Read Sapphique - Incarceron 02 Online

Authors: Catherine Fisher

Tags: #Fantasy, #Juvenile

Sapphique - Incarceron 02 (3 page)

BOOK: Sapphique - Incarceron 02
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Two months ago he had been a Prisoner without hope, a starved, ragged thief and liar. Now he was a Prince in Paradise.

And yet he had never been more unhappy.

A shadow darkened the red light behind his eyelids.

He kept them tight shut but the scent of the perfume she wore came to him clearly; the rustle of her dress was loud as she sat beside him on the low stone parapet. After a moment he said, 'The Maestra cursed me, did you know that?'

Claudia's voice was cold. 'No.'

'Well she did. The Maestra, the woman whose death was my fault? I took the crystal Key from her. Her dying words were
hope it destroys you".
I think her curse is coming true, Claudia.'

The silence went on so long that he raised his head and looked at her. She had her knees up under the peach silk dress and her arms hugged around them and she was watching him with that concerned, annoyed look he had come to know. 'Finn...'

He sat up. 'Don't! Don't tell me I should forget the past. Don't tell me again that life here is a game, that every word you say and every smile, every gracious bow is a move in a game. I can't live like that! I won't.'

Claudia frowned. She saw the strain in his eyes. When the fits came he always had this look. She wanted to snap at him, but instead she made herself say quietly, 'Are you all right?'

He shrugged. 'It was coming. But it's gone. I thought... I thought when I Escaped there would be no more fits. All those stupid documents. .

Claudia shook her head. 'No
t them. It's Keiro again, isn't

Finn stared ahead. After a while he said, 'Are you always this sharp?'

She laughed. 'I'm the pupil of Jared Sapiens. Trained in observation and analysis. And,' she added bitterly, 'I'm the daughter of the Warden of Incarceron. The game's finest player.'

He was surprised she had even mentioned her father. He pulled a blade of grass and began to shred it. 'Well you're right. I can't stop thinking about Keiro. Keiro is my oathbrother, Claudia. We swore loyalty to each other, loyalty to death and beyond. You can't even guess what that means. In the Prison no one can survive alone; he looked after me when I didn't even know who I was. He watched my back in a hundred fights. That time in the cave of the Beast he came back for me, even though he had the Key, even though he could have gone anywhere.'

Claudia was silent. Then she said, 'I made him find you. Don't you remember?'

'He would have done it anyway.'

'Would he?' She gazed over the lake. 'From what I saw, Keiro was arrogant, ruthless and incredibly vain. You were the one who seemed to take all the risks. He only cared about himself.'

'You don't know him. You didn't see him fight our Winglord. He was amazing that day. Keiro is my brother. And I've left him in that hell, after I promised to get him Out'

A group of young men were strutting from the Archery Court. Claudia said, 'It's Caspar and his cronies. Quick.'

She jumped up and hauled one of the boats to shore; Finn stepped in and took the oars and she scrambled after him. With a few strokes they were safely out in the stillness of the lake, the prow rippling among the lily-leaves. Butterflies danced in the warm air. Claudia lay back on the cushions and stared up at the sky. 'Did he see us?'



Finn watched the effete youths in disgust. Caspar's red hair and gaudy blue frockcoat were clear from here. He was laughing; he raised his bow and aimed it at the boat, twanging the empty string with a mocking grin. Finn stared back grimly. 'Between him and Keiro I know which brother I'd choose.'

Claudia shrugged. 'Well I'm with you there. Remember,

I nearly had to marry him.' She let the memory of that day come back to her; the cold deliberate pleasure she had felt in tearing the wedding dress, ripping its lace and white perfection apart, as if it had been her life she was tearing, or herself and her father. Herself and Caspar.

'You don't need to marry him now,' Finn said quietly.

They were silent then, as the oars dipped and splashed in the water. Claudia trailed her hand over the side, not looking at him. They both knew that she had been betrothed as a child to Prince Giles, and only when he had been presumed dead had Caspar, the younger prince, taken his place. But Finn was Giles now. She frowned.


They both said it together. Claudia was first to laugh.

'You first.'

He shrugged, not even smiling. 'Look, Claudia, I don't know who I am. If you thought getting me out of Incarceron would bring my memory back, you were wrong. I can't remember any more than before — just flashes, visions that the fits bring. Jared's potions haven't made any difference He stopped rowing suddenly, letting the boat drift, leaning forward. 'Don't you see?
I may not be the real prince.
I may not be Giles, despite this.' He held up his hand; she saw the faded tattoo of the crowned eagle. 'And even if I am. . . I've changed.' He struggled to get the words out. 'Incarceron has changed me. I don't fit in here. I can't settle. How can S
cum like me be what you want? I
keep looking behind me. I keep thinking that a small red Eye is spying on me up in the sky.'

Dismayed, she watched him. He was right. She had thought it would be easy, had expected an ally, a friend. Not this tormented streetfighter who seemed to loathe himself, who spent hours gazing at the stars.

His face was drawn, his voice a low mutter. 'I can't be the King,' he whispered.

Claudia sat up. 'I've told you. You have to. If you want the power to get Keiro out you have to!' Angry, she turned and stared back at the lawns.

A gaudy gathering of courtiers was assembling. Two footmen carried a stack of gilt chairs, another was laden with cushions and croquet mallets. A sweating gang of underservants was propping a vast tasselled awning of yellow silk over trestle tables, and a procession of butlers and maids carried jellies, sweetmeats, cold capons, dainty pastries and jugs of iced punch on silver trays.

Claudia groaned. 'The Queen's buffet. I'd forgotten:

Finn looked over. 'I'm not going.'

