Read Sinful Weekend Online

Authors: Francesca St. Claire

Sinful Weekend (3 page)

BOOK: Sinful Weekend
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Reclining back, arms stretched on the tub’s sides and his
eyes shut, Nick smiled. “Glad you’re enjoying yourself.”

“Mmm, I am indeed. I’m even thinking of talking my neighbors
into getting a hot tub for our rooftop.”

He chuckled. “I can just imagine the hordes of voyeurs.”

“I’ll wear a bathing suit.” Why not? A tub on the roof was
just what she needed at the end of a long hard day.

“That wouldn’t discourage me.”

She smiled smugly. To be desired by a man such as Nicholas
Dalhberg—gorgeous, obviously well-off and a fantastic lover—was unreal. A man
who could have his pick of women had opted to spend the entire weekend with
her. Yes, she had definitely hit the prize. But did he feel the same about her?
Would he want to continue seeing her after their return to San Francisco? And
then what? Live happily ever after? Well, why the hell not? There was chemistry
between them. Real, intense chemistry. The kind she’d seldom found. And she
really, really liked him.

“So, Nick, is there someone special in your life?” she
asked, her tone as casual as she could muster.

“Why don’t you come a little closer?” he suggested, eyes
still shut. “I don’t want to have to shout my answer.”

She chuckled. They were only a couple of feet from each
other. No need at all to shout or even raise his voice. If he wanted to stall
her, he had another think coming. She wouldn’t give up so easily. “I’d better not.
If a bathing suit doesn’t discourage you, imagine what a naked body would do.”

His lashes lifted and his eyes shot a blue blaze of surprise
at her. “You’re naked?” His eyes widened farther. “I knew it! You’re out to
seduce me.”

Reaching for her slippery body, he got his hand slapped,
although under the water it was more a caress.

“Don’t think I’ll forget you didn’t answer my question,” she
said, goading him into coming clean about his relationship status.

It took several attempts and an awful lot of splashing
before Nick successfully anchored her by plopping her onto his lap, his arms
around her waist, her pelvis pressed against his erection.

Swept along by a powerful force field of irresistible lust,
she allowed his mouth to cover hers before she said another word. Her body
willfully responded to his—her legs tightening around his waist, her arms
wrapping around his neck as she began undulating her hips.

There was no decision to make. There never had been. From
the moment she’d laid eyes on him, her destiny had been decided.

She was his for as long as he’d have her.

Trailing slow-burning kisses up and down her throat,
building a heat that would end up fusing them together, Nick finally took her
mouth for a long luscious kiss that had her head reeling and her pulse
stuttering before settling into a comfortable beat.

The man knew how to kiss.

He knew how to touch.

The same tingle of excitement from their previous night and
morning raced along her nerve endings. She closed her eyes as his gaze fell to
the soft slope of her breasts. The tips of his fingers eased aside her long
hair, inching closer and closer to the peaks.

“You, my dear, are the epitome of visual sexiness,” he
murmured, cupping the full weight of her breast and using his thumb to circle
the rock-hard areola and nipple.

Her mind filled with wanton joy. She caressed him
intimately, provocatively, her up-and-down hand motion pumping his cock, making
him shiver. She exulted in his desire for her, desperately wanting to drive it
to blinding heights where he could see, hear, feel, know only her.

The groan from deep in his throat spoke of the hungry desire
already coursing through his blood. Excitement skipped through her with the
exhilarating knowledge that underneath his satin skin raged lust and hard arousal.

“Give me a moment, hon,” he rasped as he reached for his
robe lying on the side of the tub.

Following a quick disappearance into the chalet and the
rushed sheathing of his cock, he rejoined her in the water. A wild cry broke
from Stephanie’s throat as he brought the full force of his desire into their
union, entering her with one long sure thrust. She arched into him, winding her
arms and legs around him, demanding an instant appeasement of the fierce hunger
inside her.

He answered her needs like nobody else had ever done,
staying with her while her sex clenched, while pleasure arced through her
pussy, through her body, giving himself wildly, wholly, every plunge a promise
of exquisite fulfillment to come.

