Read Subculture Online

Authors: Sarah Veitch

Tags: #chimera, #palmprint, #sarah veitch, #erotic, #ebook, #fiction, #domination, #submission, #damsel in distress, #cp, #corporal punishment, #spanking, #BDSM, #S&M, #bondage

Subculture (5 page)

BOOK: Subculture
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‘But it already feels quite sore, sir.' Lisa forced out the hateful words to get herself off the hook. Her clitoris twitched slightly.

‘Don't forget that it's your first spanking, so you've no yardstick to compare it with,' Dr Landers said.

He continued to lightly stroke her curves. Lisa felt the heaviness increase in her labial region. Forced the whimpers of pleasure back, damned if she'd give him the satisfaction of knowing he was turning her on.

‘Right, I think you've recovered,' the thirty-something said a few moments later. ‘You're ready to go on to Phase Two.'

‘Phase Two?' Lisa repeated. It sounded like the title of a bad science fiction film.

‘Mmm, Phase Two is where I pull down your shorts and spank you over your pants. You are wearing panties, I take it?'

‘I am, but...' Stunned, Lisa tried to remember which pair of briefs she'd put on.

She put her palms back to her cheeks to hold the olive cotton in place. ‘You can't take down my shorts, you bastard.'

‘Believe me, my dear, I can.'

‘But isn't that getting... rather sexual?'

‘As I said before, I won't fuck you unless you plead for it,' Michael Landers said.

‘You'll wait for the rest of your life, then, mate,' Lisa replied, enraged at his conceit and arrogance. She mentally examined her plight some more. If she let him strip off her clothes he'd presumably get even more aroused and frustrated - and she'd let him stay that way.

‘Go on, then,' she said, taking her hands away. ‘You can always wank in the toilets afterwards,' she added crudely.

‘Oh I think I can find someone to take care of me,' Michael Landers said.

He probably could. Lisa felt a new unexpected pull of disappointment in her chest. Somehow she hated the thought of him being pleasured by another woman. Sensed that if she chose to she could make him spasm into rapture and groan with more ecstasy than he'd previously felt.

But she was the one to groan softly with shame as he removed her olive green shorts. The awareness of him contemplating her bum in the cheek-hugging peach pants was just too degrading.

‘Like what you see, do you?' she taunted.

‘Well, I'll certainly enjoy spanking it,' Michael Landers said.

Lisa buried her face in the surgical couch as best she could. She wished she could put a blanket over her head and just go to sleep till this humbling ordeal was over. Unfortunately her hot flesh was very much awake.

‘I can feel the heat of your arse through your pants,' her new employer said conversationally.

‘Congratulations. Means your faculties are in working order,' Lisa snapped.

‘For a girl who's bent over my knee,' the doctor continued, ‘you're mighty uppity.'

‘That's medical speak, is it?' the twenty-eight year old taunted, determined that she wouldn't be bested by this supercilious man.

‘No, that's straight talking which is what a naughty bum deserves,' the former surgeon said.

Lisa flushed and held her breath as he fondled that selfsame bum. The peach panties covered her cheeks from thigh to waist, would hopefully afford her poor bottom some protection. If nothing else it meant he couldn't stare down at the folds of her labia or her dark dividing crack. He could doubtless see their shape, though, for the knickers were very close fitting. And she could tell that the crotch was already damp.

The young woman trembled as he flexed his fingers. ‘Well, I can't sit around chatting all day,' he continued, ‘there's a girl here that needs a damn good thrashing. And my palm is itching to oblige.' He roasted his right hand against her waiting left cheek. Then he spanked the neighbouring orb. Found a slow assured rhythm. Chastened the lower and upper globes. He saved his hardest spanks for the centre of her cheeks where the flesh was as its fullest. Soon her small spheres started to glow. I can take it, Lisa told herself, pushing her belly forward in a vain effort to avoid the worst of each slap, then arching her body up again before the next stinging encounter. I won't give him the satisfaction of knowing that I feel anything, she thought stubbornly.

Spank followed spank followed spank. ‘How many more?' she muttered at last.

