Read Somebody's Wife: The Jackson Brothers, Book 3 Online

Authors: Jennifer Skully,Jasmine Haynes

Somebody's Wife: The Jackson Brothers, Book 3 (5 page)

BOOK: Somebody's Wife: The Jackson Brothers, Book 3
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“Can I watch
, Mommy?” Rina had crawled underneath the coffee table from the other side and now lay on her stomach, peering up, her chin propped on her hands.

“Mom, I’m tired of
. Can’t we watch
Shark Tale

The last five minutes of the six o’clock news petered out on the TV. Mitch loved his evening news, but he wasn’t watching, not now, not for the first twenty-five minutes.

He watched her. It set her nerves on edge, making her jittery and overheated and terribly excited.

“Why don’t you ask your Dad what he wants to watch?” Connie ruffled Rina’s hair as she leaned forward to peruse the grocery flyers for weekly specials. Tomorrow was shopping day. She only went to three grocery stores, that was all. If she couldn’t get it on special, they didn’t get it. She finished up at the grocery outlet over on the highway, which didn’t carry name brands but probably saved at least fifty dollars per trip.

Mitch should be glad.

“Daddy, you want to watch
, don’t you?”

“Dad, remember how you said you hated

“Peter, you know I didn’t say I hated
.” Mitch slyly glanced at her. “And I think your mother already knows exactly what I want to watch.”

Her. With her vibrator. That was his sly little message. She met his gaze. He was so bad, and so kissable with that quirk at the side of his mouth and the slow burn in his eyes.

“What does Daddy want to watch?” Rina tugged on Connie.

He was going to be in so much trouble for making sexual innuendoes in front of the children. She eyed him, sending him that clear message. He simply smiled.

“Daddy wants to watch
The Parent Trap

Peter whined. “
The Parent Trap.
It’s old.”

“Yes, but your father likes to watch it because it’s about a very bad daddy who gets punished by the mom and turns over new ways. It’s a very good moral, Peter.” She gave her husband the evil eye over her son’s shoulder.

Mitch just smiled, promising retribution with the look in his eye. Retribution she was sure she was going to like.

“I think we should watch
The Incredibles
,” Peter went on, “Mom, you never said whether I could spend the night at Tommy’s.”

Kids. They never forgot a thing. You could distract them for a few minutes, but they’d come back to it eventually.

“If Peter gets a slumber party, I get a slumber party, too,” Rina whined.

Mitch leaned his head back against the sofa and clasped his hands over his belly, his feet spread wide along the coffee table. “Yeah, Mom, if Peter gets a slumber party, Rina should get one, too.”

He was soooo bad. He wanted a slumber party to get both kids out of the house so he could have his wicked way with her. She really, really wished she’d picked up those handcuffs.

“Your father is being funny, Rina. Petey, I’ll call Mrs. Daigle, and if it’s all right with her, then it’s okay with me.”

School would be starting again soon, and it was good for Peter to get all his play time done before the homework season came around.

“You better not be joshing me that she suggested it.”

“I’m not, Mom.”

She went into the kitchen to make the call. Mitch kept making those eyes at her, egging her on in her plan to get rid of her children tomorrow night, and Peter would be making moaning noises and pleading sounds to get what he wanted. Come to think of it, he’d learned that from his father. In five minutes, those arrangements were made.

“She says okay.”

Mitch clapped his hands along with Peter. “I bet Nana would want you to have a slumber party at her house, Rina. What do you think?”

“Mitch. You need to call your mom first before you make promises.” There was no way Evelyn would turn him down. She loved her grandchildren to distraction.

Mitch picked up the hand-held, dialed and handed the phone to Rina. “Ask Nana if you can stay with her tomorrow night.”

Standing behind the couch, Connie whapped him lightly on the back of the head. My, it felt wonderful. Like the early years of their marriage when they’d conspired together to get some hot monkey sex time where they didn’t have to worry about making too much noise or waking the kids.

She’d have plenty of time tomorrow to make it over to Saint Lucia to pick up the handcuffs.

“Nana says it’s okay, but she wants to talk to you.” Rina held out the phone to Connie.

“Give it to your father.”

Rina toddled over and Mitch leaned closer for the phone.