With him possessing her, bringing her to the pinnacle of
pleasure, she melted around him and convulsed. Then as he approached his own
climax—tensing, groaning, his eyes closed, his head thrown back—she reveled in
knowing his entire body strained to join her in bliss and exulted when he
finally did.

She didn’t want to move.

She was with her lover, her new friend and, in the fantasy
she nursed in her heart, her soul mate.

Nick stirred, bringing her back from her sweet fantasies.
“To answer your question, the answer is yes,” he said as he slowly stroked her

Disappointment sank in her heart like a stone on a lake,
fast and deep, and before she could control her emotions or hide them from him,
her eyes filled with tears. She began to pull away, but he cupped her face in
his hands, locking his gaze to hers.

“I’m looking at her right now.”

Doom lifted and was instantly replaced by amazing, uplifting
joy. But she knew better than to let his words go to her head. “Oh yeah? Look
again then,” she teased, backing off and sinking below the water.

* * * * *

He had prepared dinner—tasty lemony broccoli pasta with
chicken—which they ate by the fire while guzzling wine.

“I’m hot,” Stephanie said, fanning her face.

He’d kept the fire burning all day and the temperature
inside was nice and warm, but he mostly credited the wine to her rosy cheeks
and shining eyes…and something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on. She
was a stunning woman with flawless skin, large sultry-brown eyes and gorgeous
long hair he didn’t seem to tire of stroking, combing or playing with. As for
her model-like legs…well.
besides being the
sexiest woman he’d ever known—ever—she also had a great personality.

Aroused by his own thoughts, he couldn’t wait for after ice
cream to tumble her onto the couch, the passion raging through him already too
strong to be denied or delayed. He kissed her like a man in charge but also on
the verge of losing control—his hands clenched her hips, pulling her close as
he pressed his mouth to hers. He embraced her harder and her lips parted,
allowing his tongue to explore.

She lifted her hands to his shoulders, breasts brushing his
chest, and he almost forgot his intention to be gentle. He would bend her over
the back of the couch instead. Fuck her without preliminaries until she cried
his name a dozen times. He was no caveman and passion wasn’t new to him. He
experienced it every day in his work, doing what he loved most—creating
beautiful homes, beautiful buildings. But he had never experienced this
mind-raging lust for a woman before. Ever.

He held her close. She was warm, so unbelievably soft and
welcoming. He’d never known anyone like her. The moment he first touched her,
he sensed the difference. Her mouth was like velvet, pleasantly smooth and as
soothing as it was arousing. And he couldn’t get enough of it. Of her.

With a tenderness that surprised him, he skimmed his lips
over her bare shoulders, breathing in the texture, the scent, the silkiness of
her bronzed skin. She was beautiful.

He stroked her arms, then her hips and thighs. She was small
compared to him, but tall for a woman. Her body was slim and subtly muscular,
long legs, breasts high and firm with the most responsive nipples he’d ever

He nuzzled her hair and her fresh lemony fragrance filled
his nostrils and imagination, triggering full arousal in him, his erection
unashamedly nudging her belly.

Maybe her long, thick dark-chestnut tresses were her best
feature. No, her sultry dark eyes were. Definitely. They were hands down her
best asset. Although her breasts ran a close second. Tough choice. Every hot
alluring part of her was an unending source of pleasure he planned to explore
for a long, long time to come.

“Why did you ask me to ski?”

Stephanie’s question broke into his thoughts, taking him
back to that moment in the bar when he’d first caught sight of her. An instant
prisoner of her looks, her glow, he’d wished he didn’t have a business meeting
to attend that evening in San Francisco, impeding him to stay and make her

As luck would have it, he’d found her on the slopes a few
days later. Mesmerized by the picture she presented, he was spellbound,
watching her gazelle-like moves, considering ways to get her all to himself.

What had happened between them after hadn’t been ordinary.
They’d made love passionately and with fierce abandon, without inhibition—her
body hot, pliant, strong and completely fascinating to watch, touch, taste,

He’d wanted to make love with her not just because he was
horny or lustful—which he was, very—but because he sensed it would be different
with her, unique.

