Read Sol: Luna Lodge #1 Online

Authors: Madison Stevens

Tags: #paranormal romance science fiction romance alpha male genetic engineering

Sol: Luna Lodge #1 (9 page)

BOOK: Sol: Luna Lodge #1
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Multiple times she had been called oblivious, but today she was not. Of course, if she had managed to miss the bulge at the front of his pants, it would have been near miraculous. One thing was certain, the question as to his size was thoroughly solved. Sol was, indeed, large all over.

She blushed as her nipples hardened and tented the front of her nightgown. His eyes roved over her barely clad body. Erica crossed her arms over her chest as her eyes darted back to his face. His blond hair had fallen to the side of his face. Even the muscles there were hard and unyielding. She watched as his nostrils flared and wondered if he could smell her excitement.

It shouldn’t have made her even more excited, but the idea he might know sent a thrill through her. She moved toward him, uncertain of what she planned to do. The satin material rode up her thighs with each step. She stopped a few feet from him.

His arms twitched at his sides, and she ached to feel them wrapped around her, pulling her toward the bed and pressing her into the mattress. Her heart kicked into her throat as she thought about it.

Sol stepped forward, and his arms skimmed the slinky material. Her skin prickled at the touch, and she nearly moaned from the close proximity.

“Did you go into my room?” he growled quietly.

Erica looked away from his searching eyes, embarrassed that she had invaded his personal space.

“I did,” she said. Her eyes came back to his. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have. I didn’t mess with anything.”

She searched his face for any sign of forgiveness.

He leaned forward. His breath swept her face. “You really shouldn’t have done that.”

Erica sucked in a couple shaky breaths. His nearness to her was causing havoc on her system. She shook with need as she leaned closer, her lips so close to his neck. She licked her lips and tried to fight back the need.

“I really am sorry,” she whispered and chewed on her bottom lip.

Sol groaned, a low rumble from deep in his chest.

“Fuck,” he whispered and swooped down to capture her mouth.

His forceful lips took control of hers, molding his mouth over hers and devouring her. She moaned into him and laced her fingers along the back of his neck. The silky hair there slipped through her fingers and made her want to pull him in even closer.

She moaned at the feel of his mouth on hers. His wicked tongue played with hers, swirling and nudging.

Sol’s warm hand slid around her back and pulled her closer. Her pointed nipples rubbed against his chest and turned to little rocks under the thin material. His hard chest was unyielding on her aching nipples. She gasped when he whirled them around and pinned her against the wall, lifting her thigh so her center aligned with his hard length.

He growled loudly when she ground her hips into his, her slippery folds soaking his pants through the thin scrap of material separating them. They broke the kiss, and she stared into his glowing amber eyes. Feeling bold, Erica leaned forward and nipped the skin at his neck. When he moaned, she smiled. Her hips found a rhythm of grinding and bumping her clit against him.

She gasped when his mouth came back to her, this time in pure domination. She held on to the back of his head as he moved his hips against hers, pushing them further and further to the peak. Erica groaned when the hand holding her thigh inched up her back, his fingers getting closer and closer to the one spot she wanted to feel them.

He pulled back, and she huffed in irritation. When she opened her eyes, he was staring down at her, confusion evident on his face. One hand behind his head slipped onto his cheek and gently caressed the skin. Her hand skirted down his chest. Erica enjoyed the feel of the hard muscles beneath her fingers. They twitched as she moved along, and it pushed her excitement even higher.

Her fingers wound through the trail of hair above his pants. She could feel his hot breath pick up the lower she moved. It tickled the hair on her neck. Erica stopped briefly at the top of his pants and looked up to him. He gasped when she skimmed his hard length lightly with her fingers. The head was hard and hot in her hand. She gasped at his size.

In a flash, the light in his eyes flickered out, and she was standing on her own.

Sol stood in the doorway, his hair still ruffled from her roaming hands.

“I, we,” he stammered and looked in any direction but hers. “Stay out of my room,” he said gruffly and stomped his way back to his room. She jumped when the door slammed shut and stood still for a moment, absorbing what had taken place.

