Read Takes the Cake Online

Authors: Lynn Chantale

Tags: #Contemporary; Multicultural

Takes the Cake (5 page)

BOOK: Takes the Cake
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He paused as floorboards creaked overhead. He continued on and pushed open the door at the end of the hall. Low light greeted him, as did the scent of vanilla and ginger. Steam rolled through the open door of the bathroom, and he quietly closed the door behind him. With care, he placed the wine and glasses on a nearby table and toed off his shoes.

Soft music drifted from the small speaker system on the dresser. He leaned on the doorjamb and watched Liz’s silhouette. The hypnotic way her body moved beneath the spray and the soft moans echoing off the tile tightened and lengthened his cock. His erection throbbed against his zipper. He’d ravished her once tonight, but now he wanted to take his time and relearn all her feminine secrets.

And one was that she liked to masturbate in the shower.

He bit back a groan as she slid a hand up her torso to cup her breast. Her soft cries only made the lust spurt and bubble through his system. Keegan unsnapped his jeans, which brought little relief. The only thing that would bring him any measure of comfort would be for him to be buried once more in her depths. He ran a finger along the collar of his shirt and pulled it from his neck before dragging his fingers through his still-damp hair.

Her whimpers grew more pronounced and faster. He grabbed his throbbing cock in hopes of easing the ache as Liz released a low, keening cry, her hands stilling on her body as she slumped against the wall behind her. He held his breath, waiting to see what she’d do next. After a heartbeat or three, she stooped and retrieved something from the floor. A moment later, she stepped beneath the spray and the water clicked off.

Each drop from the showerhead reminded him of just how close he was to seeing her again. He glanced around. Large, fluffy towels were piled on the hutch next to the shower. She’d have to step out to grab one. The metallic slide of the curtain hooks on the rod drew his attention back to the woman who had yet to spot him. She lifted her head and screamed.

He surged forward shutting off her cry with a hand to her mouth. She stared at him with wide-eyed surprise.

“You startled me. What are you doing in my room?”

“I couldn’t wait for you anymore.” He straightened and shifted his erection, pleased when her gaze followed his movements. “So, were you thinking about me?”

Faint color dotted her cheeks as she reached for a towel. “Not at all.” She still held the shower curtain in front of her body as a pathetic shield, and he shook his head.

He stepped farther into the room as she wound a towel around her body and tucked the end beneath one arm. “Really? Even in the midst of an orgasm, I didn’t cross your mind.”

She shifted from side to side, but the color in her cheeks deepened.


“Why are you here?”

“I brought wine and wanted to finish what I started in the kitchen.” He stood in front of her. Her scent, a sweet blend of vanilla and feminine musk, enveloped him. He lifted a hand and cradled the back of her skull. Her hair was a little damp, but he didn’t mind.

She flattened her palms against his chest. “We shouldn’t. I lost my head earlier.”

He applied a little pressure, and she had no choice but to follow. She was still warm from her shower. Keegan lowered his head to capture a drop of water from the curve of her shoulder.

A tremor undulated through her body. All this creamy, caramel skin. He could spend hours knowing every inch, and even then, he’d want to relearn her curves all over again. His fingers tightened in her hair as he tugged at the towel. He needed her naked body against his.

She yanked at his shirt as he trailed tiny kisses from her shoulder to her throat. He pressed a hand to her buttocks and squeezed the firm globes. His lips found hers, and she kissed him with surprising fervor. He’d thought to take things slow, but one taste of her and slow went the way of his clothes—off in a hurry and quickly forgotten.

Never breaking the kiss, he bent his knees, scooped her in his arms, and carried her into the bedroom. He placed her on the bed and followed her down, settling in the vee of her thighs.

LIZ SHIFTED. THEY rolled together until she was on top. The last thing she’d expected to find when she stepped from her shower was Keegan. She certainly wasn’t going to tell him she’d been fantasizing about him either. The man had an ego that wouldn’t quit, but seeing the huge stiffy he sported left her aching for him again.

She supported her weight on her elbows as she gazed down at him. A fine layer of hair dusted his perfect pecs and trailed down his chiseled abs to disappear where their bodies met.

