Read Switch Online

Authors: EllaArdent

Tags: #bondage, #bdsm, #erotica, #menage, #fantasy lover, #multiple partners, #linked stories

Switch (3 page)

BOOK: Switch
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Anthony was caressing his own cock, becoming harder as he

“We’re going to play a little game, Anna,” Athena said. “I’m
going to ask you some questions and you’re going to answer me truthfully. If
you’re good, when I’m done, I’ll make sure you’re rewarded.”

“And if I’m not good, Mistress Athena?”

“I’ll take great pride in punishing you.” Anthony said and
the maid shivered.

“First, where does the Count sleep?”

“In the master suite.” When Athena cleared her throat, she
continued. “The largest room on this floor. It’s at the far end of the hall on
the left.”

“And when does he get up?”

“Not usually until noon.”

“Does he lock the door?”

“No. Lars guards him while he sleeps.” Anna released a
little sigh, one she probably didn’t realize she’d made.


“The tallest male slave.” Anna swallowed. “The blond one
with the blue eyes.”

“You like Lars.”

Anna blushed so much that she became pink all over. Anthony
watched with interest. “Everyone likes Lars.”

Athena glanced at Anthony as he nodded ruefully.


“And where does the Count keep items of importance?”

“I don’t understand...”

“His wallet. His keys and passport. His money. Other

“There’s a safe in the closet of the master bedroom, but he
only uses it for his passport and jewelry. He keeps papers in the top drawer in
the closet, the one that looks like it should hold his ties.”

“And where do I find the other maids this early in the

“They sleep in a dormitory off the kitchen, mistress.
They’ll be dressing now.”

“Excellent. Well done, Anna.” Athena ran her hands over
those tiny breasts once more, then pinched those nipples again, just because
they were so irresistible. “Silent now.”

The maid shivered but she complied. Athena gagged her
securely with that same pillowcase. She fingered Anna’s puss, noting with
satisfaction how much wetter it had become. “You like being captive,” she whispered,
and Anna nodded. “I want to see you marked before I go.”

Athena found the riding crop that the Count had discarded
and slapped it against her hand as she approached the maid. Anna trembled in
anticipation. Athena moved behind her and struck quickly, giving the supple
young maid a trio of quick blows. Anthony straightened to watch, his eyes
bright and his cock hard. Anna gasped into her gag and moaned slightly, but
Athena pinched her nipple again to silence her. “You’re forbidden to come,” she
said and Anna nodded.

Athena couldn’t stand it. She could smell Anna’s wet sex and
see her quivering and had to have just one taste. She dropped to her knees
behind the bound maid, braced her hands on her buttocks and pushed them up.
Anna gasped as she was tipped up to the tips of her toes, but Athena could see
her glistening sex. She sucked at her juices and nibbled at her hard clit,
holding the maid captive as she was sampled.

Once again, Athena regretted that time was of the essence.
She could have easily spent all day with this pair. She ran her tongue
aggressively over Anna one last time, then straightened with regret. She sighed
as she handed the crop to Anthony. “She’s been very naughty,” she said. “Can I
entrust this question of discipline with you?”

“Of course, Countess.” He slapped the crop against his palm,
smiling as he planned his strategy. “I’ll ensure she’s taught a lesson.”

Athena dressed quickly, knowing that if she saw too much she
might forget her own mission. She put on her corset, stockings and high boots
again, but left her own hair loose. She pulled on her gloves as Anthony was
lifting the crop to begin.

Athena shook her head with disappointment, then she left,
slipping out the door and down the hall toward the Count’s room.

If everything worked out, though, it would be well worth the


* * *


Mike was shaking in his bonds when Joanna rolled off the bed
and got to her feet. She felt wonderful, relaxed and satisfied, but still
tingly with anticipation.

“Joanna,” he gasped and she knew he would beg for release.
His cock was straining toward the ceiling, impossibly hard. His whole body was
tight and shaking with the effort of keeping himself from coming. Joanna knew
he couldn’t last much longer.

“Three times,” she reminded him. “Don’t convince me to make
it four.”



