Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Sarah (Kindle Worlds Novella) (New Orleans Connection Series Book 7) (7 page)

BOOK: Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Sarah (Kindle Worlds Novella) (New Orleans Connection Series Book 7)
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He held out his hand, and Sarah took it with a smile, which sent a spark of lust straight through him. 
Not the time or the place, dummy.  Concentrate on keeping your cool.  I can make my move soon enough.

"Thanks, Dad."

"Gimme a call after you talk to Walter, and lemme know what y'all find out."  Gator made a shooing motion, and they headed out the front door.  Climbing aboard his boat, he unwrapped the bow line and headed back toward the city. 

They were getting closer—he could feel it.  But that infernal internal clock kept ticking away, and every second counted down the danger Anna faced.  Because his gut told him things were about to come to a head, and he prayed they wouldn't be too late to save Anna.


Sarah headed for the bathroom, skimming off her top and turning the water on blasting hot, though the way her thoughts kept drifting back to Ranger, she'd probably be better off with ice cold water.   She wondered if he was awake or still sleeping, but had been too much of a coward to peek into the living room. 

When they'd gotten back to her hotel room after leaving Gator's place, they'd found the room trashed.  Everything she'd brought with her was tossed around the space, scattered across the bed and floor.  Her suitcase had been emptied onto the bed, her possessions rifled through with wanton disregard.  She'd felt violated, but more—she'd felt scared. 

Ranger insisted she stay with him, even though she'd suggested getting another room in a different hotel.  Though it had only been a halfhearted offer, because the thought of staying with him made her feel safe.  There were also other feelings stirred up, but she pushed them down, refusing to acknowledge that she wanted to be around him for reasons other than searching for her sister. 

Once they'd packed her stuff and headed back to his apartment, she'd still felt dirty, and asked if she could take a shower.  He'd agreed, saying he'd catch some quick shut-eye before they left to meet Remy, to talk with Walter. 

              A quick test of the temperature showed it was perfect, and she stepped under the spray, letting the pounding water wake her.  Tilting her head back, she felt the warm water caress her skin.  Though the bathroom wasn't high end with all the bells and whistles, it held a shower tub combo that was big enough she could imagine Ranger pushing aside the shower curtain and stepping in, pressing up against her.  Could almost feel his hands—

              A sound outside the shower caused her head to whip around, and she yanked back the edge of the shower curtain, searching for its source.  She let out a surprised squeak at the sight of a half-awake Ranger standing in the open doorway, wearing only a pair of jeans, the top button undone and looking like sex walking.  His eyes raked over her, and though he didn't move any closer, there was an unmistakable heat in his gaze that couldn't be ignored.  Not with his eyes devouring every inch of her exposed skin. 

Instinctively, she cupped her hands over her exposed pink bits though they were hidden behind the curtain.  At his amused grin, she spun around and continued washing, rubbing the soapy cloth over her shoulders and down her arms, coating her skin with bubbles.  A muffled curse sounded from the other side of the shower curtain.  She figured ignoring him was her best course of action.  Maybe if she didn't respond, he'd go away. 

              "You're certainly a pretty sight to wake up to."  His husky voice slid over her, eliciting an involuntary shiver despite the heat of the pounding water bombarding her.  Peeking around the opening in the curtain, she spotted him propped against the door frame, his shoulder pressed against the wood, with his ankles crossed, as if he had all the time in the world.  Yet the fire burning in the depths of his eyes belied the casualness of his pose. 

              "Hi.  You didn't sleep long." 

              "Um hmm.  We have a lot of places to go today."  He sounded closer, and when she glanced through the opening again, he'd stepped further into the bathroom and stood inches from the curtain's opening. 


              "Yes."  Speaking that single word took effort because all the moisture in her mouth had disappeared.  It was impossible to ignore the way the man was built, standing there practically naked.  A dusting of chest hair led a trail down to the waistband of his unbuttoned jeans.  She wondered if he normally slept unencumbered by clothes, and that errant thought made her shiver. 

              His dark brown hair was mussed and made him seem more approachable, like a little boy who'd just woken up, yet there was nothing childlike about him.  He exuded strength and power, and her insides quivered thinking about all that raw sexual prowess contained in one gorgeous package, and what it would feel like directed and focused solely on her. 

