Read Six Degrees of Desperation (Dirty Tricks) Online

Authors: Myla Jackson

Tags: #erotica, #texas, #erotic romance, #western, #cowboys, #saloon girls, #masquerade, #alpha male, #delilah devlin, #myla jackson, #ugly stick saloon, #barroom brawl, #boots and chaps

Six Degrees of Desperation (Dirty Tricks) (2 page)

BOOK: Six Degrees of Desperation (Dirty Tricks)
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“Okay, shoot.”

“What should I do?”

“About mystery man or Connor?”


“Which one do you love?”

Charli recalled the tender yet aggressive
lover she’d had in Original Sin and his willingness to sweeten the
pot with additional lovers thrown in the mix. They’d shared a mad
and crazy adventure for four nights straight.

But then Connor had taken his time, wooing
her, talking to her as if she meant more to him than a piece of
ass. He’d shown her respect and courtesy, holding off on making
love until she’d pushed past his defenses and taunted him into
crossing the line. Now that she’d made love to Connor…

Mona’s hands stopped scrubbing Charli’s
scalp and she tsked. “Oh, baby doll, that was supposed to be an
easy answer.”

“I love what Original Sin did with me. He
got my blood flowing again, awakening desires and showing me the
possibilities and opportunities for adventure available even in
such a small town as Temptation.” Charli sighed. “On the other
hand…Connor…” She signed again.

“He’s hot.” Mona’s fingers dug in, scrubbing
again. Then she rinsed. “If you decide not to commit to Connor, can
I have him?”

Heat shot through her chest, and Charli’s
fingernails dug into the chair’s arms. “Hands off. Connor’s

Mona stepped back, holding up her dripping
hands. “Okay, no need to bite off my head.” She grinned and winked.
“I guess that answers it.”

“Answers what?”

“You’re in love with Connor.”

“I just wish I could have both. The surprise
and spontaneity of my mystery lover was off-the-charts hot. Then
again, Connor knows just the right spots to hit to launch me over
the edge.”

“You can stop this minute. I’m creaming and
horny now, and I have a busy day of appointments to get through
before I can do anything about it.”

Charli grabbed Mona’s wrist. “You have to be
there at the Ugly Stick tonight. I don’t know if I can manage on my

“Don’t worry, honey. I have my costume all
ready. I wouldn’t miss the Cowboy Masquerade Ball for anything.”
Mona wrapped Charli’s hair in a towel and leaned her forward in the

Charli moved to Mona’s station and sat in
the swivel chair. “Now, make me so beautiful, Connor can’t help but
fall in love with me.”

“Speaking of Connor…” Mona nodded toward the
large picture window looking out over Main Street. “Isn’t that him
coming out of Lisenby’s Jewelry Store?” Her hands resting on
Charli’s shoulders squeezed hard. “Oh my gosh. He’s carrying a

Charli spun in her chair. Just as Mona had
said, Connor was walking away from the jewelry store with a small
bag. Her heart skipped several beats then raced ahead. “Oh, my.”
She grabbed Mona’s hands, her own shaking. “Do something!”

Mona laughed. “Do what?”

“Make me gorgeous.” Charli braced herself as
if preparing for major surgery.

Starting with a brush, Mona stroked through
the damp hair, smoothing it straight, the ends curling naturally.
“Is Audrey using the saloon girl costumes again?”

“I suppose.” Dear Lord, what was she going
to do…what was she going to say? And what in heaven had Connor
bought at the jewelry store? A ring, maybe?

Charli’s stomach flipped and landed with a

Mona’s hands settled on her shoulders. “It’s
going to be okay. But just to give you confidence to face the
night, let’s give you a go-to-hell hairstyle that will have all the
men drooling over you…one in particular.”

Charli forced herself to relax back in the
seat as Mona did her magic. All the while the beautician worked,
Charli alternated between breathing normally and a full-on panic
attack. What if Connor Mason had purchased an engagement ring? Holy
crap. She could be getting engaged that very night.

Mona hugged her and whispered in her ear,
“Breathe, Charli. Breathe.”

