Read Soul Of The Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 1) Online

Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

Soul Of The Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Soul Of The Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 1)
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There was no way she would ever get her bearings in this place. He took her down hallways, across rooms with suits of armour in them. Yes really. It was like some stately home. In front of one set, which had a huge dent in it, she stopped. Looking back along the line of shiny armour she noted they all had gashes or dents in them.

"Find something interesting?" he asked, appearing by her side unexpectedly. "You are testing my patience."

"Are these all men you've slain?"


"The armour. Is this some kind of trophy hall?" She looked at him, completely serious.

The room shook. He bellowed so loudly she wanted to cover her ears, but this was not anger. He was laughing, a real deep belly laugh, that she found contagious.

"Zoah will enjoy this when I tell him."

"So it's not? Then why keep so many suits of armour, are you planning on opening a museum?"

He stopped laughing and stood looking around the room. "Are you really interested?"

"Yes. Oh, I see, you think all these questions are about getting information on you." She shook her head, looking at him honestly. "I'm interested."

"Zoah picked them all up off one battlefield or another. It might surprise you to know we don't, and never have gone around killing humans for fun. But we've watched plenty of muddy battles across the length and breadth of England. He used to bring them home, and throw them in a pile, to remind him of the folly of humans, and to make him feel better about not being one. As dragons we have killed, but only for food and to protect ourselves."

"My sister would love all this stuff, she's fascinated by history." She reached out a hand to touch the cold steel, thinking of Charlotte and wondering what was happening to her, were they treating her well. She would be missing school, and her friends.

"Then maybe you should ask her to come and look at them." His words jerked her back to reality.

"Thank you. Maybe one day." But Serena knew that would never happen, either Connor or her sister was not going to come out of this in one piece. Pulling her dress back to her chest, she shivered.

"Come," he said, his voice holding a gentle tone once more. "This way."

He walked slower, and she no longer had to run to keep up with him. It gave her time to think about what had happened, and what she must do to get Charlotte back. If he drank wine often, she would be able to slip the contents of the vial into his goblet, and he would drink it without knowing her betrayal. There seemed to be no sign of his brother, so there was a chance she could carry out her task with no hindrance from him.

However, watching the tall proud man in front of her, she hated the idea of him becoming a slave to Samuel. Serena would not wish that on anyone. Yet it was not a choice, she had to do this if she ever wanted to see Charlotte again. She needed to harden herself to him, her softness, the tenderness of her soul would be her undoing if she let it.

They reached his room, and he opened the door, standing to one side to let her in. Then he closed the door, and followed her towards the bed. She wanted to explore his room, it had a magnificent four poster bed, complete with drapes, and carved wooden furniture around the room that begged to be touched, and appreciated. However, before she had a chance to, he moved close behind her, the heat of his body warming her cold flesh. One look into his eyes told her what was expected, this was no polite social visit, he wanted sex, and he wanted it now.

His hands gripped her arms, and he pressed himself against her, his erection thick and hard against her belly. Lowering his head, his lips captured hers, his tongue exploring her mouth, probing there until she met him with her own. She tasted him, their tongues entwining, and thrills coursed through her body. He was everything she could ever want in a lover, strong, and gentle, passionate and tender. If only the circumstances were different, if only she could make him love her.

Her hands went about his body, stroking his flesh, feeling the muscles bunch and tense where her fingertips trailed over his warm skin. She affected him, and that pleased her, he was not hard and emotionless, he was made of the same flesh and blood as she was. Only more.

Connor palmed her breast, and she gasped against his mouth. His fingers tweaking her nipple almost painfully, sending shooting sensations through her body, connecting at last with her sex which ached to feel him inside again. Using his hands and mouth he aroused her, wanting her to be ready for him. Serena knew he could simply have forced himself on her, and she would not have had the strength to fight him off, but he wanted her to enjoy this. Surely that must be the case.

