Romance) (BBW Western Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Rodeo (BBW Cowboy Romance) (BBW Western Romance)
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“Eva, I know it's your night but I think Grandma should call it a night, would you mind clearing this lot up before you come up to bed?”  He was now taking on my grandmother's full weight as the alcohol rapidly decided to take its toll.


“Of course, Grandpa, goodnight.” I waved and watched as they both disappeared towards the farmhouse.


Tommy immediately came to my aid, “Looks like it's going to be easier to sneak off than I thought.”


I knew exactly what he meant; I'd had visions of pretending to have to go to bed and then Tommy having to sneak back into the farmyard, scaling the walls and then climbing into my room like a desperate James Bond figure.   This now gave us the green light in which we could take our time, wait until the coast was clear and then choose where we were going to tiptoe off to.


The final guests dispersed leaving Tommy, myself and Dollie the Collie, who, strange as it may sound, seemed to be guarding me, looking at both Tommy and I in a knowing way.  As we stacked the final hay bale Tommy walked towards me – Dollie the Collie had other ideas and stood her ground between us, she wasn't acting aggressively, in fact she was completely the opposite, and she was wagging her tail and trying to play with us.


“I think someone senses the atmosphere?” Tommy laughed.


“I'll put her inside. The last thing I want is Dollie the Collie telling tales on us.”


So, pretending to play with Dollie, I coaxed her towards the house and encouraged her inside.  Dollie had her own kennel outside the back porch of the farmhouse but every now and again, if no-one was looking she sneaked into the house and curled herself up underneath the dresser in the kitchen, she thought nobody knew she was there but we all turned a blind eye occasionally but if she was invited then she didn't need asking twice.


Once I closed the door I was aware that my heart was beginning to thump in my chest.  This was it, I was going to finally be as one with Tommy, after all the waiting and the anticipation, not to mention my own personal fear, it was going to happen.


Walking back out into the farmyard, Tommy was dousing the flames of the fires; unbeknown to him there was a fire going on inside me at that very moment, a fire that he was only about to stoke further, I felt excited, apprehensive and a little coy but as I got closer, his smile appeased my nerves, not completely but it made me feel less nervous.  Standing by his side I felt his hand slip into mine, I didn't dare look at him in case he saw any anxiety in my eyes, I allowed him to take me wherever he intended. 


We walked towards the stables, when he'd suggested this place on our 'maiden voyage' I'd refused on the basis of being caught, this time, with the alcohol and party taking that out of the equation, I was confident that everyone was out of the game on that score.  Entering the stable it was almost soothing to hear the horses shifting in their slumber; a few muffled whinnies came from Cracker's shelter as she assumed that the strobe of light breaking through the door was that of someone with food, or perhaps a run in the midnight breeze.  Disappointingly for her, it was just two teenagers seeking indecent sanctuary from the outside world, a place where we would be getting up to no good in the eyes of the adults.  I didn't care though, it wasn't in a rebelling manner, and it was merely a step that I had previously put a block on but right now, was ready to embrace.


Embrace is exactly what we did. As the stable door closed we were enveloped in a soft, moonlit luminance.  Tommy held me in his arms and all my nerves just fell away, his hand touched the side of my face and then he bent and kissed me.  I had never kissed anyone in my life and whether I was doing it right or not mattered very little because to me, it felt right. I may not have experienced it for myself before that but I'd watched plenty of Hollywood actors kissing the faces off one another. How hard could it be? But I knew, even though I'd done this already a thousand times with Tommy in my dreams, we were both doing it right otherwise I wouldn't have been feeling what I was feeling at that moment in time. 

My body temperature seemed to soar, there was a definitely tingling in my toes and my stomach was somersaulting like an Olympian gymnast.  Still unsure and a little timid as to what I should be doing I granted Tommy the power to navigate, I was happy to shadow his
behavior so when his hands moved down my body, I followed his lead.  He began to undo the buttons on my blouse, slowly whilst still kissing me I was finding his movements mesmerizing, he was wearing a t-shirt which actually had no buttons for me to open but I was far too demure and inexperienced to start tackling his trouser buttons. 


At the very last button Tommy stopped kissing me for a second and looked as he opened the final one, slipping the material over my shoulders I could see the corners of his mouth turn into a smile as his eyes took in my breasts, still in my bra but available for him to touch.  His hands continued to travel and next to be removed was my bra, the one thing that was preventing my semi-nakedness.  My breathing was slightly faster and I hoped he couldn't see my heart dancing to his touch, as the clip was unfastened my nipples sprung forward, primarily due to the cold air but secondly because they yearned for Tommy's touch.  Watching as his fingers approached I realized that Tommy was shaking slightly, I wondered how experienced he actually was, had he gone as far with other girls or was this just as new as it was for me?


All I knew at that particular time was that when Tommy's fingers made contact with the skin of my breasts there was a definite electrical chemistry that surged from him into me, I gasped and I'm almost certain he did too.  He cupped both of them in his manly hands and felt the entirety of their weight and size.  Kissing me again, he continued to fondle my breasts whilst I enjoyed every single minute of it.  By now, there were other parts of me starting to react to his treatment, I was beginning to feel tingly in places I'd felt before only this time it was emphasized greatly. 

I certainly wasn't unaware of my body, being a teenager, like any other normal teenager, I had feelings, hormones and certain satisfactory needs.  Masturbation was something I'd discovered by accident on my own and thankfully, instead of considering it
shameful, dirty or taboo, it was something I participated in on a regular basis, without any kind of unease.  I'd had, on occasion discussed this with other girls at school and understood it was a healthy activity so, pleasuring myself was something I knew about.


