Read Sworn to Protect Online

Authors: Katie Reus

Sworn to Protect (15 page)

BOOK: Sworn to Protect
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“This might hurt a little,” he murmured, the regret in his dark eyes warming her from the inside out. She loved how much he cared.

“I know.” And she
care. Not when this was Quinn. The pain, if there was any, wouldn’t last. And she was so physically active she doubted it would hurt much. At least that’s what her cousins had told her.

Leaning down, he took her mouth in a tender kiss as his hand moved from her breast to her mound. She arched into his hold, her hands going around his back as he tested her slickness.

In and out, he stroked her inner walls with a sweet slowness now. She let out a groan of frustration, wanting so much more. She was tired of waiting. Trailing her fingers down his back, she grasped onto his ass.

He understood what she wanted and when he withdrew his fingers, her entire body trembled with so much pent up need she felt as if she might go into sensory overload.

She wanted to see him entering her but was too shy to ask him to shift positions. It didn’t matter though, the feel of his tongue dancing with hers, his hard body covering her, was heaven. His thick cock nudged her entrance and she let her head fall back from his mouth, sucked in a breath as he pushed inside her.

He didn’t pump hard, but he also didn’t pause, just slid into her with one smooth thrust. She met his gaze as he filled her completely. There was a moment of discomfort that she should have expected, but it was over so quickly. All she could focus on was this beautiful man inside her, on top of her. She felt so full, so possessed by him.

She dug her fingers into his backside. “More.” It was all she could manage to get out, but he knew what she wanted.

He held himself up on his forearms so that she was caged in and his gaze was pinned to hers. The look in his eyes was territorial and possessive. The sight took her breath away. He pulled his hips back and began thrusting in a slow, steady rhythm.

Her hips met his, stroke for stroke, the sensation of being filled by him too incredible for words. She could feel another release building even as she wanted this to go on and on.

His breathing grew more erratic as he pumped into her, his eyes blazing with a raw heat. Part of her wanted to look away, but there was no way she could.

“Touch your clit. Come around my cock.” The words were a growl. A demand. And his expression was primal.

She didn’t even pause, didn’t want to. Reaching between their bodies, she began rubbing herself in that very familiar way. She knew how to get herself off. It never took long, but to have someone as sexy as Quinn thrusting into her while she stroked herself put things on a whole other level.

Her inner walls began clenching around him tighter and tighter. “Faster.” The word came out as a plea. She hadn’t expected to come again, but felt a climax building the faster he moved. Each stroke inside her stoked that greedy fire.

She couldn’t keep her eyes open any longer, let her head fall back as the sensations of another orgasm rushed through her. Pleasure poured out to all her nerve endings as she savored the sensation of him moving inside her, filling her. She’d never felt so connected to anyone. And not just anyone, but this was Quinn. She arched into him, wanting to rub her breasts against his chest, to experience more stimulation.

Suddenly she felt his mouth clamp over the tip of her breast, suck her nipple hard. The action was so unexpected, so erotic, it pushed her over the edge.

“Quinn!” His name sounded like another plea as it tore from her throat. She slid her fingers through his short hair, clasped his head with her free hand. He flicked and teased her nipple as her orgasm continued to punch through her. The sensations of his wicked mouth seemed to prolong it.

Finally she pulled her hand free from her clit, the stimulation almost too much. As she did, Quinn seemed to let go of whatever had been restraining him.

Shouting her name, his thrusts became unsteady, rough and when he buried his face against her neck, she felt him come inside her in hot strokes. The muscles in his arms and shoulders were corded tight, his back damp with sweat. It seemed to go on forever and at the same time, not long enough.

She trailed her fingers down his back in lazy strokes. His muscles tightened under her soft touch, twitched slightly as he relaxed.

“I’m too heavy,” he murmured against her neck a few moments later.

She grinned though he couldn’t see her. “I like the feel of you on top of me.”

He pulled back, his dark eyes gentle as he looked down at her. “You okay?”

“That was amazing.”