Breathing hard, she tried to calm her heart. She could still feel him pressed against her, his hard length bumping her clit.

Erica groaned. She had been so close. It had been ages since she’d had sex, and never had it been so hot. So dirty. Sol made her want to strip them both naked and do things she’s never even thought of doing before.

The spark between them was more than anything she had ever had experienced before, and whatever it was, she wasn’t against exploring. He might be different from other men, but in this case, that was a good thing. She’s take different any day if it meant she got to have hot sex with someone like him.

Erica climbed into bed and tried to ignore the ache between her legs. It wouldn’t help taking care of it herself. Besides, he’d hear anything that she decided to do. One thing was certain, whatever pain she was in, his was twice as bad.


* * *


Erica hummed at the stove as she flipped the last of the pancakes and turned all the bacon.

Opting for decency, she had pulled on jeans and a blouse. Well mostly decent. She had left a few buttons lower than normal, her cleavage prominently on display. Sometimes you needed to play up your assets, and today was one of those days.

All night she’d thought about his warm hands moving over her. By the time morning came, she was so worked up that she’d had to help herself out in the shower and to hell if he heard.

Erica blushed at the thought. It wasn’t that she didn’t ever but never like this. She came so hard that, for a few seconds, she literally saw stars. Part of her hoped he had heard and would come in and finish the job. She certainly wouldn’t have minded.

“What are you doing?”

She turned to see Sol standing at the door of the kitchen, his face hard and unreadable.

“I decided to make breakfast.” She smiled at him. “There wasn’t much else to eat, and there was no way I was going to eat the rabbit pellet cereal you’ve got.”

Her heart picked up when the corner of his mouth lifted.

“Do you have syrup?” she asked, flipping the last of the pancakes out of the pan and scooping out the bacon.

When she turned, she found him looking directly at her ass. Her face flamed as he narrowed his eyes. It wasn’t like she didn’t know she had ten or fifteen pounds to loose, but he wasn’t supposed to be looking there. She’d given him something to look at.

Erica slapped the plates on the table and began rummaging through the cabinets. In one little look, he’d managed to ruin her sexual high and good mood. She pulled up on her tiptoes to reach the top shelf. She could see the bottle and even touch it, but the damn thing wouldn’t come her way.

Sol’s warm body pressed up behind her as he reached around and grabbed the bottle with ease. He placed it on the counter in front of her. She felt him lean forward, his breath hot on her neck before pushing away.

When she turned around, he was already at the table, dishing the pancakes and bacon onto his plate. She sat across from him, shaking slightly from his nearness.

They sat quietly for some time before the lack of sound drove her crazy.

“So,” she said between bites. “Where am I going today?”

Sol looked up at her, and she felt the heat rise in the room.

“You’ll be working with Marius. He’s been trying to keep things moving for some time, so I’m sure he’ll be happy to have the help.” Sol went back to eating his breakfast in silence.

“So,” she began and smiled when he looked up. “About last night.”

Sol jumped out of his chair and set his plate on the counter.

“Thanks for the breakfast,” he said, speeding through the kitchen. “Marius should be here soon. I’m off to work.”

And just like that, he was gone. She sighed. He was just so confusing. She threw her head back and laughed at the situation. She’d never seen a man move so quick. The only thing that might have cleared him out faster was if she had mentioned marriage.

She busied herself with cleaning the kitchen before Marius showed up.


Chapter Ten



Erica glared at the computer screen as if her eyes would suddenly turn into lasers and cut the stupid thing in half.

“Finding anything?” Marius asked from next to her.

“Yes, but it’s not telling me anything.” She sighed and rubbed her eyes in irritation.

She turned to look at Marius. Whatever she had in mind, Marius was about as far from that as she could have imagined. Meticulous was the best word to describe him. Annoying might be another word.

He had spent the first half of the morning fighting her at every turn. Now he was expecting results immediately. It wasn’t her first time dealing with someone like this, but she wasn’t really used to having the accounting department able to take down a bear if need be.

“Maybe we should go to lunch,” Marius said.

