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Authors: Laci Paige

Tags: #erotic, #erotica, #erotic romance, #bdsm, #whipping, #verbal humiliation

Silken Desires

BOOK: Silken Desires
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Silken Desires

(A Silken Edge Novel #2)

By Laci Paige





What others are saying about Silken Edge


The Silken Edge #1 -

"Just read The Silken Edge,
by Laci Paige. 5/5 stars. Hotter than Fifty Shades, and wow...what
a great storyline." ~
Flip xy


"I absolutely loved this
book. The book is about a journey of self-discovery after Kristy
breaks up with her long- time boyfriend. The author draws you into
her world in the first chapter and does not let you go." 5 Paddles


"Some of this is a little
strange, and some is sweet, but The Silken Edge ends up to be quite
a good read" 4 Stars ~


Silken Desires #2 –

“Even better than the first!
Jonathan was my favorite character from Silken Edge so it was nice
to read a book where he was the main character.” ~
Daniele Lanzarotta, author of A Mermaid’s Curse


“An emotionally charged,
well written story of Jonathan and Roxanne.” ~
Sharon of


“This story is simply
beautiful in every aspect. The BDSM scenes are scrumptious and
enticing as they capture the reader’s attention and even their




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This book is a work of fiction. Names,
characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s
imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,
locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Disclaimer: This book is for mature audiences
only. It contains sexual content intended for ages 18 and older.
BDSM theme/whipping/verbal humiliation.


Silken Desires

Copyright @ 2013 by Laci Paige

ISBN: 978-0-9886704-1-9

Cover design by Mina Carter

Smashwords Edition


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Table of Contents

Chapter One

Chapter Two


Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six



Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten





















For the
fans who keep me

Chapter One


Roxanne Foresman was thankful for the five
hour flight home. Wanting to use the time as an opportunity to make
things right, she took a deep breath, and turned to face her
ex-boyfriend Jonathan Montgomery. “Jonathan, I’m glad we’re sitting
together. I have something—”

“Excuse me.” A female voice cut in.

Roxi looked up at an attractive flight
attendant who seemed to appear out of nowhere.

“Before our flight departs, we’re looking
for able bodied volunteers to sit by the emergency exit. Would
either of you be interested?” The woman’s sultry eyes lingered on
Jonathan for far too long causing a swell of jealousy to swim up
around Roxi.

“I’m able bodied.” Jonathan winked at the
attendant. “And I’ve sat there before, I know the drill. You don’t
mind, do you Rox?” Glancing down at her, he had an excited
boyishness to his facial expression, like someone told him he’d be
getting a new puppy.

Hesitating just a second, she sighed. “No,
that’s fine. Go ahead.”

“Excellent. Let me show you to your seat,
sir.” The attendant gestured toward the rear of the plane.

Roxi knew he got a secret thrill out of
being called Sir outside of Underground Decadence, the BDSM club
where he worked and played. But then again, she knew a lot about
the handsome man she knew and loved for most of her life.

Jonathan unbuckled and jumped up, grabbing
his carry-on luggage. He didn’t look back, the flight attendant
however, did. It wasn’t a very nice look at all. It was as if she
could read Roxi’s disappointment over the seating change, and
reveled in her misery.

Once the plane reached altitude and a series
of chimes sounded throughout the cabin, Roxi unbuckled. The
attendant from earlier must have caught her action, and came over.
“I’m sorry, but you need to keep buckled unless the captain turns
off the seatbelt sign. It’s for your safety.”

Roxi eyed her name tag. “Can I at least use
the restroom,

“Of course, it’s up that way.” Linda spoke
using an overly sweet tone, and pointed toward the front of the
plane. Jonathan sat in the opposite direction, and she needed to
talk to him. Roxi sighed in defeat, but headed to the ladies room

As soon as she locked the door behind her
they hit a pocket of turbulence making her feel woozy. She gripped
onto the sink for a moment to wait out the bumpy ride. She heard a
couple more chimes from overhead, probably the Captain calling the
flight attendants. Shortly after, they made an announcement that
the aircraft was approaching more turbulence, and passengers should
remain buckled in their seats.