‘How many more do you deserve for endangering the public?' Michael asked softly.

If she said too few he'd accuse her of being self lenient. The herbalist searched for a suitable figure. Finally she muttered, ‘Ten?'

‘Ten it is.' Lisa relaxed across his knees, relieved that her chastisement was almost over. ‘Ten on the bare, my dear,' Michael said.

‘But you're a man and...' Lisa tried to scramble from his lap but his firm hands held her easily in situ.

‘I could call in one of my female employees to correct you if you'd prefer that?' he enquired

‘Christ no, I...' She thought of how much more humiliating it would be for the likes of Carmen to chastise her. ‘Alright, you bastard - just do it,' she said resignedly.

‘And another six spanks for calling your employer a bastard,' Michael Landers said. He squeezed her flesh through the warmed cotton. ‘Trust me my dear, you're getting off lightly. I'd have used my belt on Marie-Rose or the others if they came out with insults like that.'

His belt was a matt black leather affair - Lisa's eyes had been drawn to it earlier. She shivered and swallowed hard. ‘How do they bear...?'

‘They can bear it because I've built them up gradually over many months.' There was an absolute certainty in his tone. ‘When they've been bad girls I slowly take them to their limits.' She heard the slight smile enter his voice. ‘Then I take them just a little bit beyond.'

‘I think I've reached my limit,' Lisa muttered, trying to stave off the moment when he pulled down her panties.

‘Don't ever cry wolf, dear - it just earns you extra chastisement,' her tormentor said.

She felt his fingers on the waistband of her briefs. ‘Right, let's see how this wicked bottom is getting on underneath the cotton.' She winced as her knickers were dragged down and left just below her naked thighs. Winced with shame as he laid both palms over her flesh as if taking her temperature. ‘Lift your head, Lisa,' Michael Landers said, ‘and look at the mirror on the ceiling. Enjoy the glow of your recalcitrant rump.'

He had to be joking. He couldn't have... Lisa looked up and saw her own face and her back and her scarlet bottom reflected back at her from the ceiling-based looking glass. ‘Pervert,' she muttered, glancing quickly away.

‘The word would be voyeur - and isn't everyone these days?' He shrugged both his shoulders, keeping both hands on her back. ‘I actually installed this mirror for practical reasons. It reassures my patients by letting them see exactly what I'm doing to them during an intimate exam.'

‘And the band played believe it if you like,' Lisa murmured. On one level she felt quite pleased with herself - she was still showing him that she wasn't at all submissive. She wasn't saying the shameful things which poor Jamilla had said. There again, Jamilla's bum had trembled beneath the swishing force of the merciless cane, whereas she, Lisa, was just getting a hand spanking. Though some of those spanks had almost made her yelp.

‘Such bold little globes,' Michael murmured. ‘I'll have to double the number of spanks they receive because you're so insolent. I'm usually more lenient with a new girl but still have to teach her manners and respect.'

‘If this is you being lenient, I'd hate to see you on a bad day,' Lisa countered, wriggling shamefacedly over his lap.

As if in answer, Michael renewed the spanking with greater zeal. God, how she wished she had her panties back on to protect her! Lisa winced as the man toasted her unclothed flesh. Being spanked on the bare was a whole new experience - the cotton had obviously diffused the earlier slapping. Now his palm made stinging contact with a small section of helpless nude flesh. Dr Landers spanked her centre swell, he spanked to the sides, he spanked below so that his fingers strayed near her quivering thigh tops. His hand rose and fell till every centimetre of her hemispheres was writhingly aflame.

‘Aaah!' At last Lisa put her hands back, fingers spread over the scalding contours. She twisted her head back. ‘I can't take much more, honest, sir.'

‘Then let's stop for a little rest and a chat,' Michael said. Lisa kept her hands protectively over her curves, but she put her face down upon the couch again. ‘Do you agree that you were neglectful?' Michael asked.

‘Yes, sir.' She didn't want to fight with him any more, just needed to go to her room and touch her clit.

‘And you agree that this thrashing has made you wet?'

‘It hasn't. I...' She fought to find the words which would save her dignity. ‘You promised no sexual contact, so you're not allowed to check,' she added, biting her lip.

