Read Sweet Jayne Online

Authors: K. Webster

Tags: #dark romance, #taboo, #suspense, #new adult

Sweet Jayne (33 page)

BOOK: Sweet Jayne
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“What happened?” I question upon seeing a firetruck through the windows.

“Like you don’t know,” Logan snaps, squeezing my wrist hard enough to nearly make me cry out.

“I don’t know, actually.”

“Someone set my goddamned car on fire, that’s what!”

My eyes flicker to Donovan’s. His face remains emotionless but I’ve known him long enough to see triumph in his eyes.

“In that case, allow me. My Lexus is this way,” Donovan grunts and starts in the direction of the parking lot, before Logan intercepts him by grabbing his wrist which was resting casually in the pocket of his tuxedo pants.

Donovan doesn’t miss a beat—the complete personification of cool and collected. Only his eyes drop to his wrist, where Logan has the cuff of his tux jacket crushed in his hand. “Careful there, Chief. Your faithful citizens can see.”

Donovan’s words seem to hit their intended target as Logan loosens his grip, taking a perfunctory glance around the lobby. “I don’t know what the fuck you think you’re up to, but let me give you some
advice,” Logan hisses, careful to keep his voice low. “Back the fuck off.”

The unfazed look combined with the easy shrug in Donovan’s response seem to only fuel Logan’s rage further. Although, in this moment, I think I love Donovan even more, if that’s even possible. He’s trusting me, like I asked him to.

“I’m afraid I’m not sure what you’re referring to, Chief. I was just having a word with my stepdaughter. Saying hello. That’s not against the law, is it?” And with that, he ambles out the door toward the parking lot. Logan yanks me along behind him.

My eyes flit over to Logan’s smoking vehicle as dozens of firemen stand around it, assessing the damage. Donovan Jayne is not to be fucked with apparently. God, I love that about him.

Once we arrive at the Lexus, Logan loads me into the backseat behind Donovan, surely so that he can watch me from the front seat. As the car is put into drive, panic begins to surge through me. Logan is insanely furious and I’m terrified of what he’ll do once we get back to his house.

Think of silvery blue eyes.

Focus on that.


When a hand touches me, I nearly yelp. I can’t see it in the darkness, but I know it’s Donovan reaching behind him between the seat and the door. His fingers whisper over my bare leg. The touch is soothing. It fortifies me and gives me the strength to endure what’s ahead.

The drive, although Donovan takes his sweet time, is all too short and soon we’re pulling up in front of the house.

“Selene and I spoke on the phone yesterday, Nadia. She’s coming in for a visit soon and we’d love to take you to dinner at your favorite Italian restaurant. You won’t mind, will you, Logan?” His question is threatening and it causes me to shiver.

I squeeze Donovan’s hand one last time before he pulls it away.

“We’ll see,” Logan barks. “Nadia. Let’s get inside.”

As soon as Logan pushes open the door to the house, panic really sets in. Donovan’s comforting protection that I’d always relied on is once again torn from me. I’d love nothing more than to reminisce about his loving touch and sweet kisses but there’s no time. Logan’s hell storm of fury is clouding the air around me. It’s thick and black. I can almost taste the evil radiating from him. I need to think.

Our shoes echo on the hard wood floors and neither of us speak. His breathing is ragged. Heavy and uneven. I’m terrified that anything I say or do will provoke him. He’s already been poked too much tonight.

Focus. Focus. Focus.

A chill shudders through me when he turns on a lamp. The living room lights up in a yellow glow but it does nothing to calm me. My heart has skittered up into my throat, rendering me speechless.

He slowly raises his arm and points down the hallway. I can’t help but glance toward the darkened master bedroom.

“Now!” he barks.

I squeak and jump, rushing to obey. His footsteps are slow but steady behind me. Once we’re in the bedroom, he turns on the light and begins tugging at his bow tie. I drop my gaze to my feet as my mind creates awful scenarios he’s no doubt planned for me.

“Undress.” This command is quiet but no less threatening. Once I’m naked, he points to a chair. I don’t utter a word as he searches in his box full of kinky fucked-up treasures and retrieves some rope. Remaining relaxed while he ties me to the chair is nearly impossible.

Don’t provoke him any further.

Go with it.

Focus. Focus. Focus.

“Do you remember that day you came to see me?” Logan’s voice is cold and low. A shiver ripples through me. I want to look up at him, to implore him to calm down, but I’m afraid of what I’ll see. I’m afraid that this might be the time he snaps completely.


And I do remember it clearly. That was the biggest mistake of my life. The point when I chose to be a vigilante and not inform my partner of my next move. I’d had a breakthrough. But instead of telling Donovan, so we could deal with it together, I acted on impulse and came in search of answers immediately. Answers Logan promised to give me. A file with details and information. Safe in his home. So he’d told me.

What a stupid, stupid woman I was.

“You were happy. Probably just finished fucking your stepdaddy, huh?” he sneers.

This time, I do lift my eyes. He’s pacing in front of me. His bulky frame is bare from the waist up and his muscles ripple with each movement. A hair falls into my eyes tickling the side of my nose. If my wrists weren’t bound behind me, I’d shove it away. I have to settle for blowing it out of my view. My ankles are tied to each front leg of the chair I’m sitting on. Squeezing my naked thighs together is a fruitless endeavor. They won’t move any closer, leaving my pussy open to him. I’m not sure what his plans are but something tells me they’re going to make me scream.


