Read Room 103 02 - Thrilling Heaven Online

Authors: D. H. Sidebottom

Room 103 02 - Thrilling Heaven (9 page)

BOOK: Room 103 02 - Thrilling Heaven
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Chapter 13



A door opened beneath the stairs and E and her father
exited as I sat and waited for her on the plush velvet couch. It was quite
gross really but I kept that opinion to myself. I valued my head.


“Thank you, Eve. So much” her dad said as he took her hands
in his and my brow lifted. He leaned in to kiss her but she backed off slightly
“Baby steps, okay?”

He smiled warmly then nodded, “Yeah.”

She nodded back at him as she glanced at me waiting for
her. “You promise to… ring?” he asked her hesitantly.

She blinked at him but smiled back warmly “I promise.”

He grinned at her and turned back into the room, closing
the door quietly behind him as E walked over to me.

“Everything okay, hot stuff?” I asked as I noticed tear
marks on her pale cheeks.

“Hopefully” she answered vaguely and I squeezed her hand,
knowing she would tell me when she was ready.


She climbed in the jeep and I slid in beside her, casting
a nervous glance at her and she cocked an eyebrow without looking at me as she
revved up the engine, “You’re still getting a tattoo.”

I nodded despairingly. “Do I really have to have Potter though,
E? I mean… fucking Potter? He’s just not even remotely cool, even Hermione is
fucking niftier than Potter!”

She pursed her lips as she pulled away from the ginormous
gates and onto a long dirt road, “Tell you what, I’ll let you choose. Potter

I could see her mischievous cogs turning and my stomach
groaned in apprehension as she gave me a wicked beam, “…or your mother’s name.”

My jaw dropped as I glowered at her “I can’t have my
mother’s name tattooed on my ass, E, that’s just… wrong, in so many ways!”

“Potter it is then” she chuckled happily and I sat and
boiled all the way back.




“Dear God, E. I promise I’ll babysit, I’ll clean your
house, I’ll do your laundry, hell, I’ll even give Jax a blow job when you’re
sick for you, but please…” I begged as Zoe pulled down my shorts and slapped my

E grinned and shook her head slowly, “Uh-uh, a promise is
a promise, Boss.”

“I second that” Bulk chuckled from the line of chairs
where all the band was situated in profile with a bird’s eye view of my bare

“I dunno, babe” Jax offered as he grinned at me, “the
blow job could work.”

I stared at him with a ‘you are so dead’ glare as he
winked provocatively at me, then settled back and crossed his arms over his
chest waiting for the entertainment to start.

They were all gonna pay for this, so fucking deeply!


“Holy shit!” I hissed as the needle scraped across my
naked skin and I closed my eyes as a tear dripped down my cheek.

Pussy? Yep, that’s me!




E smirked at me again as I grumbled something deathly at
her and twisted over onto my side to look at Zoe, “You heard from Jen?”

She gave me a pained looked and shook her head with
sadness, “No, I keep ringing but she doesn’t pick up. She’s supposed to be back
at work today and I’m debating whether to go over there and see her.”

I lifted a brow at her “Where does she work?”

God that saddened me. She had a life I didn’t know about
but I shook the thought from my head, knowing we would enjoy getting to know one
another again; this time openly and freely, instead of sneaking off into long
grass fields to touch her; even though the memories still brought a smile to my
face and a hard on in my shorts.


“Looper’s Advertising” she disclosed and I slid off the
bench and hissed when I pulled my shorts and combats back up over my sore ass.

“You can’t just go round there!” Zoe scoffed and I stared
at her.

She didn’t know me very well.

works there” she divulged in a warning.

“Same office?”

She shook her head, “No, he’s six floors up but…”

I tipped my head and grinned at her “Then bring it
fucking on!”




“I have an appointment with Mrs Hart, Ethan Hart, Room

The receptionist’s eyes widened before they scanned my
body and I gave her a wink and my best smile.

“Of course, Mr Hart. If you’ll just give me a moment.”
She smiled sweetly as she picked up her phone. “I have a Mr Hart from Room 103
in reception, Ms Hart.”

She nodded and glanced at me with a faint frown, “Uhh,
excuse me but Ms Hart asks for your appointment to be moved back an hour, she’s
currently in a meeting with Mr Hart and Mr Franklyn.”

Too many Hart’s, love, I know!

I nodded to her. “Yes, that’s fine Ms Hart. Thank you.”

“I’m terribly sorry about this, Mr Hart,” She offered
“would you like something to drink whilst you wait?”

Thinking it not a good idea to wait around in case Kyle
showed his ugly mug, I told her I would return in an hour.


Pulling out my cap from my back pocket, I pulled it on my
head and over my eyes as I entered the coffee shop across the road and ordered
a coffee and a muffin before I chose a chair in the corner where I could see
Jen’s work place through the window. 


I squinted through the filthy glass and up to a third
floor window on Looper’s Advertising as I noticed a rear end perch on the
window sill.

