Read Roses & Thorns Online

Authors: Chris Anne Wolfe

Roses & Thorns (16 page)

BOOK: Roses & Thorns
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almost laughed again and shook her head, but then she registered the serious
note in his question. She looked out. The crowd had stilled their feet, their
hands clapping in time to the drummer's beat. In the center of the ring, a
youth was on his knees and leaning back, a slender torch held high. The gold
and amber of the flame matched the colors of his clothing. His hair was as
bright as the flame of the setting sun. The crowd laughed and spurred him on as
he bent back further until his head nearly touched the ground behind. Then
suddenly the flame disappeared as he swallowed the whole of its fiery ball.

a shout of triumph he discarded the stick. Applause and cheers greeted him as
he sprang into the air, somersaulting backwards — not once, but twice. On the
third hop and fling, though, he faltered, landing in a sprawling heap amidst
the bare feet and tattered skirts of a village girl. The crowd chided him
playfully at the obvious ploy as the maid bent beside the still form of the
acrobat. He abruptly awakened and stole a kiss, and the music began again.
Angelique noticed the couple leave the circle to seek out the more private
depths of the forest's darkness. She looked to Culdun.

is a night of rashness, my Lady." Culdun lifted his bushy brows. "It
is a night to forget caution, to throw the dice in a gamble or two. The maids
flirt—" Culdun gestured to the dancing and Angelique now saw it was just
an excuse for a touch or a glance. "The youths entreat—" Blushing,
Angelique turned away. Culdun continued, "Some sample sweets with no
thoughts of future feasts. Others," Culdun shrugged with deliberate
casualness, "use the night's enchantment as a way to make it plain to
their beloved that the time is ripe to hurry the inevitable."



nodded in response, but her thoughts were already elsewhere. Her fingers moved
unconsciously to the magickal locket about her neck and didn't see Culdun hide
his smile in his cup as he pretended to drain a last droplet or two.

eyes scanned the dancers. Culdun lifted a finger and pointed across the
clearing. "There, my Lady."

fingers dropped from the locket as she touched his shoulder gratefully. Then
she left him and moved unerringly toward Drew. Culdun watched her go.

what are you looking so pleased about, you romantic old fool?" A stocky
young man plunked down in the emptied seat and poured half of his wine into
Culdun's cup. The other thanked him with a grin.

at them." Culdun nodded to where Drew and Angelique stood together, their
clothes highlighted by the fire's red glow.

faces were shadowed, and as Angelique pressed close to Drew the young man said,
"You say she's the one?"

Culdun nodded vigorously. "The very one."

we've all cause for more celebration!" The younger man wrapped an arm
about Culdun's neck and they toasted together. Then the younger man pulled
Culdun close for a sound kiss.

was wondering when you were going to get around to that." Culdun grinned
when their kiss ended. Arms around each other, they staggered to their feet.

along now before I throw you across these broad shoulders of mine and make a
complete spectacle out of both of us!"

need for that," Culdun laughed and they made their way home.

I want to dance," Angelique announced, as she pressed herself close to her
beloved. "You have honored everyone but me tonight, it seems, with the
pleasure of your company." Her words were light and breathless, but her
eyes boldly devoured the woman before her.

was truly dressed to honor the Old Ones tonight, her garb of bright autumn
copper and bronze replacing her usual somber tones. She'd exchanged her white
tunic for a gold-colored billowy shirt with ribbon-sliced sleeves. Her ebony
hair was tied back but for the thin braid before her left ear, and her
cheekbones had been painted like the other Elders' with the green diamond-headed

I trust the faery folk, do you think?" Angelique waved at the musicians
and dancers. "As partners, I mean?"

flared in those dark eyes and Angelique was satisfied her teasing had found its
mark. "Or should I bid you to come dance instead? After all, you are my

smile was contagious, her humor infectious. Drew answered with a soft laugh.
Angelique gave Drew no time to change her mind but grasped her hand and pulled
her along. Culdun was right; tonight was a night for gambling.

danced until they were parched, then shared a drought of ale and a plate of
cheese, bread and meat before dancing again. If Drew noticed Angelique's
stumbled steps caused her to fall a bit more often into those strong arms, she
gave no sign. If the cheese was suspiciously so good that Angelique was
prompted to share her bite with her companion and her fingers lingered
over-long along the soft line of Drew's mouth, Drew kept her own counsel.

Angelique became aware of a tighter grasp about her waist as they spun, of the
hand that tipped her chin as the stein was held for her to drink, of the
burning power in that dark gaze as it began to follow her every move. And she
laughed, delight mingling with excitement. Caution sizzled into oblivion as she
met bold gaze with bold gaze.

was her night, finally, to demand.

nearly falling, Angelique dragged Drew out of the mayhem of music to the
flickering edges of the firelight's reach. A tree offered her a brace and,
gasping for breath, she leaned back gratefully.

fingers reached out, lifting Angelique's thick braid aside. The laces on her
blouse had come loose during the dancing and Angelique felt a shiver at the
night's coolness upon her skin, but she made no move to retie them. Drew's
touch lingered on her bare shoulder, and she shivered for another reason. She
moistened her lips as Drew moved closer, blocking the fete from sight and
thought. Angelique met Drew's dark gaze for less than a heartbeat before Drew's
mouth found hers.

kiss was hungry, demanding, and Drew's arms closed fast about her, answering
her need, pulling her nearer. Her toes barely touched the earth as she was
lifted into Drew's embrace, and she clung to Drew's shoulders as Drew's hungry mouth
forged ragged paths down the pulsing lines of her throat. She gasped and
trembled. Drew moved her kisses upwards to Angelique's ear and, as she did so,
Angelique's own mouth tasted Drew's tender skin. Angelique trembled again, this
time at the quivering she caused in the other. Her teeth bit lightly and she
groaned as her ear was touched by hot breath and teasing tongue.