His malevolent eyes meet mine and he shakes his head. “Don’t even try that fucking bullshit on me. Everyone in this goddamned town knows you and Donovan were sleeping together. Such sick shit, if you ask me. He’s a pervert, Nadia. You’re lucky I saved you from him.”

I clench my teeth together in an attempt to keep my emotions in check. The last thing I need to do is reveal my weakness to him. Logan would expose it, tear it apart, and feed it back to me.

“You’re wrong.” My lip wobbles.

Fucking weakness.

His gaze zeroes in on it and he grins. It’s far from warm and another shiver quivers through me. “Liar. Perhaps we should play a little game, sweetheart. A little lie detector game.”

I’m shaking my head no but he’s already sauntering over to his chest and digging through it. Moments later, he returns with a TENS unit. The earth shakes beneath me and a shudder wracks my entire body.


His eyes are narrowed in concentration as he peels the plastic from the sticky part of one of the patches. The wires that lead to the device wiggle with his movement. “You’re not getting out of this interrogation.”

With a lifeless grin, he proceeds to apply one patch to each of my nipples. When he finishes, he slides one between my legs, bypasses my pussy and presses it against my anus. The final patch, he applies to my clit making sure to wrap it tightly around my sensitive bundle of nerves. Once he’s satisfied, he sets the unit on the chair between my legs and trots off. He returns with another chair and places it right in front of me.

“Now, let’s begin.” He grabs the TENS unit and leans back in his chair. Our eyes meet and I ignore the way the sticky patches tug at the hairs on my most sensitive places. “Did you fuck Donovan the day you came to see me?”

I clamp my eyes closed and shake my head. “N-No.”

A tiny click is my only warning before my nipples zap to life. He’s barely got the thing turned up and I’m screaming for him to quit.

“Lie,” he says simply and turns the dial back down.

Beads of sweat form on my forehead and I tremble in fear. “I’m sorry, I just—”

“Next question,” he barks. “Did you fuck Donovan tonight? You smell like him, whore. You fucking reek of that prick.”

Tears stream down my face and I meet his gaze fiercely. “Logan, I swear to you I didn’t have sex with him tonight.”

He holds my gaze for a long while before he nods. “Truth. But you still fucking smell like him. Did you let him touch your pussy? Did Daddy Donovan lick your cunt?”

“No! Jesus, Logan. He didn’t touch me, okay?”

His fingers twitch over the dials as if he’s pondering my answer. “Truth, I think. Did your daddy stick his tongue in your throat? Did he taste your sweet lips?”

Snot dribbles down over my upper lip and I sob. “N-No. We just talked.”

The back of his hand comes so quickly, I don’t have time to react. His knuckles crack against my cheek bone causing my head to jerk to one side. “Lies! Did you want him to fuck you?”


This time, my vision goes black as intense, electric fire explodes between my legs. I jerk at my bindings to push the pain away but I’m completely immobile. The only thing I can do is scream and scream until I’m hoarse. When I think I may pass out, the buzzing ceases.

“Logan, please,” I beg, my teeth chattering as slobber runs down my chin. “Just stop this. Make love to me.” My normal words have no effect on him. Typically, I can coax him into fucking me but not tonight. Tonight he’s getting off on torture.

“Why should I? You want him,” he says simply.


He leans forward and slides a finger past the patch. When he finds the opening of my pussy, he pushes his finger into me. I’m dry. Not at all ready for his next act of punishment. As he begins his probing, I hide. Mentally. Like always. I flee to the safe place in my mind.


Always Donovan.

“I’m scared. What if it hurts?”

He chuckles and rubs my ass with his palms. “For someone begging to try this, you’re suddenly apprehensive. If it hurts, tell me. I’ll stop. I want you to feel good, baby. Not be in pain. We can do it another time if you—”

“No. Do it now.”

I’ve already downed several shots of tequila in anticipation of this moment. We’ve played with toys and his fingers. I always get off. I know he’ll feel good there too.

I hope.

We want to share every part of ourselves with each other.

“Touch your pussy, beautiful.”

With a nod, I slip my fingers between my thighs. I massage my clit while he spreads my cheeks apart. The sound of a cap being opened makes me take pause, but when he slides the slippery head of his cock against my anus, I focus on getting myself off.

“You ready?”

“Yes,” I whisper. “Go slow in case it hurts.”

His lubricated cock begins pushing against the tight hole of my ass. I let out a grunt of pain the moment he breaches the opening.


“What do you want, baby? More or out?”

I take in a deep breath and close my eyes. “More. Slowly.”

Donovan must have the patience of a saint because he does exactly as I ask. His thick cock fills me more and more with each passing second. The pain is there, the pressure is intense, but it’s not something I can’t bear.

“Nadia, baby,” he hisses once his cock is completely seated inside of me. “I’m afraid to move because you feel so good. I might come just from how tight you are.”

The desperate need in his voice—the slight tremble—makes me hungry for him. I want to please him and give him whatever he wants. Massaging at a quicker pace, I urge him on. “More, Donovan. Fuck me.”

The words feel dirty to say, but I mean them. At first, I couldn’t even think them without turning as red as a tomato in front of Donovan. But like he’s taught me, sometimes people in love make love. And sometimes they fuck. There’s nothing wrong with us voicing our desires to each other.

BOOK: Sweet Jayne
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