Read Sleeves Online

Authors: Chanse Lowell,K. I. Lynn,Shenani Whatagans

Sleeves (7 page)

BOOK: Sleeves
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“Slow down,” she said, her eyes going wide, but still dark with lust.

“No! Can’t. I . . . Can’t do this—it’s not safe.” His hands shook as he ripped at her jeans, too. Images flashed through his head of her pink, wet pussy, pulsing around his cock. He saw nipples one at a time being pressed between his puckered lips; could imagine her breath in his mouth afterward as his tongue invaded her once more.

But then she cupped his cheeks. “Look at me, Kel. You have to think about this. You’re scared, sweetie. Look at how your entire body is tensed up. You’re hurting yourself, but you’re so frenzied, you—”

“Fuck! This is how I killed her, too!” He pushed himself off her, paced next to the bed and kicked his dresser, making a loud cracking noise. The healing scabs on the bottom of his foot throbbed for a moment but it went away quickly.

“It’s okay—no one’s hurt here,” Casey said, only it wasn’t Casey he heard.

It was Hannah.

“Ahhhhh! Leave!” He tucked his chin to his chest, screwed his eyes shut, wrapped his arms around his head and gripped so hard, it finally felt normal again. This was the pain he liked and knew.

He slammed his shoulder blindly into the wall.

“Stop. I’ll go. Just don’t . . . I can’t stand to think of you hurt,” she said.

“I told you before, Hannah, I only hurt myself to feel better; now leave before they find you. Get out of my fucking cage!” His throat constricted, and this gurgling, feral grunt ripped out of him. He turned toward the wall and banged his forehead into it repeatedly.

“Not yet. I can’t go, not until . . .”

Hands were everywhere. Pulling his hair and pinching his sides then groping his ass.

His balls were stroked over and over, and when he slipped down to the ground, puddling at her feet, she had his cock in her hands.

“Who’s Hannah? I want to know. And you look in my eyes. I’ll keep stroking you, but you have to tell me.”

“Oh, God, I can’t . . .” He shook with uncontrollable need. “I was too strong for her. The baby was too much. They found her, and I don’t know if they killed her or I did by putting my nasty come inside her, but she died. And my . . .” He choked on the words that would not come.

“Shhh . . . It’s okay. Just nod or shake your head to answer.” She kept pumping him in her hand, and it was safe. It was heaven in the furnace of hell.

“Did you . . . Can you . . . ?” He was completely transfixed by her eyes.

They were soft, tender and familiar somehow.

“I’ll do anything you need. Anything, sweet man. All you need to do is ask, and I’ll do it. I want you better.”

“Can you . . . lick it, blow on it and then stroke me, but don’t make me come. I can’t . . .” His eyes darted away as shame filled his entire gut.

“Look at me first,” she said with a firm tone, and when he did, she licked his lips once more and blew there. “Tell me if you loved Hannah.”

“I liked her.”

Somehow she walked him over to the bed and got him to lie down again.

“You like me, too.” She kissed him, and it was soft and fleeting, but it was . . .

“How much you like someone varies,” he said, refusing to think about her kissing him again. This would trigger so many nasty buttons in his body, and he avoided considering what that could mean for both of them.

“Don’t swallow anything on me. Just lick it, and then don’t let it go down. Spit or something, okay?” He reached up and gripped her shoulders. “Please, you have to.”

“Okay.” She pulled her hands off him and reached behind her head like she was going to hold her hair out of the way, but he was quicker.

He wanted to do this for her. Had to help her in some way, and the idea of doing something for her, even if he did it wrong like he knew he would, still . . .

His hands fisted bunches of her hair in the most brute like fashion, but she seemed fine with it.

When her tongue touched his tip, his hips jerked up and he was in her mouth without even intending to be there.

His head snapped back. “Oooh . . . God, you have to . . . Let go, but I—can you—
! Cassssseyyyyy!” He groaned through his clenched teeth. His hips were moving, flexing and slamming his cock down the back of her throat.

