Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3) (7 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3)
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“Sure am.” When they reached the Jeep he halted and looked around. “Guess he didn’t want to come.”

“He did but you said tomorrow.”

“You’re right.”

Christa opened the door. “There are things we must discuss.”

He wrinkled his nose. “Rules.”

Christa laughed. “Exactly.”


* * *


Mark reached the cottage door and headed to the inn. His cell buzzed. He looked at his watch. He had time to reach the inn for the early dinner hopefully with Davy and Christa. The buzz continued. He pulled the phone free and pressed to answer. “Blakefield here. This had better be important.”

“Tony on this end. Hope I’m not interrupting anything interesting.”

“Not yet. You have news.”

“Learned several things. She was always Christa Sommers.”

Matt sat on a porch chair. “Where did I get Parsons?”

“From Matt.”

“How? Did Matt say she was Christa Parsons? He never met her.”

Tony laughed. “Here’s how matters went down. I popped up when you were leaving. Matt called to say he’d been accepted at Parsons for architecture…You yelled congrats, tossed the receiver to me and booked out of there.”

“Damn.” Mark gripped the phone. He could have found her if he hadn’t been so addled when he found she hadn’t been waiting.

“Now that’s straightened, you need to take some notes on how to proceed.”

Mark picked up a note pad and a pen. “Shoot.”

“A paternity test for starters.”

“No need. Once you see him you’ll know he’s mine.”

Tony growled. “Idiot. You need to protect your interests when you take her to court and sue for custody.”

“Not going to happen.”

His friend growled. “At least sue for visitation rights and for permission to take him out of state. We’ll ask for alternating weekends and holidays plus a month every summer.”

Mark jotted a few words. Paternity. Sue. Visitation. “I’ll keep your suggestions in mind. If my plans bomb we’ll go to court. I can live with visits but I won’t take Davy from his mother. She’s fantastic and has raised a great son.”

“What if you are ordered to pay a hefty support payment?”

“Will be worth it. I don’t think I have to worry.”

“What do you plan?”

“You’ll hear the details after I make my move. By Monday I should know if Christa and I can work out suitable arrangements.”

Tony cleared his throat. “Why did you ask for legal advice if you plan to do your own thing, whatever that is?”

“Always have a backup plan.”

“My advice doesn’t come cheap.”

“Send your bill. When I pay I’ll throw in a few phone numbers and even make some intros.”

“You’re not thinking rationally. Be very, very careful. She’ll never give you an ounce of say in the boy’s life. She’s been in control too long.”

Mark laughed. “I believe she will. Care to place a bet. I have a feeling she’ll give me more.”

“Sure she will.” The sarcastic growl made Mark grin. “Buddy, you need to take a stand. She has possession of what you want.”

“That she does. I figure seduction will work.”

“Play it cool. No hasty moves. Call me and I’ll draft the legal battle plans and set them in motion.”

Mark dropped the notepad. “Sit tight. I know what I’m doing. A show of force isn’t necessary and could turn the situation into a mess. I want this to be smooth and easy.”

“Just what are you planning beyond seduction?”

“Something long term. Maybe marriage.” A bark of laughter nearly popped his eardrum.


“You heard me.”

Tony snorted. “With the woman who ran and hid your son from you?”

“She had good reasons.”

“Right. What if she values money over marriage? Bet she’s about to call her attorney. This could end with costing you a fortune.”

“You sound like her half-sisters. You should meet them. They give greed a whole new meaning. I’m off to give my plan a try.” As he disconnected he heard Tony sputter.

Mark left the cottage porch and walked to the inn. He stopped in the lobby. The woman at the desk smiled. “Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for Christa.”

“Are you her friend who’s staying in one of the cottages?” Mark nodded. “Sorry, she and Davy left five minutes ago.”

“Any idea where they went?”

“It’s Friday. They usually have dinner out and then go to a movie.”

Mark leaned on the counter. “What kind of car does she drive?”

“Bright green Jeep.”

He turned from the counter and strolled to his car. He recalled a sign just before he’d turned into the inn lot with a distance to the next town. Five miles. He would take a look and find them.

An hour later he returned to the inn. The town had been small and there hadn’t been a movie theater. He pulled into the parking lot and slumped in his car. He could ask for directions to the theater. If the show had started he couldn’t search for them. With a shrug he entered the dining room and ordered dinner. After he finished he looked for Christa’s Jeep. Not finding the vehicle he went into the bar and ordered a beer.




Chapter Five


Christa watched her son dig into the hot fudge and caramel sundae. He grinned. “Maybe we can come here tomorrow.”

“Instead of lunch with Mark?” she asked.

“He could come. I bet he would like ice cream.”

“What about the bike?”

He made a face. “I don’t think I have enough money and you won’t let him buy me the bike.”

“That’s right. Are you worried about the meeting?”

“Sort of. Having a dad is exciting and scary.”

She leaned forward. “What do you think happened to him?”

“When I was little I didn’t think about having a dad. I had you. Then I thought he was dead. After the half aunts showed me the picture I figured he’d run away. I kind of forgot about him.”

She covered his hand. “You never asked.”

“If he’d run away that would make you sad.”

Christa smiled. How she wished she’d known these things. Would her life have been different? Maybe not. Even if she’d spoken to Mark the problem of her half-sisters would have existed.

“Are you sure you want tomorrow to happen? I can tell Mark you’ve changed your mind and need more time.”

“That wouldn’t be fair.”

“All right. We’ll meet him. Remember, there are rules.”

