Read Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!) Online

Authors: Sable Hunter

Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!) (10 page)

BOOK: Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!)
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“Fuck!” he groaned. “I’m going to blow. My cock is throbbing and leaking. Please, baby, please,” he begged.

“Just a bit longer. I love to tease you.” She sat on his chest and took her breast in her hand, rubbing the nipple over his face, moaning as his stubble scraped tantalizingly across the sensitive nub. When she nudged it against his lips. He opened his mouth and tried to capture the sweet morsel. “Hungry?”

“Starving,” he snapped. “Feed me, Skye. Let me suck your tits and eat your pussy.”

Placing a palm on each of his arms, she rubbed him from wrist to shoulder, and while she did, her breasts bounced and she scrubbed her creamy vulva on the hardened muscles of his abdomen. “I’m in need, too, Noah.” She seduced him with her words, with her eyes, with her body.

“Skye!” he bellowed.

She laughed and finally rewarded him. Placing her arms on either side of his head, she gave him access to her tits. By this time he was frantic in his need, so turned on he was shuddering. Voraciously, he sucked, nipped and devoured. Skye couldn’t help but groan. “God, Noah. More, more!”

Noah was past coherent thought. He was mad with lust. Making hungry noises, he nipped at her nipples and tongued the sweet peaks. She moved from side to side, letting the soft globes massage his face. God, this was the sexiest fuckin’ thing he’d ever experienced. She was a goddess, a vixen—an absolute dream. And when she moved farther up his body and offered her sex to him, he almost cried with relief. “Lower!” he commanded. And when she sank down on him, he groaned his satisfaction. With repeated licks and laves, he ate her out, licking and kissing from her clit down to the soft, tender gate of her pussy. He gloried in her taste, in the sweet cream that was coating his face, covering his lips, giving him sustenance and nourishing his soul.

Skye closed her eyes in abandon, as she rode his face, gently lower and raising herself as he kept his mouth buried between her labia lips. “Noah, my love,” she whispered as lights of ecstasy began to dance behind her eyes.

“Enough!” he cried and with four strong jerks he broke the ropes free. One post cracked with the strain and he rolled her over, burying his cock to the hilt inside of her.

She took him—every torturously gratifying inch. He placed his forehead against her, staring into her soul and began to move his hips. God, the man was a master. He undulated his hips, pulling in and out, stroking, thrusting, fucking her so possessively and thoroughly that she found herself pushing upward, wrapping her legs around his waist, claiming him as completely as he was claiming her. Christ, she loved to touch him. Reverently she combed her fingers through the sweat-dampened hair on his chest, raking her nails down his abs and then rubbing back up again. And as she petted him, he pumped into her over and over again, burning her, stretching her, filling her to the brim with his strutted, desperate cock. 

Her pussy tightened around him. She loved the feeling of blood throbbing in his shaft. Noah was so thick that none of her escaped. He fit her perfectly. She could feel every vein and every ridge. Rhythmically, she milked him, deliberately squeezing and grasping and he groaned his approval. Skye found these movements increased her pleasure, so she repeated them until he was tossing his head from side to side.

Noah let out a harsh roar, his hips jerking with the pleasure she was giving him. His balls tightened, he flexed his cock, pulsing inside her with the need to cum. Bending low, he set his lips to hers and gave over to the most basic primal urge known to man. He fucked her long, hard, fast, in and out, in and out, his whole body quaking with total desperation to find release.

Skye moaned into his kiss. He was wildfire in her veins. She grasped handfuls of his hair and clung to him with everything she had. Each forceful stroke, each jack-hammer thrust pushed her higher and higher until she couldn’t hold back—everything went white. Hot white. She could feel a vacuum of sensation sucking her in. Pleasure such as she’d never known before swept over her. Her orgasm detonated her senses and caused her womb to contract with such force she screamed.

Never. Never. Never had she even dreamed such a wonder was possible. Her gasps against Noah’s throat became a wail when he thrust into her hard one more time and cried out his own release. Forceful blasts of semen jetted inside of her, making her feel connected, wanted, valued. For this singular, spectacular moment she felt loved.


Skye Blue astride a horse was a thing of beauty. She rode bareback, sitting on nothing but a brightly colored woven blanket. Her tanned legs were bare, grasping on to that lucky son- of-a-bitchin horse. The signature doe-soft, leather dress she wore was pink this time—the softest baby pink, the same pink as her pussy. He hung back just to enjoy the view.

