Read SovereignsChoice Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

SovereignsChoice (6 page)

BOOK: SovereignsChoice
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“They’re meant to hurt,” he responds calmly.
“Take a deep breath, Emma. Relax into the pain.”

I try to do as he says and I find that I
can manage—a little bit. The pain in my sensitive nubs isn’t quite so intense
now. It’s more like intense squeezing. And I have to admit, to my shame, that
every sensation I feel in my breasts is going straight to my pussy to make me
wetter and hotter than I have ever been before. Am I getting off on the pain?
Or the fact that it was Aiden who inflicted it?

“Better now?” he asks, searching my eyes.

I nod shortly. “A little.”

“Good.” He strokes one tortured breast gently.
“Tell me something, Emma, deep down, do you like the way it feels? The bite of
the clamps?”

I can feel myself blushing. It’s almost as
though he’s reading my mind but there’s no way I’ll admit it. “No,” I say hastily.
“No, of course not. Why would I like it?”

“Because you’re a natural submissive,” he
murmurs. “I could tell it the moment I touched you.”

“No, I’m not,” I object at once. “None of
this…the spankings, the punishments, these…” I nod down at the nipple clamps
still pinching my sensitive buds. “Feels natural to me.”

Aiden looks thoughtful. “Maybe I misspoke.
It’s true that submitting doesn’t seem to come as naturally or gracefully to
you as it does to some. But you dohave submissive tendencies.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” I demand
but I’m afraid I already know. His words echo my own thoughts—my worries that
his punishments are turning me on in a way I never dreamed could be possible.

Aiden raises an eyebrow at me. “I think you
know what I mean, Emma. You don’t want to acknowledge it but giving yourself to
me, however reluctantly, arouses you greatly.”

“No it doesn’t,” I lie, trying to keep a
straight face. “Not at all.”

“Oh?” He raises an eyebrow at me. “So if I
was to finger your soft little cunt right now I wouldn’t find you wet and hot
for me?”

“No, I-I don’t….don’t think so.” I shift uneasily
in front of him.

“You don’t think so?” He frowns at me sternly.
“I think we’d better find out for sure. Spread your legs and open your pussy
for me.”

“I… Do I have to?” I whisper. I know what
he’ll see if he forces me to do this. He’ll find out how hot and wet I really
am. How the punishing clamps on my nipples are causing my pussy to cream for

Aiden twists one finger in the gold chain
hanging between my breasts and gives it a sharp tug. I yelp as the clamps bite
even harder and a fiery mixture of pleasure and pain jolts through me, causing
fresh wetness between my legs. “Do as you’re told, darling,” he says softly.
His deep voice is almost a caress but there is steel behind the velvet in his

“Yes Master,” I say through gritted teeth.
Part of me hates the humiliation of what he’s demanding I do. But there is
another part—a part so deeply buried I never would have found it without Aiden.
That naughty little part of my psyche loves the feeling of hot helplessness, of
giving control of my body over to someone else. Someone bigger and stronger who
can do anything he wants to me. I try to push that part away—it’s sick and
wrong to be turned on by this treatment, isn’t it? I am no longer sure. All I know
is that my Master is watching me, waiting for me to obey. Every second I delay
I am risking more punishment.

Taking a deep breath, I spread my legs for
him. Biting my lip, I reach down and part my pussy lips with my fingers,
holding myself open so that he can inspect my wet pink interior.

“Lovely,” Aiden murmurs, cupping my open
pussy. I can’t quite stifle a moan as his warm palm comes into contact with my
slippery inner cunt. I can feel the heel of his hand rubbing my throbbing clit
even as two thick fingers sink deep inside my pussy. He looks up at me. “And
not just lovely—very wet and hot. You
like this, Emma. Even if you
don’t want to admit it to yourself.”

“I-I…” It’s impossible to answer when he’s
pumping slowly into my pussy with those long, thick fingers. Goddess, I haven’t
even had breakfast yet and he’s about to give me an orgasm.

“Wet and hot but so tight,”Aiden
says, still pumping. Goddess, I’m so close. If he would just rub my clit a
little harder…a little faster… “We’ll have to do something about that after
breakfast,” he continues. Then, abruptly, he withdraws his hand.