The feelings I was experiencing at that time though were threefold, whereas I would feel excited with certain thoughts on my own, I had never felt the dampness I was feeling right there and then, also the aching down there was something very novel, yet very pleasant.


By now, Tommy was stroking my body all over and as he slipped both hands down into the back of my jeans, just having his fingers touching my backside was exhilarating.  Pulling me closer I was suddenly acquainted with the hardness of his crotch, as it met with mine Tommy sighed deeply and kissed me harder, I didn't have to concentrate on my side of things as my instincts took over, I found myself responding to his kisses.


“You have the most amazing curves, Eva,” he whispered into my ear.


Just hearing those words made me shiver with excitement; of course, I was in the midst of puberty and my body had always been fuller than the average girl my age but recently, almost suddenly I'd started to form into more of a voluptuous shape rather than a plump schoolgirl and Tommy hadn't been the first to notice.  He took a slight step back and took control of my jeans zipper, slowly he opened the metal teeth until it revealed my panties, then the jeans were removed.  Standing in just my white, cotton panties I was by now, even more thrilled than before, I held onto Tommy's forearms, almost clinging on for support.  I wasn't in fear and I wasn't unsure, I only felt breathless with arousal.


Tommy reached inside my panties and his finger lay gently on my clitoris, it sprang towards his touch and as he then felt the dampness surrounding it I heard him catch his breath.


“Beautiful, just beautiful,” he complimented.


At that moment in time I wanted to grab his hand and push it inside me, I felt so close to orgasm that I could have just done it there and then but I had to be patient, having him inside me was the ultimate goal and a quick satisfactory fumble wasn't what either of us had primarily planned.  Braving the bullet I lifted Tommy's t-shirt and he assisted in removing it, next were his jeans but Tommy was kind and removed them himself, both of us stood in only our underwear, I couldn't help but allow my eyes to stray to his crotch area and what I witnessed was
a lot
of enthusiasm.  I had never seen a penis in real life, only our blessed Biology lessons allowed me to experience how they looked and I was about to see one for real in a matter of minutes. 


Tommy's hand again found mine and he led us both off into the back of the stables, it was darkly lit by the outside moonlight, just enough for us to still see one another.  Laying me down on the cushioned hay he then lay down beside me, resting himself on one elbow so that he was slightly above me, he bent to kiss me and my hand stroked the back of his head, his soft, blonde hair filtering through my fingers, he kissed with his mouth and caressed my body with his hand.  Hesitating at my panties again, his finger found its way inside, this time he slid his finger inside me, this time it was my turn to gasp, of course my own finger had been there on many occasion but to have Tommy's there instead was a very surreal but overwhelming sensation.


“That feels so nice, are you ok? I'm not hurting you?” he kindly asked.

“No, no, quite the opposite,” I replied. I actually wanted to scream out loud for more, I was so overcome by this intense sensitivity.


Tommy's expertise was impressive, as his fingers moved in and out of my pussy, his thumb pressed firmly onto my clitoris, it was so swollen by now I thought it would burst beneath his touch but it was stimulating me so much I had to bring myself to slow him
down.  I needed to give him some attention to divert and waylay the feelings I was having otherwise I was going to reach orgasm far too early.  An orgasm wasn't anything new to me at all but an orgasm with a penis inside me was something absolutely novel and so, the orgasm wasn't going to be wasted on foreplay.


Tentatively but slightly boldly, I allowed my hand to travel down Tommy's abdomen until it reached the top of his boxer shorts, I hadn't expected it but as soon as it reached the material I could feel something, I then realized that it was the tip of his penis, this confirmed that Tommy was indeed, rather large in the trouser department.  I stroked with the tips of my fingers all the way down the bulge, I could also make out the thickness and that further confirmed that Tommy was
large in the trouser department.  As my fingers traced the outline I could feel the tension in his body, he let out a sigh and pushed himself further into my hands.  I released it from its confinements and gently gripped the shaft.


As I squeezed, Tommy made some gentle thrusts, like me he was over excited and if I'd held my hand in that position for long enough I think it would have all been over pretty soon. 


“Take off your panties whilst I sort something out,” I'd been so relieved to hear those words.


It's not that I wanted to behave irresponsibly, but I hadn't known how to approach the discussion of protection.  I wasn't taking any kind of birth control pill and I didn't want to get pregnant, being so brazen as to ask about it felt inappropriate for me personally so I was pleased that Tommy had shouldered the responsibility and freed me from the embarrassment. 


Before I had chance to explain any of this, Tommy had climbed on top of me,


“Are you ok with this, you're totally sure?” he asked.


“Never been surer,” was my response.


His hand disappeared down below somewhere and then I felt the tip of his penis touch the edge of my pussy.  I was so wet that despite his size and excitement it entered without difficulty. However, his proportions soon met with slight resistance because of my virginity.  I suddenly felt a slight tug and the entirety of him was fully inside.  Tommy groaned and lifted himself, as the motions swayed so did my head, I was fast losing myself in the moment, so turned on by the whole involvement, I was starting to feel a rise in my sensations.  The technique and the intimacy were creating a cascade of sparks waiting to explode, like a sizzling firework as its touch paper had been lit. I clung onto Tommy for what seemed like dear life and as his body wound itself around me I began my final journey.


Both of us moved perfectly, his penis expanded itself to my welcome and my pussy enveloped his every inch, lifting myself up to his every thrust, it happened.  Tommy allowed himself to tell me that he was almost there and we timed it to absolute perfection.  My very first orgasm with a penis inside me was, without a shadow of any doubt, was
most amazing event of my life.  It was like I'd been injected with a shot of adrenalin.

BOOK: Rodeo (BBW Cowboy Romance) (BBW Western Romance)
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