Read See Dick Run Online

Authors: Kassanna

See Dick Run (2 page)

BOOK: See Dick Run
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“Kever… That name is familiar. Isn’t he the one…wait, it’ll come to me.”

“Anyway, have you spoken to Penelope?”

“Yes, that’s how I found out about your epic bout of stupidity. That’s it! He’s the hot guy you shared the panty-wetting kiss with at New Year’s.”

“I did not wet my panties.”

“Uh-huh, if you say so. You are the one who called me
Penelope at three a.m. on a conference call
on New Year’s day
to tell us about how soft a man’s lips were. Yeah, I would say deny all you want but that dam broke.” Violet chuckled.

“Don’t you have some sort of work to do?”

“As a matter of fact—”

“That’s what I thought,” Moira interrupted. “So I will talk to you later. I have a client meeting in about fifteen minutes.” She stabbed the speaker button before sliding her finger over the end tab.

Picking up her phone, she scrolled through her calendar. She didn’t have any appointments until the afternoon. Moira lifted her arms above her head to stretch before popping another piece of bread between her lips. She lifted her cup to her mouth.

“So you think I have soft lips?” A deep voice with a familiar Cajun accent came from the vicinity of her doorway.

She missed and the hot liquid flowed down the front of her shirt. Dropping the Styrofoam upon her desk, she leaned forward pulling the wet fabric from her bosom. Without missing a beat, she lifted her head to stare at Kever, leaning on the door jamb.

“How the hell did you get in here?” Moira stood ready to escort him out of her office.

“Now, Cher, I came on official police business and your door was open.” He strode up to her desk and took a seat in one of the leather club chairs that faced her.

“Will you please stop calling me that?  My name is Moira not Cher. I am not some aging pop star,” Moira spoke through clenched teeth. She placed her palms flat on her desk and inhaled, reclaiming her chair. “What do you want, Kever? I gave Bubba all the paperwork I had and told him everything I knew.”

“Yeah, there were a couple of points I wanted to go over.
” He smiled.

“Can we please get this over with? I need to change my blouse. What is it you didn’t understand?” She ignored his barb.

“Don’t let me stop you. I imagine it’s starting to get a little chilly sitting in wet clothes.”

Moira heard the challenge and narrowed her eyes. “Great, so I’ll just change.” She stood and walked toward her private bath. “Ask your questions. I have appointments I can’t afford to miss.” With her back to him she slipped the buttons loose at her throat and grabbed the hem of her polo to tug it over her head.

“I still don’t get why he called you for a meet?” Kever cleared his throat.

She stepped into the bathroom and reached behind the door to slide a T-shirt off its hanger. Shutting the barrier just enough to allow a sliver of her body to be seen, she pulled the shirt over her head. “I have no clue why he called me. Maybe Dustin liked the sound of my voice. The phone rang, I answered. He gave me an address and told me to meet him and then hung up.”

Moira pulled the door open and walked right into his chest. What kind of a detective was she when she hadn’t heard Kever move? The woodsy smell of his cologne wafted around her. She took a deep breath, allowing the scent to wrap her in the sensual cocoon of Bay Rum. The rumble of his chest when he snickered pulled her back to reality. She shook her head, stepped back against the bathroom door jamb. He eased in close, yet not touching her and rested a forearm next to her head.

“Tell me, Moira. Exactly what it is you have against me?” He dipped his head close to her ear.

“I won’t be one of your conquests.” She focused on the tan skin of his neck.

“Hmm. What makes you think I’m after you?” His lips brushed the shell of her ear.

“You’re here, aren’t you?” She swallowed

“On business.”

“Tell it to someone else, Kever. Bubba could have handled this.”

“True. But then I would have missed this.” He curved an index finger in the collar of her shirt and traced the stitching.”

“This what?” Moira shifted her eyes to meet his stare.

“God, woman.” His voice held the note of a plea in it as he dipped his head.

He placed his mouth on her cheek and dropped minute kisses along her jaw. Kever’s free hand moved to her waist and slipped beneath her blouse. He slid it up to rest under her breast. Using his tongue, he traced the firm line her lips formed when she’d pressed them together. He nipped at her bottom lip, sucking it between his teeth.