Relief immediately bled into his eyes before he dropped a sweet, almost chaste kiss on her lips. “Give me a sec.” He pulled out of her and she immediately felt a difference.

Just a slight soreness she hadn’t been aware of. When he’d been inside her it had been all pleasure, but yep, she was going to feel this tomorrow. Totally worth it though.

He slid off the bed and strode into the bathroom. Seconds later she heard water running. For a moment she wondered if he was just taking a shower without her, but that seemed weird.

He popped his head through the doorframe. “I’m running you a bath. Do you like it warm, hot or scorching?”

She was touched by his thoughtfulness, but didn’t feel much like moving. “I don’t need a bath.”

Quinn stepped fully into the doorframe now and gave her one sharp headshake. “You’re getting one.”

She blinked in surprise at his authoritative tone. “What?”

“This was your first time, I’m not fucking this up for you.” Now he strode toward her with purpose.

An unexpected laugh broke free. The man was too sweet. “Such poetry.”

He froze in place and tensed. He rubbed a hand over the back of his neck—and showed off delicious muscles she wanted to trace with her tongue. “Shit, Athena—”

“I’m messing with you. And thank you. I think a soak probably wouldn’t hurt.” She liked that he was actually cursing in front of her now. Which was maybe a little weird, but she liked that he was being himself. It had been sweet how he’d held back before, but this thing between them felt so real. She wanted to keep it that way, didn’t want any barriers between them.

“Good.” He strode to the bed then scooped her up in his arms. He brushed his lips over hers, and this time his kiss was a bit more heated than the last. She clutched onto him, deepening it until he pulled back.

He groaned, simmering heat in his gaze. “Let’s get you in the bath before I lose my head.”

“Maybe after the bath you can lose it.” She grinned at him, loved seeing the easy relaxation on his face. They still needed to talk about the potential threat but for right now she didn’t want to think about anything else but this.

Chapter 11

Three days later

Quinn stood by the huge window of the suite, staring out at the city below. The lights twinkled like jewels under the breaking dawn sky. It was the last official day of the tradeshow, but he’d asked Athena if she wanted to stay on an extra day so they could enjoy themselves afterward. After the call he’d just received he felt a thousand times lighter. He and Athena could actually have a good time without worrying about that fuckhead White.

At a soft rustling sound he turned. Athena stepped out of her room—their room now—dressed in fitted black pants and a red wraparound top. When he realized she wore the gold necklace he’d given to her yesterday, that possessive flare he was getting used to jumped inside him. She’d protested when he’d given it to her, but he liked seeing her wear something from him. It made him feel like he was staking a claim.

“Necklace looks good,” he murmured, stepping away from the window, eyeing the three tiered chains looped around her delicate neck.

She flushed pink and gently touched one of the links. “I still think it’s too much,” she muttered.

They’d managed to sneak away last night for a dinner outside the casino and had gotten to walk, see some of the city. He’d seen her admiring it at one of the shops so he’d gone back later and bought it. He didn’t care that they hadn’t been together long, he already knew he was in this for the long haul. Seeing the pleasure on her face when she’d opened the box had made him feel a hundred feet tall. Not just the pleasure though, the pure surprise. She’d admitted that no one outside her family had ever given her jewelry before and that knowledge made the caveman inside him irrationally pleased.

Not commenting, he just wrapped his hands around her hips as he reached her and pulled her close. The slightly tropical scent rolling off her wrapped around him. He couldn’t keep his hands off the woman. Just being in the same room and he wanted to hold her, kiss her. “I’ve got good news.”

“Yeah?” She slid her arms around his waist. Since she hadn’t put her heels on yet she had to look up at him.

“Just talked to Grant. One of his guys saw Glenn entering his apartment.”

Athena sucked in a sharp breath. “When? Is he positive?”