The attraction had been so strong he’d been powerless to do
anything but move toward her like a moth to a bright light. He’d loved her
thoroughly, lovingly, wildly and, in the end, when they were in one another’s
arms like they were now—sated, content beyond words—he still wanted her, any
part of her, all of her.

But it wasn’t just her body he liked. She amused him. She
had a happy smile and was most generous with it. He found her easiness and
relaxed demeanor very attractive. And her voice with its many tones fascinated
him too. Joyful when she spoke of her family and friends, humorous and vibrant
when telling a story, seductive when the mood called for it. There was depth to
her, as well. From their conversation that afternoon while taking a walk in the
woods, he’d sensed a great sensibility and professionalism and a deep, real
caring for others less fortunate than herself.

Why had he asked her to ski? The answer was obvious enough.
He couldn’t help himself. She’d aroused his…curiosity. And he had a very
curious mind.

He smiled, diverted by his own reflections. “I wanted to be
with you,” he said, the smile lingering in his words.

She tilted her face up, drawing his gaze to hers. Their eyes
locked and held. Strong positive vibes and powerful, genuine energy flowed
between them.

“I’m glad,” she murmured.

He lowered his head and with his lips he found hers. He
sucked on her tongue, drawing it deep into his mouth, teasing it with his own.
She dug her nails into his bottom and kneaded his taut cheeks. He groaned at
her response, and Stephanie moaned and sank deeper into the couch.

“So am I,” he rasped against her neck. “So am I.”

Chapter Five


As silly as the whole idea sounded, Stephanie had started to
believe they’d known each other in another life. It was just that they fit so
well—and not merely in bed alone. Although sex with Nick

When his hands and mouth were all over her, there was truly
little else she could consider but making love with him. She had, nevertheless,
discovered they shared a lot of likes and dislikes too. Sex—sigh—skiing,
obviously, and even a favorite city—San Francisco. They both loathed reality
shows and animal cruelty. And something else they had in common—the desire for
a big family. Which, at the rate they were going, wouldn’t be hard to

Then there were their similar views on commitment. Nick also
believed once a person made a promise they stood by it through thick and thin,
good and bad, sickness and health. He believed, as did she, that marriage was
for life. Which explained why the handsome, financially independent
thirty-something was still single. He’d refused to enter marriage without being
absolutely certain the woman he married was “the one”.

He’d also told her he’d been in a couple of serious
relationships, but they had both ended a while back. He’d been dating casually
ever since, though most of his time was dedicated to working and building a
successful career and business.

She hadn’t expected to be drawn into this burning fire fast
consuming her, but the more she gave, the more she wanted to offer. She didn’t
care about commitment, marriage or future. Not now. Not when he was kissing and
caressing her, making her tingle all over, his mouth and lips gathering a
fierce need in her he, alone, could satisfy.

She heaved a sigh. It all felt so good, seemed so right,
like something out of a dream. Her physical pleasure was only topped by deeper,
stronger emotions.

A shudder rocked her body when he latched on to one of her
nipples. She cupped his head and let the thrill of his lips on her skin take

The two of them moved in front of the fire and she sat on
the white shaggy carpet in the V of his legs.

“Who are you?” Nick murmured against her right shoulder.

Good question. She’d wondered too. Was she the seductress or
the seduced? She’d had a few inhibitions, but since meeting Nick one after
another of those stopping blocks had fallen down, liberating her. The sense of
freedom was wonderful.

“Where have you been all my life?”

Her heart flipped. She had wondered if he harbored the same
hopes for the future as she did. She now had her answer. God, she wanted to
carry on seeing him. So very much.

Was his dick hardening as fast as her pussy was moistening?
Moving her hair aside, he slowly kissed her from the base of her neck to her
hairline. The heat of his breath, warm and tantalizing, brushing across her
sensitive skin, drew a long shudder from her.

“You’ve bewitched me,” he said. Those words sucked the air
right out of her lungs.

She gasped for breath. “I have?”

“Completely.” He nibbled her ear.