Mike was quiet, but watchful. And thrilled. Joanna went into
the bathroom and got a cloth, returning to clean his face. She’d brought a
second one and rolled it before his eyes before jamming it into his mouth.

“Moan for me,” she instructed and he did. “I see why Eric
likes that sound,” she said as she straightened. “It seems so hopeless, so
powerless. Do it again.” Mike obeyed. She eyed his erection and knew she could
put that to good use in tormenting him. “Keep moaning. I’ll be right back.”

Joanna left the bedroom and headed downstairs. She knew
there was a cock ring in the dungeon that she particularly liked. It was soft
latex with several nubs on one side. When she rode Mike with that on his
erection and the nubs at the front, they pressed against her clitoris
perfectly. She could torment him by actually taking him inside her, but he
wouldn’t have to last long before she came first.

She reached the main floor of the townhouse to the sound of
his moaning, then continued down to the basement. She turned on the lights,
then froze in shock.

Because the dungeon was being dismantled.

The door that was padded and upholstered with leather, the
one that locked with a decisive click, had been exchanged for a normal bedroom
door, one that didn’t have a lock at all. About half of the padding and leather
upholstery had been removed from the walls inside the room, and all of the
tools and toys were gone.

Her first thought was that Mike’s house had been
burglarized, but then she saw the neatly stacked moving cartons on the other
side of the basement. She found an open box with the toys tossed into it, as if
Mike didn’t care about them anymore. The boxes hadn’t been there before.

Mike was moving.

And he hadn’t told her.

Of course, they hadn’t talked much in the past week, but he
must have been planning this move for a while. People didn’t just move on a
whim. Where was he going? Why hadn’t he mentioned it to her? What was the
future of their relationship?

Maybe Mike hadn’t thought they had one.

Maybe he’d realized it had just been about sex, and he’d had

Maybe leaving her with Eric had been an easy way of ending

Joanna felt sick at that thought. Then she was angry. She
wasn’t going to be dumped that easily. She wasn’t going to be dismissed without
being consulted. She didn’t even look for the cock ring.

She’s was going to need some other accessories instead.


* * *


Lars straightened at his post at the sight of Athena, his
cock hard and at the ready, his hands behind his back. There was no one else in
the hall.

Athena took her time strutting down the hall. She felt good
in her boots and corset. She liked how her breasts were supported by the cups
of the corset and her nipples displayed. She liked the way her boots arched her
feet high and the feel of her hair hanging almost to her hips, almost floating
behind her. She felt gorgeous and invincible.

She needed to meet Julius like this, just once.

She needed to have him at her mercy, just once.

Athena stopped in front of Lars, reached out and unfastened
his codpiece. He stood at attention, only his eyes revealing his surprise. She
closed her hand around his cock. He jumped slightly at her sure touch, but she
wrapped her gloved fingers around his hardness and worked him a little. He kept
his gaze fixed on a point over the top of her head, even as he became harder.
Athena gathered his balls in her other hand and squeezed them slightly. Lars
inhaled and his cock got even bigger.

“Not a sound, understand?” Athena said quietly.

Lars nodded.

“You’re in charge of the slaves, aren’t you, Lars?” Athena
asked, her voice a low murmur. She bent and flicked her tongue across his
nipple, then backed him into the wall and suckled that nipple to a point.
“Isn’t their discipline your responsibility?”

He nodded again, a bit of color rising up the back of his
neck. Athena intensified her caress, delighted to feel him respond. “One of the
maids has been very naughty,” she continued, then kissed his other nipple.
“Kiss me, Lars, and tell me who it was.”

There was a moment when he struggled with her command,
clearly uncertain whether he would be violating the Count’s orders by obeying
her. Athena released his balls and curled that hand behind his neck, pulling
him toward her. She kissed him, sweetly at first, then felt his shock as he
tasted Anna’s puss on her mouth. She shoved her fingers into his hair, pulling
him down toward her and his kiss became hungrier with encouragement.