A smile tugged at Quinn’s mouth. “I asked the same thing. About an hour ago and Grant said unless he’s got a twin—and I know he’s an only child—then his guy is convinced it’s him. Still, Grant’s going to head down there and try to get a look.” There had also been recent activity on White’s credit card and cell phone, all in the Miami area. Whatever he’d been off doing the past few days, he was home now—and far away from Quinn and Athena. That didn’t mean Quinn was letting the guy off his radar but for now it was a relief not to worry about White for the next couple days.

She squeezed him tighter and laid her head against his chest. “I know we’ll have to be careful when we get home but at least now we can relax the rest of the today. Well, relax being a relative word because it’s going to be insane today. Maybe…” She pulled back to look up at him, her blue eyes just a little wicked. “Maybe we can stay Sunday too and get home early on Monday. I don’t mind going straight from the airport to work.”

As that familiar hunger surged through him, he leaned down and brushed his lips over hers. She’d been insatiable the past three days. They both had. He wasn’t ashamed to admit he’d quickly become addicted to her. “I bet we don’t even leave the room,” he murmured against her mouth.

“What do you think room service is for?” She nipped his bottom lip playfully.

Hell yeah, he thought, deepening their kiss. The next two days were going to be amazing.

* * *

Today was the day, Glenn thought as he parked his stolen van a few houses down from his first destination. He’d been covertly watching Athena and Quinn the past few days, mostly keeping his focus on the woman. He hadn’t wanted to tip his hand and if Quinn sensed eyes on him, it would make him even more vigilant. What he’d first noticed was that the woman had two guards from the hotel pretty much at all times when she was at the tradeshow.

The first day Glenn hadn’t been positive they were shadowing her, but the second it had been clear. Which meant Quinn somehow knew Glenn wasn’t in Miami. Not hard to figure out how. Bastard had probably cased his apartment, maybe even tracked his credit cards or phone. Quinn wouldn’t mind breaking the law for his own gain. So Glenn had done the last thing he wanted to and asked his cousin for a big favor. It might come back to haunt him later, but for now it was helping him cover his tracks.

He and Henry looked like brothers, the only real difference between them was about two inches in height. But they had the same build, coloring, hair, everything. People always commented that they looked like brothers so today he’d taken advantage of it.

His cousin had agreed to go to his place to check on it and get his mail. Glenn had also asked him to buy a few things for him—with Glenn’s credit card—so that when he got back home he would have groceries. Easily explainable to his cousin. Getting his cousin to use his phone was a bit trickier so he’d told him he was calling it because he couldn’t remember where he’d left it. Henry answered it, telling him it was in the master bathroom on the countertop.

Which gave him an alibi in Miami for today. If he was a betting man, he’d guess that whoever Quinn had sitting on his place would report that he was in Miami. Getting back to Florida after what he planned to do would be tricky, but luck had been with him so far. He was banking on it lasting, refusing to settle for anything less. Quinn deserved to pay for what he’d done.

The neighborhood he was in was quiet enough, but it connected with a busy street. Glenn slipped from the van, thankful for the cooler February weather. His gloves, knit cap and jacket weren’t out of place. His fake beard was still on, but he’d dropped the padding for this job. He needed full range of movement.

He felt a little guilty for what he had to do, since the guy he was about to kill wasn’t involved in this, but getting access to the tradeshow was paramount. The security had been good but today was the last day so he knew he’d have an opening to get Athena out and away from Quinn. Or he would have one if he played this right. He’d paid a shitload of money for the right equipment to jam one of the hotel’s video feeds but it wouldn’t last long.

His soft-soled boots were silent as he hurried down the sidewalk. He checked his watch. Almost time.

Yesterday he’d followed the van of catering staff back to their headquarters. From there he’d waited, watched, then followed a man home who’d been at the tradeshow. Glenn had picked a guy with the crappiest car, reasoning he’d have lax security at home. It wasn’t a guarantee, but he went with the odds. Once he’d seen the guy’s place, he’d sat on it for a few hours last night, just watching. No one else had come or gone so unless the guy had gotten a really late night booty call, he should be alone right now.

BOOK: Sworn to Protect
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