Read Sinner's Son (Savage Sons Motorcyle Club) Online

Authors: Jayna King

Tags: #Romance

Sinner's Son (Savage Sons Motorcyle Club) (24 page)

BOOK: Sinner's Son (Savage Sons Motorcyle Club)
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Thursday, October 9, 2014


aria Alvarez pulled into the driveway of Sable's house. She'd only been driving for a couple of months, and while she knew that she drove so slowly that it took her much longer to get places than it should have, she relished the freedom of being able to go wherever she wanted, whenever she wanted. She looked in the backseat of her used Scion XB, and noted that Naomi was sound asleep. It took a couple of trips to get all of the groceries into Sable's house, and by the time Maria had made the last trip, the sleepy little girl was just starting to wake.

"Don't fuss, little one," Maria said as she lifted the heavy carseat containing the six-month-old infant from the back seat. "It's time for lunch and then a little time in the grass."

Maria carried the girl into the house, marveling that she was lucky enough to live in such a beautiful home. Sable and Maria had hit it off immediately when Maria had finally arrived in Denver after a long stay at the US Consulate. She was in the country legally and she had every intention of becoming a citizen as soon as she was able. Though Maria had stayed with Luke and Krystal for a time, she knew that the young couple needed their space, and when little Naomi had arrived in May, Sable had offered a room to Maria.

The arrangement had worked well. Sable was so busy growing the supplies that the two Savage Bud locations needed that she was hardly ever home, and Maria had been thrilled when Krystal had asked her to watch Naomi a few days a week so that she could take on part-time work at an accountant's office. All in all, Maria was content.

She would never stop missing Nadia, and she would always question whether or not she could have managed, somehow, to get free of the cartel if she'd only tried a little harder. Regret, she'd decided, was just an inevitable part of getting older. Seeing the pictures of Moses around Sable's house kept the bittersweet memories of the one wonderful night she'd shared with Moses fresh in her mind, and Maria knew that someday -- because she'd had that experience -- that she might be able to begin a new relationship, one free of the dark reminders of the past and its tragedy.

But at the moment, a little blue-eyed girl with sandy blond wispy curls that were a perfect match for her father's was squawking to be fed. Maria plopped the usually happy girl into her high chair and gave her a few Cheerios to occupy her until her lunch was ready.

Patiently spooning pureed peaches and oatmeal into Naomi's little baby bird mouth that dutifully opened each time she saw the spoon, Maria mentally planned the rest of her day. She'd give the little one a workout on the blanket in the front yard and then while Naomi napped, Maria resolved to do something she'd been putting off. Krystal had suggested that Maria take a class at the community college, and Sable had left a laptop on the dining room table for Maria to use anytime she liked. The computer had sat unused on the table for weeks, and Maria had made up her mind that she'd look into the class that very day. She knew that her fear of entering a classroom was silly. Krystal had told her that there were plenty of older students, and there were other students as well for whom English was a second language. Maria just had to get it out of her head that everyone who met her would see her past written on her face.

She would do it. She would get the education she'd wanted so much for her daughter.

"Oh, heavens," Maria exclaimed, realizing that not only was Naomi no longer eating her cereal, but she had instead smeared it into her blonde curls while Maria had been daydreaming. Laughing at the mess, Maria patiently cleaned up the baby and settled her on her hip for the trip out to the front yard.

They settled on a blanket in the shade, and Naomi promptly rolled from her back to her front -- her favorite trick -- and reached for the grass. Maria talked to the girl in a mixture of Spanish and English, as Krystal wanted the girl to grow up understanding both languages, and she constantly removed the blades of grass from the little girl's fist just in the instant before they went in the girl's mouth. Finally tiring of the frustrating game, Naomi yawned and began to fuss, a sure sign that it was time for her afternoon nap.

Swinging the girl up onto her hip, Maria bent to pick up the blanket and noticed a woman she'd never seen before in the neighborhood, walking with a stroller. The woman waved, and Maria waited for her to approach.

"Hello, there," Maria greeted the newcomer.