And just then, she knew why she’d stayed. Why she’d continue
to be with him for as long as he would have her. He was the man for her. He was
the one.

And she was falling fast and hard for him.

“Everything about you is delightfully arousing and fast
becoming addictive,” he muttered, curving his hands around her breasts, quickly
provoking a buildup of desire for swift and brazen lovemaking.

She twisted her upper body to face him. “Thank you.”

“My pleasure,” he said, nudging his erect cock into her

She instinctively reared against him, seeking further

He chuckled, ignoring her plea, and laid her on her back,
continuing the slow, thorough study of her body.

Every inch of skin he touched heated and tingled with
unrestrained sensuality. A moan escaped her lips when his hands trailed over
her mound. She held her breath when he reached her inner thighs. But he didn’t
just take what he wanted as others might have done. He seduced, his mouth
rubbing hers in subtle coaxing, getting her ready and willing.

“You’re so responsive,” he murmured in approval, trailing
his lips down her throat. “So sensitive.”

He licked her breasts before taking a turgid nipple fully
into his mouth and thrusting two fingers into her slickness. His thumb found
her clit and she jumped.

She moved against his hand, her eyes shut tight, the muscles
in her neck straining as her hands speared through his thick hair.

” She needed him
inside her.

He lifted his head, his eyes the color of a stormy sea, lips
swollen and moist from kissing. She clutched his shoulders, thrusting her hips.
He shook his head, denying her a quick release, and moved down her body with
perverse slowness as if the hard erection pushing against her did not concern
him at all.

He nuzzled her pussy and she quivered uncontrollably,
fisting his hair. The tip of his tongue licked her labia and clit and she
hummed her approval, pressing her pussy against his lips in an unspoken request
for more.

In response, he teased her further, flicking his tongue in a
series of fast hard strokes that catapulted her upper body off the floor.

“Lie back,” he said, pressing a hand to the base of her
throat. “And close your eyes.”

She obeyed.

Two fingers slid inside her. “Jesus, you’re so wet!”


He couldn’t remember having a woman this passionate before.
She was right there with him, enjoying every moment, every stroke, always
asking for more. There was nothing artificial about Stephanie. No phony
attitudes, no fake performances. She was genuine. She was different.

As for her body? It was a never-ending pool of pleasure.

He was completely and hopelessly infatuated with her.

“Wait. I want you to enjoy this as well,” she murmured, lids
half-closed, hair mussed, lips swollen and pink from all the kissing.

He was tempted. She had kissed his cock eagerly last night
and had the know-how, but they hadn’t gone the distance and he had yet to find
out what it was like to come in her mouth. He was achingly erect, and to slide
into her mouth just then was an undeniable invitation.

“You have,” he rasped. His hand closed on her lushly full
breast and he eagerly kissed her. “You are.”

The night was still except for the howling of a coyote in
the distance and the crackling fire in front of them. Stephanie waited for his
decision with a half-smile. No woman ever looked so beautiful to him.

“Start slow. Suck the tip first,” he instructed.

She winked and dropped down. She puckered her lips then
closed them over his distended cock. Fuck! Just the heat of her mouth was
enough to bring his fully aroused dick to the point of no return.

Breathe. Relax. That’s it. Enjoy.

“Hold it firm by the base. Up and down with your mouth.
That’s it. You’ve got it.”

Ah, so good
Her mouth
was so warm and welcoming his dick was instantly on fire. It wouldn’t take him
long. He cupped her head with one hand and thrust.

Fuck yeah. So deep.
So fucking good.

Her round bronzed ass bobbed up and down as her mouth slid
from tip to base on his throbbing cock. He wanted to put his mouth on her too,
give her the same kind of pleasure she was so unselfishly lavishing on him.

“Steph, wait.”

She glanced up, eyes dazed, wet lips wrapped around the tip
of his cock, her hand slowly sliding the extent of his aching shaft, and the urge
to thrust fast and deep into her gorgeous mouth almost undid him. He gripped
her hair and pulled back.

She frowned.

“Trust me. This will be good.”