Barry Felts had been prepared. He knew Skye liked to ride and she loved to shoot, a bow and arrow, that is. Noah had hunted deer with a bow, but whether or not he was in the same league with Skye was doubtful. That didn’t matter. He found her totally sexy and a joy to be around. Was he falling in love with her? Or was it a heart-felt reaction based on the emotional setbacks he’d experienced. He didn’t know and right now, he didn’t care. At this moment there was no one on the face of the earth he’d rather be with—unless it was Aron. God! He shook his head, trying to dispel the grief which wracked his soul every time his brother crossed his mind.

“Come on, slow-poke,” she called over her shoulder. We have places to be and things to shoot!”

Ah, a woman after his own heart. But he didn’t come up even with her. The view of her heart-shaped ass as it bounced on the back of that horse was too sweet of a view to miss. “Let’s stop here.” She motioned. With utter grace, she dismounted in one fluid motion. Just looking at her beautiful face and body took him right back to last night, the most amazing night of his life. Noah had never enjoyed sex more. Not even close. She’d been perfect. He’d never known being teased and seduced could be the height of eroticism. He wanted to do it again and again, not just that one scenario. He wanted to explore the wonders of lovemaking with Skye, the full and complete spectrum.

He stopped his horse, got off and staked it by hers. “What’s on your mind, Zena Warrior Princess?”

She could have no more prevented the shadow from crossing her fact than she could have kept the wind from blowing. Little Warrior. The nick-name they’d hurled at her for refusing to let people be mistreated. She’d fought, sometimes she had prevailed, but every time she’d been punished. “Want to try for supper?”

“Rabbit?” He wondered. “Whitetail?” Deer would be harder to track, but make for more food. What they couldn’t eat, he would dress and leave for Mr. Felts.

“Child’s play,” she scoffed.

“Oh, really.” What did she have in mind? “Duck?”

“Bullhead catfish.”

Shit. He followed her to the stream. She scampered ahead of him, totally happy. Sometimes he could pick up a sense of sorrow on her face, but she never let it show for very long. “We’re gonna shoot a catfish with a bow and arrow?”

“Well, I am,” she drawled. “I don’t know about you.”

“Ha! You’re sounding a little cocky, Princess!”

Whirling around, she faced him. “Me, cocky? I think you have that description covered.” Turning, she took his breath away. Bending over just a bit, she lifted her skirt, flipping it up just enough for him to see she was bare-ass naked beneath it. “What the hell!”

With a delighted laugh, she took off, all that ebony hair flowing in the breeze behind her. Noah felt like he was caught in a whirlpool of excitement. His heart pounded at the complete elation he felt in her presence. Running, he caught up with her. When they stopped at the bank of the creek, he drew her to him. “I didn’t tell you what last night meant to me. I didn’t know sex could be like that, you’re amazing. I have never been so excited, so totally turned on in my life.” Bending down, he slanted his lips over hers, drinking in her sweetness.

“I enjoyed it too, and I’m so glad I didn’t repulse you.” She’d thought it possible, knowing his adverse reaction to BDSM. Not that what she’d done was anyway close, but he had been restrained and she did have her wicked way with him.

“Never. Tonight we’ll have even more fun.”

“Good, it’s a date.”

Date—when they got back to Tebow, he was going to ask her out on a serious date. The Cattle Barron’s Ball hadn’t counted. Watching her get ready to fish, he did the same. Felts had set them up with compound bows fitted with a reel on the front. “Take off your shoes.”

“I bet that water is ice-cold,” he grumbled.

“Count on it. It’ll make your blood pump.”

“It’ll make my cock shrink and my balls draw up.”

Skye laughed. “Just don’t let it dangle in the water and you’ll be all right.”

“You merciless wench.” He gasped as he stepped down into the water. She followed without blinking. “What makes you so bloomin’ tough for a teeny-tiny woman?” He gasped again as the freezing water danced around his knees.

Prison. “I’m Choctaw.” She’d waded out to mid-thigh. “Now, be still. We have to spot them before we can shoot them.”

“Easier said than—”

“There’s one.” He watched the toned muscles in her arms pull the bow back. Those sexy white teeth bit down on a plump lip and he didn’t even realize when she let go of the bow-string.


“Got him!” She held up the speared fish triumphantly. “I’ve caught my supper, now you catch yours.”

“I’ll have to starve,” he grumbled.