"Hi," the tall woman answered, bending to look in on the boy in the stroller. He was sitting up and busily gnawing on a teething toy, drool pooling on the stroller. The woman bent to wipe his chin in a practiced motion. "More teeth, I think," she said with a smile. "Your little girl is precious," the woman said, straightening up.

"Thank you, but I'm just her nanny. We think she's precious, too. Your young man is very handsome." Maria studied the boy, plagued by the sure knowledge that there was something somehow familiar in his features.

"This is Aaron," the woman said. "We're in town visiting some friends, and I know the woman who used to live in this house. Sable Hall. Did you know her?"

"She still lives here, but she goes by Bellamy now."

"Oh." The woman in the street looked surprised. "I figured that since you were here that she'd moved out."

"No. I live here with her, and I watch her granddaughter a few days a week. This is Naomi."

The little girl started to fuss in earnest and Maria hitched her back up on her hip and started to sway back and forth, attempting to soothe the girl.

"I need to get her inside for her nap, but it was nice to meet you. I'm Maria, by the way."

"It was nice to meet you, too, and I need to be on my way as well. Aaron and I have a long drive home ahead of us. Tell Sable that I said hi, when you see her. I'm Max. I think she'll remember me."

Marie headed inside and patted Naomi on her back until the girl fell asleep. As she was heading for the dining room table and the computer that held all of the possibilities for her future, she passed a row of old family photographs, and she realized instantly -- when she looked at a baby picture of Moses -- why the boy in the stroller had looked so familiar. Aaron had his father's blue eyes. Moses had a son, and Maria had just seen him. The knowledge should have upset her, she thought, but instead, it brought her some comfort. Aaron was obviously cherished, and the thought that Moses had a legacy seemed to Maria to be something of a second chance for the man who had set events in motion that had changed her life so dramatically, only to have his own life cut so tragically short. Maria thought that if Moses could somehow look down and see his son, that he would be pleased.

"You can't separate the bitter from the sweet," Maria said as she sat down at the laptop and prepared to create the life she'd only dreamed of.

Also by Jayna King


Max Fisher is going to have to get up close and personal with a whole new scene in her very first undercover case for the FBI. She’s smart, focused, and ready to put the Savage Sons Motorcycle Club in prison. The only problem? She has to work with a partner.

Moses Hall, muscled, tattooed alpha male wants out of the Savage Sons MC, and he’s agreed to work with the FBI for a chance at a new life, free of the drugs and destructive forces of the MC. But can he learn to trust Max with his life?

Max and Moses grow closer, and the sexual attraction between them is undeniable. They start building their case…..until they learn that all isn’t as it seems, and there could be deadly consequences.

Prodigal Son


In Jayna King’s debut, Troubled Son, the Savage Sons MC was devastated by the death of Moses Hall. When Luke Callaway rolls into town, everything changes.

Luke has found far more than he expected in Denver. He came looking for his birth parents, and he found the Savage Sons MC … and the sexiest woman he’s ever met. Krystal Shaw has her hands full with school, work, and her boyfriend, the VP of the Savage Sons. Things get complicated when golden boy Luke Callaway walks into her life.

Does Luke have what it takes to become a member of the Savage Sons MC? Can he help the MC move on after Moses’ death? Will Krystal and Luke give in to their desire?


Freedom's Son


Blood, sex, and the hot, Mexican sun make Freedom’s Son the steamiest book yet in Jayna King's Savage Sons MC series

When Luke Callaway came to Denver to find his birth parents, the last thing he expected was to become a member of the Savage Sons MC … or to fall in love. In jail awaiting trial for a murder he didn’t commit, Luke wants nothing more than to get out and start a life with Krystal Shaw, the woman he loves. But the MC has dark secrets buried in its past, and the FBI and DEA want all the details.

Will Luke make a deal with the feds to get out of jail?

Will he and Krystal find a way to uncover the MC’s secrets?

Will a trip to Mexico bring the Sons closer together … or tear them apart?



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BOOK: Sinner's Son (Savage Sons Motorcyle Club)
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