Saved by His Submissive (4 page)

BOOK: Saved by His Submissive
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“He said ‘renting.’” The matter-of-fact statement was given by a woman in a royal blue version of Red Mini’s outfit. Aside from the dresses, the women were literally twins. “I think we can draw the logical conclusions from that term.”

“Oh my God!” The brunette sobbed harder. “I—I can’t! I can’t!”

Another woman, black-haired and in a lemon yellow halter with pink shortie-shorts, crawled over to her. “Yes you can, Mandy. Listen to me. You do whatever it takes to survive, you hear me? Just do whatever they say. Don’t make them upset.”

“You d-don’t understand,” the brunette rasped back. “I’m—I’m a—virgin.”

One of the guards sidled in closer. “In that case,
waan jai
, maybe I’ll bid on you myself.”

“Hell yeah, baby.” His friend cracked an oily grin. “Teo will be good to you, honey. He’s popped the plug on three virgins this year alone.”

The first guard shrugged. “Eh, it’s almost getting boring, ya know?” He slid a sideways glance down at Sage. “If I was making the big
I’d wanna buy something like that to take home and tie up for myself.” After looking to make sure King was still in the other section of the hut, he grabbed Sage’s hair and grinded her face against his crotch. “I have a million ideas for how to break a tiger like you, gorgeous. Again and again and again…”

Sage instinctively tried to yank away, but she was crouched, bound, and about half the henchman’s size. Teo grunted and kept her locked against his burgeoning bulge, rolling her nose along the khaki fabric that smelled like sweat and urine. Okay, this was
where a single one of her bondage fantasies had ever led.

Think of home. Think of home. He’ll get bored in a minute, and stop. Think of—

“Oh yeah, baby. You’re a sweet little
Nice little slut. Open your mouth for me. Suck those balls right through my pants. Yeaaahhh…”

Behind her, Rayna remained thankfully silent, but the other five women let out gasps of horror and protest. Sage knew they meant well, but the louder they sobbed, the harder the bastard toyed with her. She reached inside, frantically scrounging for her mental disconnect button.

Think of Garrett. Think of home. Think of the egrets on the water.

Who the hell was she kidding?

She’d never see home again.

Once King had haggled the highest price for her, life as Sage Weston wouldn’t exist any longer. She’d have a new name, if her owner decided to call her anything at all. The tracks of her life would be erased by the ocean of anonymity. Of slavery.

She and Rayna had discussed this a thousand times over the last two weeks, yet she realized some fortress in her brain had been holding back the reality of it. This helpless, humiliating instant blew those walls to dust. In the wake of the explosion, her mind screamed in grief and her heart floundered in despair. The effort of both sapped the strength from her body. She was a shell, numb and senseless. When the other guards hissed that King was on approach again and Teo tossed her back to the ground, she barely felt the impact.

The curious thing was, King’s “approach” now seemed more the charge of a crazed rodeo bull. His features matched the mien, his mouth bared in a grimace, the whites of his eyes like crazed flashlights.

“The auction is off,” he snapped. “Get the bitches out of here.”

“Off?” Teo’s buddy didn’t have such a snarky tone now.

“Take all of them back to the cave,” King fired as if the guy hadn’t spoken, “then wait for my instructions.

“The cave?” echoed another henchman. “
of them?”

King rammed the heel of his palm up that guy’s nose. “Imbecile! Isn’t that what I just said?”

The soldier didn’t get a chance to check his bloody nose. Before King was done with the reprimand, violent shouts erupted outside the hut. A door was bashed in somewhere. Then another.

“Get them
out of here
!” King dictated. “No bitches in the buildings. They cannot be found. Hide them. Now!”

Teo and his friends started hauling them to their feet. “You heard him, sluts. Move.”

Sage and Rayna struggled to get each other upright again. “What’s going on?” her friend rasped. Sage shook her head in a wordless
I don’t know.
Her pounding heartbeat shoved frantic wheezes out her nose. Adrenaline shot up her blood with alternating pellets of heat and cold. Mixed feelings assaulted as she and Rayna stumbled behind the other women. They wouldn’t be sold tonight, but that didn’t mean the danger was over.

