Taffy Sinclair 007 - Taffy Sinclair and the Secret Admirer Epidemic (10 page)

BOOK: Taffy Sinclair 007 - Taffy Sinclair and the Secret Admirer Epidemic
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I have to see what it says,
said Beth, running in and picking up the note. She burst out laughing as she read it, then held it up for everyone to see. There were only two words in the middle of the page:

Taffy Sinclair


cott and his father picked up Joel and Mark and Keith and Randy in the Dalys
big customized van a little after six o
clock on Saturday evening, then picked up all the girls. It was a tight squeeze to get in ten kids and a grown-up, but nobody cared.

I felt a little sad that all of The Fabulous Five wasn
t going, even though that would have meant fourteen kids in the van. But Christie had insisted that there wasn
t one single boy in sixth grade who could compare with Mr. Scott, and Katie didn
t like boys—period. They planned to spend the evening at Christie
s, order out pizza from Mama Mia
s, and watch a movie on the VCR.

I had spent practically all day getting ready and had talked on the phone to Beth and Melanie three
times each, deciding what to wear. Beth kept saying that it wouldn
t matter since the movie theater was dark, but I wanted to look just right anyway.

I had finally decided on my lavender pants and matching top, and I could tell by the way Randy looked at me when I opened the door that I had made the right choice. His dark green polo shirt was open at the neck, and his jeans were practically brand-new. He had never looked more handsome in his life!

When we got to the theater, the boys lined up to get the tickets. They horsed around while they waited, laughing and punching each other in the arm, and we girls stood aside, watching them and trying not to giggle.

We ate popcorn and drank soda while we watched the movie, and I had just wiped the salty butter off my fingers when Randy slipped his hand over mine.

I could feel my ears getting warm and my face turning red, but it didn
t matter. Everything had worked out perfectly. I didn
t need a secret admirer. I had someone who really did like me, and he always had. In fact, in the back of the van on the way home from the movie, he kissed me for the second time.



Betsy Haynes,
the daughter of a former news
woman, began scribbling poetry and short stories as soon as she learned to write. A serious writing career, however, had to wait until after her marriage and the arrival of her two children. But that early practice must have paid off, for within three months Mrs. Haynes had sold her first story. In addition to a number of magazine short stories and the Taffy Sinclair series, Mrs. Haynes is the author of The Fabulous Five series, which features the five best friends from the Taffy Sinclair books. She lives in Colleyville, Texas, with her husband, who is the author of a young adult novel.

BOOK: Taffy Sinclair 007 - Taffy Sinclair and the Secret Admirer Epidemic
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