He lay down parallel to the fire, beckoning her to lie on
top of him. But when she straddled his legs, he nudged her to turn and face
away from him. After a brief hesitation, she caught on to his meaning and,
smiling, turned around.

Bracing her knees on either side of his
head, she positioned herself so her pussy was over his mouth, his cock
within reach of her lips. On all fours, she lowered her pelvis and encircled
his cock once again with her lips.

Nick gripped her hips and latched on to her bud.

Jesus, she was destroying him with her mouth, licking him as if his dick was a fucking lollipop, massaging his testicles
with hands so capable she had him arching and twisting, burying his face deeper
in her pussy. And she tasted so good. He wanted to savor her like a
wonderful meal. This was just the first course. Dessert would come later. Much
later. He could take his time, feast on her his entire life and never tire.

His tongue stroked the sensitive nerves at the entrance of
her hot channel and she whimpered against his cock, opening her legs wider,
sucking him harder.

Fuck, yeah. Give it to me.

She closed a hand on his balls and stroked.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Who was in
charge here? Not him. Certainly not him.

His tongue flickered faster over her clit. Her moans and
grunts grew in crescendo with his. His orgasm would explode any second now. It
was building, gathering momentum in his lower back, rolling down his throbbing
dick as she picked up speed. It would burst into a million pleasures. He could
hardly wait. But he didn’t want to forget Stephanie or her pleasure.

He slid his tongue inside her, pressing his thumb against
her clit. Her mouth stilled on his shaft for an instant then a deep throaty
moan followed and she was on her way to nirvana, rocking back and forth against
his face.

He followed her over the edge, came apart as she swallowed
him whole and rang every drop of cum out of him until he was completely dry and
left panting and sated as he’d never been before.

Eons later, she rolled off him and lay on her side for a
long time without saying a word, her ragged breathing slowly becoming normal.
He moved behind her and cupped her body in the cocoon of his. She breathed so
deep her whole body shook. Then she kissed his hand resting on her chest and
went to sleep.

Nick didn’t find sleep so easily. The closeness of their
union, the marveling at the events of the past twenty-four hours, the strong
desire to be with Stephanie every awaking hour—and the others too—filled him
with warm, joyful thoughts. She made him feel wonderful. But the feeling went
beyond physical. He was sure of it. His emotions didn’t just encompass a sexual

He could see it in her eyes…the total giving of herself,
becoming one with him, belonging together. Right from the start, he’d known she
was the one. And he hadn’t been wrong.

He tugged her closer, savoring their intimacy, certain this was
just the beginning of a long journey together.

* * * * *

Talk about making up for lost time. They were back on the
couch in the missionary position, moving in slow, precise harmony. Stephanie
had never known such parity of mind and body, such a connection with a man

Nick stilled and raised his upper body, staring straight
into her eyes. “This can’t end this weekend, Steph. This isn’t just a one-night
stand for me. I want to see you again.”

His eyes sparkled with determination, passion and something
akin to affection. She weaved her hands through his glossy blond hair and
pulled his face down so she could kiss him. His cock pulsed inside her as he
pressed deeper.

She hugged him tighter. This was a dream come true. She’d
found the man she’d fantasized about and he wanted to carry on seeing her. She
was dreaming, but hoped never to wake. Nick was amazing. She’d come to admire
him over the past two days for his humor, intellect and his passion for life.
Her lust after his body and his expertise as a lover had taken her to levels of
pleasure she’d only imagined before. She’d been enraptured time and time again
by his amazing, passionate and considerate lovemaking. But their connection
went deeper than a physical bond. She didn’t want to rush to conclusions but,
yes, he could be her soul mate.

She flushed with pleasure as Nick pumped his hips slowly and
just enough to create a nice, warm physical connection inside her swollen
sheath—intensified by his passionate gaze.

“I’d like that,” she murmured, melting all around him.

His hips shifted and he changed his angle of penetration.
She whimpered with pleasure and raised her pelvis to meet his thrusts as he
nudged a place deep inside her.

Oh, yeah! She was going to enjoy dating Nick an awful lot.

Actually, she already was.

BOOK: Sinful Weekend
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