Read STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) Online

Authors: Vicki Keener

Tags: #Romance, #Love, #Contemporary

STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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    He managed a weak smile and said,

Nothing.  I had a wayward thought for a second.


Something concerning your work?


No.  Are you familiar with the different ballroom dances?


Yes, I dated a guy in college and he taught me.  Why, are you knowledgeable about them?


A bit.  My family insisted we be proficient in dance so we'd fit in their social set.  The place we're going next has a huge dance floor and some good dancers.


Were you afraid I'd embarrass you?


No, Angel, I don't think that's possible.

    She held her spoon up to his mouth. 

Taste, it's wonderful and it cleanses the palate.


That is good.


Want another bite?


No, thank you, I don't want to deprive you.


You aren't.  I'm finished.  Will you wait while I visit the powder room?


Of course.  I'll pay the check and get our coats.  I'll be by the front door.


I'll hurry.

  She stood when he rose to let her slide out his side.


Angel, take your time.  Don't hurry on my account.


Thank you, but I won't be long.


Chapter 3

  He helped her on with her coat when she joined him and she drew on her gloves.  He held the door for her and they stepped outside. 

It's snowing,

she said. 

May we walk for a while?  Will the car follow us?


You're not wearing practical shoes and it's cold.


No more than two blocks.  I ate enough to fuel my body and keep it warm and the shoes will be okay for a couple of blocks.

    Cray stuck his head in the passenger side of the limo and asked the driver to keep pace with them.  He moved to the street side of the sidewalk and took her hand.  She smiled at him and said,

You're so courteous and treat a lady with respect.  I like that about you.

    He squeezed her hand and said,

Don't forget punctual, too.

    She laughed and said,

I don't forget that kind of thing.  Cray, I realize we've been kidding about getting married, but you are marriage material for the right woman.  I suspect you'll be a wonderful husband to a woman you love.


You want to apply?

he asked.

    She laughed and said,

You led me to believe I have pole position.  Are you rescinding your offer?


Not a chance.  You're stuck with me.


Do you own a tweed jacket with suede or leather elbow patches?

    He laughed at the sudden change of subject. 

Why do you ask?


I want you to fit in tomorrow and that's what the professors wear.  Oh and a pipe.  Do you own one?


Is this a costume party?  I realize that's the stereotypical outfit for a professor, but I don't remember any of my profs dressing that way.  Moth-eaten sweaters, yes.


Were you invited to faculty teas?


Well, no.  Must I stick my pinkie finger out when I sip from the tiny cup of tea, too?


No, but I hope you like watercress or cucumber sandwiches.


Do you have to attend this soiree?


Yes, the head of my department is retiring plus it's an annual holiday get together.  You don't need to go.


Honey, I wouldn't miss it for the world, but I can't come up with a moth-eaten sweater or tweed jacket with suede patches and I tried smoking a pipe and it burns my tongue so do you still want me as your escort?


Yes, and can we go out to dinner afterward?  My treat.

    He noted her shivering and hailed the car. 

Come on, that's enough walking.  You're cold.

    She snuggled next to him in the back seat and said,

Tell me a dirty joke.

    He laughed and said,

Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden and he said.....

    She laughed and punched his arm. 

Is that the only dirty joke you know?


Pretty much, but I promise to get up to speed when I get a spare moment or two.

    She twisted in the seat and placed her torso across his lap. 

Will you kiss me?  I'm still cold and that will...........


Make you warm?  It makes me hot,

he said, his mouth taking hers in a passionate, lingering kiss.

    She cleared her throat and sat up and away from him.  She opened the top button of her winter coat and fanned herself.  He watched her and said,

Warm enough now?


Yes, thanks for asking.


You're welcome.  Happy to be of service.


Cray, I'm not going to invite you in when you take me home later.




That's okay with you?

she asked.


It's your call, Angel.  It's always the lady's call.

    She sat silent and he glanced at her, noting her frown when the car passed by the street lamps. 

Cray, do you find me attractive?

    He hid his grin and said,

Very attractive and appealing.  That's a bonus.

    She turned on the seat and faced him. 

Do you wish to know me better?


As in the biblical sense?


If you want to put it that way.


I don't want to be coarse.


I understand.


Do you?

he asked.  He slid across the seat next to her and whispered in her ear. 

Here's what I want you to understand.  I'm so hard right now it hurts.  When you touch me in any manner, I react.  It happened last night and right now.  Angel, you'll know when the time is right for you and I'll wait until you're sure it's right for you.  This isn't a casual fling for me.  I've indulged in casual flings, but I don't want that anymore.


What do you want?


Love with a woman I respect and admire.  I'm ready for a relationship that sustains itself beyond sex.  That's not to say, I don't want a satisfying and gratifying sexual relationship because I do, but there's got to be more and I'm aware that's possible with the right person.


How are you aware?


My parents and my uncles and aunts taught me by example.  I can read the statistics that half of all marriages fail, but it doesn't happen in my family.  They don't stay together for propriety's sake or the kids or because they don't want to divide their holdings.  They love their spouses, they show it every day and if and when problems arise as they inevitably do, they work it out by finding a solution or by compromising.  They choose to be together.  I may fault my family for many things, but never about their devotion to their spouse.  You can't fake it year after year and I watched them through the years.


Why aren't you married?


I never met a woman I could envision spending the next fifty years with as my wife.  Until now.


Until now?  Me?  Do you mean me?


I'm not ready to walk down the aisle with you, but it's tending that way.  Do me a favor.  If this is a lark to you, tell me now, because you possess the power to hurt me more than you can ever imagine.


And this isn't a ploy to get me in bed?

    He smiled at her and said,

It's where I want you, but it's not a ploy or a game to me.


It's not a lark to me, Cray, and I feel a strong connection to you and you excite me sexually, but it's more than that, too.  I want to explore this further.


Do you want to shake on that or may I kiss you?

  He smiled at her and she returned it.

    She fell against his chest and the kiss became more passionate until the limo pulled in front of the ballroom where they'd dance.

    Cray paid the entrance fee, checked their coats and lead her to a table for two.  Many couples danced in the huge open space. 

What would you like to drink?

Cray asked.


A glass of Ginger Ale.  No more booze tonight.


Angel, I was remiss by not telling you how beautiful you are tonight.  Your dress color matches your eyes and it's stunning.  You should never wear anything but sky blue.


Thank you, but that might become a little boring.

    They danced for the next two hours, stopping only when the band took a break or to grab a drink and hurry back to the dance floor.  Cray thought he'd die from the sheer joy of holding Angelica close to him for so long.  They fit together so well and her hips swishing gently across his groin during a seductive Tango or slow dance had him wanting her so badly it hurt and yet he wouldn't have it any other way.  When they danced the jitterbug, she laughed with abandon at his tricky moves but executed each one to perfection.


Do you come here often?

she asked as he escorted her to their table.






Angel, do you like it here?  If so, we'll come here as often as you want.


I love to dance.  The band is good.  It's great exercise especially after that big meal.  And I'm voting you my best dance partner ever so yes, I want to come back here, but I admit my feet are hurting, so I'm ready to leave if you are.


We'll leave.  Must I take you home now?

BOOK: STAY THE NIGHT (The Phillips Family Book 1)
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