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Authors: Jennifer Willows

Scarred (13 page)

BOOK: Scarred
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“No flat sheet?” She asked as he tugged new pillowcases on.


“No need, we’re only going to toss it aside once it gets in the way. But I can put it on if you want.”


“Please?” She said as she turned on the small handheld vacuum. Amelia knew she was a bit OCD, but she couldn’t stand the idea of a less than fully made bed.


“As the lady wishes.” Ben shook the sheet out and the luxurious cotton billowed across the bedding. When she placed the vacuum back in the closet, Ben had already finished with the sheet and the corners were perfectly tucked in with military precision.


 “I’m going to have a quick shampoo, as I think I would get kicked out of your bed for sprinkling crumbs everywhere.”


But she thought about it as he walked away. After what he just did? She wasn’t throwing him out of bed for eating crackers anytime soon.


He returned just a handful of minutes later. Amelia lounged in bed and snacked on the tray of room temperature fruit and cold muffins. Ben sat down next to her, the tray between them and Amelia couldn’t resist a not-so-covert glance over the hollow V of hips that perfectly framed his now softened cock.


She held a dripping mango wedge out, her hand cupped to catch the juices. He accepted the offering with one slurp of his lips, but before she could pull her hands back, he grabbed each wrist in his hands. She tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. He took the sticky hand that held the fruit and licked the fructose-laden trails from her finger tips, down the digits, bathed over the palm to suckle at her wrist.


Amelia panted and opened her other hand to offer up the sugar coated extremities. A light entered his eyes and he bent his head to suck at the juices that collected there. His tongue dipped between her fingers and he nibbled over her knuckles.


When he finished, she panted and he did too. “That’s what I call the best part of waking up.”


Ben smiled, followed with a healthy chuckle. “Mmm, we haven’t gotten to the best part yet.”


He lifted the tray and set the wicker on the floor as Amelia got an up close and personal look at the play of muscles framing his spine. There wasn’t much extra to Ben, he was all sculpted body and lithe musculature, but what there was of him was spectacular. She was nowhere near a slouch when it came to her physical fitness, but she was a couch potato compared to him.


Ben turned back to her. “Now that’s out of the way, I think I asked you to do something earlier and you still haven’t done it yet.”


She had no idea what he was talking about, until his gaze raked over her from hair to heels. Amelia looked down only to realize he meant her robe. She only had to feel the warmth of the sun at her back to know how sunny the morning was. When she took away the concealment of the terry cloth, he would see everything.


He seemed to take pity on her, or he was truly impatient, as he leaned in and tugged at the belt once more. The terry parted and exposed her inch by inch of decade old marred flesh. Amelia only dropped her eyes to gaze at his perfection, a perfect foil to the discolored and thickened skin on her shoulder and chest. It took every iota of strength she had not to try and cover herself from his view.


But Ben seemed to understand her fears and he reached out with one hand. She fought the urge to cringe away and offer the single perfect breast she had on the other side. She didn’t, and her personal fight was validated when his fingers scrolled over the marred skin. Amelia never imagined that she would ever feel anything there again. She knew there was sensation, knew that she could feel pain, the pinch of bra stays and straps irritated her. But not that pleasure would be so strong. And she had no idea that it would be enough to make her knees weak.


“Can you feel me when I touch you here?” His eyes seemed to confirm his question, as if he truly wanted to know if he could give her pleasure on the marred areas the same as the untouched parts of her.


“Yes.” She forced her throat to work and the result was throaty with a punctuating moan.


“Good. I’m going to touch you in different ways. All I need is for you to tell me what feels good and what doesn’t.”




“Lay back for me, Amelia.”


Her chest heaved as she leaned over to recline fully on her back. Ben turned sideways and propped his head up on one fist. The other hand scrolled over her flesh busily as he drew errant patterns along her skin. Ben’s fingers gave the occasional rasp of callouses that teased her unmercifully.


“How does this feel?” He skipped along the seam of the damage.


“Good.” She groaned.


“How about this?” His fingers scrolled over her tiny half nipple.




“I think I love this nipple. I think we should dub it niplet.”


“What the hell is a niplet?” The term he’d coined was funny and she wasn’t sure whether she should laugh or be offended.


But she didn’t get the chance to choose for herself. Ben never responded as he was rapt with attention, lips open wide then fastened onto the nubbin of flesh. Her hands clenched his hair. Her back bent forcing more of her breast into his hand, into his mouth as she wordlessly asked for more.  This time he opened his mouth wide and sucked as much as he could in, drew his cheeks into hollows with the pressure.


“Please Ben!” Amelia couldn’t wait anymore.


“Not yet.”






Chapter Eleven: Take Me


As Ben pulled her robe away, he had never imagined she was hurt the way that she had been. The scarring was worse from the neck down. Yet, the marred skin didn’t disturb him, even as he knew that a few years ago in his quest for perfection, it might have. But regardless of what she had been through before, he was here now and he planned to be around for a long time. He would never let another person hurt her again.


She was truly special and he had never imagined that he would ever meet a woman like her. He didn’t even know someone like her would exist. And that she could be his. Amelia had all of the inner beauty he’d sought with Kylie and she was lovely to boot. The scars didn’t repulse him, in fact, he could barely see them. He estimated that her breast had taken the worst of the damage from the attack.


But the flesh rolled over his tongue, the taste of her just as supple as she was everywhere else. He hoped that she could be able to feel the way he loved her skin with his mouth. All he really wanted was for her to feel pleasure from his touch, never pain.


