Read Seducing Helena Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #The Calendar Men Series

Seducing Helena (3 page)

BOOK: Seducing Helena
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I’m having hard time putting the Helena I know from your letters together with the badass chick who has a butt I’d like to…well let’s just say I think you’re beautiful. Inside and out.

All right, my girl wants a bedtime story so here you go.

If I was there right now, and you were sitting in your computer chair in that fucking hot red bikini, I’d come up behind you and tie your hands together behind the chair with my belt. I’d start to touch you, grab a handful of those fucking amazing tits, and thumb your nipples until you were squirming. Then I’d slip a vibrator between your pretty legs and turn you around so I could watch you come. I can just see it now, your head thrown back, your lips parted while you strain to hold the vibrator closer with your thighs. I might take pity on you and help you out, rubbing your wet pussy with my hand while you come all over my fingers. Then I’d make you lick them clean while I took a taste of your undoubtedly sweet pussy.

Night, sugar.





Chapter Two



Seth Morgan walked down the crowded concourse of JFK Airport to the baggage claim area with his heart pounding in his ears. He was torn between the desire to run to where Helena was supposed to be waiting for him and the need to appear cool and collected. Though how the fuck any man could remain calm when one of the most beautiful women in the world waited for him was beyond Seth.

He made his way through the crowd, his six-foot-four height making it easy to see above their heads, and scanned the bustling area for Helena. Almost instantly he found her and everything, every cell, every nerve, seemed to light up inside of him. If he thought she was good-looking in her modeling pictures, Helena in real life just about blew a circuit in his mind.

She stood a little back from the crowd, wearing a flowing white summer dress that made her dark brown skin glow but did little to hide her full breasts and the curves of her hips. Her shoulder-length hair was pulled back from her face in a high ponytail and he longed to grip it and use it to hold Helena still for his kiss. The gold bangles on her arm glittered in the sunlight coming through the widows as she shifted and glanced in his direction, ignoring the people around her taking her picture with their phones or just plain gawking.

He paused, letting people walk around him as he took Helena in. Seeing her in living color like this made their daily e-mails to each other seem all the more improbable. When she’d first told him the truth about who she was, he hadn’t believed her until he checked with his buddy, Leo, and found out yes indeed, his pen pal was one of the most desirable women on the planet. While he hated people lying to him, he could understand why she had done it.

In hiding her identity, she’d allowed him to see her true self, a brilliant and funny woman who’d stolen his heart. Now he needed to see if the feeling was mutual. He wasn’t going to press it. If Helena seemed uncomfortable at all, he’d insist on getting his own hotel room instead of staying at her place like she’d asked him to. He still couldn’t understand why someone as hot as her would want anything to do with him but he’d be fucked if he was going to let this opportunity slip by. Beyond that, he really did like her. She was honorable, smart, and kind. At least she was in her letters.

Resuming his approach, he tried to get his nerves under control. He knew how to sweep a girl off her feet and he wanted to make her as crazy for him as he was for her. That meant taking things slow even though he hadn’t slept with a woman in over nine months and his dick was practically exploding at the thought of being inside of her. He’d just have to make frequent trips to the bathroom to jerk off during his leisurely seduction of Helena. By the time they did make love, he wanted her starving for his touch.

Someone bumped into him, and he had to keep himself from reacting aggressively. He was still getting used to being back in the States and he’d made a promise to himself once he got out of the Marines after ten years of service he was never going to take another day for granted again. Life was short and he had so much he wanted to do, to experience, before his time was up. And if dating a supermodel wasn’t the experience of a lifetime, he didn’t know what was.

Helena noticed him and her tilted brown eyes widened, then her million-dollar smile lit her face. But this time it wasn’t for some camera, it was for him.


Before he could take another step, she closed the distance between them and launched herself at him, making him drop his carry-on so he could catch her. She didn’t give him time to be intimidated, time to freak out at the knowledge of whom he had in his arms. Instead, his stunned brain had only a moment to register how good she felt, how she smelled like strawberries and flowers, before she buried her hands in his short hair and kissed him.