I’m left standing there alone, bereft,
unfulfilled. I make a little sound of protest but Aiden seems unconcerned.

“You may sit now, Emma,” he says,
indicating a plush dining room chair adjacent to his. “Breakfast will be served
at once.” He picks up a small crystal bell I hadn’t noticed earlier and rings
it sharply.

To my surprise and embarrassment, a door on
the far side of the room opens and an elderly human man with thinning white
hair and watery blue eyes shuffles in carrying a tray. Oh my Goddess, has he
been watching? Has he seen everything that Aiden was doing to me? Quickly I try
to cover myself with the crimson shirt but Aiden stops me.

“No,” he says, shaking his head. “Don’t
worry, Emma. Barnes won’t look at you.” Barnes, presumably, being the old man.

“But…” I have never felt so naked. I’m
still itching to cover up, even though the servant’s gaze is pointed discreetly
away from me.

“It’s my wish that you remain bare,” Aiden
growls softly, his eyes flashing. It’s clear he’s not going to bend on this.

Reluctantly I stop fiddling with the
crimson shirt and let it hang open by my sides. My clamped nipples throb fiercely
and my pussy feels incredibly wet and naked. My cheeks are so hot I feel as if
my face is on fire. Yet I sit there quietly on display while the elderly
servant serves out scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and pancakes.

He puts a steaming plate in front of me and
I pick up my fork and start eating, not sure what else to do. I’m sure the food
is delicious but I can’t taste a thing. All I can feel is how embarrassed I am.
How I wish I could sink right through the floor and never return.

Finally, after pouring me a hot cup of what
smells like Earl Grey tea, the old servant leaves. I breathe a sigh of relief
and feel myself relaxing. It’s entirely possible that he’s watching us from the
next room but as long as I can’t see him doing it, I feel better.

Across from me, Aiden is enjoying a hearty
breakfast, which is, to put it mildly, impossible. Vampires subsist completely
on blood. Anything else becomes completely indigestible to them when they lose
their humanity.

“Vampires can’t eat,” I blurt, before I think
about it.

“This one can,” Aiden says, looking up from
a bite of pancake. “And I enjoy it greatly.”

“But how?” I ask. “You’re not human

“The same way I can tolerate sunlight.” He
gives me a predatory smile. “I assure you, Emma, there are a great many human
pleasures I enjoy.”

My stomach does a flip as I consider the
implications of his words. Suddenly I’m not hungry anymore. I put down my fork
as butterflies continue to swoop in my stomach.

Aiden frowns at me. “What’s wrong? Why
aren’t you eating?”

“I’m not hungry,” I say. “Besides, this is really
fattening. I mean, it’s good, don’t get me wrong. But pancakes and bacon? Come
on, I haven’t eaten this stuff in years.” Not since I got out of high school
and made an effort to lose some weight, anyway.

“Haven’t I told you that I like your
shape?” he asks sternly. “I want you to feel free to eat what you want, Emma.”

“What, so I can get horribly fat and unattractive?”

“You’ll never be unattractive to me. And I
like a woman with something to hold on to.”

“I’m only here for a year,” I remind him.
“If I spend that time pigging out, I’ll never get married and have kids. I
mean, it’s bad enough that I’m a dud but…” I trail off as I see the burning
light in his eyes. He’s angry about something I’ve said—furious.

“You’ve only been with me for a night and
you’re already thinking of finding a new Master?” he says in a low, dangerous

“What? No!” I protest hastily. “But you and
I both know the term of Sacrifice only lasts a year. I mean, it’s not like
you’re going to want to keep me around after the time is up. Right?”

Aiden’s eyes narrow and then he looks away,
the muscles in his jaw clenching. “Right,” he says tightly. Abruptly, he pushes
back from the table. “Breakfast is over,” he announces.

Well all right. So much for making me eat
more. I push back from the table too. “What now?” I ask, though I’m almost
afraid to find out.

“Back to the bedroom,” he says, rising and
throwing his linen napkin over his half-eaten plate. “I have one more thing for
you to wear while I’m gone today.”