“Look over there, Noah.” She pointed, being very still.

Noah saw the good-size catfish. It was lazily swimming beneath the still waters, slowly making its way to where they stood. Aiming, he tried to take in consideration the movement of the water, the refraction of the sunlight, what the fish might do.

“You’re overthinking this, McCoy,” she mumbled. Noah grinned and let go.


“You got him!” She jumped up and down in the water, splashing icy cold liquid right up his leg.

“There went the balls,” he groaned. “I’ll never get an erection again.”

“Oh, yes you will. That I can promise.”

Her look of complete confidence made him better. Not.


They spent the rest of the day riding and becoming friends. “What’s your favorite color?” she asked.


“The color of money.”

“Yep. How about you?”

“Blue, the color of freedom.”

“Nice. What’s your favorite kind of music?” he asked the question this time. “Country?”

“No. I prefer hip-hop, I guess.”

“That surprises me. I like classical.”

Skye smiled. “Of course you do.” He was so out of her league. Sophisticated. Rich. Socially accepted.   

She had surprised him earlier by cleaning and frying their fish in a skillet over the campfire. A few potatoes baked in the coals had rounded out their meal. As she’d worked, he’d studied her, taking in her beauty. Now, they were back on the horses, headed for a surprise she said.

“Where did you go to college?” he asked.

“Online, Oklahoma.”

“Oklahoma! Our biggest rival?” Noah winked at her. “We beat you at the Cotton Bowl this year.”

“True.” She knew the McCoys lived and breathed The University of Texas. “I never went to the campus or a football game.” They don’t let you out of prison to attend pep-rallies or proms.

“Where did you go to high school?”

Good Lord! She was determined not to lie to Noah, unless you count the lie of omission. “I took my GED.” To give Noah credit, he didn’t even blink.

“You’re smarter than most people I know.”

Thankfully, about that time they reached their destination. “We’re here. The Sweat Lodge.”


Noah was surprised. The structure didn’t look like he expected it to. Instead of a tent, it was made of stucco, a peach color, and was shaped like an igloo. The door faced east and Felts had lit the fires, so when they entered they were immediately awash in a cloud of steam. She showed him how to keep the rocks hot and the steam boiling by tending the fire and adding water. “This isn’t a traditional ceremony.” Skye led him deeper into the dim room. Only a small lantern gave off light after they shut the door.

“What do you mean?”

“Normally, both genders are not allowed to participate at the same time.”


She giggled. “And the ritual is usually preceded by prayer, fasting, and abstinence.”

“We’ve totally messed this up, haven’t we?”

“No, not at all.” She picked up his hand and kissed it. “Actually, this is just a sauna. We’re going to do our own version. So, we won’t be breaking any holy rules. It will be private, sacred and special to us.”

Sounded good to him. “Okay, what’s first?”


He grinned. “We’re always getting naked. It’s my favorite state around you.”

“We’re going to be naked, but we have stuff to do before we fool around.”

God, she was cute. Noah snorted. “I have you know, I’m never fooling around when it comes to sex. I’m dead serious. Besides, you can’t resist me.”

Skye made a face at him. “I’ll try to control myself.” Even though she sounded confident, she was anything but. “The sacred fire is in the center, let’s sit on these rugs in the west so the fire will be to our east. We can face one another and talk.”

Noah followed her with his eyes. She was graceful, elegant and totally feminine. And he was blatantly aroused. After she positioned the rugs and he poured more water on the hot stones, Noah joined her. When she looked up to see him approaching, she widened her eyes at his swollen cock.

“What? I can’t help it. It’s all your fault.”

“That’s right, blame me.” She winked at him. “Just ignore it. We have some mystical stuff to do.”

“All right.” He sat down across from her. Naked. Cross-legged. His cock right there, hard in front of the Great Spirit and Skye. “What do we do?”

“We pray.” At his skeptical expression, she took his hands. “I want to do a couple of things with you. First, give me your hand. We have to declare our connection.” He does. “In intent and purpose, we are one. “

“Did we just get married, Skye?” Funny, the idea didn’t scare the mess out of him like he would have thought.

“No.” She sighed. “We’re not married. But if you don’t behave I’ll throw pebbles at you.”

“Why would you throw pebbles at me?” He was listening, but her nipples were so puffy and sweet and right there for him to see.

“There’s an ancient Choctaw tradition that if a man wants to marry a maiden, he throws pebbles at her or leaves little piles of them around her tent. It’s his way of declaring his intentions.”

