Read Scornfully Hers Online

Authors: Pamela Ann

Scornfully Hers (8 page)

BOOK: Scornfully Hers
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It was only pussy, right?
This shit wouldn’t get me down.

I had said my piece and begged twice for Emma to consider us again, but tonight, she made her point, her choice. I wasn’t going to waste my time pining for someone, even if they were fucking explosive in bed.

There were dozens of women out there. Emma’s just one of many.

Are you sure about that? Then, why have you declined all the pussy platters that have been offered to you like a goddamn buffet, huh?
My thoughts popped evilly out of nowhere, countering my confidence.

Okay, cool. Emma was special,
I conceded. So special, in fact, that I hadn’t been tempted to stray for three months straight. That was a fucking record for me.

“I’m staying home. I’m not that hungry,” Lindsey replied.

“Lindsey! Come on, join us?” Brody begged my sister.

It was obvious that Brody wanted her, but Lindsey was keeping her distance. God knows what the fuck was going on with those two. If it were any other guy, I would have been worried. However, it was Brody, my childhood best friend and one of the only people I knew who
was decent around here. I wouldn’t mind him asking my sister out as long as he treated her well, but if he fucked up, I would be the one he’d have to answer to.

“No, I said I don’t feel like going out, okay?” Lindsey snapped.

“Feel like going through In-N’-Out and then straight to Amanda’s party?” I asked Brody, but he was too engrossed in staring at my sister to hear me.

Fuck! Enough! I was getting sick of all this puppy-follow-you-anywhere shit. “I’m going to bounce. You two figure shit out,” I said as I closed the door shut.

Fuck it all!
I’m going straight to the party.

Amanda Johnson was having a party at her parents’ mansion that overlooked the ocean in
Carpinteria. It didn’t take me that long to get there and once I was inside, I felt a bit better. The place was in wild party mode—just my kind of style.

“Yo, bro! You going to try out for basketball since soccer season is over?” Dwayne Russo asked as he tapped my shoulder and shoved a Corona in my hand.

I downed the drink in one go and had a few shots of vodka before grabbing another beer. I needed to consume as much alcohol as I could to make myself numb so I could get through the night.

I wanted to forget everything and not feel shit.

I liked basketball, but my heart lay with soccer. I just might try out since it seemed like I need some kind of distraction. “We’ll see, dude. What’s been going on?” I looked around the vast lawn that sprawled towards the shore. People were milling about, laughing and drunk as fuck.

“Heads up, Amanda’s been asking everyone if you’re here. I guess you can say she wants to be your next candidate. You’re such a lucky bastard, man!” He laughed and decided to mingle with a giggly blonde trio who were licking salt off each other’s breasts, getting ready to do shots.

“Carter, my man, my man!” Cooper, obviously drunk, slurred his words. Where the hell had he been? I hadn’t seen him around in days. He and Brody seemed to have gotten into a nasty fight because they weren’t talking to each other.

I’d have to address that soon,
mentally making a checklist.

“You think it’s time to slow down on the booze?” I asked with concern. I’d never seen Cooper like this.

Cooper decided to ignore my question. “Where the fuck is Brody, man?” His eyes squinted as he looked around for him.

I shrugged. “He’s back at Lindsey’s dorm.” The fight was on, but I wasn’t going to be in the middle. It was between Brody and Cooper. I had my own demons to fight.

“Son of a bitch!” he cursed as he stomped away. I immediately followed him inside the house, but only got halfway.

“There you are! I’ve been waiting all night for you.” Amanda snagged me and led me towards a quiet sitting room—away from the buzz of the crowd—then pushed me on a couch. Amanda’s been trying to get with me for the last three months. She would’ve been successful if I hadn’t met Emma first.

Amanda was hot—with her long legs, long brown hair and pretty green eyes—she knew it, too. Tonight, she was wearing a short, tight, red dress that showed off her body and left little to the imagination.

With her sultry eyes and the way she was seductively biting her bottom lip, I should‘ve been hard by now or at least at half-mast—but I was neither.

Amanda sat across from me and instantly spread her legs wide-open. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath. As I stared at her exposed cunt, inviting me to take my pleasure in it, I kept asking myself,
do I want to hit that?

“Do you want a taste, baby?” she murmured, sticking out her tongue, trying to entice me to touch and taste her.

I just might if you could get me hard.
But once I did, Emma would find out. Did I even care if she did?

Was Emma enjoying herself tonight, underneath
man? I groaned, fuck she was killing me. I rubbed my chest to somewhat ease the ache I was feeling, but it wouldn’t go away.

Amanda pouted when I didn’t respond to her. “Still hung up on Emma? She doesn’t deserve you, Carter.” She moved away from her seat and sat next to me. Leaning over with exaggeration, she gave me a good vantage point of her creamy breasts.

It was actually the other way around. I didn’t deserve Emma. She was sweet and understanding, strong willed and beautiful. She was a lot of things, but she didn’t seem to realize it—which made her even more appealing.

Amanda, still not wavering from her seduction, took down the top part of her dress, exposing her large boobs in my face.

How far would this horny bitch go?
I thought with amusement.

Adamant, she grabbed my hand and placed it on her right breast. “You want me to feel your breast, Amanda?” I asked with boredom.

“Fuck, Carter! I didn’t expect you to be so fucking boring! Are you fucking in love with Emma?” she screeched as she grabbed my cock and started to rub it.





love—the constant, never ending thought of her? You’d think at night I would get a damn break from thinking about her, but the nights were more torturous because sleep would evade me, leaving me with my fucking memories of her.

FUCK! This was not good.