Davy made a face. “Like what?”

“He might bribe you with presents.”

“Not if you say no.” Davy scraped the last of the sundae from the dish. “Where now?”

“What do you say to home?”

He yawned. “Sure.”

A short time later they parked in the inn lot. The half-sister’s car was gone. Mark’s silver sports car sat between two dark sedans. As she and Davy walked to the house she wondered if Mark was at the cottage or the inn.

A wave of yearning smacked into her intention to avoid him. She clutched her hands. Yearning was a poor description of the pulsing need she felt. Falling into his arms had been a mistake but she feared she would fall in love again. Though tempted to go to the cottage once Davy was in bed, she wouldn't since she couldn’t leave her son alone.

When she closed the front door Davy dashed upstairs. The moment he’d showered and dove into bed he called her. Christa kissed his cheek and left the room.

What now? Television held no lure. She couldn’t leave the house. She considered calling Mark. A frown furrowed her brow. Not cool. One look, one touch and she would be in his arms. That would lead to bed but not with Davy in the next room.

She yawned. When all else failed a hot shower and bed should work. Last night’s restless sleep had made her yawn all day. She entered the bedroom and closed her door.

After kicking off her shoes and pulling her sweater over her head, she unfastened her bra. She cupped her breasts. Her nipples tightened and she stroked until she felt an answering pulse below.

With a sign she stripped off her jeans and panties. She lay on the bed. One had slid over her abdomen to explore between her thighs. A finger circled her clit. Short panting breaths sounded. She cried for Mark as she had so many times in the past. Her fingers rubbed faster. She felt the burn and continued the frantic stroking. Slowly like the unfolding of a bird into a flower she reached for a climax. For a time she hovered on the edge of a discovery. As the sensations climaxed in a full flowering she cried out. She sighed. Though momentarily satisfied she wanted more. She wanted Mark’s touch in reality not in a dreamy fantasy.


* * *


Mark finished his beer. Nearly ten. Surely Christa and Davy had returned home. Could he go to her? He wanted to be with her but he had to remember his plan. Win the boy and the woman would follow.

“Another?” the bartender asked.

Mark shook his head. “Can I ask you a few questions?”


“I’m the editor of a travel magazine. My head writer thinks this inn would make a great feature.”

“It’s a great place.” The man rested his elbows on the oak counter. “Ask away.”

“Is the bar always this slow?”

“In the spring and fall. Winter and summer there are crowds.” The bartender grinned. “A feature might be good for business. A warning, steer clear of Christa’s sisters.  They invent sagas out of air. Did you know the inn’s for sale?”


“Don’t know. Have a feeling if the pair was gone Christa might keep the place.”

For a moment Mark wondered how connected Christa and the bartender were. “Have you worked here for long?”

“Ever since the accident. Watched Christa struggle to keep the inn going, fight with those girls and have young Davy. She’s managed all without a misstep. Good thing her mother tied up the inn the way she did. Place would have fallen apart if Christa’s father had owned the inn.”

Mark frowned. “After all the work selling doesn’t make sense.”

“Might be the only way to get rid of Stella and Peggy.”

Was the bartender right? He pushed to his feet. “See you.”

As he left the inn he saw the Jeep in the lot. She was home. He strolled down the path lit by small lights on poles. He paused near the steps to her porch. He considered knocking but the house was dark and their son was there. The moment he saw her he wanted just one thing…sex. With a shrug he continued toward the cottage.

He slumped on the couch and reached for the remote. He found the notebook he thought he’d left on the porch under a cushion. Someone had moved it.
Who and why?
He had locked the door when he left for dinner. Anyone reading those cryptic remarks would have no clue what he’d meant.

He flipped on the television, surfed a bit and found a ballgame. Though Boston and San Diego weren’t his favorites, watching would eat time. He glanced at the clock and shook his head. How many Friday nights had he ever spent with just himself for company?

During a commercial break he grabbed a can of soda and one of peanuts. The game ended. He stretched out and surfed the channels. He yawned.
Must be all this fresh air.
He drifted off and woke to the sounds of an informational.

The next morning at a few minutes before seven he stood in the shower. After dressing he headed to the inn for a meal heartier than coffee and cookies. As he strode along the path the door of Christa’s house opened. His son jumped down the steps. Mark halted and devoured the scene.

Davy skidded to a halt. “Are you really my dad?”

Mark sucked in a breath. “What did your mom say?”

“She said I didn’t know you ‘cause you didn’t know about me and that wasn’t fair. She said you were nice and she likes you.”

Mark bent until he was eye level with his son. “Things happened that we can’t change. I know now and I’m here. I hope to spend some time with you.”

“My half aunts say you’re rich and can buy me anything I want. Can you?”

Mark straightened. “I could buy you breakfast if you’re hungry.”

“Starved. That’s where I was going. Saturday I eat breakfast at the inn so Mom can have her “beauty” rest.”

“I don’t think she needs any.” Even thinking about Christa raised a body reaction.

“Me either.”

They walked to the inn and were shown to a table. “What do you recommend?” Mark asked.

“Waffles with maple syrup from our trees. The chef makes honey butter with some kind of nuts if you want that. Ham and eggs with hash are good. Don’t like the omelets. Mom does.” Davy’s eyes twinkled. “The coffee cake is like dessert.”

“I’ll have the waffles with a side of ham,” Mark said.

“Me, too with OJ and cocoa.”

BOOK: Seducing the Innkeeper (At First Sight Book 3)
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