At the first soft press of her full, generous lips, he groaned and gave himself over to her gentle assault. She didn’t try to tongue-kiss him or anything. Instead, she ever-so-gently stroked her lips over his, delicate caresses of her mouth almost like butterfly kisses. He placed his hands on the smooth curve of her waist, enjoying the heat of her skin through the thin fabric beneath his touch, even as his cock tried to punch through his jeans to get closer to her.

She broke their kiss and leaned back in his arms, her pelvis pressing against his. When she brushed his erection, she gave her hips a little wiggle. “Oh my. You weren’t lying about being a big boy.”

He stared at her, then started laughing and held her close, kissing the top of her head. “It’s good to see you to, Helena.”

She flushed and glanced up at him through her lashes, sending a hard bolt of lust through him. He swallowed and looked away, becoming aware of the circle of people around them, staring openly. Discomfort at being watched had him releasing her.

“Let me grab my bags and we can head out.”

After he put his carry-on back over his shoulder, Helena slipped her hand into his as if it was the most natural thing in the world. He couldn’t help but smile at her as her slender fingers wrapped around his own. His hands were calloused and scared from his time in the military, and on the farm before that, so he wondered if she was put off at all by his rough touch.

They strolled hand in hand to the baggage conveyer and by some miracle his bag was one of the first to come out. As he hauled it off the ramp he heard someone say, “Ms. Flores, can we get a picture with you, please?”

He turned to find a middle-aged couple staring at Helena with something akin to awe. She graciously posed with them, and as soon as she was finished another couple came up. He stood there for another ten minutes, wondering if he should interrupt her. She’d often said only half her job was the actual modeling, the other half was being the best PR she could for herself. He’d understood in theory, but now he kinda felt like these people were stealing her away from him.

She kept glancing over at him and after the fourth picture, this time with a Little League team who took a good amount of time to gather together, she mouthed the words, “Help me.”

Putting on his best drill-sergeant face Seth pulled his suitcase to her side and neatly placed himself between Helena and the growing line of people wanting a picture with her. Fuck, it almost reminded him of people lining up for a ride at an amusement park. He gave the line a good glower, one that had the people standing closest to them backing up.

“Ms. Flores, you’re going to be late for your appointment.”

Her lips twitched as she hid a smile, but he could easily read the laughter and relief in her gaze. She turned to the two teenage boys gawking at her. “I’m sorry, but I have to run. It was very nice meeting you, John and Clint. I hope you enjoy your vacation in New York.”

The boys stammered out some reply as Seth led Helena out the front doors to the curbside pickup area. The noise of the traffic washed over them and she took his hand again.

“Thank you for rescuing me.”

He grinned at her and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. “You need a bodyguard, babe.”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s what Gary is always telling me.”

Irrational jealousy skipped through Seth’s heart at the fond way she said the other man’s name. Trying to keep his tone casual he said, “Who’s Gary?”

“My driver, who also happens to be my cousin. There he is now.”

She waved over a black Mercedes Benz and it pulled up to the curb near them. They made their way to the car and an older black man in a smart gray suit got out with a wide smile for Helena and a suspicious look for Seth. He came around to the side of the car and opened the door for them.

“Here you go, Helena.” He nodded at Seth. “Nice to meet you, Mr. Morgan, and thank you for your service for our country.”

Seth cleared his throat, uncomfortable with the praise. “Thank you. Nice to meet you as well Mr.…?”

“Just call me Gary.”

As he shook hands with Helena’s cousin, Seth noticed a growing crowd staring at them. “Right, nice to meet you. If you’ll pop the trunk for me, I’ll put my suitcase in, and we can take off before people start to mob the car.”

She pulled at his hand. “Let Gary get it.”

Seth started to protest but Gary cut him off. “Go ahead. If you start loading your own luggage, Helena may start doing the same, and next thing you know I’ll be out of a job.”

With a giggle, she tugged at Seth’s hand again. “Until I learn how to drive, you will always have a place in my home.”