              She turned away from him and struggled to catch her breath.  The man exuded an appeal she couldn't deny, even this early in the morning, when she wasn't at her sharpest.  She needed all her faculties honed and sharp to deal with Ranger.  She wasn't functioning on all cylinders yet—heck, she hadn't even had her first cup of coffee. 

              A warm hard body pressed against her spine, and a hand reached past her for the washcloth she held. 
Oh, hell, he's in the shower with me? 

              "Allow me." 

              Her death grip on the white terrycloth loosened, and he dampened it under the warm spray, adding more soap.  The soft glide of his hand smoothed against her shoulders, along the back of her neck, and down her arm.  Her head fell backward against his chest, and she let his fingers work their magic, while her mind rejoiced at his touch. 

This is Ranger.  Ranger touching me.  Ranger leaning against me in the shower.  My every wish, every fantasy come to life.  Maybe I'm still asleep and this is all a dream.

His hands smoothed the cloth lower still, caressing along each knot of her spine, one by one, and she braced her arm out to the side, clutching at the shower wall.  When he took a step back, she missed the delicious heat exuding from his body and shivered.  Still his hands traveled ever-so-slowly downward on their merciless trek, the washcloth skimming across her butt and down the outside of her thighs.  Once he reached her ankles, he straightened from his crouch and spun her around.

She kept her eyes screwed tightly shut, afraid of what she'd see if she opened them.  Afraid he'd be disappointed.  She'd long ago accepted she wasn't built like most women.  Her body was shaped along plumper lines, though she'd dropped a few pounds since beginning the search for her sister.  She'd missed meals and her appetite had been sorely lacking recently.  Plus, she'd always been overly endowed in the upper works.  Her breasts tended toward the ample side.  She avoided going without a bra, because men tended to stare, which made her uncomfortable.  Her belly and hips were plush too.  That's what she called them, because she despised the F word—fat. 

Snapping her eyes open, she glared at him, but he wasn't looking at her face.  He was looking at her body, his gaze riveted to her breasts.  The hand holding the cloth opened and it dropped to the floor.

The other reached past her for the soap, until suddenly it was back, gliding across her upper shoulders and across her clavicles.  He followed an invisible trail from one side to the other, light, barely- there caresses with his fingertips. 

He rubbed both hands together, sharing the soapy bubbles between them before cupping her breasts.   She gasped the second his bare skin touched hers so intimately.  The roughened calluses on his fingers were erotically abrasive against her nipples and she couldn't hide the moan that escaped her lips. 

"Ranger."  His name was a raspy whisper and the heat in his eyes flared at the sound.  Without a word, his mouth took hers in a ravaging kiss.  His lips demanded a response and she gave it willingly, desire coursing through her when his lips moved over hers.  Opening to him, he surged into her mouth, his tongue dancing with hers in a mating frenzy.  He took her lips, possessing every inch of her mouth. 

His arms held her up as her knees trembled, and he rumbled out a strained laugh.  When his erection slid against her belly, she moaned.  This was what she wanted—what she needed.  Slapping a palm against the shower wall, she braced herself, not wanting this kiss to end.  Finally, she pulled back, gasping for air.  She smiled when she noted he wasn't unaffected.  Hard breaths soughed in and out of his lungs, and a quick glance downward showed blatant evidence he'd enjoyed their kiss.  She did a double-take.  Yep, he'd really enjoyed it, since he'd grown bigger and harder. 

Her fingertips traced the corded muscles of his forearms, noting the tiny scars along the outside.   Hard muscle met her hands.  Water beaded against his skin, and she followed the trail across his chest, tweaking one of his nipples and she chuckled when he groaned. 

His deep voice whispered, "You're gorgeous."  He pulled her against him, her breasts rubbing against his chest, and she could feel every inch of him along her skin, hard and firm.  She wiggled against him, and the wiry hairs on his chest tickled across her nipples, drawing them into pointed peaks of aching desire.  Every nerve in her body demanded he take her. 