Moira raised her hands to push him away, but instead slid them up the lapels of his jacket and locking them around his neck. Soft locks of his hair grazed her thumb and she tangled her fingers in the strands.

She opened her mouth, allowing a low moan to escape through her lips, and he slipped his tongue in to her warm depths to dual with her tongue. She drew his tongue deep and moved past it to running her own tongue along his teeth. His hand inched north, enfolding her orb in his palm. He flicked his thumb back and forth over her hardening nipple. Kever broke the kiss and buried his face in her neck to suck at the skin on her throat. Moira pushed her hands across his shoulders and gripped his triceps, tugging him forward.

He pressed his body on hers and the length of his cock rubbed her thigh. Kever moved his hands south, grasping her ass and hefting her up. The sharp angle of the jamb cut into her back as she inched up. She turned her head to give him better access to her throat while he eased into the nook her open thighs created. Her spine was pushed against the wood, a random thought occurred to her and before she realized it, she started giggle.

“Moira?” Kever sounded like he was speaking through a mouth full of gravel as he spoke against her throat.

“Sorry, something just came to me.” She released his shoulders.

“That doesn’t exactly say good things about me if you can be so easily distracted.” He released her ass and she dropped her legs.

“Actually it does because the idea was about you.” She shifted her head as far as the wall would allow to peer at him. “Did you come here to seduce me, Kever?”

“No. I really did come here to get a better handle on what Dustin was up to.  I simply entertained other ideas while talking to you.” He stepped away to give her space.

“Uh-huh.” Moira slipped past him and moved to put the barrier of a desk between them.

“Want to tell me what was so funny?”

“Sure. It occurred to me that I had wood at my back and against my front.” She shrugged.

Kever tilted his head, working through her comment. A slow smile split his face. “I guess you did. So now that we have something of a truce, have lunch with me.”

“Who said there was a truce?”




Kever leaned into his seat and studied the vibrant red door. He tilted his head. Stranger still was the lone wild turkey that marched back and forth across her yard like a sentinel. Why had he driven there? It wasn’t like Moira encouraged him. He shifted in his seat and placed his hand on the ignition key. A shadow fell over his hand. Kever glanced over to his passenger side and there she was leaning in his window, her Glock semi-automatic held loosely in her fist. He raised his head and met Moira’s stare.

“Kever, really, we have to stop meeting like this.” Her lips twitched.

“I agree.”

“This is the second time I’ve had to ask in two days, but why are you here?”

“You wouldn’t have lunch yesterday, so I thought I’d try to get you to have breakfast with me today.” He held her gaze.

Moira sighed and straightened. She turned her back and leaned on the car, giving him a sweet view of her rounded ass.  He reached for the lever, pushing the car door open and the turkey suddenly shifted, flapping its wings, and made a running leap for him. Kever slammed his door before the fowl landed in his lap. Agitated, the turkey attacked his car, hitting the automobile’s side with its wings and the quick succession of metallic dings had him wondering if the bird was using its beak or its claws on his vehicle. Perplexed at why he was being attacked by what could easily become his dinner, peals of laughter reached him. He unstrapped his gun from his side holster.

“Don’t you dare shoot Turkey.” Moira reappeared in the open window.

“Right, your birdie attacked first.”

“He is only being protective.”

She moved and a sliver of tan flesh was exposed on her belly as her tank top inched up. The dark swirls and decorative lines of her tattoo were slowly being revealed as her top continued to ease north.. The banging that started above him drew his attention away from her body and the lilt of her voice reached him, if only he could make out what she was saying. Suddenly the turkey stopped, bobbed its head and gobbled as it strutted away.

“It’s safe to come out now.” She chuckled.

Kever pushed the door open again and slid out of his seat. His hand wrapped around the butt of his gun. He stood and surveyed the area. Moira resided in the last house on a block that was aptly named Gator Bait Lane. If he remembered correctly, her place used to be an old bait and tackle shop. Why she chose to live there boggled his mind. It was secluded with the bayou to the structure’s back and woods flanking the sides. He glanced at the converted house. The outside still sported the signage from its heyday in faded red, but the place could use a paint job with the long strips of white paint peeling down the sides. There was now a huge wooden deck that surrounded two thirds of the place. She had plants everywhere.