“Pebbles, hmmmm, a tad harder than rice.” He loved to tease her.

“Rice is after the ceremony, pebbles are before.” She turned his hand over and traced his lifeline. “Let me begin.” She put the palm of his hand to her face. “Our purpose for being here today is to rid ourselves of guilt and ask forgiveness for those whom we have hurt.” She swallowed hard and began.

“I ask forgiveness from my mother, because I chose to leave her that fateful Saturday. You see, she didn’t want me to go. We hadn’t been able to spend much time together lately and she asked me to help her plant some roses. What she was really asking for was my attention. My mother wanted to spend time with me, and I said no. I spent the day giggling and talking nonsense with a friend…and she died. I’m sorry, Mother.”

Noah didn’t know what to say. He wiped a tear from her eye. “It wasn’t your fault.”

“I know.” She acknowledged his attempt to make her feel better. “And I need to ask forgiveness from my father, because I didn’t listen to him—not in time. He tried to talk to me about an injustice he had discovered, and I thought it was drunken ramblings. But instead of encouraging him to go to the proper authorities, I just let it pass and in his drunken state, he confronted the man responsible for the crime, and he paid for it with his life.”

Now, Skye was really crying and Noah felt helpless. He ran his fingers over the soft, smooth skin of her arms, seeking to give her comfort. “You were sixteen? Right? What could you do? And what do you mean he paid for it with his life?”

“Yes, I was sixteen. And there was an accident on the oil field where he worked, an explosion. My father died because he uncovered slant drilling that was stealing oil on tribal land.” She didn’t say more, she couldn’t bring up the rest, not yet. She needed to be with Noah too much to confess it all to him now.

“Again, this is not your fault. You were a child.”

Needing to cleanse her soul she continued. “I want to ask forgiveness from my brother. Because for a time, when we were separated, I hated him,” she whispered the last three words. “I needed him so much. I had to fight demons so much stronger than I. And when I was defeated, I blamed him. Because if he’d been there, he would have kept me safe. He promised to keep me safe. He said he was my protector. And he left me. He left me and I was lost. So lost.” Noah knelt in front of her and held her while she shook with grief.

From what she’d told him of the rape, Noah assumed this was the demons she had fought. “No young girl should ever have to experience what you did and I’m so, so sorry. I wish I could go back in time and fight those dragons for you. I would slay them, Skye. I’d be your knight in shining armor.” His words seemed to soothe her. He held her until she stopped trembling.

“Thank you for listening, I can’t tell my mother and father I’m sorry, but I will tell Lance when I see him again. Until I began to speak, I didn’t realize I blamed Lance, not as much as I do. And that’s wrong. It wasn’t his fault and I blamed him because I wasn’t brave enough to accept responsibility for my own mistakes.”

“How could you? You were attacked. You were overpowered. The man who violated you was to blame. Not you!”

Skye shook her head. “I could have made different choices. I put myself in danger. I could have…” She stopped talking out loud, but it didn’t shut off her thoughts. Skye knew she could have taken someone with her when she approached Langley. She could have went to the police. It probably wouldn’t have stopped him, but she should have tried. Because he was dead and she was…she was ruined. She was barren.

“Sometimes we make wrong choices, Skye. We don’t have a crystal ball to gaze into. We have to do the best we can. You need to realize that you are a beautiful, caring, intelligent woman and no decision you have made, no action you have taken—nothing that anyone has done to you changes the fact that you are perfect, just the way you are.”

His words felt like a balm to her soul, a gentle rain flowing over parched ground. It was as if he knew her deepest, darkest secrets. She felt as if he could see into the mirror of her soul and what he saw didn’t turn him away. “Thank you.” She sought his lips and kissed him. They were damp, she didn’t know if it was from her tears or his, but at that moment she felt as if they
one. And the feeling was utterly irresistible. 

“Now, for me.” Noah cleared his throat. “I need to ask my parents for forgiveness. They made sacrifices for me and I took them for granted. I didn’t realize how much I loved them, how much they meant to me until they were gone.” His hand shook. “What does being a parent mean? Is it giving birth or is it the day to day energy you expend wiping tears, fixing breakfast, worrying in the middle of the night?”

“It’s the day to day, Noah. Anyone can give birth, but not everyone can be a parent. You’re just lucky yours chose to do both.”

BOOK: Skye Blue (Hell Yeah!)
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