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Authors: Vivian Bliss

Stroke of Midnight (6 page)

BOOK: Stroke of Midnight
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 Alexander’s mouth brushed her ear. “Then choose which one of us. We live to serve you, Mistress.”

As she gazed into Lucien’s eyes as she made her decision. If this was the beginning then she
have her say from now. “Alexander. Please lick Lucien’s cock clean.”

Lucien’s mouth opened as if to protest and she pressed her finger over them to stop the sound. “This is what you wanted me to do. Take charge of my husband. Now you must live with the consequences of your actions. Be quiet.”

She wriggled out from between them both and sat cross legged on the bed. Alexander gave Lucien one abashed look but Henrietta saw the little smile that crossed his lips before he took his master into his mouth. Lucien groaned and his hips rose from the bed. The bed shook as Alexander took his time licking every inch of that huge cock clean and Henrietta watched every moment with fascination.

 Ordering the men around wasn’t too much trouble. In fact, the sight of them together aroused her all over again. When Alexander had attended to every available surface of Lucien’s cock at least twice, Henrietta stopped him so she could see. Lucien’s cock stood ridged with need again and would now need to be satisfied. Alexander’s lips were flushed and red.

She couldn’t miss that they both appeared very happy.

As she opened her mouth to suggest that he suck Lucien to completion, Lucien caught her against him, juggled her onto his lap and slapped her arse harshly. “Vixen.”

He smacked again and again, until her bottom was raw, her pussy ached and her breathing had reduced to painful gasps. Then he brought her to her knees and entered in one brutal thrust, hands clamping onto her hips hard enough to leave bruises. Alexander scrambled around to place his head beneath her and his fingers toyed with her aching clit. She reached for his cock and squeezed, using him to steady herself against Lucien’s pounding and to hold off her release.

 But the combined efforts of the two men, and the position, were blindingly arousing. She was going to come undone at any moment. She tightened her grip on Alexander’s cock and stroked him as shudder after shudder of release brought a wail from her lips. Alexander grunted, come spurting over her hand, and after a few more thrusts, Lucien shouted out and filled her with his seed again.

When Lucien released her, Henrietta fell onto the bed, exhausted and replete. The men moved around her quietly, cleaning her, themselves and then Lucien picked her up in his arms and settled her into his bed next to Alexander.

Henrietta opened her heavy eyes and fixed her gaze on Lucien. His face had softened, his body slack with ease, as he lingered at the bedside. She reached for his hand and their fingers brushed. “Sleep, Henrietta. There will be more pleasure to come tomorrow. I promise.”


To be continued in
Touch of Dawn


Stroke of Midnight

Copyright (c) 2012 Vivian Bliss

Maverick Press Publishing

Cover image
© Oleg Gekman -


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The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author.



About the Author


Vivian Bliss lives buried in quiet suburbia, writing stories of lust and love in far away England. She writes whenever she can find a spare moment which isn’t often enough for her peace of mind. Her dream is to give up the accursed day job and swan about in pj’s writing all day. Vivian enjoys Nascar, Krispy Kreme’s and collects pictures of buff young men (Doesn’t everyone)




You can find out more about Vivian at:


Other ménage titles: Coming Together, Touch of Dawn.



BOOK: Stroke of Midnight
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