She wanted him to feel her appreciation, in some small way she wanted him to know how she felt, and how grateful she was for his consideration. Serena thanked him in the only way she could.

Wrapping her hand around his hard length, she gripped him tightly, running her hand up and down his cock. He paused for a breath, concentrating on what she was doing to him, before slipping one hand down to stroke her mound and rub her clit. Together they stimulated each other, in the most wonderful way, they might be two lovers here together. Wanting the other to experience pleasure and satisfaction, instead of two strangers caught up in some bizarre pact.

His finger slipped inside her, and her hand tightened around him, squeezing and releasing him until he groaned against her. His mouth left hers, and he trailed kisses down her neck, nuzzling her soft skin as he worked his way down to her breasts. His lips tickled her skin, his fingers stroked her inner walls, and she tried to concentrate on her hand as it slid up and down his cock. More than once she paused, too caught up in what he was doing to her senses to keep her mind on the task she had set herself. He didn't seem to mind, too distracted by the taste of her skin on his lips.

The first drop of pre come appeared, he arched his body, pushing himself harder into her hand, while his fingers buried themselves deeper inside her. She was going to come, and so was he, she knew the signs too well. However, he stopped, stepping away from her, and grabbing her hand to still her.

"Not like this. I want to be inside you. You are here for one purpose, to conceive my child, let's not forget that."

"Sorry," she mumbled, feeling ashamed at thinking there could be anything more between them. His mood shifted like sand beneath her feet, confusing her when she only wanted to feel his affection.

To confound her more, he tilted her chin up, his eyes searching hers. "Don't be. It's a long time since a woman has actually bothered to give more than she wanted to take." He lowered his lips to press briefly against hers. "In truth I want to come inside you, to feel you so tight around me. Tell me is that what you want?"

His words were so softly spoken, his voice quiet and mesmerising, she searched his face to see if he was making fun of her, but she could see only truth. "Yes."

Strong arms lifted her. His body covering hers and they crashed onto the bed. His passion inflamed, he pushed her thighs apart, and without further warning he guided himself inside her. Not hard, but this was not the cautious mating he had performed in the moon rite. Now he was more sure of himself, and her. She was no longer a virgin, he did not have to break her gently. His first thrust nearly filled her completely, but he eased back when her body tensed and she cried out. He was so big she struggled to accommodate his eagerness, but when he paused, pulling back to ease the pressure, her sex yielded to his hard cock, sheathing him tightly, fitting around him as though she were made for this one purpose.

Thrusting forward again, the friction of his long thick shaft inside her incredible. Now, without the fear he might hurt her she could allow herself to relax and enjoy the experience of his fit toned body worshipping hers. When he sucked her nipple into his mouth and rolled his tongue over it, she was reminded that this man beast had several thousand years of experience behind him. And it showed, he knew places on her body that his touch would inflame, and she clung to him, her nails digging into his back as he sucked and licked her nipple, making it sore in a wonderful way. The pain he caused her was never intended to cause her hurt, only to heighten her arousal.

He coaxed her slowly forward, the edge of the abyss hovering in front of her while he impaled her fully with his cock. Over and over he pulled out, only to lunge back into her. She bit his ear lobe, sucking it into her mouth hard, mimicking his mouth on her breasts. She was not prepared for the effect this would have on him. He lost control, thrusting hard and fast before he erupted inside her. Her sex contracted around him and she came, milking his seed from him, drawing it up inside her to make the child she had come here to conceive. And although she knew that the sooner she conceived the better, she didn't want that to mean an end to their love making.

Depending on the whether Samuel upheld his end of the bargain and let her and Charlotte leave, this might be the only time in her life where she could experience a man who wanted her to enjoy his attention. She was under no illusions that if Samuel didn't let her go she would become one of his whores, under his control, until she drew her last breath.

