Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series) (24 page)

BOOK: Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)
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Camille began to unbutton Dillon’s shirt, once  she was done she pushed his shirt off his board shoulders, all while never taking her lips from his. When Dillon pulled back, Camille was working on his trousers. They were breathing hard. Camille looked up meeting his heavy lidded gaze, seeing the lust in his green eyes. Dillon was trying hard to hold on to his control.  She needed him out of control and she knew just the thing. Camille held his gaze as she unzipped his trousers. She slowly dropped to her knees, getting the full view of his massive arousal as she did.

Dillon was frozen in place; his desire was wreaking havoc on his self control. He was hanging on by a thin thread and his little vixen knew it.  He looked down to see Camille making quick work of his pants and underwear. It was the most erotic sight he had ever seen.  His undoing came when she took his cock into her small hand and began to stroke him. His head fell back on his shoulders and he closed his eyes enjoying the feel of her hand as she worked his rock hard cock. “Oh yeah baby that’s it.” he said his voice sounding deep with desire.  His control was slowly slipping away. What she was doing to him felt so damn good, his brain was going haywire. It was the rush of warmth as she took him into her mouth that almost buckled his knees. The hissing sound was the only indication Camille got, that she was on the right track. Concentrating on everything he’d taught her, slowly she took as much of his cock into her mouth. The sheer feel of him was like smooth velvet over steel. His scent was intoxicating.  She concentrated on the sensitive spot under his cock right behind the head. That little trick had Dillon moaning her name as he ran his fingers through her hair. Now he was firmly holding her head guiding her movement as he moved in and out of her hot little mouth. Taking her left hand, she cupped his balls. Gently caressing them. “Damn it Cam you are driving me crazy. I need you to stop if you don’t want me to come in your hot little mouth.”  he said between clinched teeth.  His words made her even hotter, she could feel her core becoming moist and the spasms started. She wasn’t going to stop she wanted to drive him over the edge. She sucked harder pulling a groan from Dillon’s lips. “Damn woman, oh yes that feels amazing.” He stopped talking and his body tensed up. Suddenly Camille felt the first wave of come hit her tongue. Feeling Dillon’s fingers tighten in her hair. He held her still as his body spasmed. She swallowed everything he gave her, as he began to whisper sweet words to her. Camille looked up at Dillon, his eyes were closed his head fell back  on his shoulders as sweat glisten on his skin. He was so beautiful as he let his orgasm wash over him. It took her breath away when he looked down at her, he pulled his cock free of her mouth. Watching her lick the final drops of his come from her kiss swollen lips was his undoing. He lifted her up and before she knew what was happening she was in his arms. He was headed for the couch, once there he laid her down gently on the couch. Covering her with his body, he kissed her hard and with such force it took her breath away. wrapping her legs around his waist. He broke the kiss and looked into her eyes, seeing desire and love there. There was no walls between them anymore; she had managed to break them down and now he couldn’t get inside her fast enough. Ripping the small thong panties from her body.  He entered her fast making them both moan from the sheer pleasure. this was the Dillon Camille knew and loved, he was no longer holding back he was giving her all of him. She hissed as he began to move inside her. He lifted her left leg and that seated him deeper as he began to thrust in and out finding his rhythm. This was it, the way she needed Dillon. Hot, wild and totally focused on her. She met each thrust, riding the rush of pleasure. Their bodies were fused together becoming one. One beat, one pulse. Camille called his name on a breathless whisper. Dillon looked into her eyes, they were now unfocused with her pleasure. He needed to be even deeper, if that was even possible. His body was burning with the need he felt riding him. It all came down to this, claiming the women who had his heart and soul. He wanted to brand her the way she’d branded him. He came back to reality when he heard Camille call his name. “Dillon, I love you.” He blinked trying to blink away the sweat that was now pouring into his eyes. “Cam, I love you so damn much.” With that said, he thrusted deeper bringing them both to the edge of reality and pitching over the edge to sheer pleasure. They came together. Dillon reared his head back and roared Camille’s name. Camille held on to him as she rode out her own intense orgasm. Digging her nails into her back. She loved feeling the essence of Dillon pouring into her. Heightening her pleasure. Dragging it out. Dillon collapsed on top of Camille Bracing his weight on both  of his elbows. They stared at each other for what seemed like a lifetime. There was an unspoken bond that would never be broken. Dillon flipped Camille changing their positions; spooning her against him. They both laid there trying to catch their breath.             

