Read Silver Tongued Devils Online

Authors: Dawn Montgomery

Tags: #romance, #menage, #bbw, #starship, #shifter tiger, #romance erotic, #space pirate, #romance ebook, #kickass heroine, #romance novella, #menage romance, #romance action adventure, #romance science fiction adventure, #pirate romance series, #alpha bad boy, #silver tongued devils, #silver tongued devils series, #tiger hybrid

Silver Tongued Devils

BOOK: Silver Tongued Devils
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By Dawn

Copyright © March 2014
by Dawn Montgomery



Ship thief and notorious escape artist,
Raesa Daw was the best in the business until a routine DNA test
proves that she’s one of the last Earthen purebloods in existence.
Desperate to escape sexual slavery and breeding for a royal house,
she flees the station on the Crimson Star, landing in the arms of a
deadly half-breed, Brom Raine.

One kiss burns away her fear, but opens
a world more dangerous than she’d ever known.

Captain Anderson Na’varr of the
Mercenary frigate Crimson Star shows no mercy to those who stow
away on his vessel. He will take the thief and show her exactly how
erotically ruthless he and his Executive Officer, Brom, can

Seduced by the dark lust and hidden
strength of both men, she vows to do everything in her power to
corrupt her DNA before the slavers find her.

Na’varr realizes Raesa holds the key to
survival, and losing her to the Republic would destroy the fragile
peace he and Brom had found in her arms. Her courage would lead
them out of the depths of hell but only their love could keep her



Madeline Pryce, Thank you. So

To my husband, SuperChef…you are my
rock. Thank you for supporting me through the crazies of deadlines.
I love you, always.

Renee George, you came through when I
was on the ledge. Thank you for talking me down!


Dear Readers,

This story began as a part of the Tall,
Dark and Alpha boxed set. When I wrote it, I had no idea how many
people would fall in love with these characters. As thanks for all
the loving support (and request for more stories involving this
trio), I’ve added two additional short stories for your enjoyment
in this collection.

If you’ve never met Brom, Raesa, and
Na’varr…welcome. Their adventures are here for your

Smashwords Edition

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reference. There is no implied endorsement from the author of this

Copyright © Dawn Montgomery 2014 All
Right Reserved

Cover Art:
Renee George

First Electronic Printing May

Table of










Brom’s Birthday (Short Story





Breaking into a ship was easier than
breaking out of one. Raesa curled into herself, willing the shadows
to wrap her in safety. Her shoulder ached and the stench of her own
burned flesh overrode the calm she prided herself in. She’d been
shot in the arm with a riot blaster. Who the hell used riot
blasters on a mercenary ship?

The sound of weapons discharging behind
her kicked Raesa into gear. If she made it out of this in one
piece, she’d jump on the first ship out of the sector she could

She brushed her fingertips against the
Isis collar around her throat. It looked delicate but experience
told her the only way to unlock it was the key. And that was an
eternity away from here.

If the Imperials found her, she was as
good as dead. Runaway slaves were put down.

Raesa did a visual sweep of the Crimson
Star’s cargo bay and found it strangely empty of

A wave of dizziness crashed over her
and she stumbled.

Frustration and a smidge more fear than
she wanted to admit dug into her chest. It felt like her brain was
miles ahead of her legs. The dizzy spells were getting worse with
every passing minute. Was it the drugs she’d been given or the
hunger gnawing at her insides that was causing it?

She dug her fingers into the shimmery
material of the trashy dress she’d been shoved into. It had been
one nightmare after another since they’d raided her father’s shop.
They’d taken everything from her, including her freedom. Just
another perk of being out in the dredges of space. No one would
miss a girl from a trade station.

A shudder racked her body but she ran
along the supply bay wall, ducking under the industrial braces. She
needed to make it back to the maintenance hatch. All other exits to
the room led up stairways. Too open. If she could make into the
interstitials, her hacking skills would come into play and she
could figure out a way off this blasted ship.

Heavy boots clanked on the metal floor
and the sound urged her forward. She sucked in a breath, holding
the stale air inside her lungs to not make a sound.

“Find her. She ran into the
cargo bay,” a gruff voice commanded from the bay door in
, mercenary speak.
He wasn’t Imperial then.

I guess slaves would come
in handy for space pirates.
She kicked that
thought back before her imagination went insane with worst case

“You saw the image. She’s

Raesa smirked. The hatch was within her

Thieves or Imperials, they all
underestimated her. She was almost free. Raesa raced toward

A heavy weight slammed into her side,
and she crashed into a shipping crate.

