Read Sabrina's Vampire Online

Authors: A K Michaels

Sabrina's Vampire (6 page)

BOOK: Sabrina's Vampire
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sat down and the water spilled over his body – the heat welcome
against his skin. Sabrina stood in front and he pulled her closer –
moving his head to her apex – his mouth going to work. Sabrina
braced her arms on the wall above his head, gasping and moaning at
his ministrations! God! What he could do with a tongue!

brought her to orgasm with his mouth – quickly - and Sabrina
was gasping loudly. Finding it difficult to get a breath! The water
cascading down over her head – her hair hanging down in front
of her in a wet veil.

smiled – she was so responsive to his touch – without
using his vampire abilities – fuck she was magnificent! He
pulled her down so that her legs straddled him and without any
preamble entered her hard!

sharp intake of breath that was drawn from her was like music to his
ears! He started to move – thrusting up and deep – while
using his strength to grasp her hips and move her also. He knew that
her legs were like jelly at the moment so she couldn't move under her
own steam!

and harder he thrust and soon he could feel her rise again –
her head thrown back, her hair falling wet and long down to nearly
her behind! Her throat right there in front of him!

fangs erupted all on their own and he tried to retract them but his
body would not obey!

moved her head forward and looked down into Kyles face – and
she saw great, huge, white fangs, gleaming in his mouth!

Fear rippled deep in her belly – what had she done! She was
naked in a shower with a fucking vampire! A vampire that could rip
her throat out easily and leave her for dead!

– I won't – I told you Sabrina – I will not harm
you – trust me!” Kyles voice was low but she heard it and
hells bells she believed him!

thrust harder and Sabrina started to move too – her legs had
recovered enough to help him in their movements. Not that he had
needed the help – he moved her about as if she weighed nothing
at all!

kept her eyes on his face – watching the feelings cross it –
pleasure was right there – up front and foremost on his face.
It affected her in a deep primal way – and soon she was
screaming his name as she came again!

thinking she moved forwards, cuddling into Kyle, his own orgasm
ripping from him. Too late she realised her mistake!

throat right there in front of his fangs!

felt him lick her throat on the side, felt the sharp scratch of his
fangs and once more fear pooled deep inside her.

won't hurt you Sabrina – I'm getting a bit tired at saying
that!” Kyles voice sounded hurt and Sabrina winced. He had not
given her any reason to doubt him – had rescued her the night
before so she tried to relax.

it hurt?” Sabrina asked – knowing that he wanted to
pierce her neck – not knowing if she wanted him to or not.

not – in fact it will feel good – very good.”
Kyle's voice was now filled with need – a different kind of
need now and it turned her on again – WTF was going on with
her body!!!! She had no control over it at all!

she asked and Kyle nodded - “I promise – and I won't take
a lot – just a little – I need to taste you Sabrina –
may I?” Kyle asked and realised he was all but pleading!

didn't plead – shit he didn't usually even ask – he took
what he wanted or needed with no thought to anyone but himself! What
was Sabrina doing to him – he was asking if he could! He didn't
know but he hoped her answer was yes because he didn't know if he
could stop it now!

– I think I trust you Kyle – tho I don't know why –
go on.” Sabrina held her breath, waiting on the pain that those
massive fangs would surely inflict on her neck!

became hard again inside her just at the thought of feeding from her.
Sabrina felt it and moaned deeply moving her head slightly and it
gave him a clearer view of her throat.

saw the pulse underneath the skin, heard her heartbeat quicken and he
pushed up into her and lowered his mouth. His lick was first then the
fangs pierced – going deep into her neck. A groan of pleasure
came from her throat and she started to move on him once again.

took his first mouthful – the taste hit his senses and he
gasped – it was glorious!

and savoury at the same time but the taste was so unique he was
shocked. Most blood tasted alike – or blood groups – with
slight differences only between type A, B etc – but this –
this blood that was entering his mouth was like no other he had ever
tasted and it was intoxicating!

pulled some more and knew that Sabrina was near another orgasm –
he went with her – pulling again on her neck – and a loud
scream burst from Sabrina's throat. The feelings in her body so all
consuming that nothing else mattered – only the sensations
coursing through her system.

felt Kyle's climax meld with hers and she melted against him.
Realising that his fangs were no longer embedded in her neck!

had to force himself to pull his fangs out – the taste so mind
blowing! But he had promised – not to hurt her – and he
had no intentions of breaking that promise – no not at all!