Erica nodded and shut her screen off. As she followed him through the halls, she couldn’t help but smile. When he shut his mouth, Marius wasn’t bad to look at, with a sort of sandy-haired boy next door look, but amped up with super muscles. She giggled to herself. He turned around and shot her a glare.

She followed him through another hall near the main lodge. Construction was in full force to bring the place back to its former glory. At the end of the hall, stood two large doors. Marius pushed through, and she was surprised to see it was the lunch hall. Tables dotted the room filled with workers of various kinds.

Soldiers and hybrids sat amongst themselves, a clear divide. She frowned at this. If they never tried to talk to anyone, it was no wonder the hybrids had no people skills.

Several people looked up and whispered as she walked by. She couldn’t help but wonder what they thought of her. One of the only tables with any women stood in the back of the room. Erica hoped that Marius would take her there to eat. When he stopped at another, she cleared her throat.

“I think it might be good to sit over there,” she said, pointing to the two other women.

Marius glanced around, and she wondered if he might bail on her. When he got up silently and walked with her, she was surprised.

“Take a seat, and I’ll get us something to eat,” he said stiffly.

Erica nodded and made her way to the women.

“Would you mind if we sit here?” She smiled brightly at them.

“Oh we’re so glad to have you,” a bubbly blonde said.

The other woman, a raven-haired beauty, smiled at her warmly. “It’s nice to have the testosterone knocked down a notch or two.”

She grinned. They were already on the same wavelength.

“Noticed things seem to be kicked into high gear here.” She smiled at them and stuck out a hand. “I’m Erica, nice to meet you.”

The raven-haired women shook hands with her. “I’m Rachel Miller, one of the doctors here.”

The blonde smiled. “I’m Hannah Fields, the events coordinator.”

“Does this place have many events?” Erica asked.

Hannah grinned at her. “Not yet, but I plan to change that. First they have to finish the repairs to the front. Just terrible what happened.”

Erica nodded. “I was here when it happened.”

“Oh honey, we all know you were here. It’s all anyone can talk about. Sol certainly seems to have taken to you.” Hannah gave her a sly smile.

She could feel the blush creep in while they talked. Any mention of Sol seemed to set her on fire.

Marius came back and stood next to her at the table.

“This is Marius. I’m working with him in the accounting department,” Erica said to the women.

“Oh we know Marius,” Rachel said sarcastically.

He sat a tray in front of her and scooted over to the edge of the table, clearly uncomfortable with sitting next to the women.

The food was simple. A sandwich and chips, but it was more than she expected. On top of that, it tasted great. Good bread with nice slices of meat. She could get used to this.

“So, Erica,” Rachel said after a few moments of quiet. “What are you working with Marius on?”

“Nothing you need to concern yourself with,” Marius piped up.

The women turned to stare at his hard face.

“That important?” Rachel grinned. “You know that only makes us want to know more.”

When she winked at him, his face turned slightly red. She wasn’t certain if it was from anger or embarrassment, but she would guess a little of both.

His attention snapped back to Erica. “I’m taking my lunch to the office,” he said.

Rachel waved him off dismissively. “We’ll take her back. Go ahead and run back to your computers.”

Erica watched as he stomped back through the room. She noticed several of the hybrids watched with growing interest.

“Wow,” Erica said. She turned back to Rachel. “Do you all have history or something?”

“Oh he just pisses me off.” She took a bite of her sandwich. “He fights me on getting equipment we need and spends entirely too much time behind a computer.” She glanced around the room. “They all need to learn to socialize more with the opposite sex. Not a one of them has any decent experience in a non-professional setting.”

A hybrid coughed loudly, and Erica suspected they were all listening to their conversation.

Rachel smiled, as if she knew what Erica was thinking. “Hazard of working here. There’s no such thing as a private conversation in public.” Rachel shot a hard look to several of the men, who had the decency to look away.

“So,” Hannah whispered, leaning in. “Did Sol mention why you aren’t at the women’s dorm with us?”

Erica blinked a few times. “There’s a women’s dorm?”

She chewed her bread slowly as she listened.

BOOK: Sol: Luna Lodge #1
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