I swore I would never love. I would never be like my father. NEVER!

I made an agonizing groan as the realization hit me. I was in love with Emma. All this time, I loved her and I was fucking in denial—and now she was off with another man.

Amanda took my groaning as a good sign and slipped her hand inside my jeans. When her hand stroked my dick, I started to get aroused.
Not good, boy.

“There it is! I’ve woken the sleeping giant!” she declared giddily. “Baby, your cock is going to feel so good inside me.” Her other hand had my jeans off in an instant, my boxers not far behind.

“Amanda, no…” my weak plea faltered as her mouth sucked me, hard.

Damn, she’s fucking good, too.

Let her suck you some more and that will be it. Do you want a quick nut or do you want Emma?
Conscience was pounding on my mind as my cock pounded against Amanda’s throat.


I wanted her so much it hurts. It was a deep ache that was hard to get rid of.

Then what the
fuck are you waiting for, you fool?
As much as I loved getting my dick worked over by a talented sucker and tongue-twister, I loved Emma more. I didn’t know how I did it, but I managed to get Amanda off my goods and left the room without a backward glance.

No more of this shit.

I wanted my girl back,
I declared with certainty.

If I had to go all out to get her, then so be it. I was past caring if I had rules before because they’re all broken now. Emma was breaking me, so I had to free myself and ride with the tide. Hopefully, it wouldn’t drown me with it.


So This Is What Jealousy Feels Like? I Hate It.


We were going to spend the weekend in Tahoe to celebrate our win. When Lindsey called, telling me that Emma was coming, I suddenly became nervous, but at the same time, I knew that this was my only chance to win her back, so I better prepare myself.

So here I was, inside my SUV while we waited for Emma to come and head out with the rest of us in separate vehicles to party in our family’s cabin at Lake Tahoe.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Emma emerge, looking more gorgeous than she ever should. She frowned, glancing at the cars, possibly trying to come up with an excuse to ride with other people. Like hell she was. Everyone knew that I wanted Emma to ride with me.

When our eyes met, she blushed and looked down before walking towards me. “Sorry, I ran a little longer,” Emma apologized as she opened the door.

I exhaled loudly once I was out of the car, rounding towards where she was standing on the opposite side and took hold of her purse without speaking to her.

“Thank you,” she said kindly as I went to the back of the SUV and shoved it in the trunk.

I wasn’t trying to be a dick by not speaking to her, but at this point, I had to prepare myself to be around her again. Shit, I was nervous and excited just being near her. It was crazy sad, but I was happy for this small blessing.

After four hours of a completely silent ride, I knew some serious stuff was brewing in the back. I was trying to engage Brody or Cooper to talk, but neither of them
were speaking. After several attempts, I decided to ignore the people in the back and cranked the music up to fill the silence. I just wanted to enjoy Emma’s presence next to me even if we weren’t speaking to each other.

The little joy I deluded myself in, departed the second Emma’s phone vibrated on the side door, where she’d put it when she got in, nestled on the door handle.

It didn’t take a genius to know who sent that stupid message when I saw her grin like a gushing schoolgirl. Fucking Bass Cole. Why don’t you just drop dead? Better yet, why didn’t he go fuck more of those models he enjoyed so much and leave my woman alone?

I flicked a glance towards Emma; her amused smile toyed with my insanity as she typed her reply.

Shit, I tried to be nice. Really, I tried, but when she kept grinning like that and the stupid phone kept going without a break, I just lost my shit.

Out of nowhere, I snatched the phone out of her hands and shoved it in my pocket for safekeeping. At this point, I knew I was acting like an angry bear with a sore head, but fuck it. I didn’t want Bass Cole to fuck with my weekend, the only opportunity I had to get my Emma back.

“Give it back!” the star-struck woman of mine furiously demanded.

Not happening, baby. Not until you’re mine again. “No.” I pressed my lips together in a straight line, clearly determined and not budging an inch at her shrieking voice.

“Give Emma her phone back, Carter! Stop being such a tool!” Lindsey chimed in, trying to help her friend out.

That pushed me to lash out at Emma. “Do you honestly think I’m going to sit here idly while you talk to another guy, Emma? Try to be a little sensitive here. I’m trying to drive, but I can’t help being distracted when you smile stupidly at his messages. I fucking hate it!”

I hated it, but
that was only half of what I was feeling, what I had gone through ever since you declared that you were going to break up with me.

“I apologize, that was rude of me. Can I have my phone back now?” She made a half-ass apology.

Try harder, baby,
I silently mused. The thought of kissing her and touching her in places I had dreamt for days, made me throb. Take it easy, man. Don’t rush it and mess up your chance to be with her.

Acting like a dick again, I didn’t look at her. “No.” My eyes were stuck on the road, not wanting to glance at the beautiful woman next to me.

“What the fuck, Carter!” she screeched at me, quickly losing her temper.

Good, now we’re in the same boat. Angry. Frustrated and in good need of release—steam and all.







Don’t You See That I’m Desperate Here?


“Finally! My butt is killing me! I hate long car rides! They’re the most uncomfortable things, like, ever!” Lindsey declared as I parked right outside the cabin that my family’s owned for a few generations now.

I grew up here and it held great memories of my father, one of which being when he taught me how to fish. These were back in the good old days, before my mother decided to be a selfish bitch and started her affairs, hopping from one man to the next until my father was irrevocably destroyed. It was disconcerting to see my father; a good man, who was unfortunate enough to fall for a woman like my mother
be so negatively affected by her indiscretions. I suppose she wasn’t ready to have a family, let alone be or act like a mother to us. She was just that—selfish.

BOOK: Scornfully Hers
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