Before I can ask what it is, he is striding
from the room so fast I have to trot to keep up.

Chapter Eight


The “one more thing” turns out to be a kind
of harness that straps around my thighs and presses up against my crotch like a
pair of weird leather panties. There is a hole in the crotch though, with
another, smaller harness as though something is meant to fit through it. Before
I can ask Aiden about it, he produces a slim flesh-colored dildo and holds it

“What’s that for?” I ask warily as he
kneels before me to finish strapping the harness in place around my thighs.

“It’s to open you,” he replies, matter-of-factly.
“Spread your legs, Emma.”

“What? You expect me to wear that all day
while you’re gone?” I cross my legs quickly. It might be slim but it’s still considerably
wider than his two fingers, which are the largest things I’ve ever had inside

“Of course I do.” He frowns at me. “How
else can I get you ready to accommodate my cock when I take you?”

I can feel my cheeks getting hot at the
casual way he talks about fucking me. “I don’t know,” I confess at last. “But
you never said anything about me wearing a dildo all day long.”

“Emma,” he says. “I’m simply trying to
break you in gently. Would you rather I threw you on the bed and took you here
and now, ready or not?”

I bite my lip. “N-no,” I whisper. I might
have found a strange, twisted enjoyment in his mastery of me but I have no wish
to be raped.

“I didn’t think so,” Aiden murmurs. “This
device will help you get used to being penetrated and filled.” He raises an
eyebrow at me. “And I don’trecommend cheating and taking it out once
I’ve left the house for the day. Every morning I’ll be fitting you with a
larger phallus. If you skip a day, you’re going to have more pain the next

“I see.” And I do. I’m going to be walking
around all day with this thing inside me and I don’t dare take it out, even
when Aiden is gone.

“Good,” he says, looking into my eyes. “Now
I want you to spread your legs for me and let me fill you, Emma.” The words are
spoken in a low, quiet voice of command. A tone I’m already beginning to think
of as his “Master voice”. To my great shame, I feel a surge of lust between my
legs when he speaks to me like that.

“All right,” I whisper reluctantly.

“All right, what?” he prompts sternly.

“All right, Master.”

“Excellent, Emma.” He strokes my thigh soothingly.
“Now turn around and grip the bedpost.”

I do as he says, gripping one of the thick
bedposts with both hands.

“Very good,” Aiden says. He is still
kneeling on the ground behind me and he raises the tail of the crimson shirt I
am wearing, baring my ass. “Now spread your legs and push out your ass,” he
directs. “I want your pussy tilted toward me so I can line this up correctly.”

I do as he says but just as I’m in the
correct position, I happen to look to my side and see that this whole
interaction is visible in the oval mirror of the dresser. My breath catches in
my throat and I stare at the mostly naked girl gripping the bedpost and
spreading her legs for her Master.

Aiden, for his part, doesn’t seem to notice
I’m watching us in the mirror. He simply holds the flesh-colored shaft by its base
and slides it carefully and precisely into the hole in the leather harness.

I gasp when I feel the cool latex touch my

“Once it’s seated fully inside you, it will
warm to your body temperature,” Aiden says, as though reading my mind.

I think about saying it’s the “fully inside”
part that worries me much more than the temperature but before I can, the head
is sliding between my outer cunt lips, finding the entrance to my pussy.

I clench in fear. I can’t help it. This
seems so unnatural, so foreign. My whole body feels tight at the idea of
letting this happen.

Again Aiden seems to sense my mood. “It’s
all right,” he murmurs, stroking my thighs and ass soothingly. “You can do
this, Emma. It’s my wish that you open yourself for me and it’s for your own
good. I know you can submit.”

“I…I…” I want to say something biting and
sarcastic. Something about how would he like to submit to my foot up his ass?
But I can’t quite get the words out. I know he’d punish me for such insolence
and besides, a part of me wants to trust him. Wants to put myself in his hands
and please my Master. “I’ll try,” is what finally comes out of my mouth.