After fixing her hair, washing her hands,
and adjusting her clothing she headed out to have that talk with
Jonathan. The heck with what the pilot said, she walked slowly,
looking for Linda. She didn’t see her anywhere. It was time to make
her move. Twelve rows back from her seat, she stopped next to him
and smiled at the sight. He had fallen asleep with his head against
the window and his mouth hanging open in the most adorable way. Not
wanting to wake him, she shook her head and went back to her seat
with a smile on her face.

Jonathan was, in her eyes, the most
attractive, caring man she’d ever known. Dark cropped hair and
green eyes accentuated his friendly face. In the bedroom, however,
that face wasn’t so gracious, but damn, that’s when he turned dark
and sexy. His tall runner’s physique was perfect, and just the
thought of it made her tingle between her legs.


“Excuse me, ma’am?”

Roxi rubbed her eyes of sleep, and focused
in on Linda. “Yes? Is everything all right?” She sat bolt upright
in a panic, looking around. She didn’t mind flying, but nerves
usually struck once they hit the runway. That’s why she had asked
Jonathan to sit next to her in the first place, and the fact that
she could’ve been able to talk to him would’ve been an added

Linda held out a hand. “Oh, yes. Everything
is fine. I’m sorry to disturb you.” She motioned to the cart. “Food
service?” Linda seemed sincere in her apology, and that helped Roxi
to relax a little.

“Um, sure, and a Sprite, too? Please.” Roxi
settled back against her seat.

“Certainly.” Linda handed her a tray of food
covered in plastic wrap with beads of condensation on the inside.
John, Linda’s cart mate, poured her soda. “Enjoy.”

“Thank you.”

As soon as she took a sip and unwrapped her
food, the turbulence kicked in again. She sat watching the
effervescent liquid dance around in the clear plastic cup. With
nervous butterflies in her stomach, she only took small nibbles of
her food for fear of getting airsick. She never had before, but
didn’t want to take any chances.

After the food service ended and all the
trash collected, Roxi decided to try and talk to Jonathan once
more. She stood and surveyed the walkway. It was clear. When she
made it to his seat her mouth popped open in disbelief. Linda sat
right next to Jonathan and they were laughing at something, and
then she noticed the woman’s legs draped across his lap. Roxi
turned to escape before either of them could see her.

“Roxi? You okay?” Jonathan’s voice called to

Shit, she’d been caught. Slowly glancing
over her shoulder she looked directly at him. “I’m fine. Just
checking in with you, but I see you have company.” And Roxi was
horribly upset about it. She just wanted a few minutes of his time
to talk to him. Explain her side of things.

Jonathan smiled at the woman next to him.
“Yeah, Linda’s on her break.”

Roxi looked at the woman who gave her a sly
. “Okay, see you when we land.” She rushed off
before he could see the disappointment on her face or hear it in
her voice.

Back at her seat, she buckled up and
reflected on the long weekend she’d shared with her small group of
friends. They were flying home after attending her brother’s
wedding. Jake and Kristy had tied the knot in Vegas, and she
wouldn’t have missed it for the world, even if it meant getting on
an airplane or two. The newlyweds stayed behind for a week-long
honeymoon, while the rest of them; her, Jonathan, Sherry, and Dan
flew back home.

Sherry, Kristy’s best friend, and her
husband, Dan, were seated all the way in the back of the plane.
Roxi hadn’t seen them since boarding.

The weekend went great. The wedding had been
simple and beautiful in a little chapel away from the Vegas strip.
Jake, handsome as ever in a dark suit, and Kristy in a simple white
gown looked picture perfect. They were so in love it radiated off
of them, and anyone in a ten block radius could see it. Sure they
had their obstacles to get around, like their fourteen-year age
difference—Kristy being older. But to have made it as far as they
did in their relationship, even though they still had things to
work on, was an inspiration. They found true love, and in the end
Roxi could see what they went through being worth it.

Their true love is what made her rethink her
relationship with Jonathan. She loved him, simple as that, and she
could never see herself loving anyone else. A life with him was
possible, and she would do almost anything for him.

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