Chapter Two

Charli stepped out of the Shear Safari
feeling like a million dollars. Her talk with Mona had helped calm
her, and the hairstyle creation Mona dreamed up looked fabulous.
Sexy, sassy and perfect for the Cowboy Masquerade Ball. Charli
couldn’t wait to see Connor’s reaction when she was in costume
tonight. He had to fall madly in love with her, if he wasn’t

She stopped on the sidewalk, her hand
pressing against her left breast where her heart squeezed hard. Was
she in love with Connor? Could she be ready to take the next step
after only two dates with the man? The thought of him proposing
sent tingles down her spine at the same time as her breath caught
in her throat. She wanted him. Oh, man, she wanted him. But did she
want him forever?

As she stared off into the distance, another
tall, broad-shouldered man in a black Stetson passed by in her
peripheral vision.

By the time Charli turned her head, he’d
disappeared, leaving her to wonder whether or not he’d been a
figment of her imagination. She shook her head, pasted a smile on
her face and strutted down the street, swinging her cowboy hat in
her hand, afraid wearing it would mess up her new ‘do. She had a
stop to make at the drug store for condoms and lubricant. If
tonight went as planned, she’d be using the whole box and tube.

Temptation was teaming with cowboys and
their support crews for the annual Tri-County Rodeo. Trucks towing
fancy horse trailers rumbled along Main Street, loaded to the gills
with hay, tack, feed sacks and their most precious

Cowboys waved and called out to each other,
having ridden the circuit and studied up on their competition. They
strutted by in their blue jeans and snap shirts, displaying their
biggest, shiniest belt buckles won at the various rodeos across the
country and into Canada.

Charli hadn’t gone ten steps without passing
five good-looking men, each tipping their cowboy hats in her
direction. She smiled and said hello, friendly, but not too
friendly. Then a cowboy with sky blue eyes, medium brown hair and a
black Stetson strode by, tipped his hat and winked.

Her heart leaping to her throat, Charli
tripped over her own cowboy boots and almost plowed face-first into
a streetlight pole.

The cowboy reached out and steadied her, his
hand going around her waist, warm and rough.

With her mouth open to ask him if he was her
lover, Charli didn’t get out the words before Sadie Watkins burst
from the drugstore, waving a bag. “Mr. Sanders, you forgot your
wife’s medication!”

“Are you all right?” The tall, dark and
married cowboy still held her elbow.

Heat rose up Charli’s neck and into her
cheeks as she thanked the heavens she hadn’t blurted out what had
been poised on her lips. “I’m fine, just clumsy.” She stepped away,
until his hand fell to his side. “Thanks.”

The man tipped his hat and smiled at Sadie.
“Thanks, miss. Julia would skin me alive if I came back empty
handed.” He tipped his hat at Sadie, smiled at Charli and strode
toward a very large pickup truck.

Not until he got in and backed away from the
curb did Charli gather her senses and dive into the drugstore.
Sadie waved, a grin spreading across her face. “Mister Sanders has
a way of making a girl’s knees weak, doesn’t he?” She sighed. “Why
are all the good ones taken?”

“I don’t know. But seems there are a bunch
of them out on the streets today.”

Sadie rolled her eyes. “Rodeo clowns all of
them. A girl in every town, and probably the STD’s to go with them.
What can I do for you? Your hair looks fabulous, by the way.”

For the second time in as many minutes,
Charli’s face flushed with heat. “Thanks, Sadie. I had a few things
I needed to get.” She hurried toward the shelf full of condoms and
tubes of lubricating jellies and stood for a long time, searching
for those “things”. She wondered if her mystery cowboy had arrived
early in Temptation to prepare for the rodeo. And why were there so
many kinds of condoms, and which ones should she choose? The
selection seemed endless.

Sadie appeared at her side. “Crazy choices,
aren’t there? I have troubles deciding as well. It really depends
on what your man likes. Does he have a preference?”

Having already spilled her guts to two of
her friends about her sexual exploits, Charli couldn’t tell another
soul. Sadie was nice enough, but if word got out to the town
gossips, the news would be all over Temptation that Charli Sutton
was a slut, sleeping with multiple partners. If that got to Connor
before she had a chance to explain…Holy crap.

“I’m getting these for a friend,” Charli

Sadie smiled, nodding, as if to say yeah,
sure, that’s what they all say. “If you’re not certain, try these.”
She plucked a box off the shelf. “They’re ribbed to give the woman
a little more thrill, and they fit comfortably for the man of a
larger size, if you know what I mean.” Sadie winked.

“Thanks.” Charli snatched the box from
Sadie’s hands. “I’m sure she’ll like it.”

