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Authors: Ryan Field

Take Me Always (14 page)

BOOK: Take Me Always
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to know I’m just as good as that Eddie person.”


They removed their clothes fast. When Gregory dropped his pants and bent over


to remove his shoes and socks, Kadin grabbed his erection with his right hand and


slapped the shaft against the palm of his left. The way Gregory’s back arched made his


balls tighten. When he looked at his firm bubble ass, his heart raced. He wanted to press


the tip into the long, deep crack and run it up and down. He wanted to ram it inside, hard


and fast, and take back what he’d almost lost all over again.


But Gregory had different plans. When he was naked, he pushed Kadin back to


the bed. He sat down slowly, with his hairy legs spread wide and his penis still in his


hand. “Now lie back so your legs hang over the end of the bed,” Gregory said, “and close


your eyes.”


Then Gregory went all the way down to the floor and kissed Kadin’s bare feet. He


kissed each toe, then went back kiss them a second time. He wasn’t sloppy. He kissed


quickly; his lips hardly touched skin. When he was finished with Kadin’s toes, he ran his


tongue up both insteps and licked his ankles. His legs took a long time: he licked each


one, rubbing the sides of his face against the muscles on his calves. And when he finally


reached his upper thighs, he buried his face in his crotch and lapped the soft spots on both


side of his balls.


Kadin’s entire body jerked. Gregory grabbed his erection and started licking his


balls. When he sucked both balls into his mouth, Kadin moaned and threw his arms back. Gregory’s cheeks puffed out and he took short breaths through his nose. He ran his


tongue across the bottoms of Kadin’s balls and started to suck. He stroked his penis


lightly while he did this; his fingers barely held the shaft.


By the time he finally sucked Kadin’s entire erection into his mouth, Kadin was


edging. When Kadin saw Gregory’s cheeks indent and his lips puff out, he knew he was


sucking pre-come. Kadin always had tons of pre-come. But Gregory didn’t mind. His


head went up and down fast, and he he swallowed and gulped and hummed. Each time


the head hit the back of his throat, his eyelids fluttered. He knew how to create intense


suction with very little noise. He was fast and efficient; it felt like soft, wet fingers


wrapped around his dick.


The faster Gregory’s head went up and down, the closer Kadin got. His toes


curled and his feet arched. When he knew he was ready to blast a load, he grunted a few


times, held back, and said, “I’m really close.” He wasn’t sure if Gregory wanted him to


come that way. He was hoping that was what he wanted, but he figured he’d better ask




Gregory continued to suck him off, nodding his head up and down at the same


time. Then he reached down and grabbed his own erection and started jerking fast. He


wanted this to happen. He wanted Kadin to explode inside his mouth.


Kadin spread his legs wider and pressed his thick fingers into his crotch. He


grunted a few times and lifted his head from the mattress. His penis went off and filled


the inside of Gregory’s mouth with white cream. At the same second Kadin shot his load,


Gregory jerked his own all over the orange carpet between his knees. Kadin reached forward and placed his hands on top of Gregory’s head. He


continued to suck until he was certain he’d drained every last drop left in Kadin’s balls.


He didn’t stop sucking until Kadin’s penis began to shrink inside his mouth.


When Gregory was finished, it slid out of his mouth and he smiled. “I’m glad you


followed me back here tonight,” he said. “I wasn’t sure you would.”


He was still on his knees. Kadin sat up straight and pulled him closer. Then he


bent down, kissed him on the lips, and said, “I learned my lesson the first time you went




Gregory rested his head on his lap and said, “It’s all in the past now.”


“I’m curious about one thing,” Kadin said. “If I had come running after you when


your parents dragged you back to Atlanta five years ago, would you have come back to


Savannah with me?”


Gregory kept his head on his lap. He sighed and thought for a minute. Then he


lifted his eyebrows and said, “Yes. I would have gone back with you. I would have done


anything you’d asked me to do.”


Chapter Twelve


They didn’t spend the night at the motel. Gregory left his car in the motel parking


lot and rode home with Kadin. They went right to bed and fell asleep in each other’s arms.


When Kadin woke up alone and opened his eyes on Easter Sunday morning, he


smelled bacon coming from the kitchen. He scratched the top of his head and sat up on


the edge of the bed. Then he rubbed his eyes a few times to adjust them to the bright


morning sun that was pouring through the front windows. He put on a pair of boxer


shorts and a white T-shirt and headed downstairs.


When he entered the kitchen, Gregory was fully dressed, with his hair combed


and his face shaved. He was standing over the stove, turning thick strips of bacon over in


an old cast-iron skillet. He turned back and smiled at Kadin. “I have omelets warming in


the oven and the bacon will be done soon. I wish I were more of a breakfast person. But I


only like coffee in the morning.” To his right, on the counter, there were two thick slices


of warm bread, pan-fried in melted butter.


Kadin walked up to him and kissed him on the back of the neck. Then he rubbed


his hands together and said, “I’m starved.” But he was starved for more than bacon and


eggs, because his hand went down to Gregory’s buttocks and he started to squeeze.


“Knock it off,” Gregory said, “and go sit down and I’ll pour you a cup of coffee.”


He smiled and pointed to the kitchen table.


Kadin ate everything while Gregory sipped his coffee. They talked as if all the


empty years that had passed between them had never existed. A few times, when Kadin


began a sentence, Gregory finished it without giving it a second thought. Their voices were slow and soft and easy; it was as if they’d never been apart. Kadin told him about


the recent complicated trial he’d been involved with and how stressful the past year had


been on him. He mentioned his children and how difficult it had been when they’d lost


their mother. Gregory put his coffee on the table and stared into his eyes while he spoke.