“No, Mom, nothing’s wrong.” He glanced up at Connie. “We’re gonna go out for dinner or something.” Pause, smile. “Yeah, something like that, Mom.” Then after one last pause, he nodded. “Sure thing,” then hung up.

Connie raised an eyebrow. “So, we’re going out for dinner.”

He cocked her a wry smile. “Or something.”

He got off the couch, crouched in front of the video shelf, pulled out
The Incredibles
and handed it to Peter. “An hour and a half, kiddo, then it’s bedtime.” He reached down, picked Rina up, threw her high in the air, then settled on the couch once more, tucking her close under his arm. Peter sprawled out on the carpet in front of the TV. Mitch waggled his fingers at Connie.

“Come on, honey. Sit down here right next to me, and I’ll tell you all about dinner. Or something.”

That devious smile meant he was planning something big. The man had too many white teeth when he smiled like that.

She knew she was going to love whatever idea was sprouting in his predatory mind.


* * * * *


He wanted Connie badly. The hour and a half movie would surely kill him. But he’d wait. Patiently. Until he could get his hands on her again. He had an idea for a nice surprise, something they hadn’t done in years.

Damn. A miracle had occurred. He was thinking more about sex than worrying about money.


* * * * *


Mitch got up halfway through the movie to take a shower, though Peter vocally marveled that he could tear himself away from the excitement of
The Incredibles
. Then, once the movie was over, Mitch picked up a sleepy Rina in his arms.

“It’s all right, sweetheart.” He gave Connie an exaggerated smile, all teeth. “I’ll put the kids to bed, while you get all nice and ready for bed.” He pecked her on the cheek. “You just take as much time as you need, honey-bunch.”

She was giggling like a newlywed as she kissed Rina and Peter, then Mitch sent her off with a pat on the butt.

She soaped and cleansed and lotioned and felt all fluttery inside. Like a teenager on her first date. Or a woman who hadn’t seen her husband in a month. Giddy. It was the most wonderful feeling she’d had in months. Years.

She was almost done when she heard Mitch come in. “Did you leave Rina’s door open and the hall light on?”

“Yes, darling.” The door shut, followed by the soft snick of the lock. “I kissed them twice, one for you, one for me.”

He was saccharine sweet enough to smack. Connie looked at herself in the bathroom mirror. Her hair shone, her skin glowed, and her eyes sparkled. She bit down on her lip until it plumped, giving her the hot, sultry look of a seductress.

She topped it all with a short satin nightgown held up only by a pair of thin straps.

She flipped off the bathroom light to find Mitch sprawled in the middle of their bed. Naked. Stroking himself.

are you doing?”

He was long and hard, and the tip of his penis glistened. He took her breath away. The boyish, mischievous grin on his face belied the size and obvious excitement of his beautiful, gorgeous, wonderfully hard penis.

“I fixed the sink while you were picking up Rina this afternoon. Did you notice?”

She stepped backward into the bathroom, cocked her head to listen. Sure enough, it wasn’t dripping anymore. She’d been too excited to notice.

“That was very sweet of you, honey.”

“Yeah. I’m really sweet. You
pay me back, you know.” He puckered his lips, then added, “If you want to.”

It was so like the first days of their marriage when she paid him in sexual favors. The longer the chore took, the bigger the prize. There were days when the house had been immaculate without a single nagging word to get things fixed, days they couldn’t get enough of each other.

“What’s it worth to you?”

“A blow job. It was a reeeally hard project.”

“How hard?”

He stroked himself faster, making sure she could almost feel the flesh in his hand. “Very, very hard, baby.”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. I gave you a blow job this afternoon.” She couldn’t wait to get her lips around him again. She couldn’t wait to feel his head buried between her legs. The game heightened the anticipation.

“Yeah, but you had two orgasms and I only had one, so I need to catch up. Come on, baby.” He pumped himself twice. “For all the hard work on the sink.”

She knelt, one knee on the bed, leaning down to place her hand over his. Curling her fingers, she let them close over his crown, working the small drop of come that appeared.

“That feels so good.” Mitch’s eyes glittered in the soft light of her vanity lamp, its yellow glow bathing his legs, casting the long shadow of his penis across his belly.