Kyle had fed from Sabrina he felt completely different – a
feeling growing inside him that he had not had before. One that he
wasn't sure of – couldn't comprehend.

he did know tho was he wanted her here, in his home, in his life and
that shocked him greatly. He had never had a woman in his home. Not
once. He bored quickly, and usually within hours, wanted rid of the

was a member of a private club – one that catered to the needs
of rich males. It was a mix of a men just wanting sex to BDSM tastes
with plenty of willing submissives available for whatever took your
fancy. He had spent a lot of time there – availing himself of
the willing young girls and some not so young. He could spend hours
doing whatever he liked and the female would cry for more!

when he thought on that he found it tawdry, cheap, and wondered again
what was happening to him!?

were back in the bedroom – both wrapped in towels – still
wet from the shower. Kyle was watching Sabrina dry her hair and the
sharp angle of her neck brought into sight her neck – he
stilled. His breath all but stopped! No – that couldn't be

– on her neck – plain for all to see – was his bite
mark! His bites didn't leave a mark – how could this be and
what the hell did it mean?!

was looking at Kyle in the mirror as she dried her hair – she
had noted the mark on her neck and wondered again at the fact that it
hadn't hurt. No – definitely didn't hurt. In fact the feelings
it gave her was so far from hurt it was out of this universe!

looked so hot standing in just a towel wrapped around his hips –
his body there for her to gape at! And gape she did!

seemed to shake himself – as if he had been thinking hard about

– get dressed up – we'll hit the casinos then take in a
show.” Kyles voice was like a drug – every time she heard
it she wanted more.

nodded her head and thought on what was in her case? Oh yea she had
brought 'that' dress – the one she had bought in a moment of
madness! Bright red, very tight, very short – she had never
worn it – but she was going to wear it tonight!

moved to his walk in wardrobe – a huge space that was only half
full – he pulled out smart black trousers and a matching shirt.
Extremely simple, elegant and very expensive! The jacket to go with
them was hanging next to the outfit – everything together that
matched. He was more than a little ocd with regard to his wardrobe –
everything had it's place so that it was easy for him to instantly
put an outfit together. He wouldn't just purchase one piece of
clothing – no, he always bought a matching outfit and never
interchanged anything. He had enough outfits to last a long time and
if he needed more, well, he bought them!

opened her case and was rummaging through it - “Why don't you
put that in the dressing area and hang your things up – they'll
get all creased in your case.” Kyle had no idea why he had just
said that! Why would he tell her to put her things in his wardrobe
for christ sake!

smiled - “Thanks – I've not got a lot – so it won't
take up much room.”

worry – there's plenty of room.” Kyle said distractedly,
still trying to work through what was going on!

moved in the direction that Kyle had gotten his clothes and her mouth
fell open! The wardrobe and dressing area were bigger than her living
room! It looked bare tho – with only half of it holding Kyle's
things – tho with how large it was she saw just how many he
had! Shit she didn't know a man that had as many clothes – all
matching too!

hung up her few things, placing underwear and such in drawers to the
side. Right up the back was a small, lighted, dressing table with
mirror, and she put her make up and stuff there.

stayed in the dressing area applying her make up carefully –
not a lot but just right. She had actually taken a few 'lessons' in a
large department store on how to apply it properly and the difference
was immense!

she was satisfied she dressed – thinking twice about wearing
the red dress. She steeled herself and put it on – over a lacy
bra and thong. Her matching shoes lay out – and she looked at
them – they were higher than her normal but matched the dress
perfectly. She slipped her feet inside and looked at herself in the
mirror – she was quite surprised at what she saw! She looked
good – or better than normal anyway!

found a small handbag and put a compact and lipstick inside. She
sprayed her favourite perfume and turned around – she walked
through into the bedroom, stopped and gasped!

was standing with his back to her but she could see his front in the
mirror – he was so handsome. His clothes obviously expensive
and designer – shit he looked hot!

coughed slightly and he turned round.

heard Sabrina opening the dressing area door and felt her scrutiny.
He stood still and didn't move until she gave a small cough. He
turned and thought – oh my god – I'm doomed!

was stunning, her long hair hanging in soft waves down her back and
over one shoulder. Her face made up expertly with the minimum make up
– her dress – oh dear lord – that dress!

looked as if she had been poured into the silky red material and it
hugged her like a second skin. All the way down his eyes roamed and
he saw her matching shoes – high stiletto heels making her legs
look so long and her calves arched and tight and just begging for his
hands to run up them!

are beautiful baby – so gorgeous – I don't know if we'll
make it out the room!” Kyle was pretty sure that if they didn't
move – soon – he would rip that dress to shreds whilst
getting it off her body!

thank you – you're looking pretty hot yourself vampire.”
Sabrina had blushed at the compliment and then at her use of vampire!

BOOK: Sabrina's Vampire
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