Secrets (Passion Shields) (4 page)

BOOK: Secrets (Passion Shields)
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With the other hand roll and tug your nipple until it is stiff."

When she obeyed, her arousal spiked again,
warm blood rushing to her nipples, her nerve endings sensitized.

"Pick up the clamp and attach it to your lovely stiffened nipple."

She hesitated, staring at the clamps but not picking them up. She'd never choose to inflict pain on herself although she'd allowed Benjamin to use the clamps before.

"Do it." The depth of his tone suggested he wasn't going to allow for her to back out.

She picked the item up that looked like pincers but with flat instead of serrated edges. With shaky hands she applied it on and hissed as pain shot from her nipple.

e, Lina."

His voice calmed her
, and soon the sting dulled to a bearable level turning to delicious heat.

"Now the other one."

She inhaled several breaths before repeating the process with her other nipple, rolling it with her fingers before applying the clamp. He talked her through the pain, soothing her nerves until she relaxed again.

A month ago she would have been
unable to do or even accept for anyone to do that to her. Benjamin had proved his worth as a dominant man, quashing her fears.

This was progress in an unshakable form. One day she would trust him with the secrets buried in the deepest vault of her mind. And that day was fast approaching.

"Good girl. Your obedience is a gift that pleases me. You will be rewarded."

She continued breathing slowly dragging air into her lungs
, the dull ache pulling her into a trance. The sound of his voice lapped at her body, a gentle ocean tide.

As I'm not there to control you directly, the nipple clamps will act for me to keep your orgasm in check."

He knew her too well. Without the pain as a pleasurable distraction, her body was already primed to explode as soon as any
stimulation hit her clit.

Now turn on the vibrator but keep the setting low."

Chapter Four


The gentle whirring sound of the vibrator masked the devastating effect it was having on Selina
’s body as she let out a long keening cry after she turned it on. The setting was at the lowest. Still, her body was already aroused. The mild pulsation teased, akin to putting a drop of water on the lips of a thirsty man in the desert and expecting that to be enough. Expecting him not to want to snatch the bottle of water and gulp down the rest.

With an orgasm so close at hand, she wanted
more intensity and more friction. Her overwhelming need for release fought with her need to relinquish control, to trust Benjamin's ascendancy, knowing it could only lead to the ultimate in pleasure.

"Play with your breasts. Tug the chains when you're close to coming."

That her brain could still process his instructions was a mini-miracle. With an effort, she returned attention to her breasts, using her hands to squeeze them together, turning their throbbing ache to something deliciously decadent that joined the pleasure building in the rest of her.

Her lower body was on fire, the slow
rising fever that resurrected from her sex and was now spreading up her spine, belly, and chest to heat her face.

She tugged at the magnetic chain linking the nipple clamps
, and the sweep of sharp pain held back the urgent rise of her orgasm. For a moment she just lay there panting, trying to refocus her mind on the tremors in her sex and not the twinge in her breasts.

Swiftly, the
tenderness and pleasure balanced out, and she remembered where she was, in Benjamin's study. He was on the phone line and watching her from a secret camera hidden somewhere in this room.

He'd been silent for a while
, which was unusual. He was always active, either giving instructions or participating. She tried to imagine what he was doing on the other end.

Was he naked
? Somehow she knew Benjamin wouldn’t take all his clothes off. It was more likely that he would unzip his trousers and release his erection into his large callused hand. She chose to picture him that way.

In her mind's eye, he sat in his black leather executive chair, the sleeves of his sky blue shirt rolled up to the elbows revealing strong, sinewy, tanned arms covered in golden brown hairs. His
firm thigh muscles flexing in his charcoal trousers, the black belt and fly undone, his hefty shaft wrapped in his long fingers, the blunt head engorged, a pearl of pre-cum beading there.

She licked her lips,
picturing her tongue swiping at the bulbous tip, tasting his seed as she knelt on the rough hardwearing carpet in his office, her body as bare as she was now. She would run her tongue along its length, licking and sucking the steel encased in satin.

