Sweet-Delight[ Brac Village 1] (6 page)

BOOK: Sweet-Delight[ Brac Village 1]
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Maverick looked over the proposals on his desk. He had more people than he thought asking to start a business. Someone wanted to open a barbeque restaurant, another wanted to start up a bowling alley. These were things he never would have thought to have, but now that he read through the papers, he wondered why he never thought of them before.

But the truth was—even though he was trying for his town to appear normal—Kenway was right. Maverick had been doing a pisspoor job of helping his town. Sure, he helped out at the rec center, had a few buildings built here and there, but what had he really contributed? Most of the residents’ complaints or needs were taken care of by the police department—which was not their job.

He needed to erect a town hall and step into the role, not just sport the label as mayor. Maverick had grown used to sitting in his office, playing a handheld video game that he kept hidden in his drawer. It was about time he went out there and got to know his residents.

And he knew the perfect assistant. Giving Cecil the job would not only enable Maverick to keep an eye on his havoc-causing mate while he was out of the Den, but it would give Cecil something to do as well.

He also wanted to put a few of his pack members inside these businesses so they could keep an eye on the town and make sure their paranormal status stayed secret. It would also give the people in the Den an opportunity to get to know the townsfolk as well.

Maverick had already planted the seed in Johnny’s head. He had told the mate that Johnny would be the perfect person to work at The Café.

They were a small village and needed to start acting like one. “What are you doing?” Cecil asked as he strode into Maverick’s office, sitting on the chair in front his desk. He tossed an arm over the back, looking relaxed.
“Getting you a job.”
Cecil shot forward. “Seriously?”
Maverick wasn’t sure if that was an eager look, or an
oh hell no
expression. Either way, if Maverick had to step into his role, then Cecil had to as well. He was Maverick’s mate. It had just been too many years since Maverick had made Cecil act the role.
“You know I’m trying to build this town up.”
“And?” Cecil asked cautiously.
“Kenway brought up a valid point. If I want everyone to either own a business or work at one of them, then I need to become an active mayor.” Maverick set the papers down. “Don’t give me any shit on this either.”
“What am I going to do?” Cecil asked as he relaxed back into his seat. “I know nothing of politics.”
Neither did Maverick. “You’ll be my assistant.”
Laughter burst from Cecil. “And you expect us to get work done?” His eyebrows shot up. “You want me under your desk all day, don’t you?”
As appealing as that sounded, Maverick knew he had to keep their relationship on a business level when at work. “Nope. I want you to actually work.”
“Can I have an assistant?”
“What the hell do you need an assistant for?” Maverick asked. “To go fetch coffee.”
“But that’s why I’m hiring you.”
Cecil made a
sound. “Yeah, right. I need someone who can fetch coffee and do my job while I’m pretending to do my job.”
It made absolutely no sense to Maverick, but then again, if they had someone else around, then it just might stop them from fooling around at work. Because no matter how businesslike he wanted their relationship to be at the town hall, Maverick knew one shake of Cecil’s good-looking ass and he would be a goner.

Chapter Six

The deal was set and the paperwork was signed. Kenway was now the proud owner of a piece-of-shit building. Now that he owned it, he wasn’t so confident anymore. Doubt was starting to creep into his mind as he walked around, watching Roman and his men take notes and gather measurements.

What if Sweet Delight failed? He didn’t know shit about baking. Having Baker here was fine, but if Kenway was going to do this—and Maverick had the signed loan papers—then he needed to find someone who could show Kenway the ropes, someone other than an immature guy—according to Baker’s father. Kenway didn’t know the man yet, so he couldn’t pass judgment. But he wanted two people here who knew what the hell they were doing.

A few more men showed up and the cleaning got under way. Kenway wasn’t sure what half the garbage was. It was just a pile of miscellaneous crap that would be useless to him.