Dipping her head, she pressed her lips to his chest, then moved down to flick her tongue over his nipple. She shimmied down his body, trailing kisses in her wake. The closer she moved to his groin, the more his body tensed beneath hers.

She reached between them and grasped his penis. Velvet encased steel. Such a contradiction, yet it provided so much pleasure. Slowly, she moved her hand up and down the shaft, occasionally allowing her fingers to stroke the head. He thrust against her fist. If he thought he could just waltz into her room and seduce her, he needed to learn a thing or two.

Liz pursed her lips and blew a stream of air across the head. She smiled when his hips pushed upward. Before she lost her nerve, she licked him. A low groan was her reward. She closed her lips over the tip, and his fingers tangled in her hair. Gentle pressure forced her head lower, but she pushed against his hand. She’d do this at her own pace, not his.

She continued her slow exploration of his rigid cock, licking and sucking as she went. Finally, she settled into a rhythm with each downward thrust, and she took him farther into her mouth until she was able to swallow him.

His guttural noises spurred her on. Every now and then, he pulled her hair, the sharp sting only adding to the eroticism of the moment. She drifted a hand between her legs, dipped her fingers in her juices and then swirled them around her little pearl. She sighed in contentment.

Keegan tugged on her tresses. Liz met his hooded gaze over his flat abs. She still marveled at the passion darkening his irises. She allowed him to slip from her mouth. His cock glistened with her saliva. “Ready to call it a night?”

He chuckled. “Such a tease.”

She straddled his thighs and guided him to her wet center. “Maybe after I have my way with you.”

“I like the sound of that.” He grasped her hips as he thrust upward.

Liz closed her eyes, enjoying that moment of penetration when man and woman became one. No one had ever made her feel this good, and she wanted to savor each sensual stroke. She rocked back and forth, keeping her pace deliberate. There was no need to rush through this. They had time.

* * * *

Liz stifled a wide yawn as she tied a clean apron around her waist. Most of her night had been spent being pleasured by Keegan. She’d left him sleeping in her bed. She stifled a grin. God, the man had stamina. She was a little sore in some areas, but she still wanted more.

Despite the rising temperatures outside, the kitchen was icy cool. That would soon change as the ovens heated and the stoves flared to life. She yanked on the handle to the walk-in and pulled out the silver rolling rack that held the sheet trays of muffins, croissants, and cinnamon rolls for the morning breakfast buffet.

She pushed that next to the warming ovens, then went back for a case of bacon. Those would be tossed on a sheet pan and baked as well, leaving eggs to scramble, sausage to cook, and fruit to wash.

Just as the first trays of food made it to the oven, a shrill scream rent the air. Liz hurried to set the timer and then rushed from the kitchen. A few bedraggled folks lined the halls, those brave enough to be semiawake at six in the morning.

Caroline rushed into the hall, face devoid of makeup, blonde hair askew, and robe flapping. “My dress!” she screeched. “It’s gone.”

A collective gasp rose from the gathering crowd. The wedding dress gone a day before the big day? Liz shook her head. What was going on? Maybe it was another prank from a member of the bridal party.

“This isn’t funny anymore. I want my dress back.”

“What’s all the yelling about? I heard you all the way down at the pool.” Keegan walked in, a towel draped around his neck. He held an end in each hand. Rivulets of water ran down his chest while the swim trunks he wore clung to his thighs.

Liz dragged her gaze away from his body, but not before she caught the smirk he aimed her way. Her face heated. Enough. She had work to do, and ogling Keegan wasn’t going to get it done any faster. A missing wedding gown wasn’t her problem anyway. She had a buffet to prepare, and the baked goods would burn if she didn’t get back to the kitchen.

By the time she returned to the kitchen, the timer for the bacon was going off, and her staff was slowly bustling around.

“What’s all the commotion?” George asked, cracking eggs into a large metal bowl.

“Someone took the bride’s wedding dress.” Liz washed her hands while another worker pulled the bacon from the oven. “I think we’ll need to set the buffet up a little early since everyone is getting up.”

“First the soup last night and now her dress. Sounds like someone doesn’t want this wedding to happen.”

“It does seem that way,” she agreed. Even though Liz didn’t believe the rumors surrounding her wedding cakes, the events of the last couple of days would be enough to convince her, if she were superstitious.