No! You can’t do this. You don’t know what this will do to her. She can’t swallow any of your semen. Not a drop!

He told himself this over and over, but it was no use; he had her hair in one hand, the back of her head in the other, holding her head in place while he fucked her mouth like a madman.

It was what he needed.

He’d forgotten precisely what wet did to his dick.

What a pussy did when it enveloped him all slick and watering down the fire in him—quelling the pain and jerking it away like the classic magician would a tablecloth under neatly placed dishes.

She walked her hands up to his hips, but she didn’t try to push him away or act repulsed or even behave as if he was abusing her. Instead, she sucked harder, she moaned and loosened up like this was all okay.

She had no idea what this could mean for her; the damage . . .

But he couldn’t stop. There was no way.

The blood in his veins ran rampant and headed for his balls. They tightened and tingled, and then right when he was about to spurt into her mouth, he pulled out and shoved her away.

He turned over and wrapped his pillow around his head.

Not again. He wouldn’t pass out again in front of her.

Once was enough.

His chest hiccuped and turned into a spasming mess.

He jerked around in the bed, writhing, but he wasn’t coming.

His body was shutting down.

Fucking hell! Not. Again!

Never again!

The buttons were pushed, and he’d be fucked, but not by her. There was no doubt—they’d find him after how many times he’d fucked up tonight. That’s what they did—found him when he was at his weakest.

Chapter 4


“Kel, can you hear me?” Casey jostled him. He was pale and looked like he was about to pass out again. “Kel!” She tried again, but still nothing. “I’m taking you with me. Since you said no hospitals, I want to make sure you’re all right, so I’m only going to touch you to get you in and out of my car, okay?”

No response.

Shit—she had to move. She had to do

She rolled him over, pulled the pillow off his face and he moaned.

His eyes were glassy, and he wore a dazed expression, looking past her as if she wasn’t there.

“You k-kissssed me . . .” He curled onto his side. “A lot.” A lazy grin spread over his foggy expression. “I liked it.”

“C’mon—up into my arms,” she said, tugging and pulling on his massive, well-muscled body to get him up and moving. “This twenty-seven-year-old bitch is gonna give herself a grueling work-out, or a heart attack.”

He laughed like he was high. “Not my motorcycle; not today. I know it gets you hot, but I just cleaned it. I don’t want you to come all over it, bitch. Just fuck me on the floor. That’s e-easy to clean up.”

She wanted to smack his arm, and tell him he was a pig, but instead she simply chuckled. He was obviously having some kind of flashback episode.

“Hannah, I won’t . . . I can’t come inside you! Stop begging me to do that.” He groaned and his weight sagged into her when she hefted him up to standing.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and jerked at his body, but his dead weight wasn’t budging an inch.

“I don’t want to fuck on your motorcycle today, hon. I want you in my bed, where you’re safe and you can fuck my face all you want,” she said, playing the part. She swallowed every ounce of pride she owned so she could talk to him this way. It was sickening to her to use this false high-pitched voice, but she had no idea what this Hannah woman sounded like, so she hoped maybe she sounded at least semi-seductive and charming. If she sounded turned-on, well, that wasn’t an act. She really was. Her hands had been all over his fuck-hot, tight, toned body.

“Ask me anything—I’ll tell you this time. No more hiding. I want you to know me. All of me, though I keep telling you, there’s n-nothing interesting here.” He sniffed.

Was he crying? He sounded devastated by something.

She swallowed and nudged his right foot with her left. “Walk with me, and we’ll talk as we go.”

“’Kay. I love your voice. Did I ever tell you that?” He hiccuped and leaned his weight into her even more.

Her knees about buckled under him. “No, you’ve never said that, but it’s good to know.” Her voice lowered and softened. She couldn’t do this falsetto voice without feeling cheap. He’d have to trust it was Hannah while she used her own voice.

Her feet moved and he actually followed as he draped himself over her. “How tall are you?”