Serena buried her face into the crook of Connor's neck and breathed in his scent, then she kissed his neck, small butterfly kisses, while inside her he jerked out his orgasm. When he was spent he slumped down beside her, his body heaving with the exertion from their lovemaking. She stroked his shoulders, and down his arms, marvelling at the strength and power of him. He raised his head and looked at her, she smiled weakly, and again felt foolish. He wasn't interested in her other than for procreation, yet the romantic in her couldn't stop believing that for a fraction of a second he looked at her with a need that was more than a craving for her flesh.

Was it possible that deep inside him he wanted more than a child from her? Did he crave companionship in his long life?

Chapter Ten - Connor

In all the years he had lived, he had been with many women. All willing, but all after something for themselves. The same was true of Serena, and yet she wanted him to enjoy what passed between them. It was the first time a woman who knew he was a dragon had wanted to please him. She had touched him physically in a way no other woman had, and that touch had gone deeper. Somewhere inside him a well of emotion had been opened.

She lay in his arms, her soft warm body cradled against his, her breath even as she slept, something that would evade him tonight. His mind was a mass of confusion. He knew she had come here to drug him, for what purpose he couldn't make out, the liquid in the vial was unknown to him. Modern drugs and medicines too many to keep track of, but he guessed it was some kind of narcotic that would render him senseless while she left after the ritual.

He had seen those men, seen what they made her do. If he offered her protection from them would she leave with him? This city held nothing for him. He had grown tired of it, and longed for the fresh air and clear skies of the mountains. He knew Zoah was itching to move on, they had done so throughout their lives, in a decade or two they might return here. But for now he could take his other form and leave, find somewhere safe to raise the child if she were lucky enough conceive.

First he needed to find out who controlled her, and how, what hold did they have over her? Before he had known her, really known her, he would have forced it out of her, he had done worse in his life. Yet now he baulked at the idea, he didn't want to control her, to replace the men she feared with more fear would do no good. No, if he wanted to make her his, loyal to him, he had to find out what was going on, he had to make her trust him, and then she would tell him, he was sure of it.

He placed an arm around her protectively, thinking back on his conversation with Zoah. His other option was to throw her out, and leave her to her fate, there was a good chance she had not conceived yet. It would be the safe, sensible thing to do. He could leave here, go where those men could never find him, in a blink of his eye they would be dead and past, their time on this earth gone while he endured. Their lives nothing compared to that of a dragon. Or he could stay, take an interest in life, in this woman sleeping in his arms.

She shifted in her sleep, a small cry. His anger simmered, a dangerous sign. He could not let his temper get the better of him. However, at this moment, he could happily go and find the men who had hurt Serena, the same men who had sent her here to him, and tear them apart. Yet he was wise enough to know that would not solve the problem. He had to find out what leverage they held over her, and take it back. Then he could plan a future with this woman with her soft curves and her head filled with so many questions.

Damn if Zoah could hear his thoughts, he would believe she had already drugged him. These were not the thoughts of a mighty dragon, they were those of a man smitten by the flesh of a woman. He had lowered himself to the base emotions of lust and revenge. Or maybe he was just tired of being alone.

Chapter Eleven - Serena

How many hours past in his arms she didn't know. She was so tired, and her body exhausted, the warmth of him as comforting as the hearth of a fire in winter. Stretching, her hand touched his hard toned body, she opened her eyes, only to find him watching her.

She smiled. "Don't you sleep?"

"Not every night."

"I thought you would be tired after..." She blushed at the thought of his hands and mouth on her body, and inside her body.

"I have great stamina."

"Yes, for an old man."

He chuckled, catching hold of her wrists and pinning them above her head, his mouth nuzzling her neck. "This old man has plenty of strength left."

Her stomach growled loudly, and he shifted his weight off her. "Come on. We should go and find you something to eat."

"I am starving." But she also wanted to stay like this with him for a while, to move would be to break the spell and bring the reality of her situation crashing back down on her. Then she remembered Hope, it was time she had her breakfast too. “Can I go back to my room, to change?”

BOOK: Soul Of The Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 1)
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