‘And I'll stand by my word,' the doctor said steadily, ‘but if you're not telling the truth you'll have to be chastened further on the bare.'

‘I'm truthful,' Lisa lied, feeling another fervent rush of delight to her Mount of Venus.

‘Then stand up with your legs apart and show me that you're dry as a desert,' the doctor said.

‘And if I don't you'll...?' She daren't even think about his reaction.

‘I'll continue spanking you till you do. That's only fair.' He stroked her bare bum. ‘You have to obey my house rules, Miss Steen. After all, I'm obeying yours by not touching you sexually.'

‘Right, let's get this over with,' Lisa said. She put her palms flat on the couch and slowly hoisted herself back on to her knees. She refused to look at him. Spent a moment reorientating herself before swinging her feet around and onto the floor. Her pubis felt heavy with stimulus, yet surely her desire wasn't visible to the casual eye?

‘Wider, sweetheart,' Michael said with a smile. Lisa moved her thighs further apart, further, further. Felt the wetness start to slick from her body and looked down to see the long gelatinous threads. ‘The proof of the pudding is in the eating,' the doctor continued. His words made her think of his tongue trailing wild sparks across her clit and through the lush folds of her labia. He'd lick gently down each petal then back up again until... ‘Come on, angel, over my lap for a final twenty,' the surgeon said softly. ‘Accept a sound thrashing for telling a lie.'

Lisa toed the ground. ‘And after that my punishment will really be over?'

‘Providing you don't commit further acts of negligence, then yes.'

Going over his knee again took almost all the courage she possessed. He knew she was sexually on fire, damn it. He might try to touch her clit - and if he did she'd be lost. Suddenly Lisa wanted him to caress that peaking bud, to give it the release it so obviously needed. She'd come so quick.

‘Was I right or was I right?' Michael Landers murmured starting to stroke her sire cheeks as she lay over his knee. Lisa quivered at the indignity. Suddenly she hated him all over again.

‘Right about what?' she countered coolly.

‘I was correct in assuming that though your arse hates being reddened your pussy gets off on it,' her employer said.

‘That's what you think. I was fantasizing about Reece before... before you laid a finger on me,' Lisa lied.

‘Before I laid a palm on your bare arse, you mean?'

He seemed determined to humiliate her. The twenty-eight year old writhed with sexual shame. Her clitoral hood rubbed against his thigh and sensation almost overwhelmed her. Jesus, she was so near... ‘Twenty spanks on an already sore rump for not being honest,' Michael Landers said as if pronouncing a legal sentence. His right arm came down across her shadowy buttock crease.

The slap seemed to ricochet through her helpless globes to her equally immobile clitoris. Lisa moaned with increasing lust. She pushed down hard against his thighs again and felt her body start to move towards the ultimate pleasure. Bucked forward against his trouser leg as he dished out each echoing whack. Then she flattened her body out for a second, only to push forward strongly again.

‘...five, six, seven,' Michael said out loud as he added each hard bum spank. ‘That's it, sweetheart, you just rub against my leg like a little animal, like a dog frigging a lamp post when it's in heat.' Lisa winced at his words but their taunting level took her strangely closer to Eden. He spanked, she writhed, she pushed against his suited leg and groaned.

Somewhere between spank fifteen and sixteen she felt the beloved signal go off in her groin signalling climax. Shoved the entire lower half of her body against him, jerking her hips forward with tiny hard movements to keep the stimulus sending the pleasure through. Never before had she felt such a strong focused orgasm. Never before with her own fingers or with her ex-husband or with Reece. ‘Uh,' she kept muttering, her clenched teeth unable to hold back the grunts of increasing rapture. ‘Uh, uh, uuuuh, uuuuuh, uuuuuuuuh!'

For long moments after the last frissons had died away, she lay semi-naked over Michael's lap. She wished that he'd stroke her hair or kiss her neck or tell her she was wonderful. She looked up at him when he did none of those expected things. He was smiling enigmatically down at her, his fingers still circling her slender waist.

BOOK: Subculture
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