Chest was honed from years in the military, she'd bet her last dollar he still worked out every day, even though he didn't have to.  Muscles flexed beneath her fingers when he moved.  Hands grasped her hips, pulling her roughly against his straining erection.  His palms were warm as they slid upwards, weighing her breasts, molding them.  His thumbs teased her nipples, and she felt a pooling of heat deep in her core. 
More.  I need more

A laugh rumbled deep in his throat.  "The perfect size, sweetheart.  Not too much, just enough."  Bending forward, his mouth encased her breast and she felt the gentle sucking and nearly screamed.  Her nipples were sensitive and the feel of his tongue against the nub of flesh had her ready to explode.

"Ohhh…that feels so…"  Her voice broke off with a stuttered groan.

Warm water continued to pour over her heated skin.  Callused hands moved to cup her ass, squeezing, and she bucked against him.  Her back arched and she gasped.  Sensation after sensation roiled through her.  Balancing on her toes, she shifted until her hand could slide between their bodies and she grasped him. 

This time it was his breath that hitched, and with the sound of his indrawn breath, it made her feel—powerful.  His mouth moved swiftly to her other breast, sucking and teasing the nipple, and her own sigh caught in the back of her throat.  Her head was spinning from the bombardment of sensations, every nerve in her body tingling in response to his touch.

"I want you."  Her voice growled the demand, and it echoed loudly in the enclosed space. 

"Shh, sweetheart.  We'll get there.  Just feel." 

When his hand slid between her thighs, electricity zapped straight to her core, and she moaned again.  Heat spiraled upward through her, like nothing she'd ever experienced.  She opened her eyes and stared into a pair of brown ones filled with a hunger that matched her own. 

Merciless fingers played her like a concerto, and her body soared.  Air tickled the wetness at her spread thighs, and she felt her insides coiling, her body responding to every movement of his lips and tongue and hands.  Pure pleasure and need raced through her.

"Ohhh!  Ranger, please."

Her hips strained toward him, aching for his touch.  Her body ached, demanding more, needing to be filled by him.  With an arm around her waist, he held her up.  His other hand continued to play between her thighs, his fingers working their magic.  Kisses and licks and nips caressed along her jawline and neck, and she tilted her head to the side, giving him freer access.

She shuddered as her body tried to make sense of the sensations bombarding it.  He bit the muscle at the top of her shoulder and that one movement seemed to set off a chain reaction through her body.  Explosions of light flared behind her closed eyelids and her body quaked.  She panted when one finger was eased into her entrance, pushed in and awakened nerve endings she'd long ago forgotten. 

She shook uncontrollably, unrecognizable whimpering sounds coming from her lips.   His fingers set up a rhythm, and her body arched as pleasure spiraled through her.  It felt as if every nerve, every cell in her body, converged in one place, right at her throbbing core.  She tightened around his finger, her nails digging into his forearm when a second finger joined the first.  Everything coiled tighter, higher, until nothing could stop the oncoming storm.  She teetered on the edge of excruciating ecstasy—and shattered. 

Pleasure rocketed through her body in vibrating wave after wave of release.  Even as she gasped for breath, Ranger's lips circled her breast, tonguing her nipple, repeating the caress on the other side as well. 

Her body clenched, the feel of Ranger's touch rocketing through her as pounding waves assailed her and her legs gave out.  Only his firm arms kept her from collapsing into a heap at his feet.

Sarah leaned against him, silently telling her legs to work.  The water had begun to cool in the shower and she drew her body up straight. 

"That was—I'm not sure I have words for what it was."  She gave him a tentative smile. 

He grinned in response.  "I'd say it was the best
wake up
I've had in a long time." 

              She glanced down and noted he was still hard.  "What about you?  Do you want me to…" 

He cupped her cheek.  "We're not done.  Not by a long shot."  Taking her hand, he helped her over the lip of the tub, yanking a towel off the rack.  Beginning at her throat, he rubbed the cloth along her skin, drying her with exquisite thoroughness while she trembled.  Though she'd just had a mind-blowing orgasm, her body responded to his touch, and she felt the familiar coiling deep in her core as he roused those feelings a second time.

"You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."  His words were whispered against her stomach, and though she didn't really believe them, they sent a thrill through her that'd he'd even say it. 

"Thank you."  Reaching forward, she threaded her hands through his damp hair, which was easy to do since he knelt at her feet, sliding the towel against her thighs, his hands dangerously close to her vagina. 

BOOK: Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Saving Sarah (Kindle Worlds Novella) (New Orleans Connection Series Book 7)
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