“Like them or not, at least you’ll be

Charli started to reiterate that the condoms
weren’t for her, but decided against it, figuring Sadie got that
response a lot, and who cared? Charli was getting some after a long
dry spell. She should consider that fact cause to celebrate.

Sadie turned toward the checkout stand. “I
can take you at register one whenever you’re ready. Take your

Charli selected a lubricating jelly and
wandered into the makeup department for new eyeliner and eye shadow
to go with her costume and mask for the Cowboy Masquerade Ball. At
the counter, she laid out her selections.

Sadie scanned the items without commenting
on any of them.

With a sigh, Charli relaxed. Everything
would work out all right. As soon as she saw Connor tonight, she’d
tell him about her sexual exploits and assure him that they were
over. Not having heard from Original Sin in what was going on six
days now, what were the chances he’d show up in her life tonight of
all nights?

Sadie slid her purchases into a plastic bag
and handed back her credit card . “I’ll see you at the ball,

With a smile, Charli nodded. “I’m working
it. Look for the harried saloon girl slinging drinks.”

“Watch for me, I’m coming as Belle Starr.
Even found a plastic Colt revolver and holster to wear with my

“You’ll be beautiful, but you might get
frisked at the door, especially if you’re packing.”

Sadie grinned. “Oooh, you really think so?
That would be fine with me as long as it’s not Greta Sue. Give me
one of the hunks and I’m all for a little foreplay.” The clerk’s
laughter followed Charli out the door.

Her steps lighter, Charli hurried toward her
car, ready to get home, take a nap and rinse off before she
reported for bartending duty at the Ugly Stick this evening. They’d
be open extra late with the festivities of the ball, so a little
rest wouldn’t hurt. And if Connor stayed late as well…She hugged
the bag of condoms and lubricant close.

A brightly painted SUV stood in front of her
little cottage with the words Sweet Temptation’s Florist painted in
hot-pink scrolling letters.

Charli pulled into her driveway and got out,
tucking her bag of purchases close to her side.

“Hey, Charli.” Bunny Leigh bounced out of
the driver’s seat and waved. Then she rounded to the rear hatch,
opened it and retrieved a large bouquet of yellow roses mixed with
happy white daisies. “These are for you.”

Charli stopped, her empty hand going to her
chest. “For me? Who sent them?”

“Don’t know. Whoever purchased them called
in the order while I was in the back. The name might be on the
card.” Bunny extended the bouquet. “Careful, they’re heavy. It’s
one of my favorite bouquets, yet.”

“It’s lovely.” Charli’s eyes filled with
tears. She’d never received such a beautiful array of posies.
“You’re really good, Bunny. Thanks.” Anxious to get inside and tear
into the little yellow envelope sticking out of the middle of the
arrangement, Charli hurried up the steps. She set the flowers on
the porch and unlocked the door, scooping the flowers up into her
arm and rushing inside.

Once in the kitchen, she dropped the bag and
the vase on the counter and ripped the envelope from the plastic
holder. Inside was a single flat card with words written in bold

Love you naked.

Charli flipped over the card, searching for
a signature, initials, anything that would indicate who had sent
them. Panic made her turn over the card several more times until
she gave up and told herself the sender had to be Connor. He was
the last man to see her naked.

“Hey, beautiful.” A deep rumbling voice
sounded behind Charli.

She spun, the hand clutching the card
pressed against her chest. “Oh, Connor! You scared the crap out of

He smiled.

His blue eyes melted Charli’s knees.

“The front door was open, and when I knocked
on the frame, no answer, so here I am.” He held out a bunch of
pretty red roses. “These are for you.”

Charli reached for them, the card still in
her clenched fist, too many thoughts winging through her head to
make sense. “Th-thank you.”

Connor’s gaze moved past her to the flowers
on the counter, a frown pulling his brows together. “Nice.” He
glanced her way. “Should I be jealous?”

Charli swallowed hard, the lump in her
throat settling into her belly. “Uh, no. No, not at all.” She
thought quickly. “I have a friend at the florist.” True, but not
the whole truth, unless Bunny had swung the other way and loved her

“Oh, well. In that case…” Connor hooked her
elbow and dragged her into his arms, crushing the flowers and the
note card between them. “I’m on an errand in town and, since I
didn’t get to give you a proper good morning kiss, I thought I’d
stop by.”

BOOK: Six Degrees of Desperation (Dirty Tricks)
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