* * * *

“This is your fault,” Caroline accused.

Keegan widened his eyes. “Mine? How is this my fault?”

“If Dusty hadn’t spiked the soup, I’d have noticed my dress was missing last night.”

He shook his head, still not understanding why his sister blamed him for last night’s fiasco. “What does Dusty have to do with me?”

“He’s your friend!”

Keegan shook his head. “No, my dear sister, he’s our cousin, and you wanted him in the bridal party to balance out your bridesmaids. Remember?”

She shook her head, her blonde hair sliding around her shoulders. “You are impossible. I swear this is your fault. You’re trying to sabotage my wedding. First the cake, then you tried to fire the caterer—”

“Caroline, you’re overreacting. I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation as to where your dress is.”

His sister planted her hands on her hips and glared at him. “This is my wedding. Not yours.”

He glanced left and then right at the small crowd gathering. “I know and so does everyone else. Pull yourself together.”

“Caroline Diane, stop this nonsense,” their mother, Gertrude, scolded.

Caro whirled on her heel. “Well, he took my dress and did something to it.”

“I sent it out to be pressed,” Gertrude explained. “All this wedding nonsense has marred your good judgment. I told you yesterday morning that I was sending it out to have it freshened before the big day. I pointed out the couple spots of lipstick smeared on the neckline.”

Her jaw went slack. “I…I—”

“Yeah, like I said, Caro, I had nothing to do with your dress.” He brushed past her and up the hall. Maybe he should’ve kept his mouth shut about the design, but part of him still felt like his sister deserved something ornate. He mounted the steps. Halfway up, voices drifted to his ears.

“You need to tell her what’s going on.” The feminine voice was filled with tears and a bit of anger.

“I can’t do that. Two hundred guests will be here to celebrate our happy union.”

“How can it be happy when you’re not even marrying the woman you love?” she demanded.

Keegan blinked. David? What the…? Keegan gripped the banister to keep from surging up the stairs. He still hadn’t placed the woman’s voice. Now he waited to hear the answer.

“I do love Caroline, or else I wouldn’t have proposed to her.”

“You can’t be in love with two women at the same time. I want you with me, not when you get time to sneak away.”

“I’m not breaking things off with Caroline. We’ll keep the arrangement we’ve had.”

“I will not be your mistress, David.”

“News flash, Sandra, you already are.”

Keegan swallowed. As he resumed walking up the stairs, David descended the steps. Keegan tried to appear as nonchalant as possible, even though he was seething inside. He stared at David when he passed. Keegan hoped David could see the knowledge in his eyes.

David surprised him by stopping him. “I know you heard that.”

Keegan inclined his head.

“I’d prefer it if you keep this between us.”

Keegan jerked away. “That’s my sister, and you expect me not to tell her you’re cheating on her?”

“Try it. She’ll only say you’re trying to ruin her wedding. Think you can live with that accusation after this morning?”

Keegan opened his mouth to speak, thought about his sister’s tirade, and closed it again.

“Exactly what I thought. Mind your own business, and we can all get along, Keegan.” David bumped his shoulder as he passed.

Keegan waited until David reached the bottom of the steps. “Hey, David?” The other man paused and faced him. “You’ve got until tonight to tell her. After that, I’ll tell Caroline myself, even if it means she never speaks to me again.” With that, Keegan continued up the stairs. And if David didn’t come clean… Keegan flexed his hand. He’d punch the groom in the face.

Chapter Four

Liz brushed a stray damp curl from her face with the back of her hand and stepped back to admire her handiwork. The cake was turning out better than her original design. Once she added the fresh flowers to cascade and twist down the tiers, it would be complete.

The staff was taking an hour of downtime before they finished the preparations for the meal tomorrow. She wanted to get the cake finished and placed in the walk-in before anyone interrupted her. Already, the event planner and the mothers of the groom and bride had been in to gush and check last-minute details with her.

She picked up her pastry bag and piped a few more scrolls on the bottom tier. The double doors to the kitchen swung back and forth. She glanced up but didn’t see anyone. With a shrug, she resumed working. After a moment or two, she lowered the bag. Hands settled at her waist before warm lips grazed the back of her neck. Tingles walked down her spine.

BOOK: Takes the Cake
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