I would recognise that damn fine arse anywhere and I
sighed in contentment, even from just a glimpse of her.

By the looks of her, she had her arms crossed in front of
her chest and her shoulders were tense, a stance of hers I knew as being
defensive and I frowned as I saw Kyle approach her.


She flinched when he reached out to her face to tuck a
strand of her soft hair behind her ear and my fists clenched tightly as he
touched her.

I knew he was her husband but he had lost any rights to
touch her when he hurt her and the sight of it made my teeth crack together
unforgivingly. My fucking blood simmered as I watched him lean in and kiss her
and I smirked to myself when I noticed her hands were now gripping the sill.

They were always clung to my hair or around my neck or
grabbing my ass and sometimes even on my fucking dick when I kissed her.

God, she kissed bloody brilliantly. So soft but so full
of love and passion and I turned my gaze away for a moment, the pain in my
chest hurting at watching his lips on hers.


When I glanced back up, they were gone and I downed my
coffee and made my way back across the road.

Chapter 14


Miss Smiley Receptionist beamed at me and picked up her
phone before I had even approached her.

She smiled and gestured for me to go up when I reached
her, “Floor three, and Ms Hart’s office is on the right, Mr Hart.”

“Thank you so much, sweetheart.” I grinned back at her.
She giggled and shifted in her seat excitedly, her eyes on me all the way to
the elevator.


Exiting on the third floor, I approached the stern faced
secretary, who tilted her eyes up to me when I walked up to her.

She shifted her gaze and gave me a once over before her
lips lifted in a seductive smile and her teeth pulled in her bottom lip.

“Can I help you, sir?” she purred with lidded eyes and I
smiled as Jen opened her office door and waved me in.

“Dana, I’m going to be held up with Mr Hart for the next hour,
please make sure we’re not disturbed, I have some VT’s to present.”

Dana nodded sternly at Jen and I frowned at her sudden
coolness, “Of course, Ms Hart.”


As soon as I entered Jen’s office she clicked the lock on
her door and twisted the blinds shut. “Get naked, lover,” She demanded immediately.
No ‘Hi baby’, no ‘God I’ve missed you’, just ‘get naked’ even after nearly
three weeks of not seeing her.

Holy Hell, my girl was horny but who was I to argue with

She may physically attack me if I didn’t obey, and I
couldn’t have that, I was a nice person, too nice to be assaulted.


She was already unbuttoning her blouse and I grinned at
her shoes, the near damn bright red skyscrapers giving her the extra height and
delectable shape to her calves made my cock groan in appreciation and I placed
my hand over it to calm him down a little.

“Keep the shoes on and bend over the desk.” I ordered
sternly as I unbuttoned my cargos and pulled them far enough down my hips to
free my raging cock. He needed this, fuck, so damn much and within three
seconds I had her skirt around her hips and was thrusting inside her

She bucked back onto me and we both groaned in ecstasy at
the joining.

Oh my God, I needed this woman more than I needed to


“Fuck me hard, Ethan. I need you hard and rough.”

Holy shit, I nearly came at the sound of her husky

I gripped her hair and pulled her head back as I nibbled
on her neck, “You want it hard, baby?”

“Fuck, yes.” She growled and I pulled out slowly before
slamming back into her so hard she nudged her desk further towards the window.

“Oh God, Yes, like that baby.” She wheezed as I treat her
to a repeat drive, my balls slapping against her clit musically as I found a
hard and brutal rhythm.

God she felt fucking divine, so soft and silky, like
nothing I’d ever felt before and I closed my eyes at the sensation of her
warmth around my hot and pulsing hard on.


She lowered her head and bit her arm to stifle her cries
as she came scorching and wet all over my delighted dick whilst her perfect
pussy closed around me in a harsh constriction.


I grit my teeth as the white exquisite pain coursed
through my veins and the pleasure of my climax hit with such force I choked on
my breath and shuddered violently as I engulfed her in masses of my heated spunk.

I hissed as quietly as I could as her
internal walls contracted again, another orgasm overtaking her violently.

“Oooh Fuckkkkk, Ethan…” She jerked wildly and growled savagely
as her whole body convulsed aggressively and I held on to her waist to hold her

Christ, she was fucking feral. Her fingernails scraped
along the polished mahogany on her desk and a strange snarl erupted from her as
she gripped my cock so tight I was frightened for the little guy.

“Jesus Holy Christ, baby. You okay?” I asked as I planted
small kisses down the groove of her spine to help calm her down.


Her forehead slammed onto her desk and she laughed, quite
loudly and obscenely.

I pulled out of her reluctantly and spun her round,
lifting her and settling her on the desk.

Her hands came up to her face and I suddenly realised she
wasn’t laughing but crying, full-on snotty uncontrollable sobs that tore
through my soul with each of her heart-wrenching cries.

“Shush, baby, I’m here, Jen. I love you, baby, I love

She clung to me desperately, her nails and fingertips
digging into the flesh on my back as she held onto me hard and tight. “I… I c..can’t
do th..this, Ethan.” She stuttered and I froze.

