Read Seducing the Heiress Online

Authors: Martha Kennerson

Seducing the Heiress (7 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Heiress
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Chapter 8

obert stood in the living room of their suite, wearing a black Armani tux and holding a glass of single malt whisky, admiring the view of Central Park and the East River. He watched the ant-like figures go about their way and brought the glass to his lips when he heard Farrah's bedroom door open. Robert lowered the glass and turned to greet Farrah, only to be caught off-guard at the sight of her. He'd always thought Farrah was beautiful, but the woman standing in front of him, wearing a dark green body-clutching strapless gown with a side split and diamond earrings dangling from lobes exposed by curly, jet-black hair pulled off her face and hanging down her back, was breathtakingly so.

“Well I'm ready,” Farrah confirmed, sauntering into the room as she placed her lipstick into her purse. “Are you?” she asked, giving him a lengthy once-over.

Robert slammed back his drink, hoping it would cool down the fire raging in his blood. He went over to the bar and placed the glass on the marble counter. “Yep, let's go. The car's downstairs.”

Farrah grabbed her wrap and headed for the door. They made their way to the bank of elevators and traveled down to the lobby in silence. Soon they were in the limo heading towards the Ambassador Theatre.

“So about earlier...accusing you of messing with the reservation.”

His gaze locked on hers.

“I apologize.”

“No problem,” he replied, sheepishly. “I guess it was kind of my fault.”

“What?” Farrah asked, those ruby-red lips pulling into a slight frown.

“One of the owners here is an old friend. He saw my name come across a VIP list, upgraded me, hence
, as a courtesy.”

“Oh, I understand that,” she said, smiling up at him.

“So you think this mysterious person will show up?” Robert asked, trying to keep his eyes on Farrah's face and away from the tops of her beautiful breasts, which were peeking out of her dress.

“Benny assured me that they'll make contact at some point tonight. The only problem is, no one knows exactly what this person looks like,” she explained, biting down on her bottom lip, something that only happened when she was a little bit nervous.

“Well, how do you know they'll show up, and how are you supposed to recognize them?”

“Benny's one of my best New York informants and he spread the word that Alexia had a silent partner that's not so silent anymore. He made sure that the right people knew this partner was upset about Alexia's missing client book—”

“What missing client book?”

She gave him an ear-to-ear grin. “Exactly...”

Robert turned in his seat to face Farrah full-on. “What have you done?” he asked in a harsh tone.

“Just took out a little insurance,” she said, tossing her hair off her shoulders and crossing one well-toned leg over the other.

of insurance?” he demanded, his protective instinct kicking into high gear.

“I made Benny think there was an appointment book that went missing and that Alexia's partner is really pissed about it. I told Benny to spread the word that her partner has an idea of who took the book and if it's not returned by midnight or some explanation is provided as to what happened to it, all hell would break loose.”

Robert's frown deepened. “You made yourself a target?”

, I made Alexia's non-existent partner a target.”

Robert pushed out a breath. “What is it with you Blake women? Always putting yourselves in danger! You have no idea what this guy might do if he thinks you're coming after him.”

“That's the point. We need him to be make a mistake. We both know I can take care of myself and you'll be there to back me up. Right?” she asked, giving him a sexy smile.

Robert tried not to be distracted, but his body had other ideas. “I'll always have your back,” he said, leaning forward, stopping inches from her face. “No matter what.”

Robert saw the gratitude and a glimpse of something else in Farrah's eyes before she looked away, biting her bottom lip again.

He sat back in the seat, gripping his hands at his sides.

* * *

Farrah released a slow breath and sent up a silent thank-you that Robert hadn't seemed to notice just how much his closeness affected her. “Look, all we need is for whoever this person is to show up. I'm sure, between the two of us, we can
him to share whatever information he may have,” she declared.

“You think so?”


The limo came to a stop in front of the Ambassador Theatre. The line of theatergoers wrapped around the building. The limo door opened and they were ushered past the waiting, nattily dressed crowd into the lobby. The ornate surroundings stopped Farrah in her tracks. The white-and-gold walls showcased expensive midcentury paintings, while the barrel-vaulted and dome ceiling held large crystal and gold chandeliers, and the layers of crown molding spoke to the age of the building. From a time when elegance, glamour and grace were the norm; it was as though they'd been transported into the richness of the past.

“My goodness, this place is beautiful,” Farrah gushed with delight as she slowly spun around while keeping her focus on the ceiling's detail. She didn't even notice the people staring or dodging the twirls, trying to prevent collisions.

“Careful, you don't want to get too dizzy,” Robert warned, laughing and offering apologetic smiles to those trying to move past her.

Too late, I seem to stay dizzy around you.
“No worries, I know my limits.” Farrah stopped, beaming up at him.

“Don't I know it,” he murmured, and there was a world of meaning in those few words.

Robert walked slowly toward Farrah and stood in front of her before giving her a slow, sexy grin.
He's going to kiss me... I can't let him kiss me...but I want him to.