'Yes you are. Take the boat back in.' She gave him a fierce hard look. 'You have to keep it together, Finn. You owe me. I didn't wreck my life to get some thug on to the throne. Jared is working all hours on the Portal. We'll get it to work. We'll get Keiro out of the Prison. And that bitch Attia too, even though I notice you've been careful not to mention her. But you have to do your part!'

He scowled. Then he picked up the oars and rowed them back.

As they came close to the jetty; Claudia saw the Queen. Sia was wearing a dress of dazzling white, the elaborate skirts looped like a shepherdess, showing small feet in glimmering slippers. Her pallid skin was protected from the sun by a wide hat, and a graceful wisp of shawl was tucked around her shoulders. She looked about twenty, but she must be four times that, Claudia thought sourly. And her eyes were strange, with pale irises. Witch's eyes.

The boat bumped.

Finn took a breath. He did up his collar, climbed out and held out his hand. Formally, she took it and stepped elegantly on to the wooden boards. Together they walked towards the gathering.

'Remember she breathed. 'Use the napkins, not your fingers. Don't swear, don't scowl.'

He shrugged. 'What does it matter? She'd like us both dead anyway.'

Claudia stepped away from him, as the Queen hurried up. 'So here you both are! My dear boy, you look so much better today.'

Finn bowed, awkward. Claudia dropped a low curtsy beside him. The Queen ignored her, took Finn's arm and swept him away. 'Come and sit by me. I have such a surprise for you.'

She led Finn to the awning and made him sit beside her on the gilt thrones, clapped her hands for a servant to bring more cushions.

'I suppose he thinks he's King already.' The slurred voice was right behind Claudia; she turned and saw Caspar, his doublet unlaced, a half-empty goblet in his hand. 'My so-called stepbrother.'

'You stink of wine,' she muttered.

He winked sourly at her. 'You like him better than me, don't you, Claudia? Your rough scabby thief. Well, don't get too close. Mama has her claws out for you. You're finished, Claudia. Without your father to protect you you're nothing.'

Furious, she stepped away from him but he came after her. 'Just watch now Watch Mama make her first move.' The Queen is the strongest piece on the board. That could have been you, Claudia.'

Queen Sia called for silence. Then she said in her silvery voice, 'Dear friends. I have such good news. The Council of the Sapienti have sent word that everything is ready for the Proclamation of the Heir.
the edicts are drawn up and my dearest stepson Giles's right to the throne will be approved. I've decided to hold the ceremony tomorrow in the Crystal Court, and invite all the Ambassadors to the Realm, and all the Court to witness it. And afterwards, a masked ball for everyone!'

The courtiers appla
uded, the women whispering with
delight. Claudia kept her face pleasant, though instantly she was alert. What was this? What was Sia up to? She loathed Finn. It had to be some sort of trap. Jared had always said the Queen would delay the Proclamation, for months, let alone the coronation. Yet here she was announcing it. For tomorrow!

Sia's eyes met hers through the shimmering throng. She was laughing her tinkling laugh, making Finn stand, clasping his hand, lifting a thin glass of wine to toast him.

Every nerve in Claudia's mind was tense with disbelief.

'Told you,' Caspar smirked.

Finn looked furious. He opened his mouth but caught Claudia's glare and kept silent, simmering.

'He looks so cross,' Caspar grinned. She turned on him but he jerked back, at once, alarmed. 'Yuk! Get the filthy thing off me!'

It was a dragonfly, a green glimmer of flickering wings; it darted at him and he swiped at it and missed. It landed, with a faint crackle, on Claudia's dress.

Before anyone else could see she took two steps toward the lake and turned, her voice a whisper. 'Jared? This is not a good time.'

No reply. The dragonfly flexed its wings. For a moment she thought she had made a mistake, that it was a real insect. Then it breathed. 'Claudia. . . Please. Come quickly..:

'Jared? What is it?' Her voice rose in anxiety. 'What's wrong?'

No answer. 'Master?'

A faint sound. Glass falling, and smashing. Instantly she turned and ran.


Once Incarceron became a dragon, and a Prisoner crawled into his lair. They made a wager. They would ask each other riddles, and the one who could not answer would lose. If it was the man, he would give his life. The Prison offered a secret way of Escape. But even as the man agreed, he felt its hidden laughter. They played for a year and a day. The lights stayed dark. The dead were not removed. Food was not provided. The Prison ignored the cries of its Inmates.

Sapphique was the man. He had one riddle left. He said, 'What is the Key that unlocks the heart?' For a day Incarceron thought. For two days. For three. Then it said,
I ever knew the answer, I have forgotten it.'


The showmen left the village early, before Lightson.

Attia waited for them outside the ramshackle walls, behind a pillar of brick where gigantic shackles still hung, rusting to red powder. When the Prison lights snapped on with their acrid flicker she
saw seven waggons were already
rumbling down the ramp, the bear cage strapped on one, the rest covered by contraptions of starry cloth. As they approached she saw the bear's small red eyes squint at her. The seven identical jugglers walked alongside, tossing balls to each other in complex patterns.

She swung up on to the seat and sat beside the Enchanter.

'Welcome to the troupe: he said. 'Tonight's triumph is in a village two hours away, through the tunnels. A rat- haunted heap, but I hear they have a good stash of silver. You can get down well before we reach it. Remember, Attia, my sweetkin. You must never be seen with us. You do not know us.'

She looked at him. In the harsh glare of the lights he had none of the youth of his stage disguise. His skin was pocked with boils, his coppery hair lank and greasy. Half his teeth were gone, probably in some fight. But his hands were powerful and delicate on the reins. A magician's dexterous fingers.

'What do I call you?' she muttered.

BOOK: Sapphique - Incarceron 02
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