The next second, they were slammed back to the dirt. Before Sage could stop her body’s momentum, her head slammed to the floor. A curtain of silver spots crashed over her vision, yanked by pulleys that screamed in terror. No, wait. The screams were human. They belonged to the Miniskirt Twins and Virgin Girl, accompanied by the women’s frenzied retreat away from the door, barreling into Sage and Rayna as they did. Their cries mixed with more voices from outside the hut, seeming to come from the direction of the village. They all sounded male, and really pissed off.

The women around her shrieked again. The reason for their panic was explosively clear. Just beyond the portal, there were blasts of rifle fire and explosives. The air filled with thick smoke and acrid gunpowder.

The henchmen bellowed curses in three languages as they dropped the women in the middle of the room then ran for cover behind steel crates. Virgin Girl shrieked and sobbed, piercing deeper pain into Sage’s head. She blinked and tried to focus, but the world erupted in flashing lights and wild, confusing shadows. She half-expected the Bon Jovi tune to get switched to a GaGa dance beat. Welcome to Club Violence and Terror. She volunteered her brain as the spinning mirror ball.

“Stop,” she begged, her senses revolting against the sensory assault. “Oh God, please stop!”

Miraculously, the world obeyed.

Suddenly as it had started, the rifle fire went silent. Aside from the soft sobs of the women heaped on top of her, she couldn’t hear a thing. A gust of balmy wind blew over the clearing outside, rustling the tall grasses. Bon Jovi had become Linkin Park. The song was beautiful and passionate, ripping the air like an insane middle finger thrust at the violence that had just occurred.

No matter how far we’ve come, I can’t wait to see tomorrow…

One of the soldiers dared a harsh whisper. “Teo! You alive,


“What the fuck, man?”

“I dunno. But this is bullshit. I didn’t sign up for this. Let’s get the hell—”


The interjection was low, lethal, and pure liquid steel—yet it could’ve been another rifle shot for the shock it blazed into Sage. Maybe that was it. Maybe somebody really had taken more shots, and she’d been hit this time. She was dead and finally in Heaven. Yes. That had to be the explanation, because she couldn’t allow herself to believe the truth of it. She
allow herself to believe. Dreams didn’t just come true like this, especially in her life.

“Drop your weapons, boys. Slow and gentle. You know the routine, don’t you? Lie flat on the ground with your hands where I can see them. Perfect. Now aren’t you two prettier’n a couple of hogs all fat and ready for the fair?”

In the end, it wasn’t all the words that finally convinced her. It wasn’t even the pig joke, which was so “him,” as well. It was his laugh. That little soft, dry chuckle that she couldn’t ever remember right, even in her most vivid dreams. Oh God, that laugh.
This really was happening.


She tried to get out some semblance of it our around the gag, but her heartbeat was a dervish of delirium. She struggled just to get air in, meaning she started inhaling the dirt floor. The stink of it was a horrid contrast to the sheer beauty of hearing his voice again. Tears seeped, turning her cheeks into mud baths. Her brain raced. Her senses swam.

Desperately, she tried again. “G-Gahh—”

“Nice work, Hawk Man.” The soldier who spoke loomed in the doorway before entering, his huge strides eating up the space. A smile tugged at Sage’s lips. Zeke. The Army had kept the A-Team together.

“Well, you didn’t bring me along for my pretty face.” This time, no laugh punctuated his dark tone. She watched him swing a leg over Teo, then wrench the henchman’s wrists back and fasten them in heavy plastic cuffs. His movements were precise and clean, even angry, which was oddly comforting to her right now. “I’ll take these fuckers outside. You see to the women.”


