Read Taking Control Online

Authors: Jen Frederick

Tags: #Contemporary, #Women's Fiction, #Romance

Taking Control (25 page)

BOOK: Taking Control
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“I want Marcie, the woman,” she decides.

“Good choice. That’s who I would’ve picked.” I set the papers on the table. “Now that we’ve done all the hard stuff, let’s go upstairs. It’s been far too long since I’ve been inside you, and I’ve a hankering for some dessert.”

Later, after a long bout of lovemaking, Tiny asks. “Why would you have picked Marcie? Is she pretty?”

“I have no idea. I would’ve picked her because I’m a jealous motherfucker and I don’t want another man spending that much time with you.”

“You never said anything.”

“Because I’m not a stupid fucker. Just a jealous one. I know better than to tell you what to do.”

“Is that right?” she says, shifting provocatively on top of me. “I distinctly remember you barking orders at me not thirty minutes ago.”

“Except here in the bedroom.” My dormant cock is rising between us. “Get on your knees and grab the headboard.”

“Or else?”

“Or else your ass is going to get spanked.”

“I thought punishment was supposed to be something you didn’t like.” She rolls over and wiggles her ass in my face.

If that isn’t a challenge, I’m not sure what is.

just as Tiny is nodding off and prepare for the day. The Tokyo exchange will close in an hour and the Hong Kong exchange directly after. Stock in the larger energy companies in East Asia has been stable all day. Louis hasn’t made any moves…yet. Any serious moves to either take over SunCorp or invest heavily would have moved the needle

If Louis bases his offer on the pilfered documents, it will be too low. They’ll be offended and shut the door to him, making them more amenable to my own offer. It’s damn manipulative, but I didn’t get to this position without turning every opportunity to my advantage.

As I’m sitting at my desk, the red light above the monitor on the wall that displays the security feed blinks on and my phone rings.

“Kerr here.”

“Mr. Kerr, this is Carson Dunlap from Tanner Security. An alarm has been tripped at your residence. Do you need assistance?”

I watch a black-masked, slim-built figure jiggle the back lock on the video monitor. I press a button and the lock gives, allowing the uninvited guest to slip inside. “No, we’re just fine.”

Dunlap hesitates. “Sir, I saw the intruder gain access to your residence. I can have the NYPD outside your residence in under five.”

“Really?” I tap another button and the feed switches to the living room. The assailant’s head peers around the corner. Seeing no one, the intruder creeps in and heads directly to the stairs. “Jake must pay them quite a bit if they’re so responsive.”

I get no immediate response. “I can send someone from Tanner Security to provide backup should you need it. They’ll be there in five.”

“That’s fine,” I say absently. From my bottom desk drawer, I pull out a biometric handprint safe. Deactivating the lock, I pull out the Glock 19 and its magazine. Sliding the magazine in place, I go downstairs to greet my guest.



a threatening note, my suggestion is by the sink in the kitchen. We generally have coffee in the morning.”

The intruder’s head jerks up at my lazy drawl. I’m shrouded in the shadows at the top of the stairs, while the figure downstairs is illuminated by the moonlight shining through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The figure glances back toward the entrance and the stairs that lead to the first floor.

“I wouldn’t if I were you.” I lift my gun and direct my uninvited guest toward the dining room. “There’s a car outside with someone waiting to take you to the police. Or you can take a seat, and we’ll talk this out.”

As if on cue, Tanner’s security person pulls up. We both turn and watch the headlights flicker across the windows. With slumped shoulders, the intruder trudges over to the table.

A door slams outside and then footsteps tromp up the stairs. A disheveled Steve appears at the top, wearing a loose fitting T-shirt and jeans. A gun is in his hand as well.

“I’ve got this.” I scowl at him.

He merely grunts and moves into the living room. With a flick of a switch, the television pops on and he appears as if he’s doing nothing more than settling in to watch a few rounds of infomercials. But it’s apparent from the tension in his shoulders that he’s ready to leap over the back and subdue our quarry.

As I flip on a couple of lights to illuminate the room, the intruder settles in and drags off the mask. Despite the short haircut, there is no mistaking my intruder’s femininity. Steve sucks in a breath of surprise, but I’m unmoved. Tiny’s earlier revelations unspool in my mind like a two-foot long parchment.

