Read Summer Storm: A Satan's Fury MC Novella Online

Authors: L Wilder

Tags: #romance, #MC

Summer Storm: A Satan's Fury MC Novella (6 page)

BOOK: Summer Storm: A Satan's Fury MC Novella
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“But he needs me, Kane.”

“Allie, your brother obviously has gotten himself into some serious trouble. I doubt there’s enough money in the world to get him out of it. You have to trust me on this. He fucked up, and there’s nothing you can do to help him. But know this… I will not let anything happen to you.”

*     *     *

Chapter 8


was relieved
when Allie finally agreed that staying with me was the best option. She wasn’t exactly happy about the idea, but I could tell that this thing with Tony seriously scared her. The motherfucker was up to something. He’d played the game long enough to know that just giving the money back wouldn’t stop us from killing him. Once he betrayed the club like he did, he knew there was no way Cotton would let him walk away. There was another reason why he wanted that money from Allie, and I needed to find out what it was before she got hurt.

Later, as we laid in bed after another round of the best sex I’d ever had in my life, I looked down at her, all curled up next to me with her head resting on my shoulder and knew she was it for me. She was the one. I would give my life to protect her. She was mine now, and I wouldn’t let him or anyone else fuck with her. Her fingers trailed along my arm as she continued to talk about all the different things that popped into her head, giggling from time to time when she remembered something funny. I loved hearing her laugh. She was exactly the way I had always imagined she would be when we were messaging back and forth. So full of life… filled with hope that everything would turn out the way it should. I admired that about her. I’d always been the kind of man that expected the worst, and I was rarely left disappointed.

“You think you could take me for a ride on your bike sometime?” she asked. “I’ve never had the chance to ride on one before.”

“Maybe tomorrow.”

“Really?” She said with a huge grin spreading across her face. “You know, I’m actually really looking forward to seeing your house tomorrow. It’s going to be nice to see where you live.”

“You’re a curious one, aren’t you, All-Star?”

“Maybe a little, but I wouldn’t have to be so curious if you weren’t so
,” she said with a laugh. “Sometimes I feel like you’re trying to keep something from me.”

“You’ll know everything you need to know soon enough,” I told her.

“See… so
!” she said as she laughed again and nudged my side with her elbow.

“Allie, I’m not exactly a good guy. You should know this. I’ve lived a hard life… done some bad things, but I am loyal to those that I care about. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and care for you like no other.”

“You’ve already shown me that… about two hours ago,” she said as she snickered. “And I like you just the way you are.”

“Get some sleep, baby,” I told her as I kissed her on her forehead. “You’ve got work tomorrow.”

“Shit! I forgot about the.…”

“It’s done. I already emailed it to you.”

“Kane… thank you so much. You don’t know what that means to me.”

“I wouldn’t let you down, Allie. I know you’ve worked hard on this project. I’ll make sure everything is done right.”

“I trust you. I know it will be perfect,” she told me.

“Sleep, Allie.”


“Yeah, baby?”

“I’m really glad I met you,” she said in almost a whisper. “You’re even better than I imagined that you would be.”

“You’re an amazing woman, Allison Parker. I’m going to spend my life reminding you of that every chance I get,” I told her as I pressed my lips against hers. The kiss was brief, but filled with promise… my promise to her.

*     *     *

Chapter 9


spent my
day at work in a complete daze. I was still trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened with Kane. I liked that he was so protective of me and wanted to make sure I was safe, but he couldn’t stop me from trying to help Tony. He was my brother, and I had to see if I could do something to help him.

I pleaded with every bank in town, trying to get a damn loan, and every one of them turned me down… every single one. It was like they knew they were going to tell me no before I ever started talking. I just couldn’t get them to budge. I was out of options, and I dreaded telling him that I couldn’t come up with the money.

At least there was one positive thing… Neil seemed pleased with Kane’s proposal. He was thrilled that it was below the budget, and he said he couldn’t wait to show the board on Monday. I was relieved to have him off my back. Now I would be able to focus on other things….

Kane was waiting for me in my driveway when I got home. He was eager to get my things packed and over to his house. Once we got everything loaded into my car, I followed him over to his place. I was surprised when he pulled into the driveway of an old historical home with a Washington Heritage sign in the front yard. It was the kind of house you would see in
Better Homes and Gardens
, nothing like I had expected.

Once I put my car in park, I hopped out and walked over to him. “This place is unbelievable, Kane,” I told him as I followed him up to the front door. “Is this really your house?”

“Yeah. I told you about it,” he said, like it wasn’t even a big deal.

“I’d say you downplayed it a bit. Don’t ya think?”

“Maybe,” he said with a big smile. “It’s just a house, Allie.”

“This,” I said, “is not just a house!”

After we unpacked my car, he took me on a short tour, showing me all the renovations he’d made and told me about his plans for the rest of the house. I could see the pride in his eyes as he talked about it, and I couldn’t believe he had done all of it on his own. It was amazing. There was much more to him than I had even realized.