No! Oh God, no.


“Baby, please. I’m here; I’ll look after you, no matter
what, Jen. Please.”

She swallowed and looked up at me, the pain and
desolation in her eyes closed my throat and I fought to inhale.

She wiped her nose with the back of her hand and I should
have been disgusted but she looked terribly sweet and vulnerable that I offered
her my shirt.

She giggled enchantingly and I grinned at her, “Who needs
Richard Gere, when you got me, pretty woman?”


Her eyebrows puckered as a serious expression filtered
across her face and her desperate eyes locked me down. “He threatened to shoot
you, Ethan. He had a gun and said he was gonna… he was gonna…”

She hiccupped and I smiled softly at her before I kissed
her sexy little forehead. “Baby, I don’t give a flying fuck if he aims a
fucking rocket launcher at my head, I’m yours, I’m always gonna be yours and
you are always gonna be mine,” I whispered as I rested my mouth on her soft
skin and inhaled her appealing scent of peaches.

She shook her head rapidly. “But, I can never leave him
and he knows it. He’s… he’s been weird, weirder than usual… nice.”


I lifted both brows in a stunned silence at her revelation
and she nodded then shivered. “It makes me physically wanna vomit, Ethan. His
touches, his words, the way he looks at me, it’s… it’s calculated and
manipulative and…” she sighed heavily and dropped her forehead onto my chest as
her arms came behind me and her fingers splayed on the bottom of my back as she
sought comfort from being close to me.

The simplicity to her easy embrace made my stomach pool
with a kind of warm feeling, like you know someone loves you when they’re so
relaxed with you, you witness every bodily function available without a hint of
embarrassment or mortification.

Stupid? Yeah, that’s me! Knowing someone loves you so
much they’re comfortable farting in front of you.


I exhaled deeply as I tilted her face towards me with my
fingertip, “You want this, Jen? Whatever we have, you want it as badly as me?”

“I’ve always wanted it, Ethan. Throughout everything, all
I’ve ever wanted was you, just you... and me, together.”

I studied her face with eager eyes as I tickled the tip
of her nose with my own, “Then come with me now. We can hide away for a while
at Bulk’s if it makes you feel better, he has excellent security, it’s a thing
of his, after his wife.”

She scrunched her nose and sighed, “It’s not that easy
anymore, Ethan.”

“Jen, it’s as easy as you wanna make it. Just stand, put
one foot in front of the other and walk out of here with me. Put your shirt on
first though, baby. Great tits and all, but I don’t want everyone to see them.”


The corner of her lip lifted slightly before she resumed
her serious expression and her hands lifted to my face. “Ethan, you know how
much I love you, how much I’ve always loved you, baby.”

I nodded at her words, my guts churning slightly at the
way she said them, as if she was gonna drop a huge corker on me.

“You’re my soul, Ethan; my smile, the beat of my heart,
the blood that courses through me, the sun on a dark day. You’re there always.”

“Will you just fucking spit it out, Jen. I’m getting a
bit freaked here.”

She pulled in a huge breath and looked at the floor, “I’m

Oh, okay.


“Is this history repeating itself or what?” she laughed
without humour, her face torn and desperate.

I just stared at her; I didn’t know what to say really. I
merely huddled her up in my arms and held her, held her as tight as I could, my
love and reassurance flowing through me and hopefully pulsing into her.

She needed all the confidence she could gain from me
right now.


I closed my eyes and exhaled heavily; hating the question
I had to ask, “Do you know whose it…”

She shook her head before I finished and I pursed my lips
at the thought of Kyle at her, his cock in her…

No, No, No, Boss, you do not even go there!


I palmed her cheeks and lifted her face to me. “It’s
mine, baby, I know it is.”

“God, Ethan. You don’t know how much I want that to be
the truth but we both know…”

“Ssshhh” I said sternly as I shook my head, “I have
Olympic swimmers baby, little troopers wielding swords and swimming caps that
can swim through anything. My sperm is fucking potent, it glows in the dark
it’s that strong, Jen. It’s mine.”

She stared at me intensely and I noticed her throat bob
as her face screwed up before she gushed out a huge bark of laughter. “Jesus
Christ, I love you” she beamed.

I beamed back and hoisted her off the desk and into my
arms as she wrapped her legs around my waist.


I circled her nose with my own as I held her eyes. “We’ll
deal, Jen. We always deal. You and me, baby. We’re gonna rock the fucking
world; you, me and baby Boss.”

She smiled widely, the twinkle in her eyes flickered
lightly but it was still there and I knew right then, in that moment as I held
the woman I loved and my baby in her belly, just how right I would make things
for her.

I would crawl to the ends of the god damned earth for
her, on glass and nails if I had to whilst the devil himself pissed on me.

I had got her, she was mine and I swore I was never ever
letting her go again.

BOOK: Room 103 02 - Thrilling Heaven
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