When Gregory stared down at his lap and told him about his vapid life back in Atlanta,


which consisted mostly of school and work, Kadin smiled and reached out to touch his




Two hours later, Gregory insisted on cleaning up while Kadin went upstairs to


shower and shave. Kadin kissed him on the cheek and said, “When I come down, I’m


going to take you somewhere really special. I think you’ll like what I have planned.”


When he came downstairs an hour later, Kadin put his hands on his hips and


smiled. The entire first floor of the house smelled like pine soap and water. The kitchen


sparkled. Gregory had a damp rag in his hand and he was putting frying pans back in the


closet next to the stove. And he didn’t just clean up the mess he’d made with breakfast.


He’d put away all the half-eaten cereal boxes that had been haplessly lined across the top


of the refrigerator. The stainless steel trash can next to the stove that had been marred


with dried tomato sauce was now clean and shiny. He’d polished the smudged toaster and


wiped down the entire stove. He’d even organized the spice shelf so all the labels were


facing the front. He was wiping down the counter next to the sink with Dutch Cleanser


when he noticed Kadin standing in the doorway. He shrugged his shoulders and said, “I


hope you don’t mind. I cleaned up a little.”


Kadin smiled. He knew he wasn’t the best housekeeper and he wasn’t insulted.


He kept things neat, but he was ready to admit his pitfalls. And the woman he’d hired to help out wasn’t much better. She was great with the kids, the most important thing, and


she cooked decent meals. But she never went beyond sweeping and dusting. “This


kitchen hasn’t looked this good since the house was renovated,” Kadin said. “Thank




Gregory stretched out the damp rag and hung it over a bar on the over door. “It’s


such a wonderful house. It should sparkle and shine all the time.”


“Well, we’re taking the horses out today,” Kadin said, “There’s someplace really


special I want to show you.”


“You actually have horses?” Gregory said. “I remember when you told me you


wanted them for the barn. It seems like yesterday.”


Kadin shrugged his shoulders and put his hands in his pockets. “It cost me a small


fortune to have the old barn torn down so I could have a new one built, and I couldn’t


leave it empty.” Then he frowned and stared down at his shoes for a minute. “There were


times when riding on the property was the only thing that kept me going.”


Gregory hadn’t been on a horse in a while, but he settled into the saddle quickly.


When they left the barn, it was a bright, warm afternoon. They rode down to the creek at


a slow pace, then turned left toward the far north end of the property. But an hour later,


when they reached a clearing in the woods, Kadin noticed that the skies were turning dark


and cloudy. “I hope it’s not going to rain,” he said.


Gregory shrugged as if he didn’t care. “Where are we going?”


“It’s just through the clearing,” Kadin said, pointing straight ahead. “There’s


something you have to see.” The horses walked through a cluster of tall pines toward a vast, open meadow.


When Gregory looked out, he reined in the horse. His eyes opened wide and his mouth


fell open. First he pressed his palm to his chest, then he looked at Kadin and said, “I’ve


never seen anything like this. It’s like something from a Hollywood movie.”


“It happens once a year, about this time,” Kadin said. “I found it the first year I


lived here by accident.”


He was talking about the meadow, which was filled with an endless carpet of


wildflowers in the most vivid, bright yellow he’d ever seen. “It doesn’t last for long,”


Kadin said. “Once summer starts, it all turns green again. But I wanted you to see it.”


Then there was a loud rumble in the sky above them. When Gregory looked up, a


few heavy drops of rain fell on his face. “It even looks beautiful without the sun,” he said.


Kadin smiled. “We can come back again, but right now I think we should head


back to the house.” He looked up at the sky and frowned. “This looks like a bad storm




But when they turned to leave, there was another flash of lightning, followed by a


loud crash. The horses jerked and whinnied. The wind picked up and the tall, ancient


trees above them began to sway, the top branches clicking and rubbing together. Kadin


sidled up to Gregory’s horse and said, “You’d better ride with me. Don’t worry about


your horse. He’ll follow us back.”


Heavy drops of rain began to fall. Gregory dropped the reins and grabbed Kadin’s


arm. He lifted his left leg over Kadin’s horse and sat behind him in the saddle. He put his


arms around Kadin’s chest and rested his head on his back. Large, heavy drops of rain fell all at once. The water dripped down their faces and saturated their clothes. Gregory


held him tight and said, “This is much better.”


They galloped home at a faster pace, Gregory’s horse close behind. Kadin knew


his property well, and he knew how to ride, so they returned in half the time it took them


to get out there. Gregory held onto him as their strong, wet bodies bounced up and down


in the saddle. Kadin had a full erection the entire time. He knew Gregory did, too. He


could feel it pressing into the base of his spine.


When they finally reached the barn, the rain was still falling and the wind hadn’t


let up. Kadin jumped off the horse first and held Gregory’s hand so he wouldn’t hurt


himself when he jumped down. Then he put the horses back in their stalls and wiped


them down fast. When he turned to face Gregory, he saw him leaning back against a


wooden post beside a huge pile of hay, with his arms folded and his feet crossed at the


ankles. His clothes were soaked. They hugged his soft body. Kadin could see the imprint


of his chest muscles through his white cotton shirt, and the outline of his full erection


through his tan slacks. He looked like a Tom of Finland model. Evidently, he wasn’t


wearing underwear.


Kadin looked him up and down and licked his lips. Then he smiled and said,


“You look like a very dirty guy, standing there like that.”
BOOK: Take Me Always
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