Read Rodeo King (Dustin Lovers Book 1) Online

Authors: Char Chaffin,Cheryl Yeko

Rodeo King (Dustin Lovers Book 1) (12 page)

BOOK: Rodeo King (Dustin Lovers Book 1)
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Rosemary gazed up at her new husband as
they stepped outside the church where they’d exchanged their vows to love,
honor, and cherish each other for the rest of their lives.

Her heart overflowed with happiness. The
road to this quaint little chapel may have been rocky, but their future soared

He stared back at her with so much love
shining from his sexy green eyes, their son settled on his left hip. Caleb’s
right arm wrapped securely around her waist as he held her close to his side.

“Whaddaya say, Mrs. Johnson?” He grinned
from ear to ear like a little boy who’d just been given his favorite treat.
“Ready for that honeymoon?”

Carson clapped his hands, wiggling with
excitement. “Yeah! I’m ready, Daddy. I’m ready!”

She smiled at her son, reaching out to
ruffle his carrot top. “Mommy and Daddy will pick you up from Uncle Mason’s
first thing in the morning, sweetheart, then it’s off to Disney World.”

“Whoopee!” Carson yelled as they passed
through the small crowd of friends and family lined up outside the church to
blow soap bubbles at them. Spying his uncle, he exclaimed excitedly, “I’m going
to Disney World.” Then, “Auntie Susie, I’m going to Disney World.”

Grinning, Mason held out his hand for a
high-five as Carson passed by. “Way to go, Lil’ Tuff.”

Susan laughed. “I know, buddy. You’re
going to have a great time.” She gave Rosemary a big hug, whispering in her
ear, “Be happy, BFF. I’ve decided he’s good for you.” Pulling back, and putting
on a fake scowl, she wagged her finger under Caleb’s nose. “I’m watching you,
Caleb Johnson, and I know where you live.”

Mason punched the arm Caleb had curved
around her shoulder, and growled, “Ditto.”

Rosemary wasn’t too sure her brother was
joking, but Caleb just laughed it off.

Suddenly, a smacking sound rang out sharply,
and everyone glanced toward the noise. A young blond woman was stalking off,
and Dave Jamison stood there with his hand cupping a reddened cheek, watching
her. A slow smile grew on his face.

Caleb stared. “Who’s that?”

Rosemary laughed softly, wondering what
the heck was going on. “That’s Mimi’s little sister, Dew.”

Her new husband’s mouth dropped as he
set Carson down, then he snapped it shut and shot her a look of amazement.

She scowled and punched him in the other
arm. “The name’s Dwana, and you know it. It’s because several idiot boys who’ll
remain anonymous gave her so much grief in high school that she’s changed hers
to Dew. So use it.”

Stepping closer, he leaned down and
brushed a kiss across her mouth. “Sorry, baby.” Then easing away, he glanced
down at her feet. “Let me see those boots.”

“These old things?” Lifting the hem of
her handkerchief-edged gown, she showed off her beat-up Dingos, their
silver-etched red leather vivid against the creamy lace.

His voice dropped lower, and he rumbled,
“Damn, I love those things. You gonna wear them for me tonight?”

She shot him the sexy look she knew he
loved best.

“Oh, yeah, cowboy,” she purred. “Just
the boots.”


If you enjoyed
, stay tuned for
Roping Her In,
Book 2 of the Dustin Lovers

Here’s a

“Mimi,” Dew Landry called out, “if we’re
gonna get to the wedding on time, you’d better haul ass.” She looked around for
her tiny handbag, the blingy one she’d picked up special for the occasion. It’d
been five years since she’d been back to Dustin, and she wanted to show
everyone she wasn’t the awkward girl who only sparkled when she was roping.

Her sister came running into the room,
hopping on one foot as she shoved her pump onto the other. Her bodice was
wildly crooked. “Sorry,” she said, laughing. “Frank
liked my

Dew rolled her eyes. The way Mimi and
Frank carried on, you’d think they were newlyweds instead of married for over a
decade. “TMI, big sister. TMI.”