Robert leaned forward slightly before he bent down to retrieve the wrap that had fallen to the ground. He straightened, handed it to her and took a step back.

Such an idiot. Thank goodness he's not a mind reader.
“Thank you,” Farrah said, trying to hide her disappointment.

Robert gave her a tight smile and a slow nod. “So how long is this thing anyway?”

“About two and half hours with a twenty-minute intermission.”

“Two hours,” he grumbled.

“You'll be fine,” she said, eyeing the looks of admiration from a couple of women standing a short distance from where they stood. She couldn't blame them. Robert was a beautiful sight to see in his tux.

A tall, leggy attendant appeared by her side and said, “Excuse me...if you'd please follow me, I'll show you to your seats.”

Robert stepped aside. “After you.”

Farrah followed behind the attendant to one of four private box seats. The attendant pushed back the thick gold curtain where two plush red velvet seats sat with a small table between them. On the table were two crystal glasses and a silver bucket with a bottle of champagne resting in a bed of ice.

Farrah thanked the attendant before planting herself in one of the seats with the best vantage point.

“This, I'll take credit for,” Robert said, retrieving the champagne bottle. He popped the cork and poured even amounts into both glasses. “So, what now?”

Farrah accepted the offered glass. “Now,” she said before taking a sip of the bubbly, “we enjoy the show while we wait. This is Alexia's box, so I'm sure they'll find us. The team's in place?”

“Yeah, everything's covered,” he replied, scanning the lower level seating area. “If anyone makes a move toward us, we'll have them in less than thirty seconds.”

Farrah settled into the seat and tried to follow her own advice. While she wanted to focus on what was happening onstage, all she could concentrate on was Robert, his profile in particular. The fact that his curly hair hung past his ears just the way she preferred. Those beautiful lips...the things he could do with those lips. And his square masculine chin with a thin film of hair making its presence known was beyond sexy. Farrah's nipples became like mini-marbles and her breathing escalated. She squirmed in her seat as she fanned herself with the playbill.

“You all right?” Robert asked.

“Yes, of course,” she said, getting to her feet. “I think I may have taken in that champagne way too fast. I'm just going to the ladies' room.”

“The show's about to start. You can't wait until halftime?”

“You mean intermission?” Farrah corrected.


Farrah chuckled. “No, I can't. Besides, I know these opening numbers like the back of my hand.”

Robert's forehead creased with displeasure.

Farrah almost let go of another laugh, but said, “I'll be right back.”

She couldn't get away from Robert fast enough. Farrah made her way down the stairs to the area where the restrooms were. She walked into the ladies' lounge, paused and stared in awe at what lay before her. The room screamed the same old-school glamour as the lobby.

“Wow!” After ensuring she was alone, Farrah did an exaggerated catwalk over to the chaise and flung herself across it. “I need a martini...extra dry,” she said, snapping her fingers in the air before bursting into laughter. “I so could have lived large back in the '20s.”

The creak of the door echoed and she quickly righted herself.

“I thought you'd never come,” said a small, fair-skinned, dark-haired beauty wearing a simple black tea-length dress with silver-sequined tennis shoes.

Chapter 9

xcuse me?” Farrah said.

The young woman's hand flew to her throat, her mouth open slightly as she took a step back. “Sorry, I just assumed you'd be here at the start of the show like Alexia. She likes to get her business out of the way quickly. Alexia hates missing too much of the first act,” she quickly explained.

You're Alexia's associate? You're what, twelve?

“I'm nothing like Alexia,” Farrah acknowledged, a little more forcefully than she intended.

“Yes, ma'am. Here you go,” she said, quickly offering Farrah a silver flash drive.

The young woman's hand with neon-painted nails was shaking as she placed the drive in the palm of Farrah's hand.
Just go with it.
“Is this everything?” Farrah asked, managing to keep her tone even.

“It's the only thing Alexia gave me. I don't know about anything else...I swear,” she said, raising her right hand.

“Have a seat,” Farrah said, directing her toward the chair across from her.

“No, thanks, I'm fine,” the young woman said, breaking eye contact.

“Do you know what's on it?” Farrah asked.

“I have no idea,” she said, shaking her head.

“What's your name?”

“Blige. Blige Summer,” she said proudly.

“Well, Blige, I'm Farrah Blake,” she said, offering her hand. Blige gave Farrah's hand a quick shake before dropping her hand and taking a step back. “How long
you worked for Alexia?” Farrah asked, slipping the drive into her clutch. She tried to remain calm and nonchalant because she knew this could be a critical piece of evidence in finding out who was out to destroy Robert's reputation, their business and why.

Blige frowned, her thin, glossed lips pursed. “Worked, I'm her dependent. I mean, she's my guardian. Alexia is like a sister to me,” she explained, shifting a quick look at the door.

Farrah tilted her head. “Her...

“My parents died when I was eleven. Car accident. Alexia had done some kind of work for them—” Farrah parted her lips, but Blige quickly added, “Don't ask me what, but lucky for me, she felt like she owed them, so she took me in. She's the only family I have. I'd do anything for Alexia.”