“Do you know who I can call to get rid of the rat problem?” Kenway asked Roman.
Roman nodded as he tossed something toward the small, steel trash container they had brought with them. “Yeah, I can get someone over here. That’s not a problem.”
“Big rats?” the man with Roman asked.
Roman chuckled. “Don’t get your panties in a ruffle, Lorenzo. I don’t think they come out trying to fight you.”
Lorenzo narrowed his taupe-colored eyes at Roman. “Very funny. Those things are germ-infested.”
“Dude, you’re a leopard shifter. Shouldn’t you want to eat the thing instead?”
From the expression on Lorenzo’s face, he didn’t like Roman’s comment. As a matter of fact, he looked downright pissed. Kenway hid his smile as he turned, glancing at another part of the room. It shouldn’t be funny, but hell if it wasn’t.
“Can we just get phase one done?” Lorenzo asked, his voice frosted in ice. “We do have a time schedule.”
Kenway noticed the sun setting and knew his mate would be here soon. The place was pretty cleared out, and now all that needed to be done was the interior restoration. With the trash gone, the shop looked a little more promising.
“Maverick gave us an idea of what you wanted,” Roman said as he strode toward Kenway. He had moved closer to the door, looking for his mate. “But he said to look the plans over with you. It’s your shop and you should have things the way you want them.”
Kenway turned from the door, glancing into Roman’s grey eyes. “Just as soon as my mate gets here. I want him to be a part of the planning.” Kenway wanted Ross to be in every aspect of his life. He had never met anyone like the vampire and Kenway knew his mate was nothing short of amazing. There was an ache in his chest just from being away from his mate.
“Understandable,” Roman replied. “Just let me know when—”
Ross walked through the door, glancing around at everyone as the entire crew stopped and stared at him.
Kenway grinned.
“Why is everyone looking at me?” Ross tried to whisper, but that was a futile attempt. Everyone in the room was a shifter. They had excellent hearing. Shifters could hear the rats pissing on cotton.
“We were just waiting for you to get here so we could look over the plans,” Roman said as he set a rolled-up set of blueprints on their makeshift table. “Tell me where you want everything, how you want the place to look, and we can get started first thing in the morning.”
Ross glanced at Kenway and then walked over to where the bear shifter was standing. Kenway had a feeling that Ross wasn’t an integral part of anything before, not from the way he was acting.
Seeing a shy vampire was kind of endearing.
He joined his mate, and the two went over the plans with Roman while the other workers finished the cleanup. He stood just to the side and behind Ross, but Kenway wasn’t paying attention to what his mate or Roman were saying. He was too busy imagining all the naughty things he wanted to do to Ross when he got him home.
Ross shifted from one leg to the other, tucking his hair behind his ear as he listened. Kenway moved in a little closer until they were touching. He reached up and let a few strands of Ross’s hair glide through his fingers, nearly drooling at the thought of his mate’s long mane brushing over his body as Ross rode his cock.
“What do you think, Kenway?” Roman asked.
Kenway’s eyes snapped over to the bear shifter, but hell if he had heard a single word they had said. His mind was still trapped in his fantasy about Ross being naked, his cock bobbing freely as Kenway fucked the shit out of him. “Yeah, sounds good.”
Ross turned his head, his eyes locking with Kenway’s. “You think so?”
Oh hell.
He wasn’t sure what to say. “Whatever you want, Ross.” That was a good answer. The best one to give while his mind was filled with thoughts Kenway couldn’t wait to make into reality.
“Okay.” Roman rolled up the plans. “I’ll have these revised and we can get started as soon as I have the new set of prints.”
What in the hell had he just agreed to? Kenway sure as hell hoped Ross knew what he was doing, because he had no clue what his new bakery was going to look like. He started to tell them to repeat the plans, but Kenway had just a little too much pride to admit he wasn’t paying any attention.
Ross shocked the hell out of Kenway when he made a strange squealing noise and clapped his hands together. “Okay, now that I know what this place is going to look like, I’m more amped about the whole idea.”
Kenway wished he knew what the place was going to look like. He was just going to have to trust that Ross wasn’t turning their bakery into something resembling The Manacle. He could imagine laser lights…what had he just done?
“Come on, big guy,” Ross said as he grabbed Kenway’s hand and led him from the shop. “Let’s celebrate.”
His mate’s exuberance was contagious. Kenway gave a hearty chuckle as they stepped outside. “What do you want to do?”
“Well, I definitely want to ride your big-ass cock.”
Kenway swallowed…hard. His mind filled with images of Ross, with erotic, taunting scenes more. His erection was starting to become painful, biting into his zipper as he thought of grabbing Ross’s ass while his mate slid up and down—he had to stop thinking about that. “That sounds pretty fucking perfect to me.”
The smile in Ross’s obsidian eyes contained a sensual heat that Kenway wanted to explore at further length. A current of electricity buzzed through his skin as Ross ran his hand down Kenway’s arm. “I thought it might.”
Kenway hurried his mate to the truck, praying they made it home before he lost his damn mind with lust. All he could think about was fucking Ross.
Gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles turned white, Kenway watched as Ross moved closer, his hand skimming over his hard erection. His cock pulsed at his mate’s touch and Kenway wanted nothing more than to…fuck this. Kenway pulled the truck over to the side of the road, slammed the gear into park, and moved until he was out from behind the steering wheel.
Ross laughed. “Can’t wait?”
“I am so close to coming in my pants that it isn’t even funny.” Ross released his swollen cock, afraid to touch his own erection for fear he would erupt. “God, please suck my dick, Ross.” His voice was husky now, raw with need.
Kenway was thankful as hell Ross didn’t tease him. His mate slid into position and wrapped his luscious lips around the head, sucking his length to the back of his mouth. Kenway threw his head back and groaned as he grabbed a fistful of Ross’s long hair.
Skin like satin, hair like silk.
The man was nothing if not erotic and sensual.
He curled his hips, thrusting in small measures into his mate’s mouth. It was hard as hell to hold back. Kenway wanted to openly fuck the man’s mouth, but was afraid his mate wouldn’t be able to take all—Kenway’s eyes crossed when Ross took every last inch of his cock down his throat.
“Holy hell!” Kenway actually began to sweat as Ross withdrew and then took him all the way down again. He repeated this move over and over again until Kenway’s balls were tight against his body, and he could feel his orgasm pooling at his spine.
And then Ross constricted his throat and that was all she wrote. Kenway let out a guttural scream as his cum spurted from his cock. Never before had he come that damn fast or hard. He feared his balls were going to shrivel up into two tiny grapes.
Ross leaned back, licking a spot of cum that had escaped his mouth, and Kenway damn near had a heart attack. His mate slid his finger over the white mess, pulled his hand back, and then sucked his finger into his mouth.
“Now you are going to let me ride your fat cock,” Ross said as he leaned in for a kiss. Kenway was willing to give the man whatever the hell he wanted at this point, just as long as he never stopped giving him blow jobs. His damn ears were still ringing.
All Kenway could do was watch—and drool—as Ross slid his jeans down and kicked them off. His cock jutted out from a nest of curls, making Kenway’s heart hammer at the sight. His buffalo wanted to devour this man.
Ross grabbed a small packet of lube from the front pocket of his pants and Kenway sat there, his cock still hard as a rock as his mate lathered his cock. He loved Ross’s take-charge attitude. The man’s hands moved sensually, slipping up and down his cock in an erotic dance.
Shit, he was about to come again.
“Let me show you how excited I am about our new business.” Ross straddled Kenway’s lap and slowly lowered himself. Kenway quickly grabbed his cock and held it as Ross sank ass deep.
Oh, glory, glory, glory.
The feel of his mate’s tight ass sitting on his cock was so fucking fantastic that Kenway growled out his approval. Moving his hand away, he gripped his mate’s slim hips and held on as Ross began to ride him.
Kenway grabbed Ross’s hair. He couldn’t help it. He loved all the beautiful long strands and wanted to feel them brushing against his heated flesh. Kenway used one hand to grip Ross’s face, pulling his mate closer as he took those talented lips in a fierce kiss.
Ross slipped his tongue inside Kenway’s mouth, hungrily exploring as his ass moved up and down Kenway’s hard erection. If there was anything better in life, Kenway sure as shit had never seen or felt it, because Ross was sending him straight to the paradise of pleasure.
Christ, the man was driving him to madness with his undulating hips and possessive mouth. It was Kenway who felt like he was the one being consumed. It was there, in Ross’s dark eyes. The man wanted to eat him alive.
Hell yeah!