“Six-foot-two. Easy question—ask something else, beautiful.” He blinked slow and lazy as if he was about to fall asleep any moment. “And touch me while you ask a better one. C’mon.” His arm flopped around her shoulders, and his hand smacked her breast. He grinned and came face to face with her. “Your tits are bigger than I remember. I like that. Is it because of the baby?”

“No. They’ve always been this size.” She sighed and shuffled backward a little more. Once more, he followed, but he was making this really difficult with the way his legs were bent and seemed damn near boneless. “C’mon, baby, move with me. I want to fuck you in my comfortable bed. Don’t you want that?”

“I do but . . . I want to answer your questions this time. I trust you. I lllllovvvv—Oh Christ! I can’t say it, but you know I—you know how I feel about you. I think about you all the time.” His hand jerked and he squeezed her breast.

“Okay, more questions. How old are you?”

“Pffft! You always ask that. Take a guess,” he said, giggling.

“Uhhh, I have no fucking clue. Twenty-nine?”

“Not even close.” He giggled again like a little kid. “You suck at this.”

“Sorry, I . . .” She pinched his ass for a moment and he grunted.

“Fuck—that makes me hard. You never did that before. You were always afraid ta hurt me.
!” His left arm flew in the air, and then he gripped the back of her neck. “I’m twenty—but I look older than you because I’m a freak.”

“Holy shit—you’re only twenty?” she blurted.

“Yeah, a real pisser, huh? I look like I’m in my mid-thirties at least, with a body built like this, don’t I? I work out, I eat right, but not anymore than any other twenty-year-old guy. I’ll probably be dead by the time I’m forty, and I just barely had my first kiss.” He paused and stood up straight then threw himself around her, hugging her tight. “Oh, God, I’m sorry. I kissed Casey, it wasn’t you, but you’ll forgive me, won’t you? I didn’t mean to, but she was . . . And I needed it, and you weren’t there—you’re never there when I need you anymore.” He sobbed on her shoulder, his back hunching forward as he rounded his body around hers. “I miss you all the fucking time, and I let other random women that are strangers fondle my dick, but I have to. You know I’ll die if I don’t get touched frequently. What should I do? Tell me what to do!” He shook in her arms, weeping uncontrollably.

“Just let me love you, Kel. That’s all I ask. Follow me—walk with me and come to my place. I’ll take care of you, and tomorrow you can decide what you want to do. If you want to come back here to your self-imposed cage, that’s fine, but for now, I want to take you home with me. Will you leave with me?” She stroked down his back, hummed a little and rocked him back and forth.

“I hate that it hurts when you touch me, but I need it. Don’t you see that I need it more than anything? I can’t breathe unless you touch me at least a little every day. I die without it. I’ll be dead sooner than forty if you keep leaving me. Oh, Christ! You’re trying to leave right now, aren’t you?” His arms cinched down on her waist. He sniffled and released a grunt. “No! I won’t let you leave me! Not again!”

“No one’s leaving, sweetheart. I love being with you. You’re such a caring, unique man, and we can be together,” she cooed in his ear, kissing his lobe. “Trust me. We’ll figure this out, but I’m tired, and so are you, and you’re almost crushing me with your weight. You’re such a big man, and I’m a little girl. Come with me this instant. Be in my home. I’ll feed you—bathe you.” She swallowed back the beginnings of tears for him; he was breaking her heart repeatedly with these sad things he was saying, and his yearning for love was palpable. “I’ll kiss you, and if you want to make love, we’ll figure out how to do that without making it hurt you too much.”

“We can’t do that. It gets you pregnant every time, and I don’t want you dead. I need you too much.” He rocked
now, and it was forceful, almost violent, but still somehow tender. “I dream about you almost every night. Touching your perky tits, sucking on your nipples, and touching your pussy. We never got to do those things, but in my dream you’re always slick, and I know when it’s really wet it won’t hurt me as bad. It cools me down, makes the fire in my blood more manageable when I slip inside you. Do you know what it does to me to have you hugging my cock like that? Hmm? Do you?” His voice went ragged and escalated.

BOOK: Sleeves
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