“I didn't realize,” Farrah whispered. “So are you telling me you know nothing about her business?”

“No, ma'am... I mean, yes, that's what I'm saying. She made sure I stayed focused on school,” she said, nodding like a bobblehead doll.

“How old are you?”

“Nineteen, but I'll be twenty next month,” she said, raising her chin as if that could make her claim seem more relevant.

Farrah crossed her legs and kept her gaze trained on the wispy teen. She liked the girl's spunk. “Why did
have the drive?”

Blige folded her arms, suddenly a little more defensive than Farrah expected. “I didn't steal it, if that's what you think. Alexia gave it to me. She said if for some reason I didn't hear from her in a while or couldn't reach her, just sit tight and someone would contact me with instructions.”

Farrah mulled that over for a moment, then said, “When was the last time you talked to Alexia?”

“A few weeks ago, but I wasn't worried,” she said shrugging. “She stays so busy. I knew I'd see her over the holidays like always.”

“What made you come here tonight? Did someone contact you, tell you to come?”

“Yes and no. Her friend Butch called me and said Alexia had a partner and that you were looking for something and that I needed to be careful.” She shifted her weight from one leg to the other. “I figured that was it,” she said, pointing at Farrah's purse. “When I saw you sitting in her box, I knew you had to be her partner and that I should probably give you the drive.”

“Who's Butch, and what's his last name?”

“It's Johnson. Butch Johnson.” Blige bit down on her lip and shifted her eyes downward. “Alexia said he's like her assistant, but I've never met him in person.”

“Hmm. Do you...happen to know where he lives?”

“I think she said he lives in New Orleans.”

“So how'd you know I'd even be here tonight?”

“I didn't. This is where Alexia always conducts her business. I'm not sure why, though. So I've been here every night since Butch called me a week ago.”

Farrah pushed out a breath. “Sit down, Blige...please.”

Blige bit the side of her lip and remained still for a few moments longer before dropping her shoulders and finally taking the seat across from Farrah. She crossed her feet at the ankles and gripped her hands in her lap.

“Alexia's been arrested, and I'm not sure she's getting out anytime soon.”

Blige's fair complexion lost all color.

“Did she leave you with any money? Are you going to be able to take care of yourself?”

Blige sat up slightly in the chair and raised her chin again. “Yeah, I'm fine. I have plenty of cash. Alexia even paid for my school in advance.”

Farrah checked her watch and realized that Robert was probably wondering about her. “All right, one last thing then, we could be interrupted soon—”

“We won't be,” Blige answered. “I paid the attendant to put up the out-of-order sign,” she explained. “A little trick Alexia taught me for when I needed privacy.”

“Nice trick,” Farrah agreed. “Do you have a contact number for Butch?”

“I think I have it in my phone. I'm kinda surprised you don't know him.” Blige pulled out a cell, scrolled for a few seconds, and rattled off the information.

Farrah entered the number into her contacts. “We don't have the same circle of friends. Okay, I need you to make me a promise. You can't tell anyone about me or this meeting. It could be very dangerous for you...understand?”

“Okay.” Blige lowered her head and sighed. “Do you know how she's doing? Alexia's going to be fine, right?”

Farrah waited for Blige to raise her head and meet her gaze. “You've been very helpful to me tonight, so I'm not going to lie to you.”

Blige nodded, though her teary eyes filled with a sudden flash of anxiety. Farrah got up and took the seat next to Blige.

“Alexia's business required her to do some pretty bad things. She's going to prison for a while. I'm sure she'll contact you when she can. It just may be a little while,” Farrah explained, giving her hand a quick squeeze. “But I think she'd want you to go on and make something of your life.”

Blige wiped away the tears flowing down her cheeks with shaky hands.

Farrah reached into her purse, pulled out a tissue and handed it to a clearly heartbroken Blige. “We all make choices. You just be sure to make good choices for yourself, Blige,” Farrah offered.

Obviously too emotional to speak, the girl simply offered a tight smile.

“You should go,” Farrah said, uncrossing her legs and coming to stand in front of Blige.

Blige remained seated, still trying to get her tears under control. “Will you be talking to Alexia soon?”

“I'm sure I will. Why?”

“Do you know if she needs a lawyer? I can help find her one.” Blige's voice shook as she spoke.

“I'm sure she has one.”

Blige sighed and stood. “Then can you tell her I said...thanks for everything...and that I'm here if she needs me. And that I love her?”

Oh, man.

“I'll make sure she gets the message. I'm sure she'll appreciate it. You just be sure to take care of yourself.”

Blige opened her mouth only to close it quickly. She sighed, turned and walked out the door.

“Poor kid. Who would have thought Alexia actually cared about someone other than herself?” Farrah said to her reflection, checking her appearance.

Satisfied, Farrah made her way back to Robert. He had the type of equipment necessary to bypass any security Alexia might have put in place and she couldn't wait to see if they'd struck gold.

BOOK: Seducing the Heiress
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