voice was heated. "Lie with me tonight." It was not a question, but a

Angelique's feet returned to the ground as they kissed again, and she repeated
her fervent reply, "Please, yes!"

pulled back suddenly. Before Angelique could speak, Drew said, "Not here.
At home," and swept her up, carrying her into the shadows. The white
stallion snorted at their arrival, calming with a murmured word. They mounted,
Angelique safely gathered in her beloved's arms as the horse stepped off down
the trail.

flamed in Drew's dark gaze. Angelique untied the top lacing of Drew's vest and
felt a heart thudding in racing time with her own.

magick portal opened. They came home.

breeze blew gently. Angelique shivered with the night's chill until Drew's
voice whispered her name and she forgot the world again. Her arms slid around
her beloved's neck as they dismounted before the stables, then were in
Angelique's room a heartbeat later.

fire blazed into life, brightening the dimness. The bedding turned down with a
magickal flourish. Slowly, Drew set her on her feet.

returned to her unfinished task of quietly untying Drew's vest. She paused at
the last knot, to answer the question on Drew's face. She smiled and answered
again, "Yes."

mouth that took hers this time was gentle and soft. She sank back into the
crisp sheets and pulled Drew down on top of her. There, they paused. Angelique
stared into Drew's dark eyes and, finding what she sought there, abandoned
herself to the power of Drew's touch.

gentle finger pushed the silken strands from her brow. Slowly, Angelique roused
herself from sleep.

smile deepened as Drew said, "I didn't mean to wake you."

stop." Angelique put up a hand. "It feels nice. You feel nice."

you need to sleep?"

a bit."

answering smile fluttered across Drew's face, and it pleased Angelique to see
her beloved relax beside her. Angelique's body glowed with the sated calm left
from Drew's lovemaking. The faint ache in her muscles was a tangible testimony.
Lying beside Drew, Angelique felt only their love. For tonight, at least, all
their ghosts were banished.

nuzzled into Drew's fingers and sighed as the warm palm cupped her cheek.
"Thank you." The question on Drew's face prompted Angelique to add,
"For the light."

Drew glanced up. The pale blue of magickal fireflies danced lazily about the

starry blanket for a lovely night," Angelique murmured. "I like being
able to see you and knowing you see me."

never liked it when I hid from you."

touched Drew's face, turned it toward her in the light. For a moment, neither
spoke. Then, "May I touch you?"

if in answer, Drew's breath came in short, shallow gasps.

want my turn. To please you."

don't know if I can."

can, Drew. Let me. Please."

a long moment, Drew hesitated, but finally, she nodded.

Angelique let her hand curl against Drew's cheek. Drew's dark eyes closed and
her body arched with need, baring her throat for Angelique's kisses.

beloved." Angelique pressed satin kisses to that pulsing line. Tension
melted into desire as trust replaced fear. There would be no interruption this
time. No denial. Angelique shifted, her touches growing bolder. And a shudder
of another kind began within Drew as Angelique bent her head to the smooth skin
that covered the gentle curve of Drew's collarbone, kissing the skin softly.
Her gentle coaxing muffled, she took Drew's breast into her mouth. Drew gasped,
sinking her fingers deep into Angelique's hair to pull her closer. Angelique

Drew's nipples were both hard as polished gems against her tongue, Angelique
shifted, laying her head against Drew's belly, and encircled Drew's waist with
her arm. Her other hand brushed across crisp curls and then her fingers sank
into wetness. "Oh, so ready!" Angelique felt her own desire rise
again with the homage paid her by Drew's desire.

hand found Angelique's wrist and pressed the touch down. Angelique's fingertips
glided in whirling temptation. Drew's hips lifted, offering herself to
Angelique's touch. With a deep-throated "Yes," Angelique encouraged
her abandon.


Angelique slipped her fingers into Drew and felt her own muscles contract as
Drew held her there. Drew pushed against her, and together they quickly found a
rhythm that caught her lover in its whirlwind, spinning her higher as Angelique
watched, held and pushed deeper for her.

yes, my love. Yes," Angelique breathed. She felt the gathering of tension
in Drew's body and, with a moan, sank her mouth into Drew's wetness.

arched as neither fingers nor tongue relented. With a joyous cry and sudden
release, purgatory vanished and both hearts soared into heaven.


meadowlark trilled, anticipating the morning's arrival. Part of Angelique
wished it were a nightingale and that there was still the entire eve to come
again. A warm arm slipped around her waist, a hand took hers tenderly.

now, beloved." The words were a rich, low sound that encircled her heart
as wholly as that simple embrace held her body. "I am here."

won't let you go," Angelique mumbled, snuggling more closely against her
lover and settling, content once more.

soft laughter echoed in her ears as she drifted off. Angelique never remembered
it sounding so genuine before. And holding that thought, she slept.

woke alone, but began to laugh as soon as she opened her eyes, a laughter that
brought tears of joy to her eyes as she beheld her room.

was covered with fair, pink roses. Her quilt was covered with the blossoms, the
floor littered so thickly that the carpet was completely lost. Tucked into the
hanging sheer draperies on her terrace doors, dusted across chairs, vanity and
hearth, strewn about the entire room were thousands of blooms. Only the pillow
beside her was nearly bare. It held but a single, thornless stem with two
blooms and a pair of letters.

BOOK: Roses & Thorns
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