Read Saving Forever - Part 3 Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,B+r Publishing,Book Cover By Design

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

Saving Forever - Part 3

BOOK: Saving Forever - Part 3
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Saving Forever

Part 3


Lexy Timms

Copyright 2014 by Lexy Timms



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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

All rights reserved.

Copyright 2014 by Lexy Timms

Cover design by: Book Cover by Design


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This is Part 3 of a 5 book series

Book 1 of this series is FREE!




Charity Thompson is finding her way in life. Dr. Elijah Bennet is proving to be the consuming temptation she finds herself not wanting to lose. Charity is still trying to prove to her stubborn father that she is successful, and that he had no right to be disappointed she dropped out of medical school.


As the Diamond Gala for her father's sixty-fifth birthday approaches, Charity sets her focus on turning it into the gala of all galas despite the fact that Elijah and her relationship seems to constantly be hitting crossroads that want to undermine it and tear it apart.


Will love win out? Or will reality set Charity's life on a different course? One she never saw coming?


* This is NOT erotica* This is a love story and a romance.

For mature readers only. There are sexual situations, but no graphic sex.

Chapter 1



“Goodnight, Scott. Thanks again for inviting me over.” Elijah shook hands with Charity’s father then he turned to look at her. “You sure you don’t mind driving me home? I can catch a cab if it’s easier.” They stood outside her father’s house with the front door open, her father still inside.

Charity stared at the handsome doctor standing beside her father. An hour earlier he had promised her, ‘I’m not perfect, but if you let me love you, I swear I’ll love you right.’ Did he regret the words now? She wanted so hard to believe them, but to her, the two of them seemed to be on paths destined to lead in different directions. Her eyes moved left and she watched her father for a moment. Had he, too, been caught up in the Christmas spirit and tried to mend the terrible tear in their relationship? How would things look in the morning?

Both men watched her, waiting for her to do something, to say something.
Oh crap!
They were waiting for her to reply to Elijah’s question. “I can drive you back. It’s no problem.” She didn’t actually know where he lived and had no intention of asking in front of her father.

“I’m in all day tomorrow, Charity, but should finish around four or five.” Her father shifted his weight, his hand playing with some change in his pocket. “I’ll be home if you want to come by. Or are you flying back tomorrow?”

She hadn’t bought him a present. The realization of the thought made her eyes go big. She could feel her eyebrows raise and the cool air blow against her eyes. She would have to come up with something. “I fly back on the twenty-sixth. I’m meeting with the building owner for your gala in the morning and then heading back. I could make something with all the leftover meat and food.” Why was she offering? She couldn’t stand the awkwardness between the two of them and now she suggested another dinner? She shook her head. “Why don’t you text or call me tomorrow afternoon and let me know where you are at in the hospital?”

“I’ll check on him, if you need me to.” Elijah leaned against the opened front door. “I’m on shift as well.”

Scott clapped him on the shoulder. “You’re coming again tomorrow night as well. It’s all settled.”

Charity added a mental,
We’ll see
. She moved past Elijah, her hip brushing against him and sending a thrilling sensation through her. She stood in front of her father, unsure if she should hug him or shake his hand. They may have had their first real conversation in half a decade, but it still didn’t erase the awkwardness she always felt around him. “Talk to you tomorrow, Dad.”

He nodded, not opening his arms to her nor offering his hand. “Thanks again for dinner.” He stepped back and so did Charity. Whatever closeness they had felt earlier seemed to have disappeared. Elijah let the door close and followed Charity to her rental car. She unlocked the doors and walked around to the driver’s side.

They drove in silence for a few moments. When Charity turned on to the main road, away from the street she grew up on, Elijah leaned his head back and sighed. “Interesting evening.”

Charity smiled, glancing at him from her peripheral vision. “You could say that.”

He rested his warm hand on her knee. “Dinner was fantastic and you look delicious.”

She laughed. “You mean the other way around, right? You must be tired.”

“I actually feel wide awake.” He chuckled. “And I meant it the way I said it. You are delicious and fantastic and gorgeous and I missed you.” He let his fingers trail up her thigh. “By the way, are you really planning on dropping me off at my place?” He leaned over and brushed his lips against her ear.

She inhaled and leaned her head slightly so he could do it again. “I wasn’t sure…” She pulled the car onto the highway.

“Want to stay for a sleepover?”

She turned giddy and she giggled, feeling like a teenager suddenly. His words sent shivers of excitement down her spine and deep into her groin.

“There’s just one problem.” He sat back.

The tingling stopped.
Oh no…
“What is it?”

He glanced out the window at the passing highway sign. “We’re going the wrong way. My place is south, not north.”

She glared at him playfully. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You didn’t ask.”

“How old are you?” She shook her head and pulled off at the next exit.

“Old enough to come home with you. Or vice versa. We can go to your hotel if you prefer.”

“Now you say it. Let’s go to your place. You’ve been to mine.” She sucked at flirting and she seriously wanted to flirt with him. She pulled back onto the highway, going back toward her father’s place.

“Want to step on it a bit then? I’m about ready to turn into my teenage self and beg you to pull over on some dead end street and crawl into the backseat with you.”

“My teenage self would never have gotten in the back. I wasn’t that type of girl.”

He harrumphed. “That’s a bit of a bummer.”

“Not really.” She lowered her eyelashes and looked at him slyly. “Now I’ve got all this pent up bad girl energy.”

“Pedal to the metal, girl.” He clapped his hands. “Let’s go! Take the third exit. I’m about five minutes from your dad’s place. I bet you can get us there in three.”

BOOK: Saving Forever - Part 3
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