When she released Lars from her kiss, his eyes were bright.
“Anna,” he mouthed, his expression telling Athena that he couldn’t believe his

Athena gave his balls one last squeeze. “Is bound helpless
in my room. I’ve left Anthony to discipline her, but I’m afraid he looks more
inclined to give pleasure.” She stepped back and smiled at Lars, seeing his
excitement. “You may have to correct both of them.”

“Yes, Countess.”

“Unfortunately, the Count has commanded me to serve him. I’m
going to have to delegate this matter to you.” Athena sighed even as Lars stood
even taller. “She’s securely gagged so no one will hear her. I suggest you fuck
her at least three times, in the poses of your choice.”

“Yes, Countess.”

“Anthony, however, may be a more stubborn case.”

Lars smiled. “Yes, Countess.”

Athena stepped back and pointed regally down the hall to her
room. Lars bowed, then strode down the hall with purpose.

Athena watched him go, admiring the perfection of his tight
ass and muscled legs. Her only regret was that vengeance wouldn’t leave her
time to fuck every slave in the Count’s household. Leaving them to fuck each
other would have to suffice.

She put her hand on the door knob and smiled before she
turned it.

This was the part she wasn’t going to miss at any price.


* * *



Chapter Two


Something had changed.

Mike sensed the difference in Joanna’s mood as soon as she
returned to the bedroom. She stopped in the doorway and looked at him, hard. He
couldn’t see her expression well because of her domino mask, but he had a very
bad feeling.

Joanna was never so still as this.

He had the definite sense she was struggling to control her
temper—and he hadn’t even realized she had one. That seemed like a
failure on his part, and he was pretty sure that punishment was in his
immediate future.

The idea both terrified and exhilarated him.

She put something on the dresser and he couldn’t see what it
was from his angle. The uncertainty set his heart pounding.

She marched across the room toward him, her hips swaying
seductively. She looked so beautiful, so feminine and tough at the same time,
that he thought she’d break his heart. He’d never been so hard in his life.

He moaned in supplication, hoping for a bit of mercy.

Her smile was cool.


He loved it.

“You’ve been so bad,” she said in a low dark voice that gave
him shivers. “I’m not sure you deserve to come at all.”

Mike moaned again, unable to imagine going more than a few
moments longer without release. She danced her gloved fingers over his cock,
her feather light touch almost agonizing.

“Be good and maybe I’ll reconsider.”

Mike nodded so vigorously that his intentions couldn’t be
mistaken. Joanna strolled around the bed again and he watched the shadows of
her legs beneath the sheer dress. She’d known exactly how to drive him crazy,
that was for sure. She looked up at the hook on the ceiling, then back down at

“You hung me from that once and spanked me pink,” she
reminded him.

Mike swallowed and nodded again, remembering the night in
question well.

“Your turn, and you have to help.” She returned quickly to
the dresser, then came back with a stretcher bar. She secured the cuff to one
of his ankles, gave him a warning look, then untied that ankle from the
footboard. Mike didn’t dare to fight her, but meekly let her secure the shackle
on the other end of the spreader bar to his other ankle. He was still bound,
his ankles fixed two feet apart. She got a straight chair and stood it beside
the hook on the ceiling. He couldn’t help but admire the view as she climbed up
and secured a chain to the hook. It hung down a couple of feet. She then came
to kneel over him.

“Don’t mess with me,” she growled and Mike nodded

She used a pair of wrist restraints to bind his hands
together, and Mike realized that she must have been down the basement. The
cuffs and the spreader bar had been down there, tossed into the moving box. He
hadn’t been able to throw them away, but he hadn’t been able to look at them
when he’d been convinced she wasn’t coming back.

His heart dropped like a stone. She’d seen that the dungeon
was being dismantled. That’s why she was angry.

How could he argue his case when he was gagged?

She pointed imperiously and he swung his legs around at her
command, getting to his feet. He shuffled to the spot on the carpet below the
hook and she climbed on to the chair, her move giving him a sweet waft of her
hot sex.

Maybe he could earn forgiveness by being good now.

BOOK: Switch
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