“Table 57 doesn’t pay its wait staff enough, so you’ve been forced into a life of larceny?” I ask lightly, setting my gun on the center island and releasing the magazine. Steve stands up, hands on his hips, and frowns at us. No one has updated him, so it’s understandable he’s confused.

Lauren is an attractive young lady, probably in her early twenties. Her figure is boyish, but I wonder if some of that is due to restricting undergarments and part of her disguise. Strands of reddish brown hair stick up due to static from the hat. I peg her height to be close to five-nine. Model proportions, which I can see attracting a certain portion of male attention. Idly I wonder if her black slacks and top are also part of her restaurant uniform. Doing double duty, so to speak.

It’s her turn to be shocked. Or maybe she has been all along. She sits there dejectedly, and the note she was to leave falls out of her grip and onto the table. Steve is there to grab the paper before I can open it.

“Anthrax,” he grunts in warning.

“It’s just a letter. I put it in the envelope myself.” She sounds tired. No, that’s not the right word. Defeated. Her shoulders are slumped, and her head hangs so far down I wonder if her neck is broken. Steve pulls out two pairs of plastic gloves and hands me a set. Holding the envelope up to the light, we check for signs of excess powder.

“It’s only got my fingerprints,” she says sullenly. “I printed it out at the local copy shop.”

The envelope is cheap—the kind that bills and political flyers come in. Confident that there isn’t a white powder risk, Steve slits the envelope open with his HK knife, a large wicked-looking thing. I roll my eyes at the unnecessary threat, and Lauren doesn’t even look up to see it.

He hands it over when he’s satisfied the letter and envelope present no danger.

“See? Nothing,” she says spitefully.

“You’re pretty mouthy for a girl who’s a phone call away from being put in jail,” he shoots back.

“You’re pretty thickheaded for not listening to anything I’m saying.”

“Why should I? You’re all over security feeds fumbling around the house and trying to break in with a second-rate lock pick set. You didn’t even see the cameras,” Steve says, putting together more words in one sentence than I’ve ever heard him use before.

“Excuse me for not being a professional thief,” she rages back. “Not all of us can go to Thugs “R” Us and buy all the cool larceny tools.”

This display of instant attraction disguised as repugnance between the two would be amusing if the girl hadn’t tried to break into my house and threaten the safety of my woman.

“No glued-on newspaper letters, or is that so 1980s?” I quip. The letter has only a few sentences.

The decline in Kerr stock could be much worse. Think about that when you’re deciding who to socialize with. Hope you and your slut enjoy the poor house. There’s much worse where that came from.

“Someone doesn’t like you, Steve. Look at the insult. I shouldn’t be socializing with you.” I hand the letter back to him and strip off the plastic gloves.

“It’s Kaga they don’t like then because you hang around him more than anyone.” Steve sticks the letter into a plastic baggie and sits down across from Lauren.

“True,” I muse. “Nightclub business can be cutthroat.”

“I’m not going to tell you anything, so you might as well just call the police.” Lauren interrupts our jests. Scowling, she adds, “And it’s not a fucking joke.”

“You’re not a very good at this,” Steve says. “First, there are cameras at the door. Visible ones. Second, you were noisy as fuck. We could hear you on the exterior video feed coming down the alley.” He shakes his head in disgust.

“I’m a fucking waitress, not a spy,” she retorts.

“You should stick to waiting tables.”

“Oh, what great advice. Next time I have someone forcing me to do things, I’ll be sure to tell them I’m only good at waiting tables. I’m sure that will go over swell.”

“Worth a try.” Steve turns to me with a raised eyebrow. “Louis?”

“No, Richard Howe, I think.” My gaze hasn’t turned away from her, and I see her small flinch. Yes, Richard Howe. Tiny needs to come down.

“Just a minute.” I stride over to the stairs. “Try not to kill each other while I’m gone.”

I leave the two glaring at each other. Tiny will be sorry she missed the fireworks. I saw more sparks between Steve and this stranger in the last few minutes than I ever have with Steve’s sullen girlfriend.

Upstairs in the darkened bedroom, Tiny is sprawled out on the bed, her arm over on my side as if she’s searching for me. The sexy hollow of her spine leads down enticingly to the rise of her ass, barely covered by the sheet. If there’s anything I should be angry about, it’s that I have to wake her from slumber. She should be allowed to rest after the workout I gave her. I nab her the blue silk embroidered robe.