As they piled into her car, Seth glanced around the plush interior. The back seat had far more legroom than he was used to and a smoked glass divider was up between their area and the driver’s seat. Between the cream leather and dark wood accents with gold trim, the car reeked of luxury, and he felt very out of place. He was more of a beer-and-a-bonfire-type guy, while Helena was obviously high class all the way. The song “Uptown Girl” started to play in his mind as he examined her. Even in the bright sunlight, she was flawless.

She looked back at him and her lips softened. “I’m so glad to finally meet you.”

He wanted to pull her into his lap and kiss her senseless, but he forced himself to be satisfied with reaching out and stroking her cheek. Her skin was so smooth, so soft. He’d never felt anything like it. Her eyes grew darker and she turned into his touch, placing a kiss on his wrist, threatening his ability to keep himself from falling on her like some sex-starved Marine, which, actually, he was.

“Are you sure you want me to stay at your place? It really wouldn’t be a problem for me to get a hotel room. I’m not saying I’m a psycho or anything, but I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable around me. Let’s face it, I’m pretty much a stranger.”

She took his hand in hers and rubbed her thumb across his knuckles. “You know more about me than most people in my life. I know about your family, where you grew up, and a thousand other small details that make up who you are. For instance, your first car was a 1990 Chevy Malibu that used to belong to your grandmother before she moved to Arizona. It smelled like old lady and cheap air freshener no matter how many times you cleaned it. I also know you’re kind, honest, courageous, and utterly kinky.”

On the last word her voice dropped to a seductive purr that went right to Seth’s dick. He tried to shift as his hardening cock pressed against his worn jeans. Trying to lessen the sexual tension building between them, not wanting her to think he was only after her body, he looked out the window. “You mentioned on the phone you had a surprise for me. Can I know what it is yet?”

She moved, drawing his attention back to her. For a long moment she looked at him, then threw herself into his arms. He was too stunned to protest when she straddled his lap and kissed him until he could barely breathe, let alone think. Her lips were so soft, so full, and he stroked his tongue against hers until they were moaning into each other’s mouth. With a hungry sigh, she ran her hands over his shoulders, down his arms, and rocked her pelvis against him. He found himself surrounded by her warmth, enveloped in her sweet perfume, and going utterly out of his fucking mind with lust. She was perfect, amazing even, and when she kissed him like this he was about one second from jerking his jeans open and pulling her panties aside and shoving himself in her.

No. Slow

to take shit slow.

Gritting his teeth, he put his hands on her shoulders and forced her back, groaning as she rocked her hips against him. Her eyes were heavy-lidded with desire, and she bit her very full lower lip, practically daring him to kiss her again. Resisting her charms was difficult, but he managed to keep from grabbing her hips and grinding her on his lap until she came.

She gave him an adorable pout. “Why did you stop?”

He took a deep breath and allowed himself the pleasure of stroking her arms. “Sugar, you deserve to be romanced, not taken on the couch like I was a horny teenager. I want you to be sure before we do anything. In some ways I do feel like I know you intimately, but I don’t want to rush this.”

She pouted some more at him and wiggled her body against his, drawing out another groan from him. “I do know you. I want you, Seth. I’ve wanted you for months and now that you’re finally here I don’t want to wait. I need you inside me.”

“You’re killing me.” He closed his eyes and tried to move her off his lap, but she refused to go, tightening her thighs around his hips.

“Please, Seth. I haven’t touched myself in two weeks, like you asked. I’m going crazy with the need to come.”

He’d only been half-serious when he ordered her not to masturbate, but it intrigued him she’d followed his directions. From their e-mail interactions, during what she liked to call her naughty bedtime stories, he’d learned many of her fantasies involved a man taking charge of a situation. Hoping he was playing his hunch right, he grasped both of her wrists with his hands and pulled her arms behind her back.

“You can wait a little while longer, sugar.” She moaned and arched against him. “No matter how much you beg, how much you plead, we’re doing things on my timetable.”

BOOK: Seducing Helena
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