Camille gave into the sated, warm feeling as she laid in Dillon’s arms. It didn’t get any better than that. She protested some time later when she felt Dillon as he got up from the couch. Now she was cold, not having Dillon’s warm body to keep her warm. She opened her eyes to Dillon calling her name. Then she felt the warm cloth he used to clean the evidence of their loving making away. All she wanted was to sleep. When he was finished he sat next to her, watching as she drifted off to sleep. Dillon smiled to himself, the evening had definitely taken a different turn. He let her side track him in the most pleasant way possible. Now he had something that needed to be done. “Cam, I need you to wake up.” he said softly as he gently stroked the damp hair from her forehead. Camille slowly opened her eye’s looking up at Dillon, who had a very serious look on his face. Suddenly she didn’t feel sleepy anymore, the look on his face was making her nervous. She slowly sat up, feeling vulnerable and exposed; they were both
naked. Wrapping her arms around herself and bracing for what was coming. Was this it? was Dillon breaking up with her? Dillon read her body language and thought he better get on with it before she blotted off the couch and out of his life. Taking one of her hands in his, he placed a small black velvet box in her hand and then proceeded to get down on one knee. Camille looked down at the small black box and the hope she felt spring up was almost too much. “Cam, I had this whole speech prepared. And then you blindsided me; it was the sexiest surprise ever. I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?” Dillon opened the box, in it was a round diamond in an antique art deco setting. Camille looked at Dillon with tears in her eyes. “This was your mother’s ring.” Dillon nodded. Yes, I never believed that I would ever want to give  it to anyone. Now I know that you are the only woman for me. He said with so much emotion. “Will you marry me?” Camille jumped into his arms and wrapped arms around his neck. “I love you to and yes I’ll marry you.” Dillon stood with her in his arms and kissed her madly, taking her breath away and making her blood boil. Before she could do or say anything; Dillon scooped her up and headed for the stairs. Once she said yes; he needed to make sure she knew that she was his and  only his. They made love again, the dinner Dillon had catered in tasted even better in the early morning hours.




Chapter Seventeen




Camille looked at her reflection in the mirror, as Tina stepped back. “My work here is done. You look amazing.” The dress they picked out looked even better on. Dillon surprised her with a trip to New York to be fitted for her wedding dress. She was still having a hard time wrapping her mind around the whole thing. It was a dream come true. Dillon wanted her to have whatever she wanted. He was the only thing she wanted and marrying him was a dream come true. It was a simple Vera Wang design, flowing off white silk dress with thin straps made of pearls. It hugged her curves like a second skin. Turning around she smiled at Tina who was wearing a fitted light peach colored gown. She looked radiant. “You don’t look so bad yourself. That dress looks great on you.” Tina twirled around giving Camille a good view of the entire dress. “I’m just glad it fits. I’m at the end of my second trimester and I’m starting to look as if I have a volley ball under my clothes. Oh, I almost forgot; this is for you, Dillon told me to give it to you.” Tina handed her a gift bag. Camille took the bag and looked inside. She found a note from Dillon inside along with a oblong box. Camille opened the note.


I’ll be seeing your soon, but first I wanted to give you this. I love you so much and I’m looking forward to starting our life together. When you wear this it will always remind you of the love I have for you. I am the happiest man alive.

Love, Dillon

Inside the box was a white gold locket, it had their initials engraved on it, in an interlocking monogram around a diamond in the center, on the inside was a picture of the two of them. Camille began to cry. Tina handed her a tissue. “Don’t cry, you’re going to ruin your makeup and we don’t have time to redo it.” Camille nodded as she wiped her eyes. She handed Tina the locket. She turned around to let Tina fasten the locket around her neck. “It’s beautiful.” Camille smiled looking at the locket in the mirror. There was a knock on the door, it was Archer standing there in a tux. “It’s time, the groom is getting antsy to see his bride.” Archer had volunteered to walk Camille down the aisle when the guys couldn’t decide who would do it. Archer had become a part of their extended family very quickly, he was the unofficial doctor as well as the newest member of their unit. I’m ready she said. Archer extended his arm and she took it. “You look stunning but don’t tell the groom I said that. He’d probably shot me on the spot.”


Dillon stood up on the ridge with his friends, Daniel stood next to him as his best man. He thought about the note and gift he gave Camille; he wanted her to know that he was thinking of her on their special day. It had been her idea to have the ceremony on the ridge behind the house at sunset. Looking at the people they invited. There were about fifty of their friends and family. Every one of the guys that worked with them at the firm were there showing their support. These people were their family, Camille and Daniel their mother’s relatives. To Dillon’s surprise Camille flew his father’s brother Liam in from Ireland, he hadn’t seen him since his father’s funeral. It meant a lot that he had his family from Ireland there. His uncle was about seventy but he made the trip anyway. When the music started Dillon turned toward the isle, in the distance he saw Tina and behind her was Camille and Archer. As they got closer he got a good look at his bride to be. She’d kept the dress and what it looked like a big secret. Now as she came into view; she took his breath away. With the glow of the setting sun she was bathed in a warm light. When she saw him, she smiled that smile that made him feel like the only man on earth. The ceremony was short and sweet they wrote their own vows and once the minister pronounced them husband and wife. Everyone left them alone to enjoy the sunset. Standing on the ridge watching the setting sun would be a memory they’d never forget. Dillon held her just a little tighter. Leaning in to whisper in her ear. “I’ll love you forever Cam.”   She would never get tired of  hearing him say those words.

About The Author




J B has always had a vivid imagination, being able to make up stories in her head. Even acting out all the characters parts. Being an only child until she was eleven gave her plenty of time with her stories. She works as a Manager in a fine jewelry store in her home town of Savannah, Georgia. Her husband of twenty one
year’s gives her lots of space to write and create colorful characters. After dreaming of becoming a writer. She decided it was time to try her hand a writing. With her husband, daughter and even her three year granddaughter’s love and support, she finished her first book. She would love to hear from her fans.

[email protected]





BOOK: Skin Deep (Wounded Hero Series)
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