A smile curved her lips as they made
their way to Mimi’s car. She was happy her sister had found a good man. One of
the few out there, in Dew’s opinion. Her luck hadn’t been as good, starting as
far back as junior high when the boys began teasing her by pronouncing her name
‘Do-you-wanna’ instead of Dwana. After she’d graduated and joined the pro
roping circuit, she’d shortened her name to Dew. She’d never answer to Dwana

It took about a half hour to reach the
chapel where Rosemary Carmichael was marrying Caleb Johnson, former Wyoming
rodeo king. Dew hoped her old friend knew what she was doing, marrying the
cowboy who’d once deserted her to become a bull-riding circuit star. But she
figured everyone deserved a second chance.

The ceremony was just getting underway as
they slipped onto a bench in the back of the room. Dew grinned to see Carson,
cute as a button in a white tux and white Stetson, holding his parents’ hands
as they exchanged vows.

She glanced around the room and stopped
short, inhaling a quick breath when she spotted
. Dave Jamison,
ex-star quarterback and her one big crush in high school, sat just a few seats
in front of her.

Next to her, Mimi laughed softly. “See
something you like?”

Casting her sister an exasperated look,
she whispered, “Did Jamison ever get married?” He’d never given her the time of
day, not even to tease her about her name. But she was no longer the tall,
blundering girl from high school, and she’d learned a thing or two on how to
handle a man. Maybe tonight she’d just walk right up to him and see if the
spark she’d felt all those years ago was still there.

“Nope, still single,” Mimi whispered in
a conspiratorial tone. “I’d heard rumors he was involved with Rosemary, but as
you can see that didn’t work out.”

“Mmm,” Dew mused. The split must have
been amicable, or he wouldn’t be at the wedding.

“You may now kiss the bride,” the
preacher intoned.

A grin the size of Texas spread across
Caleb’s face as he leaned over the top of his son’s head and laid one on his

Standing next to the groom, Mason let
out a loud, “Yee-haw!” He whipped off his own white Stetson and slapped it on
his thigh as he stomped both feet. One by one the congregation responded by
throwing hats in the air and stomping their feet.

Dew laughed in delight and stomped along
as the newly wedded couple, swinging their giggling son between them, made
their way down the aisle and out the door.

Her gaze landed on Dave, sexy as hell in
his Western dress suit, as he stood and followed the crowd outside. Her heart
raced at the thought of approaching him. She wondered if he’d even recognize
her after all these years. Her thin frame had filled out, and although still
small breasted, her body was a testament to the hard-core exercise regime
required to make it on the circuit.

“So, little sister.” Mimi nudged her in
the side. “You gonna just look, or are you gonna go for it?”

Dew’s smile grew as she stood. Giving
Mimi a wave, she headed out the door. She spied Dave’s broad shoulders across
the way, his back to her. Her stomach fluttered. That man had one fine ass.

She walked up and tapped him on the
shoulder, the flutter in her belly becoming a swarm of butterflies as he slowly

His eyes widened, his gaze dropping down
the length of her body and back up. “Do-you-wanna?” he asked in amazement.

She gasped in disbelief.
No, he

Oh, yeah. He did. Dew didn’t even
hesitate a second, as she swung her arm in a wide arc.

! The sound of
her hard slap echoed in the air.

Spinning on her heel, she raised her
hand and flashed him the middle finger over her back as she strode toward the
parking lot to wait for Mimi.

Dave Jamison could go to hell!


You might
also enjoy our Boxed Set, along with our BFF, USA Today Best Selling Author
Callie Hutton

Me Forever Three Boxed Set:
Romance . . . Love
. . . Forever. One Story At A Time. 


Please check out my other releases!

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consider leaving a review. Enjoy the romance!

Char can be found here and there on
the web. Stop by and visit!

Falling In Love is
Only the Beginning:





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appreciated. Happy Reading!

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Where Love Always





BOOK: Rodeo King (Dustin Lovers Book 1)
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