Pain exploded across her ribs while
time slowed in her head. She had the quick impression of gleaming
eyes and a face half covered with a cloth mask. Raesa struck his
hands with the heel of her palm blocking his attempts to hold her

He countered every block with a new

Raesa’s heart hammered with the thrill
of a good fight. The edge of fear raking her nerves gave her the
extra burst of speed she needed. She caught his knee with a lucky

His eyes widened with
surprise. She spun out of his reach and ducked between two
Don’t stop. Keep running.
Instinctively she knew he could take her down. His
movements were too efficient. The strength in his body couldn’t be

A dark laugh followed her into the
narrow passage. She heard the creak of movement on the crates and
realized he could be above her.

The sound of gunfire grew louder and
mercenary commands blended with Imperial jargon. Why were they on
the Crimson Star in the first place? The ship couldn’t take off
with them on board.

She listened intently at the edge of
the crates. He could be above her, but if she waited, he could
surround her with others. She’d been yards ahead of her

Raesa placed her palm against the wall
of supplies and took in a slow breath. She waited a heartbeat and
then sprinted.

She caught the shadow launching at her,
but her body’s full motion couldn’t alter enough. He grappled with
her, taking them both down in a tangle of limbs. Her breath crushed
out of her when he dropped his full weight on her body.
Overwhelming strength and quick work had her arms and legs trapped
by a fully armed man whose face was half covered in a cloth

Despite the pain of her position, she
glared at him.

“You’ve got fire. I like that.” He had
a voice built for erotic audio romances.

A fine sweat pearled over
her body and a ravenous hunger for sex clenched within her. She
cried out in surprise and instantly wished to drag it back.
Never show weakness.

“This scent.” He rubbed his lower face
against her chest and she jerked in response.

Pain echoed from where he
held her arms. What the hell was he doing? The cloth lowered and
she could make out two things. One, he was stunning. An Adonis
carved by the gods themselves. Forbidding, dangerous. It was as
though he walked right out of her darkest fantasies. Two, he had
A hybrid?
Half feline, half human, if the stories were to be believed.
Her stomach twisted in excitement. As far as she knew, there was
only one hybrid on the Crimson Star, and he was the last person she
wanted to see at the moment.

“You’re in heat.”

She blinked. “Excuse me?” Heat? What
the hell was he talking about?

“You were given drugs.” His pupils
dilated and she could make out the distinct feline slits in his
amber-colored eyes. “A sex-slave.”

The speculative gleam in his eyes drove
her anxiety up. She licked suddenly dry lips. “I managed to escape
during the transfer. They gave me the drugs and left me alone so my
first—” she bit off her reply, refusing to say master or

He inhaled slowly and flashed a smile
that stunned her to silence. “You’re not lying. So you’re the
reason our ship has been land-locked.” His smile widened and she
noticed the distinct gleam of fangs.

Raesa jerked her body to a position
which made breathing much easier. The hybrid was built like a
cyborg war machine, all bulk and heavy as hell.

“It’s an illegal search. You can stun
them, drop them outside the ship, and then get the hell out of

“Run from Imperials? Who do you think
we are?”

She realized the sound of fighting grew
louder. They were running out of time. “You’re Brom Raine. Second
in command to Anderson Na’varr of the Crimson Star.”

“You forgot hybrid.” The statement
ended with a feline growl and he nuzzled her throat. “I’m part
animal.” His teeth nipped lightly at her skin.

Raesa’s pulse leapt, and not from fear.
“What are you doing?”

“Deciding if I’m going to keep

Other parts of her body were
definitely up to
challenge. “I’m housebroken.” She didn’t stop the smirk from
twitching her lips.

“Can you cook as well?” His tongue
swiped at her pulse point. It was rough and delicious against her
too-hot skin.

“No, but I can hack my way off this
planet and into free space. Word has it you’re in need of a
reputable information specialist.”

Brom pushed himself up on his forearms
and stared down at Raesa. The golden gleam of his eyes narrowed to
slits while he considered her offer.

“No one can be that good.”

She grinned. “I’m the best, baby.
That’s why I’m here.”

A loud rumble erupted from his chest.
Was he purring or growling? Her eyes widened and the reverberation
filtered through his clothes to the scrap of cloth she wore. His
teeth pressed against her throat for a split second and she stopped

Was he going to bite her?

Before he pulled away, he licked her.
“Did you plan on getting caught by me, kitten?”

Raesa’s cheeks burned hot. “Not

“Ending up under me wasn’t on your
agenda?” He gently nudged her thighs further apart.

Raesa put her palm against his chest.
She needed to get away. “You were ridiculously fast.”

“So were you. It’s been a long time
since I was taken by surprise. Maybe I should keep you, after all.”
He took her hand and pressed it down above her head.

BOOK: Silver Tongued Devils
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