“Good, very good.” I feel something warm
and wet and hot at the top of my right buttock. Did he just kiss me there? I look
in the mirror just in time to see him do it again, this time at the top of my
left buttock.

I let out a little sigh. The unexpectedly
tender gesture seems to loosen me up somehow. I’m sure Aiden knows that,
because I feel the flesh-colored phallus resume its journey. The slick head
breaches my entrance and slides gently but relentlessly up and into my tight
pussy channel.

“That’s good, Emma. You’re doing very
well,” Aiden murmurs in a low, encouraging voice. “Open up for me. Open up and
take it all.”

I bite my lip as I watch the slim wand
piercing me in the mirror. I watch the careful way Aiden inserts it, slowly but
steadily, filling me to the limit. At last the head bumps against the end of my
channel and I give a breathless little moan.
In me…Goddess, in me so deep!

“There,” Aiden says softly. “You can relax,
darling, it’s all inside you now. Pressing right against the mouth of your
womb—exactly where I want to be.” He gives the end of the phallus a nudge and I
gasp as it presses even deeper into me, sending a bolt of pleasure inward.
Aiden snaps the bottom part of the harness in place, preventing the dildo from
falling out. Then he stands up and steps back to admire his handiwork. “Walk
about,” he says to me. “Let me see how you move with it inside you.”

Grimacing, I do as he says. I expect it to
be a strange, invasive feeling to walk around with the artificial shaft filling
my pussy and it is. But it’s arousing too. As much as I hate to admit it, the feeling
of having something inside me, filling me up, makes me so wet I can feel my
juices soaking the leather harness. Suddenly the extra surge of horniness makes
me angry—damn it, am I ever going to be in control of my own body again? No
matter what he does to me I can’t seem to help reacting, can’t stop myself from
wanting more.

“Beautiful,” Aiden murmurs, watching me
with half-lidded eyes. “How does it feel, darling?”

I take another step. The phallus pulls out slightly
and then, with my next step, it sinks back inside me, pressing against the end
of my channel. It’s a rhythmic motion, the press and pull of this thing inside
me, and I have no doubt what it’s meant to mimic. Aiden doesn’t just want to
open my pussy, he wants me to get used to being fucked. So by the time he finally
slips his cock inside me, my body will be ready for it—
it—whether I’m mentally prepared or not.

“Well?” he says and I realize he’s still
waiting for an answer.

I glare at him defiantly. “It feels
like…like someone is fucking me with every step I take,” I say.

Aiden smiles and shakes his head. “Not
quite. I assure you, Emma, when I decide to fuck you, you’ll know it.”

I feel my cheeks get hot and look away.
Goddess, I can’t believe I’m walking around half naked with a freaking dildo up
inside me. And I’m going to be stuck like this all day! “Don’t you have to go
to work?” I mutter, taking another stilted, awkward step.

In the mirror, I see Aiden’s gray eyes
darken. “As a matter of fact I do,” he snaps. “I’ll see you tonight. You may
have the run of the house and the pool but do not leave the grounds. And,

“What?” I say, not looking at him. I know I
sound like a sullen little kid but I can’t help it. I feel so out of control.
So weird.

Aiden, however, is not having my attitude. Gripping
my chin firmly, he forces me to meet his eyes. “Emma,” he says, in a cold,
quiet voice that makes me shiver. “You may remove the nipple clamps for the day
although I expect to see you wearing them when I come home. But you must keep
the harness on and whatever you do,
do not
touch yourself or make
yourself come. Do you understand?”

“You think I’m so turned-on by all this I
won’t be able to keep my hands out of my panties?” I demand sarcastically.
Well, if I was wearing panties, anyway.

One corner of his cruel but sensuous mouth
turns up in a half smile. “Don’t kid yourself, darling, I know exactlyhow
my touch affects you. But I expect my orders to be obeyed.”

“Fine.” I want to glare back at him but his
gaze is so intense I have to drop my eyes.

“Fine, what?”

.” I use the title like
a curse but Aiden chooses not to acknowledge my tone.

“I’ll be back at five tonight. Have a good
day, Emma,” he says. And then, before I can say anything, he is gone.

BOOK: SovereignsChoice
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