Great. The moment she’d been dreaming of for over four hundred days, and she sounded like a freaking Muppet. Frustration and desperation turned her into a wriggling ball as she tried to right herself and get to her feet. He couldn’t leave again! She couldn’t let him! The terror was illogical, she knew, but she couldn’t stop its visceral hold on her mind any more than she could hold back a monsoon. “Nnaaaa,” she cried again. “Gaaaawwwet!”

“Hey.” A pair of hands, reassuring as the voice, descended on her shoulders. Sage recognized Zeke’s hulking form immediately. He crouched beside her, trying to help her up. “Hey hon, easy, easy. You’re safe now, okay? We’re gonna get you to safety. I’m with the United States Army. My name is Sergeant Zeke Hayes, and—”

“Yeah, uh know!”

For a long second, the burly man looked like a six year-old who’d just de-masked Spiderman. “Holy…shit! Holy—” He scrubbed a hand down his face before breaking into a full bellow. “Hawk! Get back in here.





Chapter Three


Okay, so Zeke had been right in grilling him before the mission. It was a little harder to keep his head in the game on this one, especially as they’d arrived and surrounded the hut—especially  because he knew what they’d find inside. Or at least prayed they’d find.

Turned out their timing was better than perfect. They’d gotten here in time, and the women were safe. That didn’t mean he had to stick around and help Zeke with the head count. He was glad to be out of that cramped room, with all of those women crying in relief—and ripping his gut out in the process.

But now the asshat wanted him back in there? Zeke had to know this wasn’t the easiest fucking thing for him. Which meant that whatever the reason for the callback, the beer tab was on Z tonight.

“This’d better be good,” he growled, stomping back into the Quonset hut. “Your panties have been twisted more times today than—”

A fist in his gut would’ve been less painful. And joyful. And terrible. And incredible.

Zeke had just helped the woman to her feet, though it was doubtful she’d continue standing on them. She looked weak as a fawn and shaky as a newborn colt.

She also looked exactly like Sage.

He gulped painfully as he glared at Zeke. His “friend” didn’t even bother to look back. Z was too busy cutting free the zip ties that had cut purple welts into her wrists. When the woman winced from the fresh flow of blood to her hands, the cavity in his chest filled with pain too.

Forget the beer tab. Zeke was going to pay for his whole three-day bender after this. He didn’t bother asking the guy what kind of a sick joke he thought he was pulling, because Zeke knew—
—that some pots didn’t get stirred. So if that wasn’t his friend’s purpose, what was?

Zeke gently helped the woman lift her head. They’d zip-tied a filthy rag into her mouth, and his friend started exploring how to best cut that free as well.

After two seconds, Garrett barely noticed the thing.

She looked past it, directly at him. No. She looked
him, just as she always could. Just as she always
She cut him open from sternum to scrotum, filling every vital organ in his body with life again, blinding him with that brilliant green light that had haunted his dreams and been a relentless ghost in his soul.

She was a ghost no more.

Shit. Holy, heavenly shit.

He didn’t remember how his legs carried him, or how many steps he took. It only mattered that he yanked the knife out of Z’s hand, palming it himself. He had to be the one who set her free. He needed to be the one who saw her face when the last disgusting piece of her captivity got peeled back.

He cut the tie with a savage jerk. She reacted with a little cry, but he knew he hadn’t hurt her. The sound was one of need. Of release. Of love.

When he pulled the rag free from her face, tears ran through the dirt underneath. In wordless wonder, he cupped both sides of her jaw and kissed each tear until he got to her lips. She sighed against his mouth, opening to him, inching her shaking arms around his neck.

“My heart,” he said against her lips.

“My hero,” she whispered back.

Garrett stiffened and swallowed. The words entered his gut and twisted it like scarab beetles. Hero? Right. Some champion he was, buying the story from the CNO hook, line, and fucking sinker. No skeletons in the van merely meant the rebels had moved the bodies as some kind of a sick fuck-you to God only knew who. There was no sense in jeopardizing extra American lives to look for two charred corpses. The region was unstable and unsafe now.

BOOK: Saved by His Submissive
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