Then he would wrap his hands in the strands of her hair tugging her head back before filling he
r mouth with his shaft. She would suck it, swallowing him up as much as she could until its head hit the back of her throat. She would work it, his body heat as well as the scent of his musk adding to her excitement, the evidence dripping down her thighs until he swelled in her mouth and let out a loud growl, spilling his cum down her throat.

The imagery she conjured up only worsened her fate.
Passion took over, an urgent orgasm rising through her body, and she bit her lip.

Her hips bucked, her inner walls contracting around the vibrator as the butt piece continued to tease her hole. A tug of the nipple chain only increased the rate at which her orgasm peaked.

"Ben?" She pleaded, asking for permission, knowing she couldn’t hold back much longer.

"Now, beauty," he said, his voice husky. "Fly for me."

The words barely registered before her climax tipped over the edge and her whole body convulsed. She screamed, releasing the pent-up stress bubbling inside her mind all week. Nothing else gave her this mindless, breathless high that surpassed all else, except submitting to Benjamin. As she slumped on the sofa, her brain blanked out.


Benjamin's heart pounded against his chest, his blood whooshing in his ears. It took an effort to stop from panting out loud. All from watching Selina's sweet submission.

Witnessing her beautiful hard-earned compliance swelled his heart with delight.
It had taken weeks of training to get to this point, weeks of patiently nurturing and enforcing patterns, of rewarding and punishing as was necessary.

Yet at one point this morning he'd thought they'd had a setback. The way she'd glared at him, her eyes burning with her
fury. He'd thought she would defy him and refuse to obey his instructions. Only the months of experience he'd taken to learn her character had prevented an all-out disintegration of what they'd both achieved.

With Selina it was always about getting the right balance of carrot and st
ick. Too much carrot and she would get lippy. Too much stick and she would run. He'd still have to take the stick to her lovely behind for her outburst this morning. But that could wait.

For a moment, Benjamin stared at the large television screen braced on the side wall in his office. The image he'd previously zoomed into
, that of his wife sprawled on the leather sofa in his home office, her dark tresses tumbled around her, framing her face, the rest of her body chocolate, bare, and vulnerable as it trembled.

As h
er body's spasms calmed, she seemed to rouse from the climax possessing her, eyes still closed.

Benjamin shifted in his
buckskin seat, his discomfort more than just about the hard as granite erection in his trousers and more to do with the fact that he wasn't there with her.

During and after an orgasm we
re the most vulnerable moments for Selina. In those moments he liked to hold her, to encase her trembling body in his arms so that she would always know that he would protect her and bring her comfort.

By taking away her corsets, he'd taken away her safety net
, which only left him to reassure and restrain her.

Then again watching her sprawled out like that
, the diamond studs from the nipple clamps glittering, the glass edge of the vibrator sticking out of her glistening pussy, the welt and scars on her stomach exposed to view, it was a massive progress that she hadn't already  rushed to cover up. A month ago she would've been pulling the robe back on immediately.

Hell, she wouldn't have even allowed him to watch her via a video feed. She was so distrustful about cameras because she never wanted to be filmed naked.

For that reason he hadn't told her there were several cameras located in strategic points in their apartment. They were there for security reasons and had been installed a long time before they'd been married. His line of business demanded that level of security. He'd bought the penthouse apartment more for security it provided than for any display of wealth.

For the last month, he'd had the video feeds disabled as he wanted Selina to get used to the environment before talking to her about the camera

s he'd had to come into work this morning and noticed the vehement way she'd reacted to him going out on today, he'd decided it was as good a time as any to take their relationship a step further. It had been a gamble. And it had paid off. With mighty gains.

n the last few weeks he'd managed to push her comfort barriers down one obstacle at a time. Gradually his wife was letting go of her inhibitions and starting to trust him totally. They still had a way to go yet. But this was progress. Warmth radiated from his chest.


"Lina, don't sleep off yet," he spoke into the phone speaker on top of his mahogany desk.

On the screen Selina stirred,
shifting her arms and legs, but she didn't get up.