She responded sweetly, her need cried out to him as he cradled her body against his. She was outrageously decadent against his tongue and he wanted so badly to feel the rest of her. Amelia was going to scream his name most of the morning and if all worked out, the afternoon too. He wanted to fuck her so badly that little else mattered, but he made the time to work her need into an intense fire that would steal her breath away.


The only problem he saw was that he only had one condom. It was just the one men tended to carry in their wallets, and he was no exception to the usual rule. If he could just make the patience, he could go to his store and get a box from there. But that was for later on, he’d rather be right where he was at the moment.


Amelia was apparently through with waiting as her hands seemed to be everywhere. She would rub him in one spot, only to tease another and even quicker than he could process the sensations. Her fingers stroked his nape with one hand, and the other caressed his left buttock. When she stroked his scalp, her digits roved his hip as if she sought more than the confines of the R-rated play at war with their mutual state of NC-17 nude. He didn’t either, but he was patient enough to wait for her to come to a nice full simmer before they boiled over together.


“Ben,” she groaned his name and clenched her short nails into the buttock she’d so recently caressed, “please!” The volume escalated at the last word and her needs seemed to intensify his own so much higher than before.


“Yeah baby?” He asked as if he had no idea what she pleaded for.


But he knew and he just waited for the pitch of ecstasy to hit her voice, the one that would signal her peak was close enough for her to taste the impending orgasm. Ben lowered his fingers to her undulating snatch, where he delved the fingers into the wet seam. Amelia bucked again, this time the slit parted to reveal the fluffy, aroused inner folds and he ran his digits over the soft skin.


“I need this to last forever, and when I get inside of you, I’ll consider myself lucky to last one minute.”


“I don’t care.” Her voice was a drawn out complaint.


“But I do. We only have the one condom, so if I waste it now…” He didn’t think expansion on that statement was even needed. 


“Yeah, I don’t have any either.”


“I thought so. I plan to go to the store later, but I plan on savoring you for hours before I go anywhere.”


 Amelia shivered and clutched him even tighter. “Can I taste you at least?”


“That sounds like the second best idea all morning.” Amelia laughed and he rolled over onto his back. “Come here and put your pussy on my face.”


She gasped and he wondered if she was offended by his language. But she climbed over him and his mouth watered, he wanted to taste the dripping scented flesh more than he wanted inside of her.


“Wait, turn around and face the other way.” She turned around. “Now you can have what you asked for and I can have what I want too.” Amelia lowered her lips to his shaft and he grasped her hips to pull her onto his mouth.


But he nearly forgot what he was about to do when she took her first exploration of his shaft and laved her tongue over the head. He groaned into her wet cunt, caused a chain reaction that forced her to gyrate wildly on his lips and her mouth to fasten around the head of his cock.


“Yes…” he grunted. “Just like that Amelia… so good.” He broke the connection of lips to labia to hiss the words at her, the tone so vehement that he sounded as if he cursed the agility of her oral skillset. She was utterly decadent, a sinful sampler of feminine seductive wiles.


“Mmmm…” The only response she made was a quick murmur to greet his arousal with vibrations that bathed over his cock with a deliberate intent, as if the stiffened erection were delicious to her palate.


He rolled his tongue over her clit and nibbled with his lips over the fat pearl of nerves. She squeaked and he pressed on, when he probed two of the fingers from the hand clasping her ass inside of her juicy walls. Her mouth went crazy on his cock, he couldn’t see the bob of her head up and down the shaft, but he could feel every agile movement of her orifice.


Amelia sucked his cock better than any hooker ever could have, better than he ever imagined a blow job being. Every caress he gave her was served back to him ten times over and their oral play was the best example of what karma really meant.  He never felt a nip of teeth, only soft wetness and suction greeted him. His cockhead was given the chance to greet her esophagus when she swallowed along the mushroomed bulb. Her breaths were controlled huffs into the tightly drawn up sacs beneath the stalk and the warm air tickled strangely against the closely cropped hairs.


He wasn’t going to last much longer at this rate. Ben would call himself a lucky man to hold out for five minutes and only then if he brought her along for the ride. She may have smelled like honeysuckle before. But when he tasted her right from the source, it was as if she spouted a pure fountain of sweetness for his delectation.


He didn’t want to stop even knowing the more pleasure he gave, the more he was going to receive until he was beyond holding back. Damn, he wondered how in the hell her ex had left her with her wicked mouth, her lips were made to service cock. Ben was going to have to make a mental note to ask her about that later.  


                He was too close to coming to ask for anything at the moment, but to persevere. Ben almost thought it was impossible, but he thought about baseball. That train of thought brought him to the topic of how he’d left the game and the shame associated with his injury. Even though the memories were slightly bittersweet, her magic mouth still kept him a hair’s breadth from the brink.


                Ben was sure that if he didn’t do something and fast, he was going to pull the trigger and explode. He dragged the sodden digits from between her soaked slit, and laved his tongue from clit to anus. No sooner than his breath caressed the dark cavern she jerked and released his cock with a healthy groan. Bingo.


                He had found all he needed to make her scream. The tip of his tongue made the first foray inside of the undiscovered territory. She tasted more savory and less sweet here, but the differences were just as delightful.


                “Ahhh—” She grunted around his cock.


                He felt the need in her groan all the way down to his toes. “Shit!” Fuck the foreplay, he thought. Ben had no choice but to go for it, he only had a few seconds left at best and he could come right now at worst.


                He probed the tightly crinkled skin with one of the soaked fingers he’d lubricated in her cunt just moments before. She pushed willingly back into the pressure and he was able to give her the full length. Once he saw she was able, he quickly pulled back and gave her the full length of the sodden pair. Ben rolled his tongue over her clit once again and sucked the throbbing nodule into his wide open mouth.

BOOK: Scarred
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