I like it on her because there’s no easier access to her tempting charms than through an ill-fitting robe. On second thought, given that we have company, the sex robe should be shelved. I pull out a pair of knit shorts and a tank. She can put the robe overtop of those two items.

“Bunny,” I whisper, stroking the hair out of her face, “we have some company.”

She mumbles something into the mattress but doesn’t move. Her exposed back is too tempting to resist, so I place a few kisses down the column. Downstairs there are murmurs. The two are still talking. I hear a scrape of a chair and then running water. Steve is probably making tea. Aussies love their tea.

“Wake up, Tiny,” I say with regret. I’d love to climb back in bed with her, but we’ve got an issue to deal with.

She rolls over, squinting at me. “Are we poor?” she asks sleepily.

“Poor?” I’m baffled and give her a confused chuckle.

“Did you lose everything in the Asian markets?” She sits up, grasping the sheets to her chest and looking like an adorable little owl.

“No.” I stifle another laugh. “We can still afford a few homes and takeout. But we do have a guest, and I’d like you to come down and talk to her.”

“Is it Sarah?” She swings her legs to the side of the bed and starts to pull on clothes as I hand them to her.

“No, it’s Lauren.”

“Lauren?” Because she’s sleepy, it takes a few seconds for the battery leads to connect in her brain but once they do, her head snaps up. “Table 57 Lauren?”

I nod.

“Holy shit.” Tiny jumps up, grabs the robe out of my hands, and runs out of the room while struggling to wrap it around herself. She hops down the stairs and skids to a stop at the sight of Steve pouring hot tea into mugs.

“Tea?” he asks, holding up the pot.

Tiny shakes her head no. I can tell by the way her gaze swings from Steve to Lauren and back again, she’s not sure who is the more interesting and surprising entity in her dining room. I give her a small nudge, and she plops into a chair at the head of the table.

“I’m Victoria.” She holds out her hand to Lauren.

Lauren grasps it gingerly, as if Tiny might shock her. “Lauren Williams.”

“Nice to meet you. I understand you knew Richard Howe at one point. Me too.”

Lauren gasps and covers her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she says after a moment of staring.

“No need. I have Ian.” Tiny replies and holds up a hand toward me. I grab it, standing behind her chair with my other hand on her shoulder. Lauren’s eyes eat this all up, and neither Tiny nor I miss the under-the-lashes sideways glance Lauren shoots to Steve as he comes over with two mugs of tea, placing one in front of Lauren. “I know that you’re in some trouble, Lauren, and we can help.” She gestures around the table. Steve grunts his agreement, back to his closemouthed self.

“You want to help?” Lauren shoots back.

Tiny nods and leans forward. “Yes, we do.”

“Then back off. Whatever it is you’re doing that Richard Howe doesn’t like, just stop. That’s how you can help.”

“We aren’t doing anything. We’d have to stop existing,” Tiny protests, but I cough.


“I forgot to tell you that I’ve called in some of Howe’s debt.” Tiny narrows her eyes at me. Holding up my palms, I add, “I swear that’s everything.”

“They’re dangerous,” Lauren warns.

“They?” I ask, turning toward her.

She looks down at her hands as if worried she’s given too much away. “I can’t help you. I’m sorry. Just call the police.”

Her implacable response reminds me of Big Guy, who refused to give anything up as well. Their silence isn’t purchased by money, though. I couldn’t have bought their words. They’re bound by something more powerful than money.

“What happened tonight?” Tiny finally asks me.

“I saw this young person fiddling with the lock. I let her in so that I could confront her.”

“God, Ian, that was so dangerous.” She slaps my arm, and Steve grunts in agreement.

“I had a gun.”

“You have a gun?” she asks and looks around wildly until she spots it on the kitchen counter. “Put that thing away!”

“It’s not hot. There’s no bullet in the chamber, and the magazine is lying right next to it.”

“Seriously, can you put it in a drawer or something? It’s making me nervous. What if it just accidentally goes off?”

“How?” I ask, perplexed.

“Just put the gun away, mate, and get on with this,” Steve snaps.

BOOK: Taking Control
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