Sometimes she forgot how truly magnificent he was. Long, hard days of strenuous outdoor work kept his muscles toned and his skin bronzed. He was tougher, harder, and infinitely more virile than the day she married him.

She lifted one leg to straddle him, intent on working his penis with her hand for a little while.

Mitch grabbed her before she could settle, turning her to face the brass rails at the end of the bed. “This way.” He ran his hands over her butt, pushing her nightie to her waist.

She wasn’t wearing a stitch beneath the satin. He planted a kiss on her right butt cheek. Ooh. She had a glimmer of his plan. They hadn’t done
in long a time, pleasured each other simultaneously with their mouths.

Leaning forward, she stretched across his hips, reaching down his legs to caress the springy male hair on his calves. He rose, gently stroking his penis against her abdomen. Then she pushed back, giving him a home between her breasts. She rubbed, teasing his penis and peaking her nipples.

Mitch caressed the globes of her butt, then licked the outer lips of her pussy. “Ba-by,” he called softly, “suck me.”

Connie rose to her elbows, dipped down, and sucked just the tip into her mouth. His salty taste and soapy scent tantalized her. It had been so long since they took the time to fully excite, to explore with long minutes of exquisite foreplay. He reached between them to cup her breasts, then pinch her nipples. Heat streaked down to the spot where his warm breath bathed her. She took him then, all of him, humming her pleasure.

His hips rose, thrusting against her. “Oh, yeah, baby.”

She sucked hard all the way back up his penis, licked the slit, then lunged back down until her lips met her hand firmly gripping his base. He’d always loved the dual action, her hand combined with her mouth, her lips, her tongue. He’d taught her how to please him. She’d taught him how to drive her wild.

As if he could read her thoughts, he slid a finger inside her, matching the rhythm of her mouth on him. She bumped and ground against the sweet invasion, sucking him deeper with each thrust of his finger. Oh God, oh God. He put his mouth on her, sucking her clitoris, then stroking his tongue inside her.

She could barely keep him in her mouth, barely force herself to move on him, her body wanting to orgasm, pulsing with need. Her legs and arms felt weak enough to collapse.

“Mitch, please, I can’t.” She couldn’t do both, couldn’t suck him, and let him take her this way, the sensations too intense. “Please, I need you inside me.” She wanted it so badly, her belly ached.

When she tried to wriggle away from him, his hands clamped down on her hips and held her fast. “I want to come in your mouth when you come in mine, baby. I’ll do all the work, just open your mouth. Let me in, baby.” Then he started again, flicking her clitoris with his tongue until she knew couldn’t do anything else but explode all over him.

Bracing herself on the bed, she went down on him all the way, until he touched the back of her throat. Then he took over, just as he promised, pumping her pussy as if he were buried deep inside her. Almost as if she weren’t in control of her own body, her hips pressed against his mouth. She quivered, shuddered, then heat jetted straight to her center, and if he hadn’t been filling her mouth, she would have screamed. She bore down as he shot her to orgasm, taking every lap he gave, flying high with it, exploding from the inside out while he pumped his hips frantically against her mouth.

When they came, they did it together, each filling the other, each taking the other.

She couldn’t remember falling, but when she opened her eyes, she’d crumpled across his legs. He stroked her thighs gently.

“That was incredible, baby,” he whispered.

“Oh my God, the kids probably heard us.” Her voice was muffled against his hip.

“We were very quiet.”

Yeah, right. She’d come like Fourth of July fireworks.

Mitch rolled her to her side, then shifted, crawling around to lay his head down next to hers. “That was so fucking incredible, Connie.”

Her limbs incapable of movement, the only thing she could manage was a smile. “Ya think?”

He pushed the hair back from her face. “I think I sort of forgot how good it was between us.”

She opened her eyes and fell head over heels for him all over again. “I love you, Mitch.”

He kissed the tip of her nose, her eyelids, her forehead. “I love you, baby. I promise I won’t let us drift apart again.”

Now was the time. Ask about the baby. Beg. He couldn’t turn her down now. He wouldn’t. But she couldn’t open her mouth. Her body felt tender, achy, worked over, exhausted. Somehow the words between them felt equally fragile. She was terrified to ask about the baby, terrified to lose the sweetness between them.

BOOK: Somebody's Wife: The Jackson Brothers, Book 3
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