"Pull out the
vibrator and switch it off."

reached between her legs, wrapped her right hand around the flat end and slowly pulled out the glass phallus-shaped stimulator, her lower body arching. It glistened in the light, coated with her fluid. She would be sensitive from her orgasm.

"Now, the nipple clamps, take them off."

Her finger fiddled with the chains before the clamps came off, and she held them in her open right palm.

the items on the table. Don't worry about cleaning them up. Just put the robe back on and lie back on the sofa."

She stood, her movements languorous
, and did as he instructed. Picking up the robe from where she'd left it folded on the chair, she shook it out and slipped her arms into the fleece.

She looked so small covered from neck to toes, her vulnerability even more apparent.

"Take the phone."

Complying, she retur
ned to the sofa, phone in hand, her eyes unfocused. Having a climax was such an intense experience for her.

"Lie down, Lina. Take a nap. I'll be here to watch over you
, and I'll wake you when it's time."

she said, her voice filled with emotion.

His heart squeezed t
ight as if in a clenched glove, his breath knocked out of him.

With her shoulders lifting in what seemed like a satisfied sigh,
Selina drew her legs up and curled on the sofa. Her long dark eyelashes drifted on to her flushed cheekbones in a sleepy droop.

"Thank you, Ben."
He had to strain to hear her whispered words before the phone line clicked off.

Without moving, he watched as the rise and fall of her chest became regular. She was asleep. This was a gift, watching her like this. That she'd trus
ted him enough to let him do it made it all the more precious.

Their life was moving forward, their plans in the right direction. The visa application for her brother Kaya to come and live with them in the UK was in progress.
As he was the sponsor, he'd already sent documents showing that he could provide financially for the boy and Kaya wouldn’t need public funds when he came to live with them.

A tap on his office
door drew his attention. He pressed the button on the remote control, blanking the screen just as Christopher Star, his long term best friend and joint business owner, strode in. They had a past linked from their time as mercenaries.

Though they
'd shared most things, and Chris had introduced Ben to Selina, he couldn’t allow his friend to see Selina in this state. It was an intimacy he wanted to share between his wife and himself. What's more, it would be a misuse of her hard-won trust.

In the past
, Ben had shared women with Chris. Now seeing his friend reminded Ben of Selina's request for a threesome, something he'd yet to grant her. In truth he didn't know if he could. Selina brought out the possessive side of him like no other. The more time he spent with his wife the less he wanted to share her with anyone else.

Even if their arrangement was temporary.

He pushed the thought aside. For now he had a more pressing problem.

"I came as soon as I could," Chris said when he
lowered his tall frame into the seat opposite Ben. "What's going on?"

Without saying a word
Benjamin clicked the mouse of his laptop. The email screen came into view. He swiveled the device around so that his friend could see the words on the page.

ead this email."

Christopher met his
gaze, concern etched on his forehead, before he stared at the computer screen. Benjamin rose from his chair and withdrew a bottle of spring water from the small refrigerator in the corner of his office.

He u
nscrewed the plastic metal cap and lifted the glass to his lips. Chilled water travelled down his throat, cooling his insides as well as quenching his thirst.

hough he tried not to focus on them, the words in the email came to him.

want you to come home immediately.

He pictured Uncle Leonard dictating the words to his long-suffering secretary who'd sent the message.

"What are you going to do?" Christopher's question drew his attention.

t looking behind Ben knew his friend's gaze was boring straight into his back. He stared out of the window of his office building located midway between Victoria Station and Vauxhall Bridge. From his window he could see the street level. Cars were sparse on the road.

"You know how I feel about going ba
ck there," Ben said, turning around.

"Well then, just reply him and say no."

"It's not that simple. Beatrice arrived from Jo'burg this morning."

"Shit. Yo
u didn't tell me she was coming," Chris said, a frown creasing his face.

His friend's surprise wasn't lost on him.

"I didn't know. I only found out this morning that she was here when she called from Heathrow."

Bea arriving the same day you get summons from Uncle Leonard? This is just too coincidental."

BOOK: Secrets (Passion Shields)
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