His attacker disappeared into the surrounding vegetation. Moira cleared her throat and he turned to look at her draped over the top of the car. She rested her chin on her upturned fist.

“I like what you’ve done with the place.” Kever placed his elbows on the vehicle.

“What do you want, Kever?”.

“I came to check on you. We dredged the bottom of the canal and have yet to recover Dustin. Something isn’t right. I was concerned for you.”

“As you can see, I have a very good alarm system. I’m safe, so leave.” Moira pushed off the car and started to walk away.

He hung back, watching her backside and took in the sexy sway of her hair on her shoulders to the pink tank top that shone brightly against her skin. His perusal of her body continued south. White patches where her jeans had worn thin were high on her thighs just below her butt and she was bare foot. He wiped a hand down is face. She was a siren that was calling his name. Kever trailed behind her.

Moira stopped at the deck and glanced over her shoulder. “You’re not going to leave, are you?”

Kever shook his head and winked.

“For heaven’s sake. Come on, I’m having coffee on the back deck.” She vanished around the building.

He rounded the corner and stopped in his tracks at the familiar hiss that greeted him. At the foot of the stairs was a large gator sunning. Kever’s steps had apparently disturbed it as the beast twisted its body and opened its jaws. Tightening his fingers around the butt of his gun, he focused on the center of the animal’s skull right between the eyes.

“Please stop glaring at my pet.” Moira sat in a chair at the patio table, folding her legs under her.

“Gators aren’t pets.” Kever eased past the stairway, keeping his gaze on the alligator.

“Crusher and I have an understanding. He doesn’t come up those stairs and I don’t go into the back yard. I think that’s fair since he was here when I got here.” She set the gun down and grabbed a sausage link off her plate, tossing it to Crusher. His jaws snapped in the background.

Kever sat in a chair with his back to the house and took another glance at the gator. “I can get rid of the pest for you if you want.”

“You will do no such thing.” She pushed her plate away and picked up her mug.

“You aren’t normal.” He dragged his gaze away from the monster and stared at Moira.

“Should I be?” She cocked her head to the side and held his gaze.

Kever watched her movements. She held the cup cradled in both hands. Steam rose, curling into the air. His dick twitched when she pressed her lips to the cup and took a sip. Moira shifted a leg and raised a knee to rest her mug on.

“No, I guess not.” He shook his head. “Are you going to offer me a cup of coffee?”

“I hadn’t planned to.”

“Where is your sense of hospitality, Moira? You welcome a gator into your midst, but can’t spare a little ol’ cup of coffee for your fellow man?”

“Kever LaRue, you’re a pain in my ass.” Moira moved, placing her mug on the table.

A whisper of wind alerted him a half a millisecond before the cup shattered. Kever pushed out of his chair, sliding across the table to tackle her around the waist. They hit the deck with a thud and rolled into the corner as bullets rained down around them. He covered her with his body, wrapping his arms around her head. She tried to lift her head to see above his hands, but he pushed her down.

“Keep your fucking head down,” he spoke into her ear. A ceramic pot next to their hips shattered.

Moira pushed at his chest, kicking her legs. He eased up to look down at her. Her nose flared. “You were smothering me, idiot!” She swiveled her head, trying to see.

Bullets hit the wood railing, splintering it. Wood chips scattered across the deck. Kever pulled his arms in close to cover her head and dropped his. He heard the gator snap its jaws and the glass patio table exploded. Then everything was quiet. He took a deep breath. It felt like years but it was more like seconds, even the animals were waiting to see if the attack was over. Moira’s palms were flat on his chest and she shifted, sliding a knee between his legs. His cock jerked to attention and his forehead rubbed against her collarbone.

He felt her hands glide down his ribs. “Are you hit?” She spoke low, the reverberations of her voice rolling over the shell of his ear.

“No.” He groaned.

She punched him in the side. “That was utterly stupid. You could have been shot. This may surprise you, but I know how to duck and cover.”

“I believe that, but my first thought was to protect you.” He rose up, looking above the plants and wood. “It’s a good thing you have a green thumb or we wouldn’t have had any protection at all.”

BOOK: See Dick Run
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