Kenway grunted as Ross’s ass slid back down his cock. It was such a tight fit that he felt like he was going to split the man in half. But Ross didn’t seem to mind. He kept right on fucking Kenway’s cock.

“I’m losing my damn mind,” Ross said as he broke the kiss. “My body is burning up for you.”
“Mine, too, baby…mine, too.” Kenway yanked Ross’s hair, thrusting his hips upward as he shoved his cock to the hilt. He wanted to come inside his mate’s ass so badly, and make this last all fucking night long. He really was losing his mind.
“Then make me come,” Ross begged. “So deep…inside. God, Kenway…I can feel you.”
Releasing Ross’s hair, Kenway used both hands to grab his mate and then he pistoned with everything he had, Ross gripping his shoulders as he cried out. His cum shot out in ribbons onto Kenway’s shirt and he didn’t give a fuck about the mess. The scent of his mate’s release and the building pressure inside his balls made Kenway’s canines emerge. His body tightened in a savage, demanding ache.
But before he could bite into his mate’s shoulder, Ross bit into his neck, sucking hard. Kenway’s vision dimmed as his body just fucking fell apart. There was no other way to describe it. His seed shot into his mate’s ass and his balls damn near climbed inside of his body. His head was throbbing so badly that he thought he just might have broken a blood vessel.
Ross licked at the wound, his skin slick with sweat as he smiled. “Now that was a celebration.”
Kenway let out a breathy chuckle. His mate was something else. The man was shy, demanding, sexy, bold. He was the total package and Kenway loved it.
“As much as I hate to say this, we need to get our clothes back in order before a cop comes by.”
Ross nipped Kenway’s lip before easing the cock out of his ass. Kenway shuddered at the feel of his softening erection slipping free.
“Is there anything else we need to celebrate?” Ross teased as he dressed and then took a seat on his side of the truck. “Because I’d celebrate the wind blowing by if I could feel your dick buried deep inside of me again.”
We just might do that.

BOOK: Sweet-Delight[ Brac Village 1]
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