When he finished showing me around, he turned to me and said, “Now that you’re settled, we need to head over to the clubhouse. I’ve got some things I need to see about.”

“Now?” I asked, feeling suddenly nervous about seeing the clubhouse for the first time.

“Yeah. I should’ve been there an hour ago.”

“Okay. Give me a minute to change clothes,” I told him as I turned and headed back to his bedroom. I quickly changed out of my work clothes and into a pair of shorts with a tank top and a pair of flip-flops. I looked in the mirror, giving myself one final check, before I headed out to find him.

He stared at me for a moment before he said, “You don’t wear shorts on a bike, Allie. It isn’t safe. Did you bring any jeans?”

“I get to ride on your bike?” I couldn’t hide the excitement in my voice. I quickly headed back to change my clothes again. When I walked back into the room, he nodded in approval.

“Your legs looked hot in those shorts, All-Star. Best sight I’ve seen in awhile, but your ass looks amazing in those jeans, too,” he said playfully. He didn’t even give me a chance to react before he took hold of my hand, leading me out the front door and out to the driveway to his huge motorcycle. I didn’t even realize they made them this big, but then again, it would have to be huge to carry a guy like him around. He threw his leg over the seat and held out his hand to help me get on behind him.

Once he was settled, he handed me a black helmet and said, “Put this on.” After slipping it over my head, I used his shoulder for balance as I eased myself onto the bike. Without saying a word, he took my hands and wrapped them around his waist. The engine quickly came to life, and the vibrations of the motor shook throughout my body. He reversed out onto the main road and said, “Hold on tight.”

My fingers locked around him like a clamp, securing me tightly to his back. I was completely wrapped around him. I couldn’t have gotten any closer to him even if I’d tried. I was nervous, but the thrill of the ride excited me more. As he throttled back the accelerator and shot out into traffic, I realized I’d never felt anything more exhilarating. I was terrified and overjoyed all at the same time.

After several miles and a couple terrifying bends, I began to relax a little. I no longer had my hands fastened around him as tightly. I slowly slid them inside his leather jacket and rested the palms of my hands on his stomach, feeling his muscles tense as he controlled the powerful machine beneath us. I followed the rhythm of his body, leaning and swaying right along with him as we continued down the road.

Once I began to feel more comfortable, I started to actually look at the beautiful scenery that surrounded us. Dark threatening clouds began to roll across the sky, signaling an approaching storm. I knew it was about to get bad when sudden strikes of lightning flashed across the sky. Every time I saw a bolt of lightning strike the ground, I clamped my thighs tightly around him. The advancing storm should have worried me, but I felt so at ease next to Kane. Being with him made me feel safe and whole. As my nerves began to settle once again, my hands got a mind of their own. Every few minutes, they would find a new spot to rest on Kane’s body… his thighs… his abdomen… his chest. Unable to stop myself, I began to shamelessly squeeze the inside of his thigh.

I could hear the hunger in his voice as he turned his head back towards me and said, “You’re going to pay for that when we get to the clubhouse.”

Losing all of my inhibitions, I let my hand drift farther up his thigh, lightly brushing my fingertips against his cock. I leaned forward, putting my mouth close to his ear and said, “Is that a promise?”

The bike slowed, almost to a stop, as Kane’s voice took on a gravelly tone and said, “Behave, Allie.”

I could feel my arousal growing as the vibrations of the engine rattled between my legs. I wanted him… right then and there. Brazenly, I again ran my hand more firmly over his hardening bulge and called, “Kane?”

“We’re almost there,” he growled.

As we made our way to the clubhouse, the rain suddenly broke free from the clouds. The storm was really setting in, and the tiny pellets of water had begun to sting against my skin as his bike tore down the road. Even with the lightning and pouring rain, my mind stayed focused on only one thought… Kane. I had never felt so much desire for a man, and I was having a hard time restraining myself. My hands roamed across his newly soaked shirt as I pressed my body against him.

“Allie,” he warned as his hips shifted slightly in his seat. I knew I should have stopped. I knew it was already difficult for him to drive in the downpour, but I couldn’t resist… I wanted him too much. Without warning, his bike veered from the road and down a grassy path toward an enormous oak tree. We skidded to a stop as the rain continued to pour down in sheets around us. He got off the bike and turned to face me, his eyes filled with intensity. “Off,” he commanded. “Now.”

*     *     *

Chapter 10


watched as
she slowly took off her helmet, uncertainty etched in her eyes as she looked to me. Then, warily, she climbed off my bike and carefully placed the helmet back on the seat before turning toward me.

“Allie,” I said firmly. She didn’t reply. I could tell that I had caught her off guard with my tone. She stood quietly, staring at me apprehensively as she waited to be reprimanded